Assuming Joe Biden Runs, What Can He Run On? He And The Democrats Screwed The Middle Class.

You mean to tell me, after the conservative congress of the 90's, along with Clinton sold this country and its labor force to cheap labor overseas via NAFTA....Something Wall Street wrote and benefits...thus wiping out what little was left of the middle class, its Obama and Biden's fault?

Take a seat pal, your insane

First it's "You're" NOT your!"

Now....Bill Clinton assumed a mess left by Reagan and Bush the first. They had cut taxes to pre depression levels and taken on massive debt four times what it was in 1981. In 1993 while Bill Clinton still had a Democrat congress, guess what??? He raised taxes on the wealthy, balanced the budget, accumulated a surplus and had this country on a path to be totally debt free in 10 years.

Guess What???? Along came slow talking, slow walkin' George, cut taxes for the rich twice, 2001 and 2003 using reconciliation to block Democrat opposition then methodically doubled the national debt from $5.7 trillion to $12 trillion. Don't you people get it?? When taxes are cut, spending is not, the money to cover the shortfall has to come from somewhere. Republicans borrow it from foreign banks. Democrats do it with taxation. Naturally the rich assholes want us to borrow the money so they can have low taxes and the poor man doesn't even know what's happening. You right wing pricks make my arsehole crave lime juice!!!

Both sides are pretty bad. It took a democrat to ram Nafta through, as well as MFN, and WTO. Then Obama is trying to finish us off with TPP.
You mean to tell me, after the conservative congress of the 90's, along with Clinton sold this country and its labor force to cheap labor overseas via NAFTA....Something Wall Street wrote and benefits...thus wiping out what little was left of the middle class, its Obama and Biden's fault?

Take a seat pal, your insane

First it's "You're" NOT your!"

Now....Bill Clinton assumed a mess left by Reagan and Bush the first. They had cut taxes to pre depression levels and taken on massive debt four times what it was in 1981. In 1993 while Bill Clinton still had a Democrat congress, guess what??? He raised taxes on the wealthy, balanced the budget, accumulated a surplus and had this country on a path to be totally debt free in 10 years.

Guess What???? Along came slow talking, slow walkin' George, cut taxes for the rich twice, 2001 and 2003 using reconciliation to block Democrat opposition then methodically doubled the national debt from $5.7 trillion to $12 trillion. Don't you people get it?? When taxes are cut, spending is not, the money to cover the shortfall has to come from somewhere. Republicans borrow it from foreign banks. Democrats do it with taxation. Naturally the rich assholes want us to borrow the money so they can have low taxes and the poor man doesn't even know what's happening. You right wing pricks make my arsehole crave lime juice!!!

Both sides are pretty bad. It took a democrat to ram Nafta through, as well as MFN, and WTO. Then Obama is trying to finish us off with TPP.

Get your shit together there:

Anybody with one eye and half sense knows that George Herbert Walker Bush did all the legwork and wrote up NAFTA, then had everything done. North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) established a free-trade zone in North America; it was signed in 1992 by Canada, Mexico, and the United States and took effect on Jan. 1, 1994. NAFTA immediately lifted tariffs on the majority of goods produced by the signatory nations. It also called for the gradual elimination, over a period of 15 years, of most remaining barriers to cross-border investment and to the movement of goods and services among the three countries.
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You mean to tell me, after the conservative congress of the 90's, along with Clinton sold this country and its labor force to cheap labor overseas via NAFTA....Something Wall Street wrote and benefits...thus wiping out what little was left of the middle class, its Obama and Biden's fault?

Take a seat pal, your insane

First it's "You're" NOT your!"

Now....Bill Clinton assumed a mess left by Reagan and Bush the first. They had cut taxes to pre depression levels and taken on massive debt four times what it was in 1981. In 1993 while Bill Clinton still had a Democrat congress, guess what??? He raised taxes on the wealthy, balanced the budget, accumulated a surplus and had this country on a path to be totally debt free in 10 years.

Guess What???? Along came slow talking, slow walkin' George, cut taxes for the rich twice, 2001 and 2003 using reconciliation to block Democrat opposition then methodically doubled the national debt from $5.7 trillion to $12 trillion. Don't you people get it?? When taxes are cut, spending is not, the money to cover the shortfall has to come from somewhere. Republicans borrow it from foreign banks. Democrats do it with taxation. Naturally the rich assholes want us to borrow the money so they can have low taxes and the poor man doesn't even know what's happening. You right wing pricks make my arsehole crave lime juice!!!

Both sides are pretty bad. It took a democrat to ram Nafta through, as well as MFN, and WTO. Then Obama is trying to finish us off with TPP.

Get your shit together there:

Anybody who was a live adult then knows that George Herbert Walker Bush did all the legwork, wrote up NAFTA, had everything done. North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) established a free-trade zone in North America; it was signed in 1992 by Canada, Mexico, and the United States and took effect on Jan. 1, 1994. NAFTA immediately lifted tariffs on the majority of goods produced by the signatory nations. It also called for the gradual elimination, over a period of 15 years, of most remaining barriers to cross-border investment and to the movement of goods and services among the three countries.

You need to gather your shit together.

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is signed into law by President Bill Clinton on December 8, 1993.

In three separate ceremonies in the three capitals on Dec. 17, 1992, President Bush, Mexican President Salinas, and Canadian Prime Minister Mulroney signed the historic North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The framework agreement proposed to eliminate restrictions on the flow of goods, services, and investment in North America. The House of Representatives approved NAFTA, by a vote of 234 to 200 on November 17, 1993, and the Senate voted 60 to 38 for approval on November 20. It was signed into law by President Clinton on December 8, 1993, and took effect on January 1, 1994.
You mean to tell me, after the conservative congress of the 90's, along with Clinton sold this country and its labor force to cheap labor overseas via NAFTA....Something Wall Street wrote and benefits...thus wiping out what little was left of the middle class, its Obama and Biden's fault?

Take a seat pal, your insane

First it's "You're" NOT your!"

Now....Bill Clinton assumed a mess left by Reagan and Bush the first. They had cut taxes to pre depression levels and taken on massive debt four times what it was in 1981. In 1993 while Bill Clinton still had a Democrat congress, guess what??? He raised taxes on the wealthy, balanced the budget, accumulated a surplus and had this country on a path to be totally debt free in 10 years.

Guess What???? Along came slow talking, slow walkin' George, cut taxes for the rich twice, 2001 and 2003 using reconciliation to block Democrat opposition then methodically doubled the national debt from $5.7 trillion to $12 trillion. Don't you people get it?? When taxes are cut, spending is not, the money to cover the shortfall has to come from somewhere. Republicans borrow it from foreign banks. Democrats do it with taxation. Naturally the rich assholes want us to borrow the money so they can have low taxes and the poor man doesn't even know what's happening. You right wing pricks make my arsehole crave lime juice!!!

Both sides are pretty bad. It took a democrat to ram Nafta through, as well as MFN, and WTO. Then Obama is trying to finish us off with TPP.

Get your shit together there:

Anybody who was a live adult then knows that George Herbert Walker Bush did all the legwork, wrote up NAFTA, had everything done. North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) established a free-trade zone in North America; it was signed in 1992 by Canada, Mexico, and the United States and took effect on Jan. 1, 1994. NAFTA immediately lifted tariffs on the majority of goods produced by the signatory nations. It also called for the gradual elimination, over a period of 15 years, of most remaining barriers to cross-border investment and to the movement of goods and services among the three countries.

You need to gather your shit together.

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is signed into law by President Bill Clinton on December 8, 1993.

In three separate ceremonies in the three capitals on Dec. 17, 1992, President Bush, Mexican President Salinas, and Canadian Prime Minister Mulroney signed the historic North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The framework agreement proposed to eliminate restrictions on the flow of goods, services, and investment in North America. The House of Representatives approved NAFTA, by a vote of 234 to 200 on November 17, 1993, and the Senate voted 60 to 38 for approval on November 20. It was signed into law by President Clinton on December 8, 1993, and took effect on January 1, 1994.
You should do a little more research and try to read the whole story!

Following diplomatic negotiations dating back to 1990 among the three nations, U.S. President George H. W. Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and Mexican President Carlos Salinas, each responsible for spearheading and promoting the agreement, ceremonially signed the agreement in their respective capitals on December 17, 1992. The signed agreement then needed to be ratified by each nation's legislative or parliamentary branch.
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You should do a little more research and try to read the whole story!

Following diplomatic negotiations dating back to 1990 among the three nations, U.S. President George H. W. Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and Mexican President Carlos Salinas, each responsible for spearheading and promoting the agreement, ceremonially signed the agreement in their respective capitals on December 17, 1992. The signed agreement then needed to be ratified by each nation's legislative or parliamentary branch.

Hey dumbass, it was nothing more than a piece of paper until Clinton signed it into law!!!

Just admit your initial comment was a lie and move on. No need to make yourself look even worse.
:lalala::iagree: Should be another "Clown Show" when we see Biden on the campaign tour. And where is he going to make his speeches? All of the purple states are furious at Democrats for stealing their spending money and not doing chit for high gas,food and energy prices. And Biden didn't do jack chit to lower our health-care costs either.
Whats he going to do? Just more gaffes and asking handicapped people to "Stand-Up"?

He might get the NRA vote since he believe in going out on his porch and firing off a few rounds from his shotgun to discourage any would be bad guys.
You should do a little more research and try to read the whole story!

Following diplomatic negotiations dating back to 1990 among the three nations, U.S. President George H. W. Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and Mexican President Carlos Salinas, each responsible for spearheading and promoting the agreement, ceremonially signed the agreement in their respective capitals on December 17, 1992. The signed agreement then needed to be ratified by each nation's legislative or parliamentary branch.

Hey dumbass, it was nothing more than a piece of paper until Clinton signed it into law!!!

Just admit your initial comment was a lie and move on. No need to make yourself look even worse.

Hey was obviously HW Bush's deal. Just what part of that don't you understand? Like I about it. The whole story not just the part you choose.
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You should do a little more research and try to read the whole story!

Following diplomatic negotiations dating back to 1990 among the three nations, U.S. President George H. W. Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and Mexican President Carlos Salinas, each responsible for spearheading and promoting the agreement, ceremonially signed the agreement in their respective capitals on December 17, 1992. The signed agreement then needed to be ratified by each nation's legislative or parliamentary branch.

Hey dumbass, it was nothing more than a piece of paper until Clinton signed it into law!!!

Just admit your initial comment was a lie and move on. No need to make yourself look even worse.

Hey was obviously HW Bush's deal. Just what part of that don't you understand? Like I about it. The whole story not just the part you choose.

Obviously dick for brains, Clinton ( a Democrat) thought it was a good enough deal to sign into law as well as majorities in both houses which includes lots of your fellow retards er.. I mean Democrats. What part of that do you not understand?

One only needs to read the final chapter. It's the only one that really matters.
You should do a little more research and try to read the whole story!

Following diplomatic negotiations dating back to 1990 among the three nations, U.S. President George H. W. Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and Mexican President Carlos Salinas, each responsible for spearheading and promoting the agreement, ceremonially signed the agreement in their respective capitals on December 17, 1992. The signed agreement then needed to be ratified by each nation's legislative or parliamentary branch.

Hey dumbass, it was nothing more than a piece of paper until Clinton signed it into law!!!

Just admit your initial comment was a lie and move on. No need to make yourself look even worse.

Hey was obviously HW Bush's deal. Just what part of that don't you understand? Like I about it. The whole story not just the part you choose.

Obviously dick for brains, Clinton ( a Democrat) thought it was a good enough deal to sign into law as well as majorities in both houses which includes lots of your fellow retards er.. I mean Democrats. What part of that do you not understand?

One only needs to read the final chapter. It's the only one that really matters. you've done a complete reversal on your original take on the thing. You said it was Clinton's deal. It was HW Bush's doing from start to finish. Clinton, a newly elected president was handed a bill which had been signed more than a year before and he signed it. Just curious.....after the previous president and the legislature had a bill ready for your signature would you have signed it or shut down the government. OH!! I forgot, shutting down the government is what the right wing, tax cutting assholes do. I'd rather be a knot on a yellow dog's ass than to be a T Party Republican.
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You should do a little more research and try to read the whole story!

Following diplomatic negotiations dating back to 1990 among the three nations, U.S. President George H. W. Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and Mexican President Carlos Salinas, each responsible for spearheading and promoting the agreement, ceremonially signed the agreement in their respective capitals on December 17, 1992. The signed agreement then needed to be ratified by each nation's legislative or parliamentary branch.

Hey dumbass, it was nothing more than a piece of paper until Clinton signed it into law!!!

Just admit your initial comment was a lie and move on. No need to make yourself look even worse.

Hey was obviously HW Bush's deal. Just what part of that don't you understand? Like I about it. The whole story not just the part you choose.

Obviously dick for brains, Clinton ( a Democrat) thought it was a good enough deal to sign into law as well as majorities in both houses which includes lots of your fellow retards er.. I mean Democrats. What part of that do you not understand?

One only needs to read the final chapter. It's the only one that really matters. you've done a complete reversal on your original take on the thing. It was HW Bush's doing from start to finish. A newly elected president was handed a bill which had been signed more than a year before and he signed it. Just curious.....after the president and the legislature had a bill ready for your signature would you have signed it or shut down the government. OH!! I forgot, shutting down the government is what the right wing, tax cutting assholes do. I'd rather be a knot on a yellow dog's ass than to be a T Party Republican.

It doesn't matter who started it, the fact is Clinton signed it into law. So Clinton finished it, not Bush. Hell Bush wasn't even in office when it became law.

I haven't reversed anything, my contention this entire time was that Clinton signed NAFTA into law. If you want the truth, Reagan is really the one that brought up the idea.
You mean to tell me, after the conservative congress of the 90's, along with Clinton sold this country and its labor force to cheap labor overseas via NAFTA....Something Wall Street wrote and benefits...thus wiping out what little was left of the middle class, its Obama and Biden's fault?

Take a seat pal, your insane

First it's "You're" NOT your!"

Now....Bill Clinton assumed a mess left by Reagan and Bush the first. They had cut taxes to pre depression levels and taken on massive debt four times what it was in 1981. In 1993 while Bill Clinton still had a Democrat congress, guess what??? He raised taxes on the wealthy, balanced the budget, accumulated a surplus and had this country on a path to be totally debt free in 10 years.

Guess What???? Along came slow talking, slow walkin' George, cut taxes for the rich twice, 2001 and 2003 using reconciliation to block Democrat opposition then methodically doubled the national debt from $5.7 trillion to $12 trillion. Don't you people get it?? When taxes are cut, spending is not, the money to cover the shortfall has to come from somewhere. Republicans borrow it from foreign banks. Democrats do it with taxation. Naturally the rich assholes want us to borrow the money so they can have low taxes and the poor man doesn't even know what's happening. You right wing pricks make my arsehole crave lime juice!!!

Both sides are pretty bad. It took a democrat to ram Nafta through, as well as MFN, and WTO. Then Obama is trying to finish us off with TPP.

Get your shit together there:

Anybody with one eye and half sense knows that George Herbert Walker Bush did all the legwork and wrote up NAFTA, then had everything done. North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) established a free-trade zone in North America; it was signed in 1992 by Canada, Mexico, and the United States and took effect on Jan. 1, 1994. NAFTA immediately lifted tariffs on the majority of goods produced by the signatory nations. It also called for the gradual elimination, over a period of 15 years, of most remaining barriers to cross-border investment and to the movement of goods and services among the three countries.

Anybody with one eye and google access knows what you just posted, mister phd. history professor. Still, without the prez signing it, it's not law. If Bush sr. had won a second term, Nafta may not have went through since dems were mostly against it at the time. Clinton had to do some arm twisting to get his party behind him on this. You were in kindergarten back then so I'm happy to inform you about what went on back then.
You should do a little more research and try to read the whole story!

Following diplomatic negotiations dating back to 1990 among the three nations, U.S. President George H. W. Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and Mexican President Carlos Salinas, each responsible for spearheading and promoting the agreement, ceremonially signed the agreement in their respective capitals on December 17, 1992. The signed agreement then needed to be ratified by each nation's legislative or parliamentary branch.

Hey dumbass, it was nothing more than a piece of paper until Clinton signed it into law!!!

Just admit your initial comment was a lie and move on. No need to make yourself look even worse.

Hey was obviously HW Bush's deal. Just what part of that don't you understand? Like I about it. The whole story not just the part you choose.

Obviously dick for brains, Clinton ( a Democrat) thought it was a good enough deal to sign into law as well as majorities in both houses which includes lots of your fellow retards er.. I mean Democrats. What part of that do you not understand?

One only needs to read the final chapter. It's the only one that really matters. you've done a complete reversal on your original take on the thing. It was HW Bush's doing from start to finish. A newly elected president was handed a bill which had been signed more than a year before and he signed it. Just curious.....after the president and the legislature had a bill ready for your signature would you have signed it or shut down the government. OH!! I forgot, shutting down the government is what the right wing, tax cutting assholes do. I'd rather be a knot on a yellow dog's ass than to be a T Party Republican.

It doesn't matter who started it, the fact is Clinton signed it into law. So Clinton finished it, not Bush. Hell Bush wasn't even in office when it became law.

I haven't reversed anything, my contention this entire time was that Clinton signed NAFTA into law. If you want the truth, Reagan is really the one that brought up the idea.

I'm definitely not the one around here who's short on truth!!!

NAFTA is the North American Free Trade Agreement. It was envisioned at least 30 years ago to reduce trading costs, increase business investment, and help North America be more competitive in the global marketplace.

What Is Its History?

The impetus for NAFTA actually began with President Ronald Reagan, who campaigned on a North American common market. In 1984, Congress passed the Trade and Tariff Act.

This is important because it gave the President "fast-track" authority to negotiate free trade agreements, while only allowing Congress the ability to approve or disapprove, not change negotiating points. Canadian Prime Minister Mulroney agreed with Reagan to begin negotiations for the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement, which was signed in 1988, went into effect in 1989.

Meanwhile, Mexican President Salinas and President Bush began negotiations for a liberalized trade between the two countries. Prior to NAFTA, Mexican tariffs on U.S. imports were 250% higher than U.S. tariffs on Mexican imports. In 1991, Canada requested a trilateral agreement, which then led to NAFTA.

NAFTA was signed by President George H.W. Bush, Mexican President Salinas, and Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney in 1992.
Hey dumbass, it was nothing more than a piece of paper until Clinton signed it into law!!!

Just admit your initial comment was a lie and move on. No need to make yourself look even worse.

Hey was obviously HW Bush's deal. Just what part of that don't you understand? Like I about it. The whole story not just the part you choose.

Obviously dick for brains, Clinton ( a Democrat) thought it was a good enough deal to sign into law as well as majorities in both houses which includes lots of your fellow retards er.. I mean Democrats. What part of that do you not understand?

One only needs to read the final chapter. It's the only one that really matters. you've done a complete reversal on your original take on the thing. It was HW Bush's doing from start to finish. A newly elected president was handed a bill which had been signed more than a year before and he signed it. Just curious.....after the president and the legislature had a bill ready for your signature would you have signed it or shut down the government. OH!! I forgot, shutting down the government is what the right wing, tax cutting assholes do. I'd rather be a knot on a yellow dog's ass than to be a T Party Republican.

It doesn't matter who started it, the fact is Clinton signed it into law. So Clinton finished it, not Bush. Hell Bush wasn't even in office when it became law.

I haven't reversed anything, my contention this entire time was that Clinton signed NAFTA into law. If you want the truth, Reagan is really the one that brought up the idea.

I'm definitely not the one around here who's short on truth!!!

NAFTA is the North American Free Trade Agreement. It was envisioned at least 30 years ago to reduce trading costs, increase business investment, and help North America be more competitive in the global marketplace.

What Is Its History?

The impetus for NAFTA actually began with President Ronald Reagan, who campaigned on a North American common market. In 1984, Congress passed the Trade and Tariff Act.

This is important because it gave the President "fast-track" authority to negotiate free trade agreements, while only allowing Congress the ability to approve or disapprove, not change negotiating points. Canadian Prime Minister Mulroney agreed with Reagan to begin negotiations for the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement, which was signed in 1988, went into effect in 1989.

Meanwhile, Mexican President Salinas and President Bush began negotiations for a liberalized trade between the two countries. Prior to NAFTA, Mexican tariffs on U.S. imports were 250% higher than U.S. tariffs on Mexican imports. In 1991, Canada requested a trilateral agreement, which then led to NAFTA. In 1993, concerns about liberalization of labor and environmental regulations led to the adoption of two addendums.

NAFTA was signed by President George H.W. Bush, Mexican President Salinas, and Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney in 1992.

Like I said, google and cut and paste is all you're good for. You still don't understand what I said and I can see you never will. Have a nice day, Junior.
Hey was obviously HW Bush's deal. Just what part of that don't you understand? Like I about it. The whole story not just the part you choose.

Obviously dick for brains, Clinton ( a Democrat) thought it was a good enough deal to sign into law as well as majorities in both houses which includes lots of your fellow retards er.. I mean Democrats. What part of that do you not understand?

One only needs to read the final chapter. It's the only one that really matters. you've done a complete reversal on your original take on the thing. It was HW Bush's doing from start to finish. A newly elected president was handed a bill which had been signed more than a year before and he signed it. Just curious.....after the president and the legislature had a bill ready for your signature would you have signed it or shut down the government. OH!! I forgot, shutting down the government is what the right wing, tax cutting assholes do. I'd rather be a knot on a yellow dog's ass than to be a T Party Republican.

It doesn't matter who started it, the fact is Clinton signed it into law. So Clinton finished it, not Bush. Hell Bush wasn't even in office when it became law.

I haven't reversed anything, my contention this entire time was that Clinton signed NAFTA into law. If you want the truth, Reagan is really the one that brought up the idea.

I'm definitely not the one around here who's short on truth!!!

NAFTA is the North American Free Trade Agreement. It was envisioned at least 30 years ago to reduce trading costs, increase business investment, and help North America be more competitive in the global marketplace.

What Is Its History?

The impetus for NAFTA actually began with President Ronald Reagan, who campaigned on a North American common market. In 1984, Congress passed the Trade and Tariff Act.

This is important because it gave the President "fast-track" authority to negotiate free trade agreements, while only allowing Congress the ability to approve or disapprove, not change negotiating points. Canadian Prime Minister Mulroney agreed with Reagan to begin negotiations for the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement, which was signed in 1988, went into effect in 1989.

Meanwhile, Mexican President Salinas and President Bush began negotiations for a liberalized trade between the two countries. Prior to NAFTA, Mexican tariffs on U.S. imports were 250% higher than U.S. tariffs on Mexican imports. In 1991, Canada requested a trilateral agreement, which then led to NAFTA. In 1993, concerns about liberalization of labor and environmental regulations led to the adoption of two addendums.

NAFTA was signed by President George H.W. Bush, Mexican President Salinas, and Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney in 1992.

Like I said, google and cut and paste is all you're good for. You still don't understand what I said and I can see you never will. Have a nice day, Junior.

You should try the Google research, cut and paste avenue. It's amazing what modern technology has made possible for interested, knowledgeable adults. I'm 80 years old. I retired in 1993 from one of the largest mainframe computing centers in the SE United States. I had up to 41 technical employees reporting to me. My department installed Oak Ridge's first supercomputer in 1985, the Cray XMP2/4. I put a Gateway Personal computer online in March 1994. I paid $3900 and change for it and I've had no less than two dozen state-of-the-art PC's since then. Right now there are three PC's on our ATT local wireless network. We have a laptop in the dining room, this one in my ham shack(K4(X)(X)(X) licensed 1959) and a HP Pavillion which backs up everything we've amassed during the last 21 years.

Go Fish!!
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can you just imagine Biden, Hillary, High Chief and Sanders on a debate stage? God, its will be like an SNL Sketch.
You mean to tell me, after the conservative congress of the 90's, along with Clinton sold this country and its labor force to cheap labor overseas via NAFTA....Something Wall Street wrote and benefits...thus wiping out what little was left of the middle class, its Obama and Biden's fault?

Take a seat pal, your insane

First it's "You're" NOT your!"

Now....Bill Clinton assumed a mess left by Reagan and Bush the first. They had cut taxes to pre depression levels and taken on massive debt four times what it was in 1981. In 1993 while Bill Clinton still had a Democrat congress, guess what??? He raised taxes on the wealthy, balanced the budget, accumulated a surplus and had this country on a path to be totally debt free in 10 years.

Guess What???? Along came slow talking, slow walkin' George, cut taxes for the rich twice, 2001 and 2003 using reconciliation to block Democrat opposition then methodically doubled the national debt from $5.7 trillion to $12 trillion. Don't you people get it?? When taxes are cut, spending is not, the money to cover the shortfall has to come from somewhere. Republicans borrow it from foreign banks. Democrats do it with taxation. Naturally the rich assholes want us to borrow the money so they can have low taxes and the poor man doesn't even know what's happening. You right wing pricks make my arsehole crave lime juice!!!

Both sides are pretty bad. It took a democrat to ram Nafta through, as well as MFN, and WTO. Then Obama is trying to finish us off with TPP.

Get your shit together there:

Anybody with one eye and half sense knows that George Herbert Walker Bush did all the legwork and wrote up NAFTA, then had everything done. North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) established a free-trade zone in North America; it was signed in 1992 by Canada, Mexico, and the United States and took effect on Jan. 1, 1994. NAFTA immediately lifted tariffs on the majority of goods produced by the signatory nations. It also called for the gradual elimination, over a period of 15 years, of most remaining barriers to cross-border investment and to the movement of goods and services among the three countries.

Anybody with one eye and google access knows what you just posted, mister phd. history professor. Still, without the prez signing it, it's not law. If Bush sr. had won a second term, Nafta may not have went through since dems were mostly against it at the time. Clinton had to do some arm twisting to get his party behind him on this. You were in kindergarten back then so I'm happy to inform you about what went on back then.

Wa wa wa, get off my jock dude
You should do a little more research and try to read the whole story!

Following diplomatic negotiations dating back to 1990 among the three nations, U.S. President George H. W. Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and Mexican President Carlos Salinas, each responsible for spearheading and promoting the agreement, ceremonially signed the agreement in their respective capitals on December 17, 1992. The signed agreement then needed to be ratified by each nation's legislative or parliamentary branch.

Hey dumbass, it was nothing more than a piece of paper until Clinton signed it into law!!!

Just admit your initial comment was a lie and move on. No need to make yourself look even worse.

Hey was obviously HW Bush's deal. Just what part of that don't you understand? Like I about it. The whole story not just the part you choose.

Obviously dick for brains, Clinton ( a Democrat) thought it was a good enough deal to sign into law as well as majorities in both houses which includes lots of your fellow retards er.. I mean Democrats. What part of that do you not understand?

One only needs to read the final chapter. It's the only one that really matters. you've done a complete reversal on your original take on the thing. You said it was Clinton's deal. It was HW Bush's doing from start to finish. Clinton, a newly elected president was handed a bill which had been signed more than a year before and he signed it. Just curious.....after the previous president and the legislature had a bill ready for your signature would you have signed it or shut down the government. OH!! I forgot, shutting down the government is what the right wing, tax cutting assholes do. I'd rather be a knot on a yellow dog's ass than to be a T Party Republican.

Why would NOT signing a Free Trade Agreement result in a government shutdown? Can you explain that?
PLEASE GIVE US JOE "THE WORLD'S DUMBEST POLITICIAN" BIDEN, instead of the Hildebeast (Never mind she'll be in jail, anyway!)

PLEASE GIVE US JOE "THE WORLD'S DUMBEST POLITICIAN" BIDEN, instead of the Hildebeast (Never mind she'll be in jail, anyway!)

Joe Biden: You Know,, I can see at least 7 "Twelve Year Old Girls" from my bedroom window.

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