At best, what this "Memo" will yield for Trump acolytes


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
Think about it for a second.......At the very best, what Nunes has done for Trump may be this......

He will have [possibly] proven that the FBI "illegally" procured a FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page and others........

Now, in a court of law, any damages to Trump's collusion and obstruction of justice would be found to be insufficient because of the illegality of the warrants....

HOWEVER, in the :court of public opinion," Trump's wrongdoings are STILL a source of separating the Trump "Cult Membership': from saner American voters who may not want a lying charlatan as commander in chief, and who got away from justice on a technicality.
Think about it for a second.......At the very best, what Nunes has done for Trump may be this......

He will have [possibly] proven that the FBI "illegally" procured a FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page and others........

Now, in a court of law, any damages to Trump's collusion and obstruction of justice would be found to be insufficient because of the illegality of the warrants....

HOWEVER, in the :court of public opinion," Trump's wrongdoings are STILL a source of separating the Trump "Cult Membership': from saner American voters who may not want a lying charlatan as commander in chief, and who got away from justice on a technicality.
Imo it's really a side show, in that I don't think Trump/Putin will really change minds. What will decide 20 is whether an improving economy is enough for people to ignore Trump's racist bullying, and I think there's a good chance it will be enough ... unless the dems find a compelling candidate.
Imo it's really a side show, in that I don't think Trump/Putin will really change minds. What will decide 20 is whether an improving economy is enough for people to ignore Trump's racist bullying, and I think there's a good chance it will be enough ... unless the dems find a compelling candidate.

I agree......democrats need to abandon the mantra of "we are anti-Trump"as their ONLY campaign slogan........Democrats need a new "contract with the American middle class."
At best it will wake up the crackpipe media and maybe they'll understand just what kind of dirty shit dirty Obama, Hillary, and the rest of them tried to get away with.

But they'll probably try to play the whole thing down and act like none of it ever happened.
Think about it for a second.......At the very best, what Nunes has done for Trump may be this......

He will have [possibly] proven that the FBI "illegally" procured a FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page and others........

Now, in a court of law, any damages to Trump's collusion and obstruction of justice would be found to be insufficient because of the illegality of the warrants....

HOWEVER, in the :court of public opinion," Trump's wrongdoings are STILL a source of separating the Trump "Cult Membership': from saner American voters who may not want a lying charlatan as commander in chief, and who got away from justice on a technicality.

Flynns case gets thrown out as does that against manafort who arguably IS guilty of a whole host of crimes but will now get a pass because of government malfeasance.
Think about it for a second.......At the very best, what Nunes has done for Trump may be this......

He will have [possibly] proven that the FBI "illegally" procured a FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page and others........

Now, in a court of law, any damages to Trump's collusion and obstruction of justice would be found to be insufficient because of the illegality of the warrants....

HOWEVER, in the :court of public opinion," Trump's wrongdoings are STILL a source of separating the Trump "Cult Membership': from saner American voters who may not want a lying charlatan as commander in chief, and who got away from justice on a technicality.
The lying charlatan as Commander in Chief that got away from justice by infecting the DOJ with partisan hacks was your boy, Barrack Hussein Obama. He is about to be exposed as the most dishonest, unethical piece of shit that has ever occupied the White House. That and other revelations are what scares the shit out of the liberal assholes that participated in the scam.
Think about it for a second.......At the very best, what Nunes has done for Trump may be this......

He will have [possibly] proven that the FBI "illegally" procured a FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page and others........

Now, in a court of law, any damages to Trump's collusion and obstruction of justice would be found to be insufficient because of the illegality of the warrants....

HOWEVER, in the :court of public opinion," Trump's wrongdoings are STILL a source of separating the Trump "Cult Membership': from saner American voters who may not want a lying charlatan as commander in chief, and who got away from justice on a technicality.
First off, go back to law school. Jesus.

Secondly, nobody has proved anything on Trump from "collusion" which is so damn weak, it's pathetic, to obstruction of justice, which is practically impossible given Trump's role as the executive. There may be some criminal conduct to pin on Trump, but so far, anyone forming an opinion that he is guilty of something is doing so based on speculation, partisanship, and bullshit news reporting.
Flynns case gets thrown out as does that against manafort who arguably IS guilty of a whole host of crimes but will now get a pass because of government malfeasance.
Unless it can be independently establish and the evidence independently establishing it was not obtained based on information gained by improperly obtained evidence (fruit of the poisonous tree).
Think about it for a second.......At the very best, what Nunes has done for Trump may be this......

He will have [possibly] proven that the FBI "illegally" procured a FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page and others........

Now, in a court of law, any damages to Trump's collusion and obstruction of justice would be found to be insufficient because of the illegality of the warrants....

HOWEVER, in the :court of public opinion," Trump's wrongdoings are STILL a source of separating the Trump "Cult Membership': from saner American voters who may not want a lying charlatan as commander in chief, and who got away from justice on a technicality.
The court of liberal extremist / snowflake is the ONLY thing the nut-jobs on the Left have had going for them going on 2 years now, still unable to even produce evidence of a crime was committed warranting an investigation in the 1st place.

...and they have been trying to use that butt-hurt 'court' to Impeach the President.
Imo it's really a side show, in that I don't think Trump/Putin will really change minds. What will decide 20 is whether an improving economy is enough for people to ignore Trump's racist bullying, and I think there's a good chance it will be enough ... unless the dems find a compelling candidate.

I agree......democrats need to abandon the mantra of "we are anti-Trump"as their ONLY campaign slogan........Democrats need a new "contract with the American middle class."
I'm hopeful they'll adopt a program to let kids, who earn good HS grades, earn their way through school with public service. But they'll need a compelling candidate. Even with an improving economy, Trump can have trouble with suburban moms who turned from Hillary.
Think about it for a second.......At the very best, what Nunes has done for Trump may be this......

He will have [possibly] proven that the FBI "illegally" procured a FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page and others........

Now, in a court of law, any damages to Trump's collusion and obstruction of justice would be found to be insufficient because of the illegality of the warrants....

HOWEVER, in the :court of public opinion," Trump's wrongdoings are STILL a source of separating the Trump "Cult Membership': from saner American voters who may not want a lying charlatan as commander in chief, and who got away from justice on a technicality.

What wrong doing? Your collusion delusion has run it's course. 2 years worth of looking and still not a ounce of proof.
Now it's our turn, and we do have proof. The swamp is being drained. How refreshing.......
I'd agree if you change the Trump's title from "executive" to "despot."
That's the inconvenient reality of the POTUS' power, which is the reason we have the impeachment process. The FBI and DOJ work for Trump, like it or not. If he is removed from office, he no longer has that power.

Despite having the power fire both Comey and Mueller, Trump has allowed the investigation to continue, because (1) firing Mueller looks bad, and (2) he would likely be facing impeachment (the proper procedure) if he did fire Mueller.

It seems you want to avoid or bypass the proper procedure and go straight to sentencing on the collusion issue (whatever the fuck that is supposed to be) and you want to prosecute a sitting POTUS for exercising his constitutional power.

At the same time, you seem to not give a rat fuck that Congress and the POTUS have recently extended FISA and now we find out exactly what many of us, as TRUE liberals, feared. Abuse. You have no problem with it because you are too partisan to give a fuck.

Tell me where I am wrong.
Flynns case gets thrown out as does that against manafort who arguably IS guilty of a whole host of crimes but will now get a pass because of government malfeasance.
Unless it can be independently establish and the evidence independently establishing it was not obtained based on information gained by improperly obtained evidence (fruit of the poisonous tree).
westwall is unaware of the effects of a guilty plea.
2 FBI Agents were fired from Mueller's team. The former Deputy Director of the FBI of the FBI has been exposed as a leak, for discussing how the FBI did not want Trump as President but had an 'Insurance Policy' to execute if he did, and has just been forced out of the FBI...

3 Agents ready for judicial / disciplinary actions..... and more to follow....
Think about it for a second.......At the very best, what Nunes has done for Trump may be this......

He will have [possibly] proven that the FBI "illegally" procured a FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page and others........

Now, in a court of law, any damages to Trump's collusion and obstruction of justice would be found to be insufficient because of the illegality of the warrants....

HOWEVER, in the :court of public opinion," Trump's wrongdoings are STILL a source of separating the Trump "Cult Membership': from saner American voters who may not want a lying charlatan as commander in chief, and who got away from justice on a technicality.
Do I have to remind you of our Friend JakeStarkey position on seditious traitors like Comey, Clapper and Mueller who would subvert the Constitution for the benefit of a political party
Think about it for a second.......At the very best, what Nunes has done for Trump may be this......

He will have [possibly] proven that the FBI "illegally" procured a FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page and others........

Now, in a court of law, any damages to Trump's collusion and obstruction of justice would be found to be insufficient because of the illegality of the warrants....

HOWEVER, in the :court of public opinion," Trump's wrongdoings are STILL a source of separating the Trump "Cult Membership': from saner American voters who may not want a lying charlatan as commander in chief, and who got away from justice on a technicality.

Flynns case gets thrown out as does that against manafort who arguably IS guilty of a whole host of crimes but will now get a pass because of government malfeasance.
Highly unlikely. Over the entire 33-year period, the FISA court granted 33,942 warrants, with only 12 denials – a rejection rate of 0.03 percent of the total requests. This facts speaks volumes of the effectiveness of it motivating the requests for warrants, or the leeway the intelligence community gets when conducting counter espionage operations. The fact that the FISA court approves this many requests also is a testimony as to how little success the defense has in getting a case thrown out because a badly substantiated warrant, after all if they would be cause of mistrials the court would be more careful granting them.
I'd agree if you change the Trump's title from "executive" to "despot."
That's the inconvenient reality of the POTUS' power, which is the reason we have the impeachment process. The FBI and DOJ work for Trump, like it or not. If he is removed from office, he no longer has that power.

Despite having the power fire both Comey and Mueller, Trump has allowed the investigation to continue, because (1) firing Mueller looks bad, and (2) he would likely be facing impeachment (the proper procedure) if he did fire Mueller.

It seems you want to avoid or bypass the proper procedure and go straight to sentencing on the collusion issue (whatever the fuck that is supposed to be) and you want to prosecute a sitting POTUS for exercising his constitutional power.

At the same time, you seem to not give a rat fuck that Congress and the POTUS have recently extended FISA and now we find out exactly what many of us, as TRUE liberals, feared. Abuse. You have no problem with it because you are too partisan to give a fuck.

Tell me where I am wrong.
I'm not sure he'd be impeached if he fired Mueller. But he'd probably have to fire Wray and Rosenstein too. And Mueller has discovered most of whatever was discovered, and it will come out, one way or another. Back last summer, or even before when Mueller was being appointed, a bipartisan congress probably would have a appointed Mueller or some other then-thought-to-be too well though of to be impuned by partisans to do an investigation even w/o the DOJ.

I don't see what FISA has to do with this. The use by the Trumpbots of "fisa abuse" is bs. Carter Page and Manafort were on fisa warrants a long time ago. Flynn lied to the FBI. And as I recall, he got caught on a wiretap of a Russian, and they don't need Fisa to tap the Russians.
Think about it for a second.......At the very best, what Nunes has done for Trump may be this......

He will have [possibly] proven that the FBI "illegally" procured a FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page and others........

Now, in a court of law, any damages to Trump's collusion and obstruction of justice would be found to be insufficient because of the illegality of the warrants....

HOWEVER, in the :court of public opinion," Trump's wrongdoings are STILL a source of separating the Trump "Cult Membership': from saner American voters who may not want a lying charlatan as commander in chief, and who got away from justice on a technicality.

In the "court of public opinion," all that will be furthered is the growing mountain of evidence that Democrats are slime that put politics over the nation and that Trump has been right all along. And the "saner" the voter, the more apparent that all the "lies" have been coming from the Left and it is the Left that has been skirting justice------ but only for a little bit longer.
Remember back when the Dems were laughing at Trump for saying his campaign was wiretapped? Nobody wants to talk about that now. Curious.

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