At best, what this "Memo" will yield for Trump acolytes

Remember back when the Dems were laughing at Trump for saying his campaign was wiretapped? Nobody wants to talk about that now. Curious.
He said his lines in the Trump Towers were tapped. That's what was laughable.
I'm not sure he'd be impeached if he fired Mueller. But he'd probably have to fire Wray and Rosenstein too. And Mueller has discovered most of whatever was discovered, and it will come out, one way or another. Back last summer, or even before when Mueller was being appointed, a bipartisan congress probably would have a appointed Mueller or some other then-thought-to-be too well though of to be impuned by partisans to do an investigation even w/o the DOJ.
Agree with that.

I don't see what FISA has to do with this. The use by the Trumpbots of "fisa abuse" is bs. Carter Page and Manafort were on fisa warrants a long time ago. Flynn lied to the FBI. And as I recall, he got caught on a wiretap of a Russian, and they don't need Fisa to tap the Russians.
Do you have a link to that? I am not saying you are wrong. My understanding is that Carter Page was tapped because of the fake dossier. You have info showing it was prior to that?
He said his lines in the Trump Towers were tapped. That's what was laughable.
Was the DOJ or FBI or the NSA listening in on phone calls in Trump Tower?

Saying they didn't wire tap Trump Tower when they were listening to Trump Tower phone calls is completely disingenuous and appears to be a deliberate attempt to mislead.
He said his lines in the Trump Towers were tapped. That's what was laughable.
Was the DOJ or FBI or the NSA listening in on phone calls in Trump Tower?

Saying they didn't wire tap Trump Tower when they were listening to Trump Tower phone calls is completely disingenuous and appears to be a deliberate attempt to mislead.
They didn't listen to Trump's phones, and that's what he claimed. If anyone though they didn't have Carter Page on speed dial, they were stupid.
They didn't listen to Trump's phones, and that's what he claimed. If anyone though they didn't have Carter Page on speed dial, they were stupid.
Trump accuses Obama of wiretapping him

"Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my "wires tapped" in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!"

"Is it legal for a sitting President to be "wire tapping" a race for president prior to an election? Turned down by court earlier. A NEW LOW!"
Remember back when the Dems were laughing at Trump for saying his campaign was wiretapped? Nobody wants to talk about that now. Curious.

They laughed at and hated Fred Zwicky, Peter Higgs, Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin and a hundred other men who were free thinkers ahead of their time. Until they were all found to be right. The Left would not invest so much effort in discrediting the man Trump if he were not so much the very opposite of how they would have him appear.
Flynns case gets thrown out as does that against manafort who arguably IS guilty of a whole host of crimes but will now get a pass because of government malfeasance.
Unless it can be independently establish and the evidence independently establishing it was not obtained based on information gained by improperly obtained evidence (fruit of the poisonous tree).
westwall is unaware of the effects of a guilty plea.

Guilty pleas obtained with illegally gotten information are tossed out all of the time. Funny how silly people, like you, don't know that.
All of that is assuming that the FISA Warrant wasn’t obtained by lying. I’d love to see 0bama and his justice department hauled into court to face much deserved charges.
Flynns case gets thrown out as does that against manafort who arguably IS guilty of a whole host of crimes but will now get a pass because of government malfeasance.
Unless it can be independently establish and the evidence independently establishing it was not obtained based on information gained by improperly obtained evidence (fruit of the poisonous tree).
westwall is unaware of the effects of a guilty plea.

Guilty pleas obtained with illegally gotten information are tossed out all of the time. Funny how silly people, like you, don't know that.
They're on the tip of your tongue.
Think about it for a second.......At the very best, what Nunes has done for Trump may be this......

He will have [possibly] proven that the FBI "illegally" procured a FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page and others........

Now, in a court of law, any damages to Trump's collusion and obstruction of justice would be found to be insufficient because of the illegality of the warrants....
I doubt the warrants were illegal, and also I think there is a big difference when someone is accused of being a foreign agent by an intelligence agency, and when someone is accused of whatever petty crime by the police.
I doubt the warrants were illegal, and also I think there is a big difference when someone is accused of being a foreign agent by an intelligence agency, and when someone is accused of whatever petty crime by the police.

Agreed....and that is why I entitled the thread as, " best..."

If Trump cultist feel vindicated that the warrants were illegal, what they really have to rejoice about is that Trump may be getting off on a technicality......"Pyrrhic victory," really.
Always an excuse. You’ve lost this battle. Give it up.

Lost what???.............The memo serves 2 purposesL

1. To deflect from Trump's ass kissing of Putin by NOT imposing the sanctions authorized by a republican-led congress...and

2. Attempting to blame a republican led DOJ and FBI forgoing after a republican administration's possible wrong doings.....

So, who lost???............LOL

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