At His Most Dignified, Trump Is Nothing More Than A Carnival Barker


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Despite the complete lack of respect shown them by the congressional Republicans during their eight years in the White House, President and Mrs. Obama both maintained their dignity and were welcomed by most heads of state around the world.

Even two terms of Dubya’s buffoonish, frat-boy antics were not so offensive as to be insulting to other nation’s leaders.

Since the Electoral College failed in their constitutional duty given them by the Founding Fathers to protect the country from the voters choosing unqualified candidates, Trump will continue his asinine behavior as he begins his tenure as POTUS.

Unfortunately, world leaders are not impressed by a**holes like Trump. His campaign strategy that so impressed the white, working class a**holes will not be accepted by the international community.

Trump proved during his campaign he is void of any class or dignity, even though his idiot supporters mistakenly believe wealth and fame automatically imbues an individual with these qualities. Unlike Trump and his fellow a**holes, the leaders of other developed nations, and many under-developed, nations know better.

In the coming months, Trump will continue to impress his ignorant, proudly uneducated, angry, white working class voters with his childish bullying and Twitter tantrums. However, our soon-to-be former allies certainly will NOT be impressed. (But, since Trump owes his winning the U.S. presidency to Russian interference, Putin knows the Russian interference in our election system has created valuable servant in president Trump.)

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People of reason and rational thought must not pay any attention to the Trump voters responses to this OP or any other posts. On November 8, 2016, they all proved they had the thought process of a grapefruit.


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