At least 4 folks dead, 6 injured in shooting at Capital Gazette newspaper in Maryland

Press conference and cbs Baltimore reporting he is in his late 30’s, he lives in MD and had a beef with an executive of the paper from a few years ago. Used a shot gun. No ied, used smoke bombs. He also had sent threats through social media. Threats as late as today.

Why couldn't this guy have just used a freaking AR-15? Doesn't he realize how hard it is to use emotion to ban guns if the shooter doesn't use an AR-15? A shotgun? Come on....... can't they even try a little harder....anti gunners need something to work with...
Press conference and cbs Baltimore reporting he is in his late 30’s, he lives in MD and had a beef with an executive of the paper from a few years ago. Used a shot gun. No ied, used smoke bombs. He also had sent threats through social media. Threats as late as today.
This is where concealed carry is a must.
Beware of white guys with guns. Statistics tell us they are more likely to commit mass shootings. trump needs to issue an EO. targeting white men with guns.
The police info officer says he isn’t aware of the fingerprint story or facial recognition.
Beware of white guys with guns. Statistics tell us they are more likely to commit mass shootings. trump needs to issue an EO. targeting white men with guns.

Well.....considering that in about 35 years of mass shootings there have been less than 75 people murdered each year.....while democrats, mostly minorities, have murdered close to 10,000 every year.......I would be more afraid of democrats with guns.....

Analysis | The surprising way gun violence is dividing America

In the most Democratic regions, gun violence is more often committed against another, crimes that probably generate more news coverage and fear. In the most Republican areas, it is more often committed against oneself, suicides that may not attract as much attention.


As the below charts show, Democratic areas (measured by the party that controls the congressional district) are far more likely to experience almost all forms of malicious gun violence than Republican areas.
Yeah...he wasn't acting on behalf of Alt Right or the things of anyone else. He had a beef with the paper.
Press conference and cbs Baltimore reporting he is in his late 30’s, he lives in MD and had a beef with an executive of the paper from a few years ago. Used a shot gun. No ied, used smoke bombs. He also had sent threats through social media. Threats as late as today.

Why couldn't this guy have just used a freaking AR-15? Doesn't he realize how hard it is to use emotion to ban guns if the shooter doesn't use an AR-15? A shotgun? Come on....... can't they even try a little harder....anti gunners need something to work with...
Good to see you post. At first I thought you had finally popped your cork and did this shooting to show that people can use more than an AR-15 for mass shootings.
No more info to be released tonight.
So they quit investigating for the evening. I guess their shift is over; and they’ll get back to releasing his name tomorrow? When he has no searchable social media to peruse... Such unfortunate timing...
And the righties are blaming Maxine Waters. So whats new?

There is another thread here at USMB that starts with something like "Maxine Waters has blood on her hands". You are a bright lad, I'm sure you can find it.
you're being a dick. i'm sure i'm not gonna go look.

Sorry, I made a mistake. It is the very first post in this thread.

Maxine Waters has blood on her hands!
and that fart knocker is on ignore so i only saw the next thread where it DOES NOT say that.

there's a reason to ignore idiots. thank you for proving me correct in him.
Capital Gazette is slightly on the left, and the shooter is white.
Rightwing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos, who had said that his followers should shoot journalists two days before journalists were shot in Annapolis, Maryland now says he was not serious.

“I regret nothing I said, though of course like any normal person I am saddened to hear of needless death,” he wrote in a Facebook post. “The truth, as always, is the opposite of what the media tells you.”

Yiannopoulos then proceeded to explain how the truth was the “opposite” of what had happened because his statement was a “joke.”

And then he said that journalists who quoted his statements would be the ones responsible if the events are connected.

“If there turns out to be any dimension to this crime related to my private, misreported remarks, the responsibility for that lies squarely and wholly with the Beast and the Observer for drumming up fake hysteria about a private joke, and with the verified liberals who pretended they thought I was serious,” he wrote.

Yiannopoulos then proceeded to call journalists “vermin” and said that the shooter is likely a “demented left-winger.”

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