AT&T Plans To Fire 7000 People Despite Tax Breaks, Net Neutrality Repeal

Capitalism. Societal race to the bottom while chasing profit margin growth to infinity for the substantial people.

Spoken like a true Marxist, comrade.

Not at all. Spoken like a true capitalist.

The only thing that needs steady and sustained growth for those at the bottom to succeed, is a pyramid scheme. What happens to those at the bottom when they can't find any more suckers to buy in and keep the pyramid growing?

What a business needs to do is to be profitable for its owners. To produce a good product that people want or need, and sell it at a fair price.

This rampage of unsustainable growth is the "cowboy economy", and it has created a situation where the profits of all of the labourers in the world, is accruing to an ever small number of elites and oligarch's the world over.

Richest 1% on target to own two-thirds of all wealth by 2030

Around the world, the profits are flowing steadily to the top. US Corporations didn't use their tax cuts to give raises to their workers. They used the money to buy out minority stockholders, and increase the value of their issued shares, further concentrating the ownership of these mega corporations in the hands of fewer and fewer people.

1% of the world's population owns half of its wealth. You think those people are making decisions to benefit you? Do you think that electing one of these people as President is to your benefit or to theirs?
Well empire and trying to rule the planet is expensive. The american approach to capitalism is still very much tied to a colonial wealth extraction vision. We do not invest in our own society as others do. Ultimately we will suffer in terms of global competitiveness societally as more and more wealth is redistributed to the aristocracy.

What a bunch of neo-Marxist gobbledy-gook nonsense. If you really cared about who has the wealth, look no further than the neo-Marxists in government. The more we stop government wealth redistribution the wealthier we all will become.

Clearly you haven't familiarize yourself with The Powell Memorandum. The redistribution began in the 1970's and we all know the direction it left society in.

You obviously never read the Powell Memorandum because it disputes everything you seem to stand for!
Thus far, the corporations Ajit Pai and the Republican Party bent over backward to help haven’t exactly been returning the favor. GM plans to close plants and fire 14,000 people. Verizon has no plan to boost 5G investment, despite Pai’s claim that repealing net neutrality would lead to additional corporate network spending. Now AT&T is reportedly preparing to fire 7,000 people, despite having previously promised that tax breaks and freedom from burdensome regulation would actually create jobs.

AT&T Plans to Fire 7,000 People Despite Tax Breaks, Net Neutrality Repeal - ExtremeTech
I am against Trump on Net Neutrality.
Well AT&T sucks...but at least there are plenty of jobs for the terminated to apply for thanks to the Trump worries....

Let me get this straight. The Trump policies that allegedly create jobs aren't creating jobs so it's no big deal if people are losing jobs upon implementation of the policies because there are so many jobs available because of the aforementioned job creating policies that aren't actually creating jobs.

Or, to put it another way, shenanigans.

My company cannot find enough people to do the work. We have openings for about 10 new people, but we keep losing them because they don't want to work, or get a better offer.

So a person that doesn't want to work applies and is hired because they don't want to work?

If people leave the company where you work because they get a better offer, isn't that a large tell on your company?
The corporate world is not pretty nor is it a place that welcomes average workers. I spent almost 15 years of my life in it. The management had nothing good to say about it's employees...ever. typical. I was fortunate to walk away...twice. with no notice. Right into a better job. Talk about exhilerating.
So a person that doesn't want to work applies and is hired because they don't want to work?

If people leave the company where you work because they get a better offer, isn't that a large tell on your company?

Well people on unemployment HAVE to apply for work otherwise they get no government cheese. There is no mandate for them to actually TAKE that job.
The corporate world is not pretty nor is it a place that welcomes average workers. I spent almost 15 years of my life in it. The management had nothing good to say about it's employees...ever. typical. I was fortunate to walk away...twice. with no notice. Right into a better job. Talk about exhilerating.

Ya, working and making a living isn't always 'pretty.' Life can really suck. Glad you were able to lift yourself up but, I don't get why you blame everyone but yourself for staying at a shitty job.
AT&T ain't your freaking enemy. It's a publically traded company which means when AT%T makes a profit so do pension systems and 401k's.
so when people get fired/laid off it's the GOP's fault?

Usual's do to GOP policy failure.

These Companies Laid Off Large Numbers of Employees After Taking Trump's Tax Cuts

That really shoots to hell the often-repeated leftist mantra that "Trump's tax cuts are only benefitting the rich corporations", doesn't it?

I"m just sayin' now which way is it, one or the other? You can't have it both ways.

That really shoots to hell the often-repeated leftist mantra that "Trump's tax cuts are only benefitting the rich corporations", doesn't it?

How so?
I didn't stay at the job. I walked away and get this...this is the great part...without giving notice. I remember vividly having a flight to Oakland, Calif. I said to myself "nope" and didn't get on the plane. Better yet I never informed my boss. Three weeks later I had a better job. More paid time off and a better wage. Because I was proactive. A good worker is always ready to leave...even when most needed. Lesson learned.
Thus far, the corporations Ajit Pai and the Republican Party bent over backward to help haven’t exactly been returning the favor. GM plans to close plants and fire 14,000 people. Verizon has no plan to boost 5G investment, despite Pai’s claim that repealing net neutrality would lead to additional corporate network spending. Now AT&T is reportedly preparing to fire 7,000 people, despite having previously promised that tax breaks and freedom from burdensome regulation would actually create jobs.

AT&T Plans to Fire 7,000 People Despite Tax Breaks, Net Neutrality Repeal - ExtremeTech
AT&T has shitty coverage

Depends on your location and your spending amount.
Thus far, the corporations Ajit Pai and the Republican Party bent over backward to help haven’t exactly been returning the favor. GM plans to close plants and fire 14,000 people. Verizon has no plan to boost 5G investment, despite Pai’s claim that repealing net neutrality would lead to additional corporate network spending. Now AT&T is reportedly preparing to fire 7,000 people, despite having previously promised that tax breaks and freedom from burdensome regulation would actually create jobs.

AT&T Plans to Fire 7,000 People Despite Tax Breaks, Net Neutrality Repeal - ExtremeTech
AT&T has shitty coverage

Depends on your location and your spending amount.
In the western United States especially in mountainous areas AT&T coverage sucks
A good worker owes their boss nothing...other than a good days work. Loyalty is no longer a part of the equation.
Well they do have skin in the game. They need to work hard and use their skills against their employers to move upward.
Thus far, the corporations Ajit Pai and the Republican Party bent over backward to help haven’t exactly been returning the favor. GM plans to close plants and fire 14,000 people. Verizon has no plan to boost 5G investment, despite Pai’s claim that repealing net neutrality would lead to additional corporate network spending. Now AT&T is reportedly preparing to fire 7,000 people, despite having previously promised that tax breaks and freedom from burdensome regulation would actually create jobs.

AT&T Plans to Fire 7,000 People Despite Tax Breaks, Net Neutrality Repeal - ExtremeTech
AT&T has shitty coverage

Depends on your location and your spending amount.
In the western United States especially in mountainous areas AT&T coverage sucks

Agreed. That's one of the ways capitalism creates competition: If you have a crappy product, nobody will buy it.
So according to the crazy quasi socialist left's skewed logic the government should burden corporations with confiscatory taxes so they don't fire people?
Just speaks volumes....American corporations don't care about their employees .

Stupid comment. All corporations are not the same. Those with leftist CEO's care least about their employees.

Yours is an incredibly dumb comment. How do you know which CEO's are "leftist". Do you have a list?

On the issue that all corporations are not the same, we can agree. But the bald fact is that AMERICAN CEO's are the highest paid in the world relative to the base of the frontline workers. American CEO's, on average, make 312's times that of the front line worker. Their wages went up 17.8% in 2018, while their workers wages went up just

US bosses now earn 312 times the average worker's wage, figures show

Last year, McDonald’s boss Steve Easterbrook earned $21.7m while the McDonald’s workers earned a median wage of just $7,017 – a CEO to worker pay ratio of 3,101 to one. The average Walmart worker earned $19,177 in 2017 while CEO Doug McMillon took home $22.8m – a ratio of 1,188 to one.

That's the reality. CEO's in other parts of the world, earn much, much less - in the range of 120 times their average worker. While that may be high, workers in other parts of the world, where the union movement hasn't been rendered useless, and where government legislation provides for a minimum wage that will cover a basic living wage to those receiving it, as well as universal health care, are generally receiving higher wages than low end American workers whose wages are supplemented by a byzantine network of income supports, with high administration costs, which are also borne by the American taxpayers.

An increased minimum wage, one that wipes out the necessity of earned income credits, food stamps, section 8 housing supports, and other income supplements to low worker wages, would reduce the tax burder on the middle class, and reduce the number of government employees required to administer these programs.

Yes, prices on fast food and discount retail stores would rise, but not by as much as you would think. Every $1 increase in the minimum wage, adds 10 cents to the price of a hamburger at McDonalds. The last figures I saw was that Walmart employees received $2500 in income supports from every taxpayer in America, even if you don\t ever set foot in their store. Imagine if that money was in your pocket instead of the Waltons Family coffers.

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