AT&T Spokesgirl, "Lily" Now Shouting Her Abortion. Pathetic.

She posted a tearful video of guys commenting on her ample breast, calling them 'milkers' and she was upset? She has gobs of totally nude photos on the internet showing her 'ample' breasts nude, viewable with a simple search argument (not restricted to porn sites) as well as every other part of her anatomy. I am inclined to agree. The Russian hotty's new baby will not go hungry for milk, but I doubt the sincerity of her complaint. I don't get involved in women's abortion decisions, that I am not kin to. Not my place.
Actually, I think it is all of our places to stand up for these little babies.
Boys are looking at my Hooters!!!!!

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Actually, I think it is all of our places to stand up for these little babies.
We stood up for all of ours, all planned, and then totally eliminated the possibility, simply poking fun at it ever since. For other people to do otherwise in often a bad idea, but not always. I do not presume to make that decision for other people.
They still around or something? Last time I heard their name is when they got black listed for calling out bush.
They went leftwing and their careers basically went to hell. They even dropped "Dixie' from their name in a bow to the PC nutsos.
Amazing how someone so pretty can be so unattractive on the inside. Very disappointing. But... this scores her big points with the Marxists that control Hollywood.
Wonder what the child she chose to survive thinks. I mean she killed my sybling and is bragging about it, dang.
I thought she was cute when those commercials first started. At some point I noticed her breasts. I never saw them like that picture in this thread. Wow. I do know she objected to being “objectified” over her physical dimensions. 🙄

I had no idea she was such a goofy lib. I still like her face and eyes. But her ideas? No thanks.
AT&T Girl Now “Shouting Her Abortion”. Pathetic.

Milana Vayntrub, who plays Lily, the AT&T girl on commercials, looks like the cute wholesome girl next door. She most decidedly is not that. Turns out she is a leftwing activist kook, celebrating her abortion ten years earlier. This was when she was shacked up with a boyfriend. Recently she had a child which she decided not to kill, again out of wedlock (with a different guy, of course). Now she's using this to condemn the current Texas abortion law.

But let's rewind to 2020. This was when I first realized she was a leftwing hypocrite whack.

I used to like Milana. She was very cute, a little quirky. A little irreverent. Appealing. But then I found out in 2020 she was a leftwing nut. Recall she tearfully posted a video on social media about guys commenting about her ample breasts, calling them ‘milkers’. She called it sexual assault. She was “hurtin’”, she exclaimed. Just so traumatized and victimized she didn’t know what to do. Ironically, during her hyper-offended screed, she was sporting a top low enough to expose her cleavage.

The problem for hypocrite Milana and her crocodile tears was that a few years before, she posted an unfunny “comedy” video with a couple of other young women, that featured a song about “her boobies”. These videos were part of her career building which led to TV appearances and ultimately her national AT&T gig.

The hypocrisy is just astounding. She's complaining about being shamed and harassed over something she flouted to help launch her career. In this Marxist society, Jon Gruden loses her career for saying the N word ten years ago, while this woman kills her baby, brags about it, and is celebrated. Something needs to change!

So it all changed when you realise she wasn't letting religion or the church control her life?
She was once like by you but when you discovered she was not a Republican, she automatically transformed into a nut right before your hate filled ignorant eyes.

She exercised her freedoms, under the law of the land, and you object. The same freedoms you enjoy.
Was your wife ever on contraceptives against gods will? I'd be surprised if she wasn't. How does that sit with your conscience yet here you are condemning others that do what they like.
You're brain dead hypocrite. Go back down your burrow.
So it all changed when you realise she wasn't letting religion or the church control her life?
She was once like by you but when you discovered she was not a Republican, she automatically transformed into a nut right before your hate filled ignorant eyes.

She exercised her freedoms, under the law of the land, and you object. The same freedoms you enjoy.
Was your wife ever on contraceptives against gods will? I'd be surprised if she wasn't. How does that sit with your conscience yet here you are condemning others that do what they like.
You're brain dead hypocrite. Go back down your burrow.
No, it all changed when I realized she was a ranting self-pitying immoral leftwing hypocrite.
My wife and I have never used contraceptives at any point, not that it's any of your business.
I always give one last chance. Call me a name again, and you're gone, little man.
I thought she was cute when those commercials first started. At some point I noticed her breasts. I never saw them like that picture in this thread. Wow. I do know she objected to being “objectified” over her physical dimensions. 🙄

I had no idea she was such a goofy lib. I still like her face and eyes. But her ideas? No thanks.
Yeah, it's a shame such a beautiful girl is so messed-up. It's so disappointing.
We stood up for all of ours, all planned, and then totally eliminated the possibility, simply poking fun at it ever since. For other people to do otherwise in often a bad idea, but not always. I do not presume to make that decision for other people.
I'm sure if it were a newborn, you would have a strong objection. I don't see it any differently.
If Lillys mom had aborted her this argument would not have to happen
If Lillys mom had aborted her this argument would not have to happen
Exactly. When you ask "How many of you wish your mother had made the "choice" to abort you"? Not a single hand goes up. We should treat others as we'd like to be treated.
Killing one's child is pretty unattractive.
Fetuses aren't people.

Yeah this from the same chic that got comments on her being hot on Twitter and said she was backing away from doing commercials because men thought of her as a sex object and didn't deserve to look at her.

She is hot but I wish she wouldn't open her mouth. Everytime she does she becomes less desirable.

I believe in the recent commercials, she spends most of the time standing behind something so we can't see her whole body. I don't know if that was because men were objectifying her or because she gained a bunch of weight after her pregnancy.
They still around or something? Last time I heard their name is when they got black listed for calling out bush.

You mean they called him out on a war that was morally wrong and unwinnable?

The ironic thing is that history proved them right, much like it proved Jane Fonda right, but we can't forgive someone for telling us truths we don't want to hear.

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