AT&T Spokesgirl, "Lily" Now Shouting Her Abortion. Pathetic.

Actually, I think it is all of our places to stand up for these little babies.

Fetuses aren't babies.

And frankly, when you guys stop trying to cut programs for poor children who are actually children, I will take you seriously on your concern for Globby the Fetus.

Here's the thing, I would be fine if we had less abortions. The way we get there is through paid family leave, universal health care, comprehensive sex education, and easy access to contraception. All things conservatives oppose.

As a practical matter, it would be impossible to ban abortion. A woman who doesn't want to be pregnant will find a way to not be pregnant. There were just as many abortions going on before Roe v. Wade as after it.
I'm sure if it were a newborn, you would have a strong objection. I don't see it any differently.
I do, at least for the first trimester or there about. In these days of modern medicine, I generally have a pretty low opinion of women that cannot manage their reproductive system with all the various form of birth control available and mostly available inexpensive or free to the user. At the same time, I figure women that cannot even do that are not great candidates for actually raising a baby and turning out a stable kid at 18. Some might think that having a new baby might make them rise to the challenge and act more responsibly, but it does not appear to be so. If you look at some of the kids in trouble and near grown or grown adults on the street, in the papers, on the news, ruined by their drug life/gang life and willing to ruin other people's lives, I cannot help but think the world would be better off if they had never been born and speculate, they probably had a pretty sh#tty upbringing, as some parent(s) not up to the task in modern society. Prisons are overflowing with examples. Raising a baby isn't the same as bringing home a puppy and many of them would not even be good at that.
AT&T Girl Now “Shouting Her Abortion”. Pathetic.

Milana Vayntrub, who plays Lily, the AT&T girl on commercials, looks like the cute wholesome girl next door. She most decidedly is not that. Turns out she is a leftwing activist kook, celebrating her abortion ten years earlier. This was when she was shacked up with a boyfriend. Recently she had a child which she decided not to kill, again out of wedlock (with a different guy, of course). Now she's using this to condemn the current Texas abortion law.

But let's rewind to 2020. This was when I first realized she was a leftwing hypocrite whack.

I used to like Milana. She was very cute, a little quirky. A little irreverent. Appealing. But then I found out in 2020 she was a leftwing nut. Recall she tearfully posted a video on social media about guys commenting about her ample breasts, calling them ‘milkers’. She called it sexual assault. She was “hurtin’”, she exclaimed. Just so traumatized and victimized she didn’t know what to do. Ironically, during her hyper-offended screed, she was sporting a top low enough to expose her cleavage.

The problem for hypocrite Milana and her crocodile tears was that a few years before, she posted an unfunny “comedy” video with a couple of other young women, that featured a song about “her boobies”. These videos were part of her career building which led to TV appearances and ultimately her national AT&T gig.

The hypocrisy is just astounding. She's complaining about being shamed and harassed over something she flouted to help launch her career. In this Marxist society, Jon Gruden loses her career for saying the N word ten years ago, while this woman kills her baby, brags about it, and is celebrated. Something needs to change!

Behind the Green Door 2.0?
Fetuses aren't babies.

And frankly, when you guys stop trying to cut programs for poor children who are actually children, I will take you seriously on your concern for Globby the Fetus.

Here's the thing, I would be fine if we had less abortions. The way we get there is through paid family leave, universal health care, comprehensive sex education, and easy access to contraception. All things conservatives oppose.

As a practical matter, it would be impossible to ban abortion. A woman who doesn't want to be pregnant will find a way to not be pregnant. There were just as many abortions going on before Roe v. Wade as after it.
1. Of course they're babies. Why play semantic games?
2. Why do you equate wasteful government programs with "helping kids"? What we should be doing is getting government the hell out of the way so that businesses can operate and provide jobs for people. We should also be encouraging people to marry instead of shacking up so that the kids you claim to care so much about live in two-parent households.
3. You're absolutely wrong about the number of abortions before an after Roe. In 1972, the year before the ruling there were 587,000 abortions in the US. By 1976, that number had doubled.
4. People die using illegal heroin all the time. Do we legalize it because of that? Of course not. Then the death rate would be higher, AND we would be legalizing a horrible immorality. This is why abortion needs to be made illegal again.
AT&T Girl Now “Shouting Her Abortion”. Pathetic.

Milana Vayntrub, who plays Lily, the AT&T girl on commercials, looks like the cute wholesome girl next door. She most decidedly is not that. Turns out she is a leftwing activist kook, celebrating her abortion ten years earlier. This was when she was shacked up with a boyfriend. Recently she had a child which she decided not to kill, again out of wedlock (with a different guy, of course). Now she's using this to condemn the current Texas abortion law.

But let's rewind to 2020. This was when I first realized she was a leftwing hypocrite whack.

I used to like Milana. She was very cute, a little quirky. A little irreverent. Appealing. But then I found out in 2020 she was a leftwing nut. Recall she tearfully posted a video on social media about guys commenting about her ample breasts, calling them ‘milkers’. She called it sexual assault. She was “hurtin’”, she exclaimed. Just so traumatized and victimized she didn’t know what to do. Ironically, during her hyper-offended screed, she was sporting a top low enough to expose her cleavage.

The problem for hypocrite Milana and her crocodile tears was that a few years before, she posted an unfunny “comedy” video with a couple of other young women, that featured a song about “her boobies”. These videos were part of her career building which led to TV appearances and ultimately her national AT&T gig.

The hypocrisy is just astounding. She's complaining about being shamed and harassed over something she flouted to help launch her career. In this Marxist society, Jon Gruden loses her career for saying the N word ten years ago, while this woman kills her baby, brags about it, and is celebrated. Something needs to change!

Why does anyone care if this idiot kills her moron bastard spawn?
Politically, abortion is good for conservatives and the republican party because of the overwhelming number of future democrat voters that lib women flush down the toilet

but morally abortion is wrong
Fetuses aren't babies.

And frankly, when you guys stop trying to cut programs for poor children who are actually children, I will take you seriously on your concern for Globby the Fetus.

Here's the thing, I would be fine if we had less abortions. The way we get there is through paid family leave, universal health care, comprehensive sex education, and easy access to contraception. All things conservatives oppose.

As a practical matter, it would be impossible to ban abortion. A woman who doesn't want to be pregnant will find a way to not be pregnant. There were just as many abortions going on before Roe v. Wade as after it.

According to actual science, you're wrong. But I know you and science don't have much of a relationship, so just put your cloth "mask" back on and shut the fuck up, ok?
Politically, abortion is good for conservatives and the republican party because of the overwhelming number of future democrat voters that lib women flush down the toilet

but morally abortion is wrong
I don't know.

IDIOTS have a moral obligation to NOT pollute the world with their genetic filth.

Yeah, it's a shame such a beautiful girl is so messed-up. It's so disappointing.
Yes indeed. (It is interesting that, when we don’t discuss religion, you and I can agree.)
AT&T Girl Now “Shouting Her Abortion”. Pathetic.

Milana Vayntrub, who plays Lily, the AT&T girl on commercials, looks like the cute wholesome girl next door. She most decidedly is not that. Turns out she is a leftwing activist kook, celebrating her abortion ten years earlier. This was when she was shacked up with a boyfriend. Recently she had a child which she decided not to kill, again out of wedlock (with a different guy, of course). Now she's using this to condemn the current Texas abortion law.

But let's rewind to 2020. This was when I first realized she was a leftwing hypocrite whack.

I used to like Milana. She was very cute, a little quirky. A little irreverent. Appealing. But then I found out in 2020 she was a leftwing nut. Recall she tearfully posted a video on social media about guys commenting about her ample breasts, calling them ‘milkers’. She called it sexual assault. She was “hurtin’”, she exclaimed. Just so traumatized and victimized she didn’t know what to do. Ironically, during her hyper-offended screed, she was sporting a top low enough to expose her cleavage.

The problem for hypocrite Milana and her crocodile tears was that a few years before, she posted an unfunny “comedy” video with a couple of other young women, that featured a song about “her boobies”. These videos were part of her career building which led to TV appearances and ultimately her national AT&T gig.

The hypocrisy is just astounding. She's complaining about being shamed and harassed over something she flouted to help launch her career. In this Marxist society, Jon Gruden loses her career for saying the N word ten years ago, while this woman kills her baby, brags about it, and is celebrated. Something needs to change!

These threads from right-wingers are always a hoot. You have no problem with anything your orange douche-bag fuhrer does or says but God forbid a liberal does anything remotely by half!

Your fuhrer can make fun of cripples, cheat on his wife, pay off porn stars, run a scam school, lie cheat, advocate the overthrow of the government etc etc... no big deal but some 2-bit tv actress somewhere comes out against something you believe in - oh my!

Carry on. This never gets old. :auiqs.jpg:
These threads from right-wingers are always a hoot. You have no problem with anything your orange douche-bag fuhrer does or says but God forbid a liberal does anything remotely by half!

Your fuhrer can make fun of cripples, cheat on his wife, pay off porn stars, run a scam school, lie cheat etc etc... no big deal but some tv actress somewhere comes out against something you believe in - oh my!

Carry on. This never gets old. :auiqs.jpg:

These threads from right-wingers are always a hoot. You have no problem with anything your orange douche-bag fuhrer does or says but God forbid a liberal does anything remotely by half!

Your fuhrer can make fun of cripples, cheat on his wife, pay off porn stars, run a scam school, lie cheat, advocate the overthrow of the government etc etc... no big deal but some 2-bit tv actress somewhere comes out against something you believe in - oh my!

Carry on. This never gets old. :auiqs.jpg:
Whenever I read "overthrow the government" I realize I'm dealing with either:

1) a prominent Marxist opinion-shaper hoping to influence the gullible unstable leftwing zealots with few opportunities in life..or

2) a gullible unstable leftwing zealot with few opportunities in life.

Bets anyone?
Whenever I read "overthrow the government" I realize I'm dealing with either:

1) a prominent Marxist opinion-shaper hoping to influence the gullible unstable leftwing zealots with few opportunities in life..or

2) a gullible unstable leftwing zealot with few opportunities in life.

Bets anyone?
In other words... how dare I bring up your orange fuhrer's shenanigans, eh? Yeah, I figured you would be triggered.

Suck it up. You retards are never going live down the fact that you worship the orange douche bag. :itsok:
In other words... how dare I bring up your orange fuhrer's shenanigans, eh? Yeah, I figured you would be triggered.

Suck it up. You retards are never going live down the fact that you worship the orange douche bag. :itsok:
I know you probably aren't up to this, but I will respond calmly and rationally for you.

President Trump achieved many great things during his administration, and unlike most other politicians, either accomplished or tried to accomplish every major goal he campaigned on.
1) send the consumer confidence index soaring
2) protect our borders
3) level unfair Chinese trade deals
4) get rid of NAFTA and replace it with a better deal
5) appoint conservative pro-life Supreme Court justices
6) Bring down gasoline prices by making America independent
7) Get rid of 0bamacare.
8) Overturn Roe v Wade

Trump accomplished every one of those things except #7 in which he was sold out by the petulant small McCain who lied in his campaign promise. #8 is well on the way to happening. So love Trump or hate him, he DID do the great things he said he would do as much as possible.

President Trump hasn't always been a perfect man. It is true when he was a Democrat, he did divorce and remarry, made some bawdy remarks, and enjoyed the company of women. Now that he's Republican, it looks like all that is in the rear-view mirror.

And thirdly, if I didn't vote for Trump, you were asking me to vote for 1) Hillary Clinton, crawling with ethics violations going back decades, sold out four Americans in Benghazi, refused to help them in order to perpetuate a lie to the American people, then lied to Congress about it, erased 30,000 documents on her server related to her crimes, and actively encouraged the killing of millions of babies in the womb. 2) Joe Biden: Up to the gills in corruption, malfeasance, influence peddling, and payola. encouraged the killing of millions of babies in the womb. Both Clinton and Biden aided and abetted the Communist Chinese which has now committed uspeakable human rights violations and religious persecution.

So there you have it. Trump was a great leader. His two adversaries are among the most corrupt people in the world.

Now let's see how you respond. Will you respond like an adult rational intelligent person? Or will you respond like a twisted partisan moron bottom-feeder leftwing nutcase? Bets anyone?

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