At the October 19 Debate, Should Chris Wallace Ask Crooked Hillary If She Still Short Circuits Often


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
Since Wallace walked around with Crooked Hillary, he knows she can barely walk and is not saying anything about it and he protected her with softball questions at that interview. The Donald needs to expect the same so he can remain undefeated by Crooked Hillary in all their encounters.

The program is set up now to turn off the mike of the candidate who turn it is not to talk.

No more interruptions.
Since Wallace walked around with Crooked Hillary, he knows she can barely walk and is not saying anything about it and he protected her with softball questions at that interview. The Donald needs to expect the same so he can remain undefeated by Crooked Hillary in all their encounters.

OMG! Are you saying Wallace is not fair and balanced?
Wallace is not going to allow either candidate to interrupt the other.
Wallace is not going to allow either candidate to interrupt the other.
If Wallace shuts off the mic, all it will do is give Trump, and his supporters another excuse to claim victimhood. They've already claimed voting fraud, election rigging, false accusations and smears and all manner of roadblocks against their honorable and honest candidate. It's enough to make a patriot want to grab a gun and start a revolution! Right? :(
He should ask the perv why he sniffles so much.

If the perv is sick all the time he shouldn't be President, right?
I want to know what she means by this;

"My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders, sometime in the future with energy that's as green and sustainable as we can get it, powering growth and opportunity for every person in the hemisphere,"

Will Hillary explain her dream of 'open borders'?
Will Hillary explain her dream of 'open borders'?

Was that just a "short circuit," or did she really mean that?

Perhaps that is one of her privately held positions as opposed to her publicly held positions? :lmao:


he aint gunna ask anything hard of hillary


what he should do is flash a strobe light at each one equally
I want to know what she means by this;

"My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders, sometime in the future with energy that's as green and sustainable as we can get it, powering growth and opportunity for every person in the hemisphere,"

Will Hillary explain her dream of 'open borders'?
Will Hillary explain her dream of 'open borders'?

Was that just a "short circuit," or did she really mean that?

Perhaps that is one of her privately held positions as opposed to her publicly held positions? :lmao:

Obviously I cannot explain Hillary's comments, but I also am not uncomfortable with them. We all display both public and private faces. EX, what happens at home is not necessarily what we show in public. I find no ulterior motives there. Nor do I think the Trump campaign strategy meetings are the same as its public statements. It's just plain common practice, in business, in our private lives. And in our politics there are still smoke filled rooms, just without the smoke, thank God!

As for the open borders, in your quote that part is married to trade. I do not know the overall context of the quote and I am open to a reset if more is provided, but I am very suspicious of quotes that imply the sole purpose of a candidate is to destroy the country they are part of, to cut the ground out from under themselves. That's the Daffy Duck Syndrome.
I want to know what she means by this;

"My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders, sometime in the future with energy that's as green and sustainable as we can get it, powering growth and opportunity for every person in the hemisphere,"

Will Hillary explain her dream of 'open borders'?
Will Hillary explain her dream of 'open borders'?

Was that just a "short circuit," or did she really mean that?

Perhaps that is one of her privately held positions as opposed to her publicly held positions? :lmao:

Obviously I cannot explain Hillary's comments, but I also am not uncomfortable with them. We all display both public and private faces. EX, what happens at home is not necessarily what we show in public. I find no ulterior motives there. Nor do I think the Trump campaign strategy meetings are the same as its public statements. It's just plain common practice, in business, in our private lives. And in our politics there are still smoke filled rooms, just without the smoke, thank God!

As for the open borders, in your quote that part is married to trade. I do not know the overall context of the quote and I am open to a reset if more is provided, but I am very suspicious of quotes that imply the sole purpose of a candidate is to destroy the country they are part of, to cut the ground out from under themselves. That's the Daffy Duck Syndrome.

You have no idea what the Council on Foreign Relations is, or what Internationalists are, do you? Hillary is one of them, she is an associate member of the CFR, which was founded by and run by the Rockefellers.


That is the difference, or the contrast in this election. Hillary doesn't care about America, she wants to build a "one world order." She tells us she loves America, only idiots believe that.

Trump, as he tells us at least, he would like to "Make America Great," again. You choose if you want to believe him.

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