At this moment, this Presidency is not going well

Wow! That is the biggest collection of lies since the last Democrat presidential candidate gave a speech!
Sure and I bet you think trump has decreased deficits. Lotta stupid people on this board...
In all seriousness, maybe they DO think that. Maybe they think GDP is 6%. Maybe they think North Korea & China and under control and that the whole wall is going up and that the races are coming together around Trump, singing and holding hands.

Who knows where any of them get their "news" nowadays.
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Not that it really matters to some, but we're not really in a good place at the moment. Things could turn, and most of us continue to hope for the best. But, as of early morning, August 24, here we are:

The Economy
While the unemployment figures look very good on their face, they are clearly not translating to growth, especially at the cost of the exploding deficit that temporarily goosed the economy. GDP is currently at 2.1%, but we can certainly remain hopeful that it will reverse course and increase. There have been spotty signs that growth-push inflation may be ticking up, but the trade war is clearly effecting sentiment (not to mention data) at a terribly delicate moment. Right now, this is a decent economy, at best, with consumers lacking the resources to push it and their household debt above 2008 levels.

Trade With China
Our President doesn't appear to understand that China is paying attention. They realize quite well that he's trying to bully them into a trade deal, like an eight-year old boy trying to bully another child out of their lunch at the playground. Meanwhile, Trump exhibits zero (0) understanding of the fact that China can theoretically out-wait us here, since they don't have those pesky elections to worry about all that much if the populace gets pissed off. While anything is certainly possible, it's tough to imagine China making any long term commitments until after they see who they're dealing with in January of 2021.

International Relations
Our President has not only isolated himself and his country from the rest of the world with his actions, but also with his petulant behaviors. Even for those of us who have done all we can to lower our standards and expectations of his child-like behavior, the thought of this goofy, pointless dust-up with Denmark (Denmark!) makes us wonder if this man can get along with anyone outside his base. Meanwhile, the crazy fat kid in North Korea is shooting off rockets like he's in charge of the Fourth of July celebration at the park. Like China, the world is clearly looking ahead, with hope, to November 2020.

The Wall
Trump's signature, paranoid, shallow, hyper-simplistic election issue piece isn't exactly flying up with checks to pay for it coming in from Mexico. Even with the White House, House and Senate, this President wasn't able to do much more than slap up a few new two by fours to fix some areas of our existing wall. Any completely "new" wall is spotty at best, and now he's ready to steal cash from one place to placate his base with a few miles of a much less Trumpish wall here and there. Gee, great, so much for that idea. I guess "Build! The! Wall!" could still serve as a standby rally chant when needed.

Well, examining this topic is most likely a waste of time here, since there are many on this board who are telling us that racism no longer exists, or it's fake news, or that if you don't show up to work wearing a white hood you can't be a racist. What a disaster. And minorities are supposed to ignore all of it, because the unemployment rate is down at the moment. While the sycophants continue to run interference for the President Who Doesn't Know Who David Duke is, the rest of the country and the rest of the world are simply not buying the bullshit. But it sure sounds good on talk radio.

The silver lining? By far the most "successful" component of the Trump years will probably turn out to be the courts. The SC is in good shape for them, and they now have the added bonus of hoping that Ruth is quickly ravaged by cancer and dies soon. Ditto (no pun intended) for the lower courts, the nominations of which don't make much news but sure look like Sean Hannity picked 'em.

Could the economy turn back up? Yes, definitely, hopefully, but some kind of GOOD trade deal with China is now pretty much mandatory for that to happen. The Courts are the Courts. They'll probably be able to gather enough Lego™ blocks to build enough of a wall somewhere to keep talk radio and the base happy. International Relations? Race Relations? Pffffft. Who cares. Fake news.

While I appreciate a supposedly thoughtful and well-constructed OP...this is the tallest pile of crap out of you yet. It's wrong on each subject and little more a list of DNC toxic TDS.
Okay, please feel free to point out the errors.
He told you, they’re the demofk talking points as I told you! .

What constitutes a recession?
A recession is two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth.

What does that have to do with my post?

So, your post is completely irrelevant as this has not happened and likely won't.
Um, I didn't forecast a recession.

Are you drunk?
My points are clear and specific. They speak for themselves, and they don't need you to fabricate anything that I don't intend to say.

The fact that I can't get any of you to address them specifically and clearly tells me that I've nailed it once again.
And yet you implied the economy tanking
You just keep trying this. I pointed out where the economy IS RIGHT NOW. I made no projections. Not one.

If this is beyond you, just don't read the thread.
What does this mean then?

we can certainly remain hopeful that it will reverse course and increase. There have been spotty signs that

You don’t even know what you wrote
My goodness. This really isn't that difficult.

Two quarters ago, GDP was up 3.1%. Last quarter, it was up 2.1%. In Normal Word, that's a downward trend that I'd like to see reverse.

That could happen. I don't know. I made no projections.

Is this really that difficult? Is English your first language?

That's not a negative GDP growth dumbass! That is still growth! Are you mathematically ignorant because you never learned the difference in positive and negative?
I didn't say we were in negative growth.

Your mind is in the alternate universe. I wonder how such fantasy gets in there.

You completely fabricate stuff, multiple times, right there on the screen, and then accuse ME of lying. Incredible.
Not that it really matters to some, but we're not really in a good place at the moment. Things could turn, and most of us continue to hope for the best. But, as of early morning, August 24, here we are:

Wait, Vichy Mac is finally realizing the crazy Nazi in the White House is a bad thing? Really?

I thought the biggest threat was political correctness not letting you tell that funny joke at the office.
Not that it really matters to some, but we're not really in a good place at the moment. Things could turn, and most of us continue to hope for the best. But, as of early morning, August 24, here we are:

Wait, Vichy Mac is finally realizing the crazy Nazi in the White House is a bad thing? Really?

I thought the biggest threat was political correctness not letting you tell that funny joke at the office.

Wingnut: Derp, Wetbacks are taking away our culture, they should be shot crossing the border.

Liberal: Kind of racist there asshole.

Mac: There goes the regressive left playing the race card again.

Sometimes bothsiderism is just an excuse to let the far right off the hook.
Not that it really matters to some, but we're not really in a good place at the moment. Things could turn, and most of us continue to hope for the best. But, as of early morning, August 24, here we are:
Wait, Vichy Mac is finally realizing the crazy Nazi in the White House is a bad thing? Really?
I thought the biggest threat was political correctness not letting you tell that funny joke at the office.
Wingnut: Derp, Wetbacks are taking away our culture, they should be shot crossing the border.
Liberal: Kind of racist there asshole.
Mac: There goes the regressive left playing the race card again.
Regressive: Mac Mac Mac Mac Mac
Wingnut: Derp, Wetbacks are taking away our culture, they should be shot crossing the border.

Liberal: Kind of racist there asshole.

Mac: There goes the regressive left playing the race card again.

Sometimes bothsiderism is just an excuse to let the far right off the hook.

The ironic thing is that Mac Claims to be Hispanic.

(Which means he's a white guy with a Spanish surname)

Mac was perfectly okay with Trump's racism, misogyny and bad behavior when the stock market was going up.

Now that it looks like it's about to slam into a brick wall, he's panicking.
The ironic thing is that Mac Claims to be Hispanic.

(Which means he's a white guy with a Spanish surname)

Mac was perfectly okay with Trump's racism, misogyny and bad behavior when the stock market was going up.

Now that it looks like it's about to slam into a brick wall, he's panicking.

No, Mac has spoken out against Trump's vulgarity and racism repeatedly, and forcefully.

There really is enough to criticize in his performance on here - no need to invent things that plainly aren't there. Whether or not he has a Spanish surname is unclear, even if he is in part Hispanic, and none of your business.

Whatever... this thread certainly is quite instructive. Scrolling through, the emerging theme among the Trumpletons appears to be they savor, endlessly, Trump the bully, and for that they forgive everything, the racism, the incompetence, the mendacity, and the damage caused domestically and internationally. And sure enough they believe Trump-the-Bully fights for them.
Come on guys, jeezus, let's at least try to stick with reality here.

The reality is Trump is a flawed man and is a mess but some of the things you wrote about, well one I believe is something he is correct on.

I will say it again I am not a Trump fanboy but he has not destroyed the country or world like many have believed he would and I am one that believed he would...

We now live in a nation where the federal authorities had to be ordered by a judge to provide toothbrushes to children in their custody. They didn’t want to give kids a way to brush their teeth.

Judges Rule Detained Migrant Children Entitled to Soap, Toothpaste

Really, let that sink in. You support a man who thinks that kids shouldn’t be entitled to soap and toothpaste while in custody of our federal authorities.

And now, it has come out that the same kids will not get the flu shot while in your blob’s care and custody.

3 migrant children have died from flu in custody, but US won't provide vaccines

So as more kids are put into the cage…some may have the flu…those already there are now susceptible to catching it, spreading it, dying from it.

And you’re going to vote for this piece of shit?

Those toothbrushes and soap were refused by the Democrats in Congress who refused to provide funding.

All those kids who were sick were sick BEFORE they were in custody. A vaccine would not have done a damn thing for them.

Sucks to know the truth, doesn't it?

Absolutely false on all counts.
And sure enough they believe Trump-the-Bully fights for them.

No Wall street billionaire has ever fought for the little guy, joe average....

Our stark raving disparity exists as proof to this

To believe one will is the epitome of cognitive dissonance

And sure enough they believe Trump-the-Bully fights for them.

No Wall street billionaire has ever fought for the little guy, joe average....

Our stark raving disparity exists as proof to this

To believe one will is the epitome of cognitive dissonance


I get what you’re saying but just to clarify, Trump has never had a board of directors or headed a corporation. Thus the “wall street” description doesn’t apply to him.
No, Mac has spoken out against Trump's vulgarity and racism repeatedly, and forcefully.

There really is enough to criticize in his performance on here - no need to invent things that plainly aren't there. Whether or not he has a Spanish surname is unclear, even if he is in part Hispanic, and none of your business.

No, actually, it is because when he was making money on Wall Street, he defended Trump's racism, and thought it was MUCH MUCH worse that the kids in Berkeley wouldn't let Ann Coulter on their campus.

He spends much more time attacking other progressives on here than he does attacking the racists... that's when he's not engaging in outright Islamophobia, which is also part of his schtick.

Whatever... this thread certainly is quite instructive. Scrolling through, the emerging theme among the Trumpletons appears to be they savor, endlessly, Trump the bully, and for that they forgive everything, the racism, the incompetence, the mendacity, and the damage caused domestically and internationally. And sure enough they believe Trump-the-Bully fights for them.

Why shouldn't they? Trump enables them to indulge their worst selves. Again, Mac and his constant whining about political correctness, and here's Trump saying the things about "those people" they would all love to say but can't without fear of being called down to Human Resources.
That is, as far as I have seen, bullshit.

You've only been here since 2015, and haven't spent 7 years watching him.

Funny thing was, back in 2012, Mac was actually kind of okay. Then he started getting on this "Political Correctness" kick.

My big problem with him is he starts these threads with a completely off base premise, then when someone points out where his premise (and therefore his conclusion) is flawed, he whines about how the "Regressives" are attacking him.
That is, as far as I have seen, bullshit.

You've only been here since 2015, and haven't spent 7 years watching him.

Funny thing was, back in 2012, Mac was actually kind of okay. Then he started getting on this "Political Correctness" kick.

My big problem with him is he starts these threads with a completely off base premise, then when someone points out where his premise (and therefore his conclusion) is flawed, he whines about how the "Regressives" are attacking him.

You know, Joe, all you'd have to do is post one quote by Mac unambiguously defending Trump's racism, and I'd concede your point.

I agree about his silly tactics - actually, it's worse, as he finds "regressives" attacking him confirms his thesis. As I said before, there's enough about Mac open to criticism. No need to invent things.

On the other hand, his OP this time was pretty much spot on, even though he left out a few things, like the one-man-all-out assault on truth itself, and climate change going unmentioned entirely, as if this were a mere pittance, as opposed to one of the main monstrosities Trump is perpetrating. You could have acknowledged that, but did not. Why is that, Joe?
We now live in a nation where the federal authorities had to be ordered by a judge to provide toothbrushes to children in their custody. They didn’t want to give kids a way to brush their teeth.

Judges Rule Detained Migrant Children Entitled to Soap, Toothpaste

Really, let that sink in. You support a man who thinks that kids shouldn’t be entitled to soap and toothpaste while in custody of our federal authorities.

And now, it has come out that the same kids will not get the flu shot while in your blob’s care and custody.

3 migrant children have died from flu in custody, but US won't provide vaccines

So as more kids are put into the cage…some may have the flu…those already there are now susceptible to catching it, spreading it, dying from it.

And you’re going to vote for this piece of shit?
You should be more specific. They didn't just die of flu and if they are given vaccines and die or are injured from the vaccines due to their already compromised health before they were brought into the country illegally there is also a liability in that.

Autopsy Offers Jarring New Details About the Death of a 16-Year-Old Guatemalan Boy


Not really sure why it’s hard to see the point….

We are detaining kids and denying them vaccines that would prevent their getting sick when we bring in more kids who may be infected with influenza which is a deadly disease….

Up until recently, we were also denying kids soap and toothpaste.

Anyone who supports the blob at this point has a sadistic streak in them .
They are dealing with children that should not have been brought here in the first place. That illegal entry is where the problem starts.

First they have to determine who is actually the parent and the parent needs to give consent for vaccines to be given. Simply insure they stay in their own countries and apply to enter legally, problem solved.

Forcing all illegally entered children to be subjected to the side effects of vaccines would be a travesty too. Perhaps you believe in human experimentation but not everyone agrees with you. Those children that died had other underlying health issues. You can't just give a vaccine and claim it will all be good. Sepsis is a deadly disease, so are many other diseases and unknown parasites, etc. cause medical complications that these people are coming in with. Those issues should all have to be addressed before any vaccine could be given and that needs to be done when they get back to their country of origin. Best possible solution when they came illegally is a more expedient deportation process to get them back to their home countries where they belong.

And the justification for not allowing toothpaste is what exactly?

Your Democrats in Congress denied them the funds to pay for it!
This not wanting to pay for materials, labor, etc. is typical on many government and private contracts. Then when whoever is doing the work, or whatever refuses to do something that is not being paid for some prick starts doing the blame game as if whoever is in charge of making sure the job is done is doing something wrong. In that same note there are contractors that if they think they have a blank check they will will become very creative on ways to increase the bill. It is all a balancing act. To me that is why we need solid business individuals in elected positions that understand there are cost to doing anything; and we need ones that are not there just looking to make a quick buck for themselves but one that desire to improve conditions overall for every citizen without increasing or bloating government into a bigger beast than what it already is.
You should be more specific. They didn't just die of flu and if they are given vaccines and die or are injured from the vaccines due to their already compromised health before they were brought into the country illegally there is also a liability in that.

Autopsy Offers Jarring New Details About the Death of a 16-Year-Old Guatemalan Boy


Not really sure why it’s hard to see the point….

We are detaining kids and denying them vaccines that would prevent their getting sick when we bring in more kids who may be infected with influenza which is a deadly disease….

Up until recently, we were also denying kids soap and toothpaste.

Anyone who supports the blob at this point has a sadistic streak in them .
They are dealing with children that should not have been brought here in the first place. That illegal entry is where the problem starts.

First they have to determine who is actually the parent and the parent needs to give consent for vaccines to be given. Simply insure they stay in their own countries and apply to enter legally, problem solved.

Forcing all illegally entered children to be subjected to the side effects of vaccines would be a travesty too. Perhaps you believe in human experimentation but not everyone agrees with you. Those children that died had other underlying health issues. You can't just give a vaccine and claim it will all be good. Sepsis is a deadly disease, so are many other diseases and unknown parasites, etc. cause medical complications that these people are coming in with. Those issues should all have to be addressed before any vaccine could be given and that needs to be done when they get back to their country of origin. Best possible solution when they came illegally is a more expedient deportation process to get them back to their home countries where they belong.

And the justification for not allowing toothpaste is what exactly?

Your Democrats in Congress denied them the funds to pay for it!
This not wanting to pay for materials, labor, etc. is typical on many government and private contracts. Then when whoever is doing the work, or whatever refuses to do something that is not being paid for some prick starts doing the blame game as if whoever is in charge of making sure the job is done is doing something wrong. In that same note there are contractors that if they think they have a blank check they will will become very creative on ways to increase the bill. It is all a balancing act. To me that is why we need solid business individuals in elected positions that understand there are cost to doing anything; and we need ones that are not there just looking to make a quick buck for themselves but one that desire to improve conditions overall for every citizen without increasing or bloating government into a bigger beast than what it already is.


Here is what actually happened:

  • In June, the Trump administration argued in court that "safe and sanitary" conditions - required by the 1997 Flores settlement - may not necessarily mean that a toothbrush and soap are provided for detained immigrant children during short stays, and that the children could be allowed to sleep on concrete floors.
It had/has nothing to do—zip, zilch, nada—with DHS/INS/ICE/CBP or whomever not having funding for soap and toothpaste.

Your blob has deficits of about $1T per year. Are you seriously stating that there is no money to buy a kid soap, toothpaste or give flu shots?


Not really sure why it’s hard to see the point….

We are detaining kids and denying them vaccines that would prevent their getting sick when we bring in more kids who may be infected with influenza which is a deadly disease….

Up until recently, we were also denying kids soap and toothpaste.

Anyone who supports the blob at this point has a sadistic streak in them .
They are dealing with children that should not have been brought here in the first place. That illegal entry is where the problem starts.

First they have to determine who is actually the parent and the parent needs to give consent for vaccines to be given. Simply insure they stay in their own countries and apply to enter legally, problem solved.

Forcing all illegally entered children to be subjected to the side effects of vaccines would be a travesty too. Perhaps you believe in human experimentation but not everyone agrees with you. Those children that died had other underlying health issues. You can't just give a vaccine and claim it will all be good. Sepsis is a deadly disease, so are many other diseases and unknown parasites, etc. cause medical complications that these people are coming in with. Those issues should all have to be addressed before any vaccine could be given and that needs to be done when they get back to their country of origin. Best possible solution when they came illegally is a more expedient deportation process to get them back to their home countries where they belong.

And the justification for not allowing toothpaste is what exactly?

Your Democrats in Congress denied them the funds to pay for it!
This not wanting to pay for materials, labor, etc. is typical on many government and private contracts. Then when whoever is doing the work, or whatever refuses to do something that is not being paid for some prick starts doing the blame game as if whoever is in charge of making sure the job is done is doing something wrong. In that same note there are contractors that if they think they have a blank check they will will become very creative on ways to increase the bill. It is all a balancing act. To me that is why we need solid business individuals in elected positions that understand there are cost to doing anything; and we need ones that are not there just looking to make a quick buck for themselves but one that desire to improve conditions overall for every citizen without increasing or bloating government into a bigger beast than what it already is.


Here is what actually happened:

  • In June, the Trump administration argued in court that "safe and sanitary" conditions - required by the 1997 Flores settlement - may not necessarily mean that a toothbrush and soap are provided for detained immigrant children during short stays, and that the children could be allowed to sleep on concrete floors.
It had/has nothing to do—zip, zilch, nada—with DHS/INS/ICE/CBP or whomever not having funding for soap and toothpaste.

Your blob has deficits of about $1T per year. Are you seriously stating that there is no money to buy a kid soap, toothpaste or give flu shots?

Look you prick. A.R.T., said Congress was unwilling to provide funds. They have the checkbook. I commented that this is typical with contracts. If you want something you pay for it.
Wow! That is the biggest collection of lies since the last Democrat presidential candidate gave a speech!
Sure and I bet you think trump has decreased deficits. Lotta stupid people on this board...
In all seriousness, maybe they DO think that. Maybe they think GDP is 6%. Maybe they think North Korea & China and under control and that the whole wall is going up and that the races are coming together around Trump, singing and holding hands.

Who knows where any of them get their "news" nowadays.

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