At this moment, this Presidency is not going well

They are dealing with children that should not have been brought here in the first place. That illegal entry is where the problem starts.

First they have to determine who is actually the parent and the parent needs to give consent for vaccines to be given. Simply insure they stay in their own countries and apply to enter legally, problem solved.

Forcing all illegally entered children to be subjected to the side effects of vaccines would be a travesty too. Perhaps you believe in human experimentation but not everyone agrees with you. Those children that died had other underlying health issues. You can't just give a vaccine and claim it will all be good. Sepsis is a deadly disease, so are many other diseases and unknown parasites, etc. cause medical complications that these people are coming in with. Those issues should all have to be addressed before any vaccine could be given and that needs to be done when they get back to their country of origin. Best possible solution when they came illegally is a more expedient deportation process to get them back to their home countries where they belong.

And the justification for not allowing toothpaste is what exactly?

Your Democrats in Congress denied them the funds to pay for it!
This not wanting to pay for materials, labor, etc. is typical on many government and private contracts. Then when whoever is doing the work, or whatever refuses to do something that is not being paid for some prick starts doing the blame game as if whoever is in charge of making sure the job is done is doing something wrong. In that same note there are contractors that if they think they have a blank check they will will become very creative on ways to increase the bill. It is all a balancing act. To me that is why we need solid business individuals in elected positions that understand there are cost to doing anything; and we need ones that are not there just looking to make a quick buck for themselves but one that desire to improve conditions overall for every citizen without increasing or bloating government into a bigger beast than what it already is.


Here is what actually happened:

  • In June, the Trump administration argued in court that "safe and sanitary" conditions - required by the 1997 Flores settlement - may not necessarily mean that a toothbrush and soap are provided for detained immigrant children during short stays, and that the children could be allowed to sleep on concrete floors.
It had/has nothing to do—zip, zilch, nada—with DHS/INS/ICE/CBP or whomever not having funding for soap and toothpaste.

Your blob has deficits of about $1T per year. Are you seriously stating that there is no money to buy a kid soap, toothpaste or give flu shots?

Look you prick. A.R.T., said Congress was unwilling to provide funds. They have the checkbook. I commented that this is typical with contracts. If you want something you pay for it.

Strange...our detainment centers that are now your blob’s death camps are open. Someone must have funded them fuck face.

Not really sure why it’s hard to see the point….

We are detaining kids and denying them vaccines that would prevent their getting sick when we bring in more kids who may be infected with influenza which is a deadly disease….

Up until recently, we were also denying kids soap and toothpaste.

Anyone who supports the blob at this point has a sadistic streak in them .
They are dealing with children that should not have been brought here in the first place. That illegal entry is where the problem starts.

First they have to determine who is actually the parent and the parent needs to give consent for vaccines to be given. Simply insure they stay in their own countries and apply to enter legally, problem solved.

Forcing all illegally entered children to be subjected to the side effects of vaccines would be a travesty too. Perhaps you believe in human experimentation but not everyone agrees with you. Those children that died had other underlying health issues. You can't just give a vaccine and claim it will all be good. Sepsis is a deadly disease, so are many other diseases and unknown parasites, etc. cause medical complications that these people are coming in with. Those issues should all have to be addressed before any vaccine could be given and that needs to be done when they get back to their country of origin. Best possible solution when they came illegally is a more expedient deportation process to get them back to their home countries where they belong.

And the justification for not allowing toothpaste is what exactly?

Your Democrats in Congress denied them the funds to pay for it!
This not wanting to pay for materials, labor, etc. is typical on many government and private contracts. Then when whoever is doing the work, or whatever refuses to do something that is not being paid for some prick starts doing the blame game as if whoever is in charge of making sure the job is done is doing something wrong. In that same note there are contractors that if they think they have a blank check they will will become very creative on ways to increase the bill. It is all a balancing act. To me that is why we need solid business individuals in elected positions that understand there are cost to doing anything; and we need ones that are not there just looking to make a quick buck for themselves but one that desire to improve conditions overall for every citizen without increasing or bloating government into a bigger beast than what it already is.


Here is what actually happened:

  • In June, the Trump administration argued in court that "safe and sanitary" conditions - required by the 1997 Flores settlement - may not necessarily mean that a toothbrush and soap are provided for detained immigrant children during short stays, and that the children could be allowed to sleep on concrete floors.
It had/has nothing to do—zip, zilch, nada—with DHS/INS/ICE/CBP or whomever not having funding for soap and toothpaste.

Your blob has deficits of about $1T per year. Are you seriously stating that there is no money to buy a kid soap, toothpaste or give flu shots?

Except it was obammy in 2014, but you hate facts
While I appreciate a supposedly thoughtful and well-constructed OP...this is the tallest pile of crap out of you yet. It's wrong on each subject and little more a list of DNC toxic TDS.
Okay, please feel free to point out the errors.
He told you, they’re the demofk talking points as I told you! .

What constitutes a recession?
A recession is two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth.

What does that have to do with my post?

So, your post is completely irrelevant as this has not happened and likely won't.
Um, I didn't forecast a recession.

Are you drunk?
Yes you did, I posted your quote
And yet you implied the economy tanking
You just keep trying this. I pointed out where the economy IS RIGHT NOW. I made no projections. Not one.

If this is beyond you, just don't read the thread.
What does this mean then?

we can certainly remain hopeful that it will reverse course and increase. There have been spotty signs that

You don’t even know what you wrote
My goodness. This really isn't that difficult.

Two quarters ago, GDP was up 3.1%. Last quarter, it was up 2.1%. In Normal Word, that's a downward trend that I'd like to see reverse.

That could happen. I don't know. I made no projections.

Is this really that difficult? Is English your first language?

That's not a negative GDP growth dumbass! That is still growth! Are you mathematically ignorant because you never learned the difference in positive and negative?
I didn't say we were in negative growth.

Your mind is in the alternate universe. I wonder how such fantasy gets in there.

You completely fabricate stuff, multiple times, right there on the screen, and then accuse ME of lying. Incredible.
Sure you did I quoted for you
Okay, please feel free to point out the errors.
He told you, they’re the demofk talking points as I told you! .

What constitutes a recession?
A recession is two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth.

What does that have to do with my post?

So, your post is completely irrelevant as this has not happened and likely won't.
Um, I didn't forecast a recession.

Are you drunk?
Yes you did, I posted your quote
Holy crap, this alternate universe stuff blows my mind.

Exactly where, in your perception, did I do that?
And the justification for not allowing toothpaste is what exactly?

Your Democrats in Congress denied them the funds to pay for it!
This not wanting to pay for materials, labor, etc. is typical on many government and private contracts. Then when whoever is doing the work, or whatever refuses to do something that is not being paid for some prick starts doing the blame game as if whoever is in charge of making sure the job is done is doing something wrong. In that same note there are contractors that if they think they have a blank check they will will become very creative on ways to increase the bill. It is all a balancing act. To me that is why we need solid business individuals in elected positions that understand there are cost to doing anything; and we need ones that are not there just looking to make a quick buck for themselves but one that desire to improve conditions overall for every citizen without increasing or bloating government into a bigger beast than what it already is.


Here is what actually happened:

  • In June, the Trump administration argued in court that "safe and sanitary" conditions - required by the 1997 Flores settlement - may not necessarily mean that a toothbrush and soap are provided for detained immigrant children during short stays, and that the children could be allowed to sleep on concrete floors.
It had/has nothing to do—zip, zilch, nada—with DHS/INS/ICE/CBP or whomever not having funding for soap and toothpaste.

Your blob has deficits of about $1T per year. Are you seriously stating that there is no money to buy a kid soap, toothpaste or give flu shots?

Look you prick. A.R.T., said Congress was unwilling to provide funds. They have the checkbook. I commented that this is typical with contracts. If you want something you pay for it.

Strange...our detainment centers that are now your blob’s death camps are open. Someone must have funded them fuck face.
Simple solution to all of it. Tell them to keep the children in their home countries and quit compromising them by trying to bring them or sending then into our country illegally.
Come on guys, jeezus, let's at least try to stick with reality here.

The reality is Trump is a flawed man and is a mess but some of the things you wrote about, well one I believe is something he is correct on.

I will say it again I am not a Trump fanboy but he has not destroyed the country or world like many have believed he would and I am one that believed he would...

We now live in a nation where the federal authorities had to be ordered by a judge to provide toothbrushes to children in their custody. They didn’t want to give kids a way to brush their teeth.

Judges Rule Detained Migrant Children Entitled to Soap, Toothpaste

Really, let that sink in. You support a man who thinks that kids shouldn’t be entitled to soap and toothpaste while in custody of our federal authorities.

And now, it has come out that the same kids will not get the flu shot while in your blob’s care and custody.

3 migrant children have died from flu in custody, but US won't provide vaccines

So as more kids are put into the cage…some may have the flu…those already there are now susceptible to catching it, spreading it, dying from it.

And you’re going to vote for this piece of shit?

Those toothbrushes and soap were refused by the Democrats in Congress who refused to provide funding.

All those kids who were sick were sick BEFORE they were in custody. A vaccine would not have done a damn thing for them.

Sucks to know the truth, doesn't it?

Absolutely false on all counts.
He told you, they’re the demofk talking points as I told you! .

What constitutes a recession?
A recession is two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth.

What does that have to do with my post?

So, your post is completely irrelevant as this has not happened and likely won't.
Um, I didn't forecast a recession.

Are you drunk?
Yes you did, I posted your quote
Holy crap, this alternate universe stuff blows my mind.

Exactly where, in your perception, did I do that?
Leave then cause your make believe is all yours
Your Democrats in Congress denied them the funds to pay for it!
This not wanting to pay for materials, labor, etc. is typical on many government and private contracts. Then when whoever is doing the work, or whatever refuses to do something that is not being paid for some prick starts doing the blame game as if whoever is in charge of making sure the job is done is doing something wrong. In that same note there are contractors that if they think they have a blank check they will will become very creative on ways to increase the bill. It is all a balancing act. To me that is why we need solid business individuals in elected positions that understand there are cost to doing anything; and we need ones that are not there just looking to make a quick buck for themselves but one that desire to improve conditions overall for every citizen without increasing or bloating government into a bigger beast than what it already is.


Here is what actually happened:

  • In June, the Trump administration argued in court that "safe and sanitary" conditions - required by the 1997 Flores settlement - may not necessarily mean that a toothbrush and soap are provided for detained immigrant children during short stays, and that the children could be allowed to sleep on concrete floors.
It had/has nothing to do—zip, zilch, nada—with DHS/INS/ICE/CBP or whomever not having funding for soap and toothpaste.

Your blob has deficits of about $1T per year. Are you seriously stating that there is no money to buy a kid soap, toothpaste or give flu shots?

Look you prick. A.R.T., said Congress was unwilling to provide funds. They have the checkbook. I commented that this is typical with contracts. If you want something you pay for it.

Strange...our detainment centers that are now your blob’s death camps are open. Someone must have funded them fuck face.
Simple solution to all of it. Tell them to keep the children in their home countries and quit compromising them by trying to bring them or sending then into our country illegally.

Again...the kids have no choice in this. Treating children worse than a dog is a choice you support. What the fuck is wrong with you?
This not wanting to pay for materials, labor, etc. is typical on many government and private contracts. Then when whoever is doing the work, or whatever refuses to do something that is not being paid for some prick starts doing the blame game as if whoever is in charge of making sure the job is done is doing something wrong. In that same note there are contractors that if they think they have a blank check they will will become very creative on ways to increase the bill. It is all a balancing act. To me that is why we need solid business individuals in elected positions that understand there are cost to doing anything; and we need ones that are not there just looking to make a quick buck for themselves but one that desire to improve conditions overall for every citizen without increasing or bloating government into a bigger beast than what it already is.


Here is what actually happened:

  • In June, the Trump administration argued in court that "safe and sanitary" conditions - required by the 1997 Flores settlement - may not necessarily mean that a toothbrush and soap are provided for detained immigrant children during short stays, and that the children could be allowed to sleep on concrete floors.
It had/has nothing to do—zip, zilch, nada—with DHS/INS/ICE/CBP or whomever not having funding for soap and toothpaste.

Your blob has deficits of about $1T per year. Are you seriously stating that there is no money to buy a kid soap, toothpaste or give flu shots?

Look you prick. A.R.T., said Congress was unwilling to provide funds. They have the checkbook. I commented that this is typical with contracts. If you want something you pay for it.

Strange...our detainment centers that are now your blob’s death camps are open. Someone must have funded them fuck face.
Simple solution to all of it. Tell them to keep the children in their home countries and quit compromising them by trying to bring them or sending then into our country illegally.

Again...the kids have no choice in this. Treating children worse than a dog is a choice you support. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Look you lil prick. My dogs eat the same food I eat and sleep in my house. They came to live at my house by invitation or were born here at my house. Illegals knew the risk of being detained and locked up when they started coming in illegals. Keep your children in your home country if you don't want them locked up like criminals. You are not doing anything other than insuring everyone knows what a prick you really are. We are not obligated to build houses for illegal aliens and we do not have to make sure that their children are kept in foster homes here either. Keep them where they belong and deport ASAP.

Here is what actually happened:

  • In June, the Trump administration argued in court that "safe and sanitary" conditions - required by the 1997 Flores settlement - may not necessarily mean that a toothbrush and soap are provided for detained immigrant children during short stays, and that the children could be allowed to sleep on concrete floors.
It had/has nothing to do—zip, zilch, nada—with DHS/INS/ICE/CBP or whomever not having funding for soap and toothpaste.

Your blob has deficits of about $1T per year. Are you seriously stating that there is no money to buy a kid soap, toothpaste or give flu shots?

Look you prick. A.R.T., said Congress was unwilling to provide funds. They have the checkbook. I commented that this is typical with contracts. If you want something you pay for it.

Strange...our detainment centers that are now your blob’s death camps are open. Someone must have funded them fuck face.
Simple solution to all of it. Tell them to keep the children in their home countries and quit compromising them by trying to bring them or sending then into our country illegally.

Again...the kids have no choice in this. Treating children worse than a dog is a choice you support. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Look you lil prick. My dogs eat the same food I eat and sleep in my house. They came to live at my house by invitation or were born here at my house. Illegals knew the risk of being detained and locked up when they started coming in illegals. Keep your children in your home country if you don't want them locked up like criminals. You are not doing anything other than insuring everyone knows what a prick you really are. We are not obligated to build houses for illegal aliens and we do not have to make sure that their children are kept in foster homes here either. Keep them where they belong and deport ASAP.

Actually criminals get soap and toothpaste.

Only in your blob’s death camps do you find jailers not humane enough to give necessities to kids—who committed no crime.

Why you support such measures reveals that you have serious mental problems
And the justification for not allowing toothpaste is what exactly?

Your Democrats in Congress denied them the funds to pay for it!
This not wanting to pay for materials, labor, etc. is typical on many government and private contracts. Then when whoever is doing the work, or whatever refuses to do something that is not being paid for some prick starts doing the blame game as if whoever is in charge of making sure the job is done is doing something wrong. In that same note there are contractors that if they think they have a blank check they will will become very creative on ways to increase the bill. It is all a balancing act. To me that is why we need solid business individuals in elected positions that understand there are cost to doing anything; and we need ones that are not there just looking to make a quick buck for themselves but one that desire to improve conditions overall for every citizen without increasing or bloating government into a bigger beast than what it already is.


Here is what actually happened:

  • In June, the Trump administration argued in court that "safe and sanitary" conditions - required by the 1997 Flores settlement - may not necessarily mean that a toothbrush and soap are provided for detained immigrant children during short stays, and that the children could be allowed to sleep on concrete floors.
It had/has nothing to do—zip, zilch, nada—with DHS/INS/ICE/CBP or whomever not having funding for soap and toothpaste.

Your blob has deficits of about $1T per year. Are you seriously stating that there is no money to buy a kid soap, toothpaste or give flu shots?

Look you prick. A.R.T., said Congress was unwilling to provide funds. They have the checkbook. I commented that this is typical with contracts. If you want something you pay for it.

Strange...our detainment centers that are now your blob’s death camps are open. Someone must have funded them fuck face.
Free admission for all libtards.

Here is what actually happened:

  • In June, the Trump administration argued in court that "safe and sanitary" conditions - required by the 1997 Flores settlement - may not necessarily mean that a toothbrush and soap are provided for detained immigrant children during short stays, and that the children could be allowed to sleep on concrete floors.
It had/has nothing to do—zip, zilch, nada—with DHS/INS/ICE/CBP or whomever not having funding for soap and toothpaste.

Your blob has deficits of about $1T per year. Are you seriously stating that there is no money to buy a kid soap, toothpaste or give flu shots?

Look you prick. A.R.T., said Congress was unwilling to provide funds. They have the checkbook. I commented that this is typical with contracts. If you want something you pay for it.

Strange...our detainment centers that are now your blob’s death camps are open. Someone must have funded them fuck face.
Simple solution to all of it. Tell them to keep the children in their home countries and quit compromising them by trying to bring them or sending then into our country illegally.

Again...the kids have no choice in this. Treating children worse than a dog is a choice you support. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Look you lil prick. My dogs eat the same food I eat and sleep in my house. They came to live at my house by invitation or were born here at my house. Illegals knew the risk of being detained and locked up when they started coming in illegals. Keep your children in your home country if you don't want them locked up like criminals. You are not doing anything other than insuring everyone knows what a prick you really are. We are not obligated to build houses for illegal aliens and we do not have to make sure that their children are kept in foster homes here either. Keep them where they belong and deport ASAP.
Does your Lord and savior Jesus Christ, support this position of yours? Is this what Christ would say or want your inner soul be filled with? vitriol? hatred? selfishness?

I have to ask, who is your God?
Look you prick. A.R.T., said Congress was unwilling to provide funds. They have the checkbook. I commented that this is typical with contracts. If you want something you pay for it.

Strange...our detainment centers that are now your blob’s death camps are open. Someone must have funded them fuck face.
Simple solution to all of it. Tell them to keep the children in their home countries and quit compromising them by trying to bring them or sending then into our country illegally.

Again...the kids have no choice in this. Treating children worse than a dog is a choice you support. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Look you lil prick. My dogs eat the same food I eat and sleep in my house. They came to live at my house by invitation or were born here at my house. Illegals knew the risk of being detained and locked up when they started coming in illegals. Keep your children in your home country if you don't want them locked up like criminals. You are not doing anything other than insuring everyone knows what a prick you really are. We are not obligated to build houses for illegal aliens and we do not have to make sure that their children are kept in foster homes here either. Keep them where they belong and deport ASAP.
Does your Lord and savior Jesus Christ, support this position of yours? Is this what Christ would say or want your inner soul be filled with? vitriol? hatred? selfishness?

I have to ask, who is your God?
Jesus evens calls the pricks what they are. I have no reason to placate your demons and devils or anyone else's.
Strange...our detainment centers that are now your blob’s death camps are open. Someone must have funded them fuck face.
Simple solution to all of it. Tell them to keep the children in their home countries and quit compromising them by trying to bring them or sending then into our country illegally.

Again...the kids have no choice in this. Treating children worse than a dog is a choice you support. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Look you lil prick. My dogs eat the same food I eat and sleep in my house. They came to live at my house by invitation or were born here at my house. Illegals knew the risk of being detained and locked up when they started coming in illegals. Keep your children in your home country if you don't want them locked up like criminals. You are not doing anything other than insuring everyone knows what a prick you really are. We are not obligated to build houses for illegal aliens and we do not have to make sure that their children are kept in foster homes here either. Keep them where they belong and deport ASAP.
Does your Lord and savior Jesus Christ, support this position of yours? Is this what Christ would say or want your inner soul be filled with? vitriol? hatred? selfishness?

I have to ask, who is your God?
Jesus evens calls the pricks what they are. I have no reason to placate your demons and devils or anyone else's.

You sound ashamed of yourself. You should be. Seriously, all politics aside...what in the fuck is wrong with you?
Simple solution to all of it. Tell them to keep the children in their home countries and quit compromising them by trying to bring them or sending then into our country illegally.

Again...the kids have no choice in this. Treating children worse than a dog is a choice you support. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Look you lil prick. My dogs eat the same food I eat and sleep in my house. They came to live at my house by invitation or were born here at my house. Illegals knew the risk of being detained and locked up when they started coming in illegals. Keep your children in your home country if you don't want them locked up like criminals. You are not doing anything other than insuring everyone knows what a prick you really are. We are not obligated to build houses for illegal aliens and we do not have to make sure that their children are kept in foster homes here either. Keep them where they belong and deport ASAP.
Does your Lord and savior Jesus Christ, support this position of yours? Is this what Christ would say or want your inner soul be filled with? vitriol? hatred? selfishness?

I have to ask, who is your God?
Jesus evens calls the pricks what they are. I have no reason to placate your demons and devils or anyone else's.

You sound ashamed of yourself. You should be. Seriously, all politics aside...what in the fuck is wrong with you?
Quit being such a dreamer. It does not bother me to deport illegals. Nor does it bother me that our citizens safety and well being needs are to be met first and foremost. Now take your lil prickish demons for a good long walk and quit bothering me with your ignorant accusations.
Again...the kids have no choice in this. Treating children worse than a dog is a choice you support. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Look you lil prick. My dogs eat the same food I eat and sleep in my house. They came to live at my house by invitation or were born here at my house. Illegals knew the risk of being detained and locked up when they started coming in illegals. Keep your children in your home country if you don't want them locked up like criminals. You are not doing anything other than insuring everyone knows what a prick you really are. We are not obligated to build houses for illegal aliens and we do not have to make sure that their children are kept in foster homes here either. Keep them where they belong and deport ASAP.
Does your Lord and savior Jesus Christ, support this position of yours? Is this what Christ would say or want your inner soul be filled with? vitriol? hatred? selfishness?

I have to ask, who is your God?
Jesus evens calls the pricks what they are. I have no reason to placate your demons and devils or anyone else's.

You sound ashamed of yourself. You should be. Seriously, all politics aside...what in the fuck is wrong with you?
Quit being such a dreamer. It does not bother me to deport illegals. Nor does it bother me that our citizens safety and well being needs are to be met first and foremost. Now take your lil prickish demons for a good long walk and quit bothering me with your ignorant accusations.

Deporting is great. I’m all for it.

Denying a child soap and toothpaste while you do it is nothing short of barbaric

Your cheering it has caused you shame, as it should.

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?
You know, Joe, all you'd have to do is post one quote by Mac unambiguously defending Trump's racism, and I'd concede your point.

I agree about his silly tactics - actually, it's worse, as he finds "regressives" attacking him confirms his thesis. As I said before, there's enough about Mac open to criticism. No need to invent things.

I'm supposed to do extra work because you can't pay attention? Really?

Okay, here's a WHOLE FUCKING THREAD of Mac bewailing the fact that people compare Trump To Hitler.

POLL: Are Trump and his supporters Nazis?

On the other hand, his OP this time was pretty much spot on, even though he left out a few things, like the one-man-all-out assault on truth itself, and climate change going unmentioned entirely, as if this were a mere pittance, as opposed to one of the main monstrosities Trump is perpetrating. You could have acknowledged that, but did not. Why is that, Joe?

Because, honestly, Mac is like a WWII German General ....They didn't complain about Hitler in 1939 when Germany was winning the war... but they were trying to take him out in 1944

So I'm not going to worry that he's now bewailing what we ALL TOLD HIM was going to happen in 2016.
Trump. President. Never in a million years did I put the two together. Trump originally ran as Democrat, and was ally of the Clintons. This is so surreal. I used to be liberal, but they abandoned us. #walkaway movement I dig. Let's make the Democratic party great again.
You know, Joe, all you'd have to do is post one quote by Mac unambiguously defending Trump's racism, and I'd concede your point.

I agree about his silly tactics - actually, it's worse, as he finds "regressives" attacking him confirms his thesis. As I said before, there's enough about Mac open to criticism. No need to invent things.

I'm supposed to do extra work because you can't pay attention? Really?

Okay, here's a WHOLE FUCKING THREAD of Mac bewailing the fact that people compare Trump To Hitler.

POLL: Are Trump and his supporters Nazis?

On the other hand, his OP this time was pretty much spot on, even though he left out a few things, like the one-man-all-out assault on truth itself, and climate change going unmentioned entirely, as if this were a mere pittance, as opposed to one of the main monstrosities Trump is perpetrating. You could have acknowledged that, but did not. Why is that, Joe?

Because, honestly, Mac is like a WWII German General ....They didn't complain about Hitler in 1939 when Germany was winning the war... but they were trying to take him out in 1944

So I'm not going to worry that he's now bewailing what we ALL TOLD HIM was going to happen in 2016.

I admit it, I don't read every thread on here, and I am not following around Mac like a dog in heat.

That said, Mac had but one message throughout his thread: "Calling Trump Hitler and his supporters Nazis belittles both Hitler and Nazism, and that's unfortunate." He has a point, even while Hitler and Nazism cannot be reduced to the Holocaust and WWII. If you want to make the point that everyone who convinces voters to support him, and uses some kind of "Other" to get that done, is "Hitler" or a Nazi, as you did (#294), the world sees a lot of Hitlers and Nazis throughout the world. That doesn't do the issue justice.

Whatever... I've seen near every one of Mac's postings on that thread, and in not one did he excuse Trump's racism. So, I consider that case settled. I'd usually expect you to retract the charge, for you failed to prove it, but...

I am happy to see Mac changed his stance in face of a manifestly failing presidency. That's what I would expect folks amenable to reason to do. Maybe late, maybe not with the full extent of that failure in sight, but still, change he did. If your enmity doesn't allow you to acknowledge that, the pox is on your house.

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