At this rate, eventually Trumpleton's will run out of people to blame.

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The scientists have been saying they only need to test people who are showing symptoms, dumbass.
The health experts have been saying the lack of test kit availability has prevented us from testing everyone we should be testing.

*Many people don’t really show symptoms of Covid-19, or their symptoms are very mild, but you want them to be tested anyway if there is an opportunity. To do that, doctors need to be able to order the test, which the CDC is only now permitting them to do. Commercial labs only recently started processing the coronavirus test, too, a step health care providers had been urging the administration to take.

“The issue is with asymptomatic transmission. You don’t know who is infected, and symptoms aren’t going to help if the patient doesn’t have any,” Abraar Karan, a Harvard physician, said. “A rapid test would help because you can then do mass testing at scale.”*
The CDC’s rocky effort to get Americans tested for coronavirus, explained
49 deaths so far. Better than Obama did with the swine flu so far.
What good does it do to point to numbers we know are to rise exponentially?

It allows the excuse makers to believe their own bullshit.
49 Americans have died so far and almost half of them were in the same nursing home.

it's now up to 58 - in less than 24 hrs from your post, 9 more died. there are many more older people & those w/ compromised immune systems that are exposed from those walking around who are asymptomatic - but are still contagious infecting them because testing has been abysmal since the beginning of this.
49 deaths so far. Better than Obama did with the swine flu so far.
What good does it do to point to numbers we know are to rise exponentially?

It allows the excuse makers to believe their own bullshit.
49 Americans have died so far and almost half of them were in the same nursing home.

Heh... that's another good one. What number is that on the talking point list?
Lol, facts aren't talking points. Look it up.

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49 deaths so far. Better than Obama did with the swine flu so far.
What good does it do to point to numbers we know are to rise exponentially?
Lol, it's not the bogey man you want it to be. People who survived it says it's just like a bad cold.

That one is pretty funny too. Do you have any Alex Jones ones? Those the funniest.
You're an idiot. Turn off CNN.

Dr. Anthony Fauci At Coronavirus Briefing: ‘We Will See More Suffering And Death’
By Tommy ChristopherMar 14th, 2020, 1:16 pm

Leading coronavirus task force expert Dr. Anthony Fauci told reporters at a coronavirus briefing that “We will see more cases and we will see more suffering and death” from the disease, particularly “among the vulnerables in our society.”

On Saturday afternoon, Fauci spoke at a White House Coronavirus Task Force briefing, minutes after President Trump announced that he has been tested for the disease.

Fauci began by updated global infection and mortality figures for the outbreak, then said “if you look at the domestic cases, there are about 2,226 including the repatriations, 50 deaths, 532 new cases, and 9 new deaths. Which means we have not reached our peak.”
Anthony Fauci on Coronavirus: Will See More Suffering And Death

stop watching FOX.
Two of the farthest left-wing governors in the country would disagree with you.
I read your links. The matters the governors praised the Adulterer-in-Chief for were narrow in scope and do not in any way reflect the failed, disjointed, chaotic, contradictory, government response. Hopefully, more knowledge will not cause you to have a severe Trump Denial Syndrome spasm.........for which there is no known cure.
Reconnecting with reality can be disorienting for Trumpleton's so do it slowly. For example, gradually reduce your consumption of the right wing media sources who are purposely misinforming you. Symptoms that can occur by withdrawing too quickly from the conservative media bubble can include anger, a feeling of having been duped, rapid breathing, and spontaneous outbursts like, "WHAT, Trump lied about that too!!!!"
.it's China's fault that the virus got started. They are not, however, responsible for the admin's failed response.

What failed response? Elaborate in detail, TDS Lord

Lack of testing. We could have used the WHO test but for whatever reason we didn't. Read the first link in my sig.

Of course you're one of the ones who claim this virus isn't a big deal because not that many people have it. I believe you started making that claim last week when we were less than a hundred? We're now over 2k and it's still growing. Anyway, many other countries are identifying through testing where we are pretty much in the dark and continue to be until we have testing.

Yep, 2000 out of 320 million. Hardly a crisis

2000 known cases. so many more are walking around asymptomatic but still very contagious. & they learned the germ can last up to 3 days on plastic & steel.

It's over 2,500 now.

2,952 US as of this posting.
i guess he spent all his primping time on orange spray tan that didn't even have time to dry.

Search for Trump's reported makeup of choice crashes cosmetic brand's website

LoL - I though it was Borowitz too! :D

Bronx Colors suggests its bright-orange makeup has a "flawless and brightening effect" that gives "beautiful, natural-looking coverage" to users.

That's Photoshop, dumbass.

are you saying he doesn't wear spray tan? are you saying he naturally is that color? are you saying those aren't obvious goggle whites he sporting either?
I'm saying that pic is photo-shopped, dumbass. It looks like he's covered in Cheeto dust.

does it really matter? i mean c'mon - if the dude didn't slather it on as it is, then you have a point. i still find it funny as hell, he tried to peddle it as 'bad lighting'.

i mean, really?
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China could have handled this better. No doubt about that.

By the time people knew what was going on it was likely too late to stop this due to its epidemiology.

china gave the world the genome & the WHO along with other nations were able to produce test kits toot sweet - allowing for as early detection as possible.... south korea was testing 10K a week starting with week 1 & are up to 100k per week.

but nooooooo not us - we had to make our OWN test kits - turning out to be contaminated & put us way behind. we are now just starting to play catch up with will start to see just how widespread it is here.
S Korea has had 8000 cases and 72 deaths in a country with a population of 50 million, so who's record do you think is better, dumbass?
They've also had 200,000 tests given How many under the dump administration?
If testing is so effective, then why do they have 8000 cases for a population of 50 million? If the US had a similar record, we would have 50,000 cases and 450 deaths.

because we started out with not nearly enough.... & the guidelines for those deemed worthy were way more restrictive here than other countries who followed the WHO recommendations & instead of using the test kits that the WHO recommended weren't used & the kits we did have were CONtaminated.
testing is just one tool in recovering from this virus that threatens the world Don't you think its about time trump was listening to the scientists? A little late No?
The scientists have been saying they only need to test people who are showing symptoms, dumbass.

because we don't have enough test kits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you gotta ration what you don't have in ample supply. as the kits beome more widely available - those that have no symptoms but know they have been around those who are ill will get tested.

It's China's fault, Obama's fault, Bolton's fault, the CDC's fault, the media's fault, the Dem's fault. I actually have no quarrel with faulting China for allowing the conditions under which the virus got started, then trying to keep it quiet, which caused the initial exponential spread inside Wuhan.

But speciously blaming Obama for setting up protocols that could have easily been changed, or claiming Bolton's dismissal of experts employed to handle this kind of viral outbreak was done without Don's knowledge (that is damning in and of itself even if it were true), or the media for stoking fear when many states and the federal government just declared a state of's pathetic.

Not only pathetic, but both transparent and typical of this prez and his cult followers.

The truth is, this admin has been two steps behind the curve since the world became aware of the outbreak in China months ago. There is no need to repeat the many ways in which it failed to prepare the nation for the inevitable. They are well understood. It was folly to think, as Trump obviously did, that travel restrictions were going to be enough to contain this in the US. Ironically, it was the admin's failure to properly handle US citizens returning from China that lead to the community transmission of the virus on the west coast.
HHS whistleblower: US workers received coronavirus evacuees without training or protection - CNNPolitics

Trump's culpability for our lack of preparation is exactly the reason time and effort are now being spent to lay the blame at the feet of others. It is manifestly evident by his own statements he did not take this matter seriously......and in many ways still doesn't. Yesterday's dog and pony show, while providing a measure of reassurance the government is finally mobilizing in a significant way, is further proof of the tardiness of the response. It's not leadership, it's being reactionary.

I am reminded of Richard Clarke's congressional testimony in the wake of 9/11. It was a moment of rare honesty and the assumption of responsibility for failure by a government official. He admitted to the public he personally let America down and so did our government. History has repeated itself.
Let me know when he has as many "blames" as Hillary does, okay?
"The truth is, this admin has been two steps behind the curve since the world became aware of the outbreak in China months ago."


Trump further exacerbated the problem by attempting to minimize the threat, lying about what was happening, and placing his partisan interests over that of what’s best for the country.

don't forget his ' hunches '.
Does this help Mr Markle?
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Trump Admin Reportedly Overruled CDC's Coronavirus ... › intelligencer › 2020/03 › trump-admin-voided-cdc-advice...

6 days ago - The Trump administration's mismanagement of coronavirus continues as it reportedly overruled the Centers for Disease Control and ...

Trump Overruled CDC Coronavirus Warning the Elderly Not to ... › politics › politics-news › trump-overruled-he...

6 days ago - Trump Overruled Health Officials Who Wanted to Warn the Elderly Not to Fly. The White House removed air travel warnings from a CDC plan ...

Official: White House didn't want to tell seniors not to fly › ...

7 days ago - NEW YORK (AP) — The White House overruled health officials who ... President Donald Trump visited the CDC in Atlanta on Friday, where he ...

Coronavirus: White House reportedly overruled CDC ... › news-and-politics › 2020/03 › coronavirus-white-house-o...

6 days ago - President Donald Trump's administration did not want to go through with a suggestion from health officials that it recommend elderly and ...

The Slate and Rollingstone! Got it!
What did you expect ?? The truth from FOX??
"The truth is, this admin has been two steps behind the curve since the world became aware of the outbreak in China months ago."


Trump further exacerbated the problem by attempting to minimize the threat, lying about what was happening, and placing his partisan interests over that of what’s best for the country.

don't forget his ' hunches '.
His hunch was accurate. Only a selfish witch would politicize this pandemic.
It's China's fault, Obama's fault, Bolton's fault, the CDC's fault, the media's fault, the Dem's fault. I actually have no quarrel with faulting China for allowing the conditions under which the virus got started, then trying to keep it quiet, which caused the initial exponential spread inside Wuhan.

But speciously blaming Obama for setting up protocols that could have easily been changed, or claiming Bolton's dismissal of experts employed to handle this kind of viral outbreak was done without Don's knowledge (that is damning in and of itself even if it were true), or the media for stoking fear when many states and the federal government just declared a state of's pathetic.

Not only pathetic, but both transparent and typical of this prez and his cult followers.

The truth is, this admin has been two steps behind the curve since the world became aware of the outbreak in China months ago. There is no need to repeat the many ways in which it failed to prepare the nation for the inevitable. They are well understood. It was folly to think, as Trump obviously did, that travel restrictions were going to be enough to contain this in the US. Ironically, it was the admin's failure to properly handle US citizens returning from China that lead to the community transmission of the virus on the west coast.
HHS whistleblower: US workers received coronavirus evacuees without training or protection - CNNPolitics

Trump's culpability for our lack of preparation is exactly the reason time and effort are now being spent to lay the blame at the feet of others. It is manifestly evident by his own statements he did not take this matter seriously......and in many ways still doesn't. Yesterday's dog and pony show, while providing a measure of reassurance the government is finally mobilizing in a significant way, is further proof of the tardiness of the response. It's not leadership, it's being reactionary.

I am reminded of Richard Clarke's congressional testimony in the wake of 9/11. It was a moment of rare honesty and the assumption of responsibility for failure by a government official. He admitted to the public he personally let America down and so did our government. History has repeated itself.
Let me know when he has as many "blames" as Hillary does, okay?
Let me know Meister when he admits to starting taking aggressive measures too late and btw who hasn't he blamed or perhaps with him and republicans the buck doesn't stop at his door?
What failed response? Elaborate in detail, TDS Lord
Fired response staff, no central coordination of response, contradictory messages, under playing the risk, not providing for enough protective equipment for medical staff, not making sure enough test kits were available, not forming a plan for hospitals to be overwhelmed, prioritizing a politically oriented rather than health expert oriented message from the admin, setting a poor example with reckless personal that enough?

Two of the farthest left-wing governors in the country would disagree with you. If they can get over their TDS, maybe you can too

NY Gov. Cuomo Becomes the Second Democrat to Praise President Trump's Efforts to Fight the Coronavirus

California's Democrat governor praises Trump's response to Coronavirus on cruise ship
FINALLY!! What took trump so long to do the right thing? I read our 1st case was discovered Jan 20 and on Jan 26th Trump said ,in other words ,,no big deal.
What failed response? Elaborate in detail, TDS Lord
Fired response staff, no central coordination of response, contradictory messages, under playing the risk, not providing for enough protective equipment for medical staff, not making sure enough test kits were available, not forming a plan for hospitals to be overwhelmed, prioritizing a politically oriented rather than health expert oriented message from the admin, setting a poor example with reckless personal that enough?

Two of the farthest left-wing governors in the country would disagree with you. If they can get over their TDS, maybe you can too

NY Gov. Cuomo Becomes the Second Democrat to Praise President Trump's Efforts to Fight the Coronavirus

California's Democrat governor praises Trump's response to Coronavirus on cruise ship
BTW even a broken clock is right twice a day
"The truth is, this admin has been two steps behind the curve since the world became aware of the outbreak in China months ago."


Trump further exacerbated the problem by attempting to minimize the threat, lying about what was happening, and placing his partisan interests over that of what’s best for the country.

don't forget his ' hunches '.
His hunch was accurate. Only a selfish witch would politicize this pandemic.

only a poorly educated asshole believes trump's hunch over scientific experts.

"Well, I think the 3.4% is really a false number," Trump told Sean Hannity on Fox News. "Now, this is just my hunch, and — but based on a lot of conversations with a lot of people that do this, because a lot of people will have this, and it's very mild. They will get better very rapidly. They don't even see a doctor."

"Personally, I would say, the number is way under 1%," Trump said.

Coronavirus 10 times more lethal than seasonal flu, top health official says

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said the outbreak will get worse and warned the U.S. must take serious mitigation efforts.

Coronavirus 10 times more lethal than seasonal flu, top health official says
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