At this rate, eventually Trumpleton's will run out of people to blame.

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China could have handled this better. No doubt about that.

By the time people knew what was going on it was likely too late to stop this due to its epidemiology.

china gave the world the genome & the WHO along with other nations were able to produce test kits toot sweet - allowing for as early detection as possible.... south korea was testing 10K a week starting with week 1 & are up to 100k per week.

but nooooooo not us - we had to make our OWN test kits - turning out to be contaminated & put us way behind. we are now just starting to play catch up with will start to see just how widespread it is here.

Yep, the boondoggle with the test kits was a colossal error. I don't get that whole thing.

So was trying to prevent the world from knowing the truth when it appeared in Wuhan a colossal error. That cost time, some reports are now saying this first appeared there in mid November, and allowed it to disperse more widely than it otherwise would have.

i actually would expect that from china. but not from us. we were kept in the dark as far as the severity of this until it was too late.
China could have handled this better. No doubt about that.

By the time people knew what was going on it was likely too late to stop this due to its epidemiology.

china gave the world the genome & the WHO along with other nations were able to produce test kits toot sweet - allowing for as early detection as possible.... south korea was testing 10K a week starting with week 1 & are up to 100k per week.

but nooooooo not us - we had to make our OWN test kits - turning out to be contaminated & put us way behind. we are now just starting to play catch up with will start to see just how widespread it is here.

Yep, the boondoggle with the test kits was a colossal error. I don't get that whole thing.

So was trying to prevent the world from knowing the truth when it appeared in Wuhan a colossal error. That cost time, some reports are now saying this first appeared there in mid November, and allowed it to disperse more widely than it otherwise would have.

i actually would expect that from china. but not from us. we were kept in the dark as far as the severity of this until it was too late.

That's exactly the problem. And Trumpsters are trying to pretend that anyone who points that out is simply trying to make Trump look bad.

We're facing a genuine national health emergency. If that makes Trump look bad, it's because he IS bad.
49 deaths so far. Better than Obama did with the swine flu so far.
What good does it do to point to numbers we know are to rise exponentially?

It allows the excuse makers to believe their own bullshit.
49 Americans have died so far and almost half of them were in the same nursing home.

Heh... that's another good one. What number is that on the talking point list?
49 deaths so far. Better than Obama did with the swine flu so far.
What good does it do to point to numbers we know are to rise exponentially?

It allows the excuse makers to believe their own bullshit.
49 Americans have died so far and almost half of them were in the same nursing home.

Heh... that's another good one. What number is that on the talking point list?
Lol, facts aren't talking points. Look it up.
49 deaths so far. Better than Obama did with the swine flu so far.
What good does it do to point to numbers we know are to rise exponentially?

It allows the excuse makers to believe their own bullshit.
49 Americans have died so far and almost half of them were in the same nursing home.

Heh... that's another good one. What number is that on the talking point list?
Lol, facts aren't talking points. Look it up.

Do you have a link to Alex Jones?
49 deaths so far. Better than Obama did with the swine flu so far.
What good does it do to point to numbers we know are to rise exponentially?
Lol, it's not the bogey man you want it to be. People who survived it says it's just like a bad cold.

That one is pretty funny too. Do you have any Alex Jones ones? Those the funniest.
You're an idiot. Turn off CNN.

Only Alex Jones baby! And of course whatever Mad King Donald says. His word are gospel.
49 deaths so far. Better than Obama did with the swine flu so far.
What good does it do to point to numbers we know are to rise exponentially?
Lol, it's not the bogey man you want it to be. People who survived it says it's just like a bad cold.
Yeah downplay it ,like your leader did
I'm not down playing anything. You loons are over hyping this big time. I heard that no one under 50 has died from it.
What good does it do to point to numbers we know are to rise exponentially?

It allows the excuse makers to believe their own bullshit.
49 Americans have died so far and almost half of them were in the same nursing home.

Heh... that's another good one. What number is that on the talking point list?
Lol, facts aren't talking points. Look it up.

Do you have a link to Alex Jones?
Actually I don't.
This was the beginning

This is the moment that gave us trump as President, he was so incensed at Obama making fun of him, he had to get back at Obama at all cost. Everything he had done as President including trying to repeal the ACA was to spite Obama. He has blamed Obama for everything under the sun. In years from now, Trump will be stewing in his own juices when history will show that Obama was a great President and he was the one the worst Presidencies in the history of the United States.

Barack Obama pokes fun at Donald Trump, who recently claimed the US president was born overseas, at the White House Correspondents dinner.

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Obama roasts Trump over birther attacks (2011) | ABC News
Barack Obama pokes fun at Donald Trump, who recently claimed the US president was born overseas, at the White House Correspondents dinner.
49 deaths so far. Better than Obama did with the swine flu so far.
What good does it do to point to numbers we know are to rise exponentially?
Lol, it's not the bogey man you want it to be. People who survived it says it's just like a bad cold.
Yeah downplay it ,like your leader did
I'm not down playing anything. You loons are over hyping this big time. I heard that no one under 50 has died from it.

So since you’re under 50, this isn’t really a problem for you then is it?
49 deaths so far. Better than Obama did with the swine flu so far.
What good does it do to point to numbers we know are to rise exponentially?
Lol, it's not the bogey man you want it to be. People who survived it says it's just like a bad cold.

That one is pretty funny too. Do you have any Alex Jones ones? Those the funniest.
You're an idiot. Turn off CNN.

Only Alex Jones baby! And of course whatever Mad King Donald says. His word are gospel.
Lol, I think Trump is doing a great job, but I do think Trump is starting to go along with y'all a little too much.
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