At this rate, eventually Trumpleton's will run out of people to blame.

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Yet the New York Times on February 10th complained that Trump would OVERREACT and stop travel because he is a germphobe.

Just admit that left wing assholes will criticize everything Trump does period.

Try to STFU and not make everything political.

Maybe go do some meth with Andrew Gillum to clear your head.

Some Experts Worry as a Germ-Phobic Trump Confronts a Growing Epidemic

Read that article then shut up.

TDS has completely destroyed their brain. It dominates their life, their every breath. President Trump living in the brain rent free.
And the CDC is full of marxists...........................:eusa_whistle:

Yes it is.

Which part of their website containing more references to diversity than the Corona do you have trouble understanding?
And the corona virus is a weaponized virus........:71:

Nothing can be true unless you believe it, right?
Yet the New York Times on February 10th complained that Trump would OVERREACT and stop travel because he is a germphobe.

Just admit that left wing assholes will criticize everything Trump does period.

Try to STFU and not make everything political.

Maybe go do some meth with Andrew Gillum to clear your head.

Some Experts Worry as a Germ-Phobic Trump Confronts a Growing Epidemic

Read that article then shut up.

TDS has completely destroyed their brain. It dominates their life, their every breath. President Trump living in the brain rent free.
And the CDC is full of marxists...........................:eusa_whistle:

Yes it is.

Which part of their website containing more references to diversity than the Corona do you have trouble understanding?
And the corona virus is a weaponized virus........:71:

Nothing can be true unless you believe it, right?

I don't think this person is capable of understanding what truth is. What I am seeing is the writing of 13 year old girl, only interested in what Susie said about Marry.
Yet the New York Times on February 10th complained that Trump would OVERREACT and stop travel because he is a germphobe.

Just admit that left wing assholes will criticize everything Trump does period.

Try to STFU and not make everything political.

Maybe go do some meth with Andrew Gillum to clear your head.

Some Experts Worry as a Germ-Phobic Trump Confronts a Growing Epidemic

Read that article then shut up.

Plus I heard no mention of anything like this anywhere from anyone.

The article basically rounds up Trump's missteps to include praising China for it's actions, downplaying the potential severity and what not. This is the part that is critical of the China travel ban (Europe hadn't happened yet).

The words “shut it down” apparently referred to an executive order the president had issued two days earlier, barring entry to the United States by foreign citizens who traveled to China in the past two weeks. Some health experts worry that Mr. Trump overpromised because the order — which the White House announced abruptly, with little outside consultation — is unlikely to prevent the illness from reaching the United States, and federal health officials say they assume the number of cases in the United States is likely to increase.

Speaking at a Friday news briefing, Mr. Azar defended the president’s actions and said the new travel restrictions were “very measured and incremental” while praising Mr. Trump’s “aggressive” response overall.

Imagine that, those health experts were right and Trump was wrong to assume (and do little else) this would just pass us over.

EDIT Looks like this has already been covered and the wingnuts can't get over it.
Moving to counter the spreading coronavirus outbreak, the Trump administration said Friday that it would bar entry by most foreign nationals who had recently visited China and put some American travelers under a quarantine as it declared a rare public health emergency.

The temporary restrictions followed announcements by American Airlines, Delta Air Lines and United Airlines that they would suspend air service between the United States and China for several months.

The travel disruption sent shocks through the stock market and rattled industries that depend on the flow of goods and people between the world’s two largest economies. Planning was upended for companies across a vast global supply chain, from Apple to John Deere, the tractor company.
And yet, look what happened.

HHS whistleblower claims US workers received coronavirus evacuees without proper precautions
HHS whistleblower: US workers received coronavirus evacuees without training or protection - CNNPolitics

Yep, the haphazard actions the administration took to get those Americans back into the country looks to have been the cause of one of the first known public transmission of the disease in the United States. Of course we should have gotten those people, but they should have been better prepared.

It's ironic because Trump was shitting his pants over ebola when we rescued Americans and brought them back. Trump would have preferred if we let them die. Of course this was because Trump was using any excuse to criticize Obama.
2000 people died of the swine flu before Obama declared a national emergency, and he allowed people with Ebola to enter the United States.

An epidemic involves millions of people. Nothing could be easier than harping on every incident to attack the president. That's what makes all you TDS morons the douchebags you are. Corona virus is real, but the way the fake news treats it is a hoax.
Did Obama Declare Swine Flu an Emergency Only After 'Millions' Were Infected?
Yet the New York Times on February 10th complained that Trump would OVERREACT and stop travel because he is a germphobe.

Just admit that left wing assholes will criticize everything Trump does period.

Try to STFU and not make everything political.

Maybe go do some meth with Andrew Gillum to clear your head.

Some Experts Worry as a Germ-Phobic Trump Confronts a Growing Epidemic

Read that article then shut up.

Plus I heard no mention of anything like this anywhere from anyone.

The article basically rounds up Trump's missteps to include praising China for it's actions, downplaying the potential severity and what not. This is the part that is critical of the China travel ban (Europe hadn't happened yet).

The words “shut it down” apparently referred to an executive order the president had issued two days earlier, barring entry to the United States by foreign citizens who traveled to China in the past two weeks. Some health experts worry that Mr. Trump overpromised because the order — which the White House announced abruptly, with little outside consultation — is unlikely to prevent the illness from reaching the United States, and federal health officials say they assume the number of cases in the United States is likely to increase.

Speaking at a Friday news briefing, Mr. Azar defended the president’s actions and said the new travel restrictions were “very measured and incremental” while praising Mr. Trump’s “aggressive” response overall.

Imagine that, those health experts were right and Trump was wrong to assume (and do little else) this would just pass us over.

EDIT Looks like this has already been covered and the wingnuts can't get over it.
Moving to counter the spreading coronavirus outbreak, the Trump administration said Friday that it would bar entry by most foreign nationals who had recently visited China and put some American travelers under a quarantine as it declared a rare public health emergency.

The temporary restrictions followed announcements by American Airlines, Delta Air Lines and United Airlines that they would suspend air service between the United States and China for several months.

The travel disruption sent shocks through the stock market and rattled industries that depend on the flow of goods and people between the world’s two largest economies. Planning was upended for companies across a vast global supply chain, from Apple to John Deere, the tractor company.
And yet, look what happened.

HHS whistleblower claims US workers received coronavirus evacuees without proper precautions
HHS whistleblower: US workers received coronavirus evacuees without training or protection - CNNPolitics

Yep, the haphazard actions the administration took to get those Americans back into the country looks to have been the cause of one of the first known public transmission of the disease in the United States. Of course we should have gotten those people, but they should have been better prepared.

It's ironic because Trump was shitting his pants over ebola when we rescued Americans and brought them back. Trump would have preferred if we let them die. Of course this was because Trump was using any excuse to criticize Obama.
2000 people died of the swine flu before Obama declared a national emergency, and he allowed people with Ebola to enter the United States.

From the second link in my sig.

On April 15, 2009, the first infection was identified in California, according to the CDC, and less than two weeks later, on April 26, 2009, the Obama administration declared a public health emergency. The day before, on April 25, the World Health Organization had declared a public health emergency.

Dr. Richard Besser, then-acting director of the CDC, confirmed to the press on the day of the U.S. declaration that there were 20 cases of H1N1 in the U.S., and that “all of the individuals in this country who have been identified as cases have recovered.”

No one that Obama brought back who was fighting ebola spread it in the United States. You would have preferred we not rescue Americans and let them die instead while they are trying to protect us?

An epidemic involves millions of people. Nothing could be easier than harping on every incident to attack the president. That's what makes all you TDS morons the douchebags you are. Corona virus is real, but the way the fake news treats it is a hoax.

The media has been harping on the lack of testing to help diagnose and track the virus. The media was simply following up on what health professionals had been saying the entire time to include Dr. Fauci. In the meantime Trump was lying about the numbers, lying that anyone who wanted a test could get one and lying that this was no big deal. Clearly he was wrong and now that he is putting his priorities in the right place (weeks if not months too late) the stock market might actually recover and we may just save lives. Doesn't change the fact that we had a horrendously slow start where it mattered most, testing.
It's China's fault, Obama's fault, Bolton's fault, the CDC's fault, the media's fault, the Dem's fault. I actually have no quarrel with faulting China for allowing the conditions under which the virus got started, then trying to keep it quiet, which caused the initial exponential spread inside Wuhan.

But speciously blaming Obama for setting up protocols that could have easily been changed, or claiming Bolton's dismissal of experts employed to handle this kind of viral outbreak was done without Don's knowledge (that is damning in and of itself even if it were true), or the media for stoking fear when many states and the federal government just declared a state of's pathetic.

Not only pathetic, but both transparent and typical of this prez and his cult followers.

The truth is, this admin has been two steps behind the curve since the world became aware of the outbreak in China months ago. There is no need to repeat the many ways in which it failed to prepare the nation for the inevitable. They are well understood. It was folly to think, as Trump obviously did, that travel restrictions were going to be enough to contain this in the US. Ironically, it was the admin's failure to properly handle US citizens returning from China that lead to the community transmission of the virus on the west coast.
HHS whistleblower: US workers received coronavirus evacuees without training or protection - CNNPolitics

Trump's culpability for our lack of preparation is exactly the reason time and effort are now being spent to lay the blame at the feet of others. It is manifestly evident by his own statements he did not take this matter seriously......and in many ways still doesn't. Yesterday's dog and pony show, while providing a measure of reassurance the government is finally mobilizing in a significant way, is further proof of the tardiness of the response. It's not leadership, it's being reactionary.

I am reminded of Richard Clarke's congressional testimony in the wake of 9/11. It was a moment of rare honesty and the assumption of responsibility for failure by a government official. He admitted to the public he personally let America down and so did our government. History has repeated itself.

No I'm still blaming years of letting chi coms run all over the universities and the chi coms themselves



Plus I heard no mention of anything like this anywhere from anyone.

The article basically rounds up Trump's missteps to include praising China for it's actions, downplaying the potential severity and what not. This is the part that is critical of the China travel ban (Europe hadn't happened yet).

The words “shut it down” apparently referred to an executive order the president had issued two days earlier, barring entry to the United States by foreign citizens who traveled to China in the past two weeks. Some health experts worry that Mr. Trump overpromised because the order — which the White House announced abruptly, with little outside consultation — is unlikely to prevent the illness from reaching the United States, and federal health officials say they assume the number of cases in the United States is likely to increase.

Speaking at a Friday news briefing, Mr. Azar defended the president’s actions and said the new travel restrictions were “very measured and incremental” while praising Mr. Trump’s “aggressive” response overall.

Imagine that, those health experts were right and Trump was wrong to assume (and do little else) this would just pass us over.

EDIT Looks like this has already been covered and the wingnuts can't get over it.
Moving to counter the spreading coronavirus outbreak, the Trump administration said Friday that it would bar entry by most foreign nationals who had recently visited China and put some American travelers under a quarantine as it declared a rare public health emergency.

The temporary restrictions followed announcements by American Airlines, Delta Air Lines and United Airlines that they would suspend air service between the United States and China for several months.

The travel disruption sent shocks through the stock market and rattled industries that depend on the flow of goods and people between the world’s two largest economies. Planning was upended for companies across a vast global supply chain, from Apple to John Deere, the tractor company.
And yet, look what happened.

HHS whistleblower claims US workers received coronavirus evacuees without proper precautions
HHS whistleblower: US workers received coronavirus evacuees without training or protection - CNNPolitics

Yep, the haphazard actions the administration took to get those Americans back into the country looks to have been the cause of one of the first known public transmission of the disease in the United States. Of course we should have gotten those people, but they should have been better prepared.

It's ironic because Trump was shitting his pants over ebola when we rescued Americans and brought them back. Trump would have preferred if we let them die. Of course this was because Trump was using any excuse to criticize Obama.
2000 people died of the swine flu before Obama declared a national emergency, and he allowed people with Ebola to enter the United States.

From the second link in my sig.

On April 15, 2009, the first infection was identified in California, according to the CDC, and less than two weeks later, on April 26, 2009, the Obama administration declared a public health emergency. The day before, on April 25, the World Health Organization had declared a public health emergency.

Dr. Richard Besser, then-acting director of the CDC, confirmed to the press on the day of the U.S. declaration that there were 20 cases of H1N1 in the U.S., and that “all of the individuals in this country who have been identified as cases have recovered.”

No one that Obama brought back who was fighting ebola spread it in the United States. You would have preferred we not rescue Americans and let them die instead while they are trying to protect us?

An epidemic involves millions of people. Nothing could be easier than harping on every incident to attack the president. That's what makes all you TDS morons the douchebags you are. Corona virus is real, but the way the fake news treats it is a hoax.

The media has been harping on the lack of testing to help diagnose and track the virus. The media was simply following up on what health professionals had been saying the entire time to include Dr. Fauci. In the meantime Trump was lying about the numbers, lying that anyone who wanted a test could get one and lying that this was no big deal. Clearly he was wrong and now that he is putting his priorities in the right place (weeks if not months too late) the stock market might actually recover and we may just save lives. Doesn't change the fact that we had a horrendously slow start where it mattered most, testing.
They aren't interested in facts.
The article basically rounds up Trump's missteps to include praising China for it's actions, downplaying the potential severity and what not. This is the part that is critical of the China travel ban (Europe hadn't happened yet).

The words “shut it down” apparently referred to an executive order the president had issued two days earlier, barring entry to the United States by foreign citizens who traveled to China in the past two weeks. Some health experts worry that Mr. Trump overpromised because the order — which the White House announced abruptly, with little outside consultation — is unlikely to prevent the illness from reaching the United States, and federal health officials say they assume the number of cases in the United States is likely to increase.

Speaking at a Friday news briefing, Mr. Azar defended the president’s actions and said the new travel restrictions were “very measured and incremental” while praising Mr. Trump’s “aggressive” response overall.

Imagine that, those health experts were right and Trump was wrong to assume (and do little else) this would just pass us over.

EDIT Looks like this has already been covered and the wingnuts can't get over it.
Moving to counter the spreading coronavirus outbreak, the Trump administration said Friday that it would bar entry by most foreign nationals who had recently visited China and put some American travelers under a quarantine as it declared a rare public health emergency.

The temporary restrictions followed announcements by American Airlines, Delta Air Lines and United Airlines that they would suspend air service between the United States and China for several months.

The travel disruption sent shocks through the stock market and rattled industries that depend on the flow of goods and people between the world’s two largest economies. Planning was upended for companies across a vast global supply chain, from Apple to John Deere, the tractor company.
And yet, look what happened.

HHS whistleblower claims US workers received coronavirus evacuees without proper precautions
HHS whistleblower: US workers received coronavirus evacuees without training or protection - CNNPolitics

Yep, the haphazard actions the administration took to get those Americans back into the country looks to have been the cause of one of the first known public transmission of the disease in the United States. Of course we should have gotten those people, but they should have been better prepared.

It's ironic because Trump was shitting his pants over ebola when we rescued Americans and brought them back. Trump would have preferred if we let them die. Of course this was because Trump was using any excuse to criticize Obama.
2000 people died of the swine flu before Obama declared a national emergency, and he allowed people with Ebola to enter the United States.

From the second link in my sig.

On April 15, 2009, the first infection was identified in California, according to the CDC, and less than two weeks later, on April 26, 2009, the Obama administration declared a public health emergency. The day before, on April 25, the World Health Organization had declared a public health emergency.

Dr. Richard Besser, then-acting director of the CDC, confirmed to the press on the day of the U.S. declaration that there were 20 cases of H1N1 in the U.S., and that “all of the individuals in this country who have been identified as cases have recovered.”

No one that Obama brought back who was fighting ebola spread it in the United States. You would have preferred we not rescue Americans and let them die instead while they are trying to protect us?

An epidemic involves millions of people. Nothing could be easier than harping on every incident to attack the president. That's what makes all you TDS morons the douchebags you are. Corona virus is real, but the way the fake news treats it is a hoax.

The media has been harping on the lack of testing to help diagnose and track the virus. The media was simply following up on what health professionals had been saying the entire time to include Dr. Fauci. In the meantime Trump was lying about the numbers, lying that anyone who wanted a test could get one and lying that this was no big deal. Clearly he was wrong and now that he is putting his priorities in the right place (weeks if not months too late) the stock market might actually recover and we may just save lives. Doesn't change the fact that we had a horrendously slow start where it mattered most, testing.
They aren't interested in facts.

BriPat isn't. He's the second dumbest man on the internet after Jim Hoft.
The virus IS China's fault. What the fuck?
To the extent the government allowed those open, wild animal markets to exist, which is where the virus started,'s China's fault that the virus got started. They are not, however, responsible for the admin's failed response.

Failed response?

By controlling the border we are weeks ahead of Europe.
Because of Trump's xenophobic focus on the border I completely understand why you want to believe that. It's just that you're trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. Trumpian logic doesn't work in the real world. Never has, never will.

Virtually all medical experts say you're full of shit.

.it's China's fault that the virus got started. They are not, however, responsible for the admin's failed response.

What failed response? Elaborate in detail, TDS Lord

Lack of testing. We could have used the WHO test but for whatever reason we didn't. Read the first link in my sig.

Of course you're one of the ones who claim this virus isn't a big deal because not that many people have it. I believe you started making that claim last week when we were less than a hundred? We're now over 2k and it's still growing. Anyway, many other countries are identifying through testing where we are pretty much in the dark and continue to be until we have testing.
What failed response? Elaborate in detail, TDS Lord
Fired response staff, no central coordination of response, contradictory messages, under playing the risk, not providing for enough protective equipment for medical staff, not making sure enough test kits were available, not forming a plan for hospitals to be overwhelmed, prioritizing a politically oriented rather than health expert oriented message from the admin, setting a poor example with reckless personal that enough?
Trump is breaking every rule in the CDC’s 450-page playbook for health crisis
The communication chaos on coronavirus is eroding the most powerful weapon we have: Public trust

Amid an outbreak where vaccines, drug treatments and even sufficient testing don’t yet exist, communication that is delivered early, accurately and credibly is the strongest medicine in the government’s arsenal.

But the Trump administration’s zigzagging, defensive, inconsistent messages about the novel coronavirus continued Friday, breaking almost every rule in the book and eroding the most powerful weapon officials possess: Public trust.

After disastrous communications during the 2001 anthrax attacks — when white powder in envelopes sparked widespread panic — the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention created a 450-page manual outlining how U.S. leaders should talk to the public during crises.

Protecting vulnerable people from a virus that, according to some projections, could infect millions and kill hundreds of thousands, depends on U.S. leaders issuing clear public health instructions and the public’s trust to follow directions that could save their lives.
Yet the New York Times on February 10th complained that Trump would OVERREACT and stop travel because he is a germphobe.

Just admit that left wing assholes will criticize everything Trump does period.

Try to STFU and not make everything political.

Maybe go do some meth with Andrew Gillum to clear your head.

Some Experts Worry as a Germ-Phobic Trump Confronts a Growing Epidemic

Read that article then shut up.

Plus I heard no mention of anything like this anywhere from anyone.

I gave you the link. You can see the headline through the paywall.

That’s the newspaper of record. Every good lefty like you should have a subscription to the NYT.
You used a source with a paywall so nobody could see Nazi Don kiss Xi's fat ass, from your own link:

In many of his remarks he has made, Mr. Trump has praised President Xi Jinping of China, even though his government has been widely criticized for a clumsy and initially secretive response to the coronavirus, and made some questionable announcements.

“They’re working really hard, and I think they’re doing a very professional job,” Mr. Trump said on Friday.

Speaking to a meeting of the nation’s governors on Monday, he predicted that the virus will have run its course by spring and again referred to the Chinese president.

“The virus that we’re talking about having to do, a lot of people think that goes away in April, with the heat, as the heat comes in, typically that will go away in April,” Mr. Trump said. Referring to the United States, he added: “We’re in great shape, though. We have 12 cases, 11 cases, and many of them are in good shape now.” (The number of confirmed cases is 12, according to a Monday update by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.)

“I had a long talk with President Xi two nights ago,” he added. “He feels very confident. He feels that again, as I mentioned, by April or during the month of April, the heat generally speaking kills this kind of virus. So that would be a good thing.”

I know. I read the article. It wasn't chastising trump for being paranoid about the border.

It was chastising him because that's all he did. He thought that not allowing anyone from China was enough and didn't do much of anything else.

It also pointed out how much of a failure that was.

It wasn't a failure, and it wasn't the only thing he did either.

At this point you should just admit that you are full of shit.
What else did he do?

Plus I heard no mention of anything like this anywhere from anyone.

The article basically rounds up Trump's missteps to include praising China for it's actions, downplaying the potential severity and what not. This is the part that is critical of the China travel ban (Europe hadn't happened yet).

The words “shut it down” apparently referred to an executive order the president had issued two days earlier, barring entry to the United States by foreign citizens who traveled to China in the past two weeks. Some health experts worry that Mr. Trump overpromised because the order — which the White House announced abruptly, with little outside consultation — is unlikely to prevent the illness from reaching the United States, and federal health officials say they assume the number of cases in the United States is likely to increase.

Speaking at a Friday news briefing, Mr. Azar defended the president’s actions and said the new travel restrictions were “very measured and incremental” while praising Mr. Trump’s “aggressive” response overall.

Imagine that, those health experts were right and Trump was wrong to assume (and do little else) this would just pass us over.

EDIT Looks like this has already been covered and the wingnuts can't get over it.
Moving to counter the spreading coronavirus outbreak, the Trump administration said Friday that it would bar entry by most foreign nationals who had recently visited China and put some American travelers under a quarantine as it declared a rare public health emergency.

The temporary restrictions followed announcements by American Airlines, Delta Air Lines and United Airlines that they would suspend air service between the United States and China for several months.

The travel disruption sent shocks through the stock market and rattled industries that depend on the flow of goods and people between the world’s two largest economies. Planning was upended for companies across a vast global supply chain, from Apple to John Deere, the tractor company.
And yet, look what happened.

HHS whistleblower claims US workers received coronavirus evacuees without proper precautions
HHS whistleblower: US workers received coronavirus evacuees without training or protection - CNNPolitics

Yep, the haphazard actions the administration took to get those Americans back into the country looks to have been the cause of one of the first known public transmission of the disease in the United States. Of course we should have gotten those people, but they should have been better prepared.

It's ironic because Trump was shitting his pants over ebola when we rescued Americans and brought them back. Trump would have preferred if we let them die. Of course this was because Trump was using any excuse to criticize Obama.
2000 people died of the swine flu before Obama declared a national emergency, and he allowed people with Ebola to enter the United States.

From the second link in my sig.

On April 15, 2009, the first infection was identified in California, according to the CDC, and less than two weeks later, on April 26, 2009, the Obama administration declared a public health emergency. The day before, on April 25, the World Health Organization had declared a public health emergency.

Dr. Richard Besser, then-acting director of the CDC, confirmed to the press on the day of the U.S. declaration that there were 20 cases of H1N1 in the U.S., and that “all of the individuals in this country who have been identified as cases have recovered.”

No one that Obama brought back who was fighting ebola spread it in the United States. You would have preferred we not rescue Americans and let them die instead while they are trying to protect us?

An epidemic involves millions of people. Nothing could be easier than harping on every incident to attack the president. That's what makes all you TDS morons the douchebags you are. Corona virus is real, but the way the fake news treats it is a hoax.

The media has been harping on the lack of testing to help diagnose and track the virus. The media was simply following up on what health professionals had been saying the entire time to include Dr. Fauci. In the meantime Trump was lying about the numbers, lying that anyone who wanted a test could get one and lying that this was no big deal. Clearly he was wrong and now that he is putting his priorities in the right place (weeks if not months too late) the stock market might actually recover and we may just save lives. Doesn't change the fact that we had a horrendously slow start where it mattered most, testing.

I'm on a wait and see with the stock market and economy.

A lot of goods come from Asia. A lot of manufacturing companies here depend on parts from Asia.

The supply side has been disrupted. No amount of demand is going to change that in the foreseeable future.

Meanwhile people are self quarantining. I know I shopped so that I won't have to go out much in the next few weeks. The lines at the stores, the empty shelves are the result.

One big and crucial result is that there won't be much spending or demand. Unfortunately we've become more of a service economy. Our economy runs on people spending money. When people aren't spending there isn't a demand and no amount of supply will change that.

On top of all that trump has pretty much exhausted tools that are used to get us out of a bad economy.

We are possibly headed for a very bad storm.
Yet the New York Times on February 10th complained that Trump would OVERREACT and stop travel because he is a germphobe.

Just admit that left wing assholes will criticize everything Trump does period.

Try to STFU and not make everything political.

Maybe go do some meth with Andrew Gillum to clear your head.

Some Experts Worry as a Germ-Phobic Trump Confronts a Growing Epidemic

Read that article then shut up.

Plus I heard no mention of anything like this anywhere from anyone.

The article basically rounds up Trump's missteps to include praising China for it's actions, downplaying the potential severity and what not. This is the part that is critical of the China travel ban (Europe hadn't happened yet).

The words “shut it down” apparently referred to an executive order the president had issued two days earlier, barring entry to the United States by foreign citizens who traveled to China in the past two weeks. Some health experts worry that Mr. Trump overpromised because the order — which the White House announced abruptly, with little outside consultation — is unlikely to prevent the illness from reaching the United States, and federal health officials say they assume the number of cases in the United States is likely to increase.

Speaking at a Friday news briefing, Mr. Azar defended the president’s actions and said the new travel restrictions were “very measured and incremental” while praising Mr. Trump’s “aggressive” response overall.

Imagine that, those health experts were right and Trump was wrong to assume (and do little else) this would just pass us over.

EDIT Looks like this has already been covered and the wingnuts can't get over it.
Spin, spin, spin.
Yes, we know that's what you're doing.

It's a tRumpling thing.
.it's China's fault that the virus got started. They are not, however, responsible for the admin's failed response.

What failed response? Elaborate in detail, TDS Lord

Lack of testing. We could have used the WHO test but for whatever reason we didn't. Read the first link in my sig.

Of course you're one of the ones who claim this virus isn't a big deal because not that many people have it. I believe you started making that claim last week when we were less than a hundred? We're now over 2k and it's still growing. Anyway, many other countries are identifying through testing where we are pretty much in the dark and continue to be until we have testing.

Yeah, S Korea had mass tests, 96+% were negative.

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