At this rate, eventually Trumpleton's will run out of people to blame.

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Yes, lies by omission. So you never know when one of these people are lying, or just ignorant.
Agreed, except their ignorance is willful since truthful info is readily available.
Oblamea would have appointed a Corona czar, gathered the "brightest" politicians, and held a beer summit. The media would gush over his brilliance and downplayed the thousands of deaths that would have occurred by now while blaming it all on Bush and Cheney.
Trump waited to name Pence the response coordinator, fired the response team, contradicted the brightest health experts, and held a dog and pony show. Then blamed well.........anyone he could think of instead of being a real leader by acknowledging the government's poor response is his responsibility.
And Google is wondering what the heck he was talking about in his speech yesterday.
Trump took the country at 100% debt to GDP ratio, with the manufacturing base moved to China.

I realize CNN doesn't cover this stuff but...
Believe me, you don't want to get in to the weeds on manufacturing jobs. For example.........


You do realize your chart covers ONE STATE?

What a moron.
Yet the New York Times on February 10th complained that Trump would OVERREACT and stop travel because he is a germphobe.

Just admit that left wing assholes will criticize everything Trump does period.

Try to STFU and not make everything political.

Maybe go do some meth with Andrew Gillum to clear your head.

Some Experts Worry as a Germ-Phobic Trump Confronts a Growing Epidemic

Read that article then shut up.

Plus I heard no mention of anything like this anywhere from anyone.

The article basically rounds up Trump's missteps to include praising China for it's actions, downplaying the potential severity and what not. This is the part that is critical of the China travel ban (Europe hadn't happened yet).

The words “shut it down” apparently referred to an executive order the president had issued two days earlier, barring entry to the United States by foreign citizens who traveled to China in the past two weeks. Some health experts worry that Mr. Trump overpromised because the order — which the White House announced abruptly, with little outside consultation — is unlikely to prevent the illness from reaching the United States, and federal health officials say they assume the number of cases in the United States is likely to increase.

Speaking at a Friday news briefing, Mr. Azar defended the president’s actions and said the new travel restrictions were “very measured and incremental” while praising Mr. Trump’s “aggressive” response overall.

Imagine that, those health experts were right and Trump was wrong to assume (and do little else) this would just pass us over.

EDIT Looks like this has already been covered and the wingnuts can't get over it.
While the TDS infected will continue to blame Trump for everything from the coronavirus to them having an ingrown toenail.
No one is blaming diaper donnie for the corona he sets the federal government to handle it...........that's another thing.
Oh please the baby cryying TDS whiners would blame Trump if he told them have a good day and they didn't.
The virus IS China's fault. What the fuck?

It is China's fault. And we have yet to take them to task for that. But first we have to keep it from destroying us. We're off to a really shitty start.
Yet the New York Times on February 10th complained that Trump would OVERREACT and stop travel because he is a germphobe.

Just admit that left wing assholes will criticize everything Trump does period.

Try to STFU and not make everything political.

Maybe go do some meth with Andrew Gillum to clear your head.

Some Experts Worry as a Germ-Phobic Trump Confronts a Growing Epidemic

Read that article then shut up.

Plus I heard no mention of anything like this anywhere from anyone.

The article basically rounds up Trump's missteps to include praising China for it's actions, downplaying the potential severity and what not. This is the part that is critical of the China travel ban (Europe hadn't happened yet).

The words “shut it down” apparently referred to an executive order the president had issued two days earlier, barring entry to the United States by foreign citizens who traveled to China in the past two weeks. Some health experts worry that Mr. Trump overpromised because the order — which the White House announced abruptly, with little outside consultation — is unlikely to prevent the illness from reaching the United States, and federal health officials say they assume the number of cases in the United States is likely to increase.

Speaking at a Friday news briefing, Mr. Azar defended the president’s actions and said the new travel restrictions were “very measured and incremental” while praising Mr. Trump’s “aggressive” response overall.

Imagine that, those health experts were right and Trump was wrong to assume (and do little else) this would just pass us over.

EDIT Looks like this has already been covered and the wingnuts can't get over it.
Spin, spin, spin.
The virus IS China's fault. What the fuck?
To the extent the government allowed those open, wild animal markets to exist, which is where the virus started,'s China's fault that the virus got started. They are not, however, responsible for the admin's failed response.
49 deaths so far. Better than Obama did with the swine flu so far.
Yet the New York Times on February 10th complained that Trump would OVERREACT and stop travel because he is a germphobe.

Just admit that left wing assholes will criticize everything Trump does period.

Try to STFU and not make everything political.

Maybe go do some meth with Andrew Gillum to clear your head.

Some Experts Worry as a Germ-Phobic Trump Confronts a Growing Epidemic

Read that article then shut up.

Plus I heard no mention of anything like this anywhere from anyone.

The article basically rounds up Trump's missteps to include praising China for it's actions, downplaying the potential severity and what not. This is the part that is critical of the China travel ban (Europe hadn't happened yet).

The words “shut it down” apparently referred to an executive order the president had issued two days earlier, barring entry to the United States by foreign citizens who traveled to China in the past two weeks. Some health experts worry that Mr. Trump overpromised because the order — which the White House announced abruptly, with little outside consultation — is unlikely to prevent the illness from reaching the United States, and federal health officials say they assume the number of cases in the United States is likely to increase.

Speaking at a Friday news briefing, Mr. Azar defended the president’s actions and said the new travel restrictions were “very measured and incremental” while praising Mr. Trump’s “aggressive” response overall.

Imagine that, those health experts were right and Trump was wrong to assume (and do little else) this would just pass us over.

EDIT Looks like this has already been covered and the wingnuts can't get over it.
Spin, spin, spin.

What is the spin? Be specific.
Yet the New York Times on February 10th complained that Trump would OVERREACT and stop travel because he is a germphobe.

Just admit that left wing assholes will criticize everything Trump does period.

Try to STFU and not make everything political.

Maybe go do some meth with Andrew Gillum to clear your head.

Some Experts Worry as a Germ-Phobic Trump Confronts a Growing Epidemic

Read that article then shut up.

Plus I heard no mention of anything like this anywhere from anyone.

The article basically rounds up Trump's missteps to include praising China for it's actions, downplaying the potential severity and what not. This is the part that is critical of the China travel ban (Europe hadn't happened yet).

The words “shut it down” apparently referred to an executive order the president had issued two days earlier, barring entry to the United States by foreign citizens who traveled to China in the past two weeks. Some health experts worry that Mr. Trump overpromised because the order — which the White House announced abruptly, with little outside consultation — is unlikely to prevent the illness from reaching the United States, and federal health officials say they assume the number of cases in the United States is likely to increase.

Speaking at a Friday news briefing, Mr. Azar defended the president’s actions and said the new travel restrictions were “very measured and incremental” while praising Mr. Trump’s “aggressive” response overall.

Imagine that, those health experts were right and Trump was wrong to assume (and do little else) this would just pass us over.

EDIT Looks like this has already been covered and the wingnuts can't get over it.
Moving to counter the spreading coronavirus outbreak, the Trump administration said Friday that it would bar entry by most foreign nationals who had recently visited China and put some American travelers under a quarantine as it declared a rare public health emergency.

The temporary restrictions followed announcements by American Airlines, Delta Air Lines and United Airlines that they would suspend air service between the United States and China for several months.

The travel disruption sent shocks through the stock market and rattled industries that depend on the flow of goods and people between the world’s two largest economies. Planning was upended for companies across a vast global supply chain, from Apple to John Deere, the tractor company.
And yet, look what happened.

HHS whistleblower claims US workers received coronavirus evacuees without proper precautions
HHS whistleblower: US workers received coronavirus evacuees without training or protection - CNNPolitics
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