At What Point do you Obama supporters stop swallowing Obama's CRAP???

They'll simply never stop. It'll be president for life Barack Obama in 2016, guaranteed. The media will never stop. Any time one of them catches a single photon of light in their photoreceptors that's been reflected off his dentition, they get a reflexive erection that they have to run off into a corner to polish.
There is a GROWING number of people that swallowed Obama's (in his OWN Words.."It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned."CRAP"!

President Obama has a split 46 - 45 percent job approval, according to the independent Quinnipiac (KWUIN-uh-pe-ack) University poll, down from 53 - 40 percent approval among registered voters in December, a month after his re-election.
National (US) Poll * February 8, 2013 * Hillary Clinton Is Most Popula

This decline is in direct correlation with more people who are seeing:
1) Paychecks reduced due to more payroll taxes deducted..FACT: 77% of Americans' paychecks saw payroll taxes increase!

Crap/lies coming from Obama..."I can make a firm pledge: Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes.”

2) Seeing their employers DROPPING their health insurance ...

FACT: "The result ObamaCare which today McKinsey & Company commissioned a survey of 1,329 U.S. private sector employers to measure their attitudes about healthcare reform concluded that 30% of all companies would stop providing health coverage once Obamacare kicked in in 2014.
US employer healthcare survey | McKinsey & Company

CRAP/LIES Promises people swallowed!
"If you like your health-care plan, you keep your health-care plan. Nobody is going to force you to leave your health-care plan. If you like your doctor, you keep seeing your doctor. I don't want government bureaucrats meddling in your health care."

The more people hear/read from this phony President the more people are understanding this guy is out to destroy our country!

3) And for those of you that ONLY voted because he was black?? Here is a SUCCESSFUL much smarter, much blacker black man who is shooting holes through Obama's LIES!

Dr. Benjamin Carson --
"Instead of sending it to some bureaucracy, let's put it in their HSAs. Now they have some control over their own health care."
Dr. Benjamin Carson Addresses National Prayer Breakfast, Criticizes Obamacare | RealClearPolitics

1) payroll taxes DID NOT increase. The Social Security deduction simply reverted back to the original rate before they decided to screw with it a couple of years ago.

2) I pay for my own health insurance plan, which I happen to like a lot, and I will continue to carry it in the future. If you are not getting insurance through your employer any longer, then there is no reason why you can't take out an individual plan. I don't know why this country puts the onus of providing healthcare on the employer anyway. It's just another layer of bureaucracy in an already complicated system.

3). What the hell is a blacker black man? I have a feeling you don't realize how stupid that sounds.

A.. Payroll taxes took more money out of people's pockets so from people who are not a crap eater like you they know their paycheck is less!

B. Idiot ! 2)" I pay for my own health insurance plan, " So you are so dumb you don't KNOW obviously what the people who calculate YOUR next insurance premiums are telling us, i.e. the ACTUARIES people far smarter then you obviously. have said and I quote I am not making this up as you are wont to do:

A nationwide study conducted by Milliman Inc. for the Society of Actuaries found that nationwide the premiums
in the individual market would increase from 8 to 37 percent in 2014
with a cumulative increase of as much as 122 percent between 2013 and 2017!!!

Take the time like I did download from the Society of Actuaries SOA - Society of Actuaries - Design and Implementation Considerations of ACA Risk Mitigation Programs

Do you understand you dumb f..k because of Obamacare's big ass no "pre-existing conditions" AND the insurance companies like yours that already pay out 80% of your premium dollars in CLAIMS... NO because of idiots like you and Obama these companies have to pay out 85%!
THIS means you dumb sh...t there is NO profit as these companies average 4.6% net BEFORE TAXES after paying out 80% before Obama's idiocy, and
paid out property taxes, federal payroll taxes, salaries, computers, office expenses... they had 4.6% left! With Obamacare ZERO and if that is the case
they will go out of business.
SO you dumb sack of crap... WHERE will you go to get your "insurance"???

C) Obama had a white mother! Carson had a black father and mother! Hence Carson blacker then Obama!!!
The brazen Obama Derangment Syndrome put on display here is one big reason why conservatives lose elections. The voters don't want to see how stupid and unhinged Republicans can get about Obama, how much they can race-bait, how many bizarre conspiracies and crazy lies they can make up. They want to see Republicans produce some solutions. "I HATE YOU #%$%#%# LIBERALS FOR ALWAYS BEING RIGHT!" is not a solution.

RACE baiting???

I want Dr. Ben Carson noted and better educated then Obama to be President and if he decides to run I would vote for this "blacker" black man NOT as idiots like you did for a half assed /half black man...
SO where in the f...k does that make me RACISTS????

Contrary I vote for the most qualified and Obama was less qualified then Sara Palin... that is he never ran anything!
Case in point Benghazi... NO person much less the President with 4 americans being killed would do this!!!

In fact, Panetta says that the night of 9/11, he did not communicate with a single person at the White House. The attack resulted in the deaths of four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens.
Obama did not call or communicate in anyway with the defense secretary that night. There were no calls about what was going on in Benghazi. He never called to check-in.
The 5 o'clock meeting was a pre-scheduled 30-minute session, where, according to Panetta's recollection, they spent about 20 minutes talking a lot about the American embassy that was surrounded in Egypt and the situation that was just unfolding in Benghazi.

NO executive would take off for a campaign trip MUCH less A President as Palin would NOT have done..
With such a dangerous event going on.. Obama the idiot takes OFF!!!
What a danger.. Carson, Palin, ANYONE with executive experience WoULD never leave such an event.. UNATTENDED!!!!
And when you say "well Obama was showing a respect for the competency of his people???
CRAP... If those people were the competency Obama considers acceptable... NO wonder our country is in such dire straights!
Out to destroy our country? That's the kind of CRAP that's sinking the Republican party. One can't have honest differences of opinion in their world. :cuckoo:
NO. That's the kind of crap that is sinking this country. Obama is fulfilling his desire to "fundamentally transform" the United States. Obama is a goddamned Marxist. His spending spree is intentional. He wants to bankrupt the USA!

The brazen Obama Derangment Syndrome put on display here is one big reason why conservatives lose elections. The voters don't want to see how stupid and unhinged Republicans can get about Obama, how much they can race-bait, how many bizarre conspiracies and crazy lies they can make up. They want to see Republicans produce some solutions. "I HATE YOU #%$%#%# LIBERALS FOR ALWAYS BEING RIGHT!" is not a solution.
Republicans could produce some good legislation if Harry Reid didn't send every bill generated in the House to die in some Democrat controlled Senate committee.

You people are conveniently blind when it comes to causality.
It took some conservatives until btwn '04 and '06 to stop defending Bush. I don't hold out the same hope for libs, and I don't envy their position...sometimes I even feel a bit sorry for them.:eusa_shhh:
At What Point do you Obama supporters stop swallowing Obama's CRAP???

Obama's CRAP is much easier to swallow than Republican/Teabagger CRAP. That's been proven in two elections.
At What Point do you Obama supporters stop swallowing Obama's CRAP???

Obama's CRAP is much easier to swallow than Republican/Teabagger CRAP. That's been proven in two elections.

At least you've admitted that you're swallowing crap...this is progress.:thup: :D

We all have to swallow CRAP from politicians. It's simply a matter of which ones are easier to swallow. Republicans/Teabaggers activate my gag reflex.
Obama's CRAP is much easier to swallow than Republican/Teabagger CRAP. That's been proven in two elections.

At least you've admitted that you're swallowing crap...this is progress.:thup: :D

We all have to swallow CRAP from politicians. It's simply a matter of which ones are easier to swallow. Republicans/Teabaggers activate my gag reflex.

Come on now, show some respect towards your Daddy.:eusa_whistle:
At What Point do you Obama supporters stop swallowing Obama's CRAP???

Obama's CRAP is much easier to swallow than Republican/Teabagger CRAP. That's been proven in two elections.
No. All that has been proved is that a lot of stupid people voted. I would say most of the people that voted for Obama did so more out of greed for themselves rather than what is really good for the country.
At What Point do you Obama supporters stop swallowing Obama's CRAP???

Obama's CRAP is much easier to swallow than Republican/Teabagger CRAP. That's been proven in two elections.
No. All that has been proved is that a lot of stupid people voted. I would say most of the people that voted for Obama did so more out of greed for themselves rather than what is really good for the country.

Sooo, are you suggesting that only the "smart" people voted for Romney/Ryan?
A nationwide study conducted by Milliman Inc. for the Society of Actuaries found that nationwide the premiums
in the individual market would increase from 8 to 37 percent in 2014
with a cumulative increase of as much as 122 percent between 2013 and 2017!!!

All because of Obamacare? Really?
At What Point do you Obama supporters stop swallowing Obama's CRAP???

Obama's CRAP is much easier to swallow than Republican/Teabagger CRAP. That's been proven in two elections.
No. All that has been proved is that a lot of stupid people voted. I would say most of the people that voted for Obama did so more out of greed for themselves rather than what is really good for the country.

^^^ This!!! ^^^

They were voting for individual self-interest instead of American's communal interest.
Much Blacker? And you wonder why you've been called the "party of stupid"

Are you aware that Obama's mother was CAUCASIAN (aka "white")?

Given that fact, "blacker" would be referring to the fact that a "black" man who has two BLACK parents would indeed be "blacker" than your Messiah.


Cookoo is right...anyone that uses "much blacker" seriously should likely never type again.
Much Blacker? And you wonder why you've been called the "party of stupid"
Yea you idiot... Obama had a white mother!
So that makes Dr. Carson Blacker then Obama who is half white...
Dumb fuc..K

So can a Caucasian be much more Caucasian because they have white grand parents. I have some Native American blood in me; does that decrease my race among my peer group?

Goodness politics makes the right wing act crazy. Remember Romney winning the election--you know--as you guys predicted? He only lost by over 100 electoral votes.
At What Point do you Obama supporters stop swallowing Obama's CRAP???

Obama's CRAP is much easier to swallow than Republican/Teabagger CRAP. That's been proven in two elections.
No. All that has been proved is that a lot of stupid people voted. I would say most of the people that voted for Obama did so more out of greed for themselves rather than what is really good for the country.

Yeah...that happened twice now. Amazingly, in 2014 when the GOP gains seats, (as it did in 2010), you won't hear about voter stupidity. I guess it moves in cycles eh?

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