At What Point do you Obama supporters stop swallowing Obama's CRAP???

At What Point do you Obama supporters stop swallowing Obama's CRAP???

Obama's CRAP is much easier to swallow than Republican/Teabagger CRAP. That's been proven in two elections.
No. All that has been proved is that a lot of stupid people voted. I would say most of the people that voted for Obama did so more out of greed for themselves rather than what is really good for the country.

You may be right BUT I also think a lot of people voted for Obama out of guilt!
I'm a former Iowan and I am sure the primaries in 2008 put Obama up because Iowans felt inferior with all the MSM around and didn't want to look unsophisticated by not voting for Obama. In Iowa caucus you literally stood up for who you wanted and Iowans not wanted to be perceived as "racist" in front of the MSM voted for him because THEY didn't want to be considered racist!

They like millions felt GUILTY if they didn't vote for Obama because the ONLY thing they knew was he was black!
So rather then say I don't want him as President because he was black i.e. the only reason to vote for him was because they didn't want to think they were racist!

Ignorance of Obama's LACK of experience. Ignorance of his book where he said he used tricks, tactics to make himself not an "angry black man"!

These people voted for him because HE WAS BLACK and that was the only thing they knew about him!
So of course not knowing he was friends with known USA terrorists like Bill Ayers who was happy 9/11 occurred. Not knowing he was the attorney that
helped ACORN embarrass Citicorp into lending to unqualified people thus paving the way for the housing collapse.. they voted because he was black!

These same people that voted for him NEVER knew he voted "yellow" or "present" 129 during his eight years in the Illinois Senate. Obama's campaign says anyone criticizing his "present" votes doesn't understand how this type of vote is used in the rough-and-tumble give-and-take of the Illinois legislature.

To register a vote in the Illinois General Assembly, lawmakers have a choice of three buttons on their desk. The "yes" button is green. The "no" button is red, and the "present" button is yellow, says Rich Miller, who writes and publishes The Capitol Fax, a daily newsletter and blog on Illinois politics.

They just knew he was black and they didn't want to appear racist by voting against him!
Plain and simple ignorance of Obama's lack of experience, lack of principles, and definitely his over all lacking !
Out to destroy our country? That's the kind of CRAP that's sinking the Republican party. One can't have honest differences of opinion in their world. :cuckoo:
NO. That's the kind of crap that is sinking this country. Obama is fulfilling his desire to "fundamentally transform" the United States. Obama is a goddamned Marxist. His spending spree is intentional. He wants to bankrupt the USA!

The brazen Obama Derangment Syndrome put on display here is one big reason why conservatives lose elections. The voters don't want to see how stupid and unhinged Republicans can get about Obama, how much they can race-bait, how many bizarre conspiracies and crazy lies they can make up. They want to see Republicans produce some solutions. "I HATE YOU #%$%#%# LIBERALS FOR ALWAYS BEING RIGHT!" is not a solution.
Republicans could produce some good legislation if Harry Reid didn't send every bill generated in the House to die in some Democrat controlled Senate committee.

You people are conveniently blind when it comes to causality.

The Democratic Senate could produce some good legislation if Republicans didn't filibuster every bill. You people are conveniently blind when it comes to causality.
Out to destroy our country? That's the kind of CRAP that's sinking the Republican party. One can't have honest differences of opinion in their world. :cuckoo:

Tell us what aspects of "our country" have improved over the last 4 years:

economy no
debt no
deficit no
unemployment no
people on welfare no
people on foodstamps no
people in poverty no
militiary strength no
balance of trade no
healthcare no
infrastructure no
gas prices no
food prices no
housing prices no
college tuition no
violence in cities no

so again, if obama is not destroying our country, who is?

Which one of those were caused by Republicans? When trying to fix the mess, which ones were blocked by Republicans. Turns out it's ALL of them. How can you not know that? The history is very recent. Not enough time has passed to rewrite history. You have to give it another 10 years at least.
Out to destroy our country? That's the kind of CRAP that's sinking the Republican party. One can't have honest differences of opinion in their world. :cuckoo:

True, it’s that type of inane hyperbole and nonsense from the right that renders conservatives completely devoid of credibility.
A nationwide study conducted by Milliman Inc. for the Society of Actuaries found that nationwide the premiums
in the individual market would increase from 8 to 37 percent in 2014
with a cumulative increase of as much as 122 percent between 2013 and 2017!!!

All because of Obamacare? Really?

Well Obamacare certainly isn't obviously doing what Obama said it would do..
" You should know that once we have fully implemented, you’re going to be able to buy insurance through a pool so that you can get the same good rates as a group that if you’re an employee at a big company you can get right now — which means your premiums will go down.”
President Obama?s claim that insurance premiums ?will go down? - The Washington Post

The reason he made this stupid statement.."premiums will go down" is he doesn't know a thing about HEALTH , Health Insurance or how businesses work!

the idiot's Obamacare FORCES the dropping of "pre-existing conditions"!

THINK which Obama hasn't done.. YOU are an actuary a person that calculates risk and the premiums!
For example...
Before eliminating "pre-existing" a smoker (historically causing higher claims) would pay "pre-existing" higher premiums.. non-smoker would pay lower!
BUT the idiot OBAMA having no idea of what an actuary is much less the affect baning "pre-existing" forced the actuaries to LUMP everyone together as "smokers"!
As a result HIGHER premiums!
2nd example of Obama's lack of knowledge to even question the people that wrote this idiocy into Obamacare!!!

Are you aware that state insurance regulators require companies to make a profit???
Profits build reserves which are used to pay unknown claim expense experiences... hence reserves!
Obama care forces companies to pay out 85% of premium in claims!
Well these idiots not knowing companies already pay out an average of 80% and not knowing profits before taxes average 4.6% leaving 15% overhead,salaries,etc.
NOW force 85%!
So where will the 4.6% profit come from???
RAISING premiums, letting people go, buying less computers,etc.... ALL things that force economy slowdown!

So these two reasons alone are contributing to HIGHER premiums which again Obama said would be LOWER!!!!

Obviously this goes way over your head but maybe more intelligent people will understand that Obamacare wasn't designed to HELP health care costs..
It was designed to put 1,300 insurance companies out of business and in doing so Obama has stated a single payer preference... to hell with the
FACTS these companies pay $100 billion a year in federal/state/local taxes plus property plus employing 400,000 people that will be laid off!
All because of Obamaidiocy!
Out to destroy our country? That's the kind of CRAP that's sinking the Republican party. One can't have honest differences of opinion in their world. :cuckoo:

Tell us what aspects of "our country" have improved over the last 4 years:

economy no
debt no
deficit no
unemployment no
people on welfare no
people on foodstamps no
people in poverty no
militiary strength no
balance of trade no
healthcare no
infrastructure no
gas prices no
food prices no
housing prices no
college tuition no
violence in cities no

so again, if obama is not destroying our country, who is?

Which one of those were caused by Republicans? When trying to fix the mess, which ones were blocked by Republicans. Turns out it's ALL of them. How can you not know that? The history is very recent. Not enough time has passed to rewrite history. You have to give it another 10 years at least.

Much Blacker? And you wonder why you've been called the "party of stupid"

Are you aware that Obama's mother was CAUCASIAN (aka "white")?

Given that fact, "blacker" would be referring to the fact that a "black" man who has two BLACK parents would indeed be "blacker" than your Messiah.


Cookoo is right...anyone that uses "much blacker" seriously should likely never type again.

and Obama voters are fools in that the first time they voted shame on Obama.. 2nd time shame on them!

"In the past couple of decades, the word pigmentocracy has come into common usage to refer to the distinctions that people of African descent in America make in their various skin tones, which range from the darkest shades of black to paleness that approximates whiteness. More specifically, the “ocracy” in pigmentocracy carries with it notions of hierarchical value that viewers place on such skin tones. Lighter skin tones are therefore valued more than darker skin tones. Such preferences have social, economic, and political implications, as persons of lighter skin tones historically were frequently—and stereotypically—viewed as being more intelligent, talented, and socially graceful than their darker skinned black counterparts. Blacker blacks were viewed as unattractive, indeed ugly, and generally considered of lesser value. Europeans standards of beauty thus dominated an African people for most of their history in America.
Pigmentocracy, Freedom's Story, TeacherServe®, National Humanities Center
RACE baiting???

Yep. Like you do here ...

I want Dr. Ben Carson noted and better educated then Obama to be President and if he decides to run I would vote for this "blacker" black man NOT as idiots like you did for a half assed /half black man...
SO where in the f...k does that make me RACISTS????

Are you deliberately switching the topic from race-baiting to racism, or are you simply too dim to understand the difference?

Constantly bringing up the president's race for no reason, as you keep doing, is some obvious race-baiting.
When GOP give us something other than this :

[ame=]Alan Grayson on the GOP Health Care Plan: "Don't Get Sick! And if You Do Get Sick, Die Quickly!"' - YouTube[/ame]
RACE baiting???

Yep. Like you do here ...

I want Dr. Ben Carson noted and better educated then Obama to be President and if he decides to run I would vote for this "blacker" black man NOT as idiots like you did for a half assed /half black man...
SO where in the f...k does that make me RACISTS????

Are you deliberately switching the topic from race-baiting to racism, or are you simply too dim to understand the difference?

Constantly bringing up the president's race for no reason, as you keep doing, is some obvious race-baiting.

NO I am not bringing up his RACE! I am bringing up the stupidity of racists voters who because they had NO valid reasons to vote for Obama except that he was half black! These people obviously never heard Obama bring up his OWN ethnicity when Obama said: "He’s young and inexperienced and he’s got a funny name. And did I mention he’s black?"
Obama at Florida fund-raiser says GOP will go after him because he is black. Pool report. - Lynn Sweet

Evidently NOT one of you Obama supporters EVER read Obama's book "Dreams of My Father"
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed. Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem
angry all the time."

So why did Obama have to make any references to being Black if he wasn't being disingenuous?

Obama brought these distinctions UP first in his book then in 2008 above... I wasn't on this board in either time!
Obama brought race up FIRST!!!
Are you aware that Obama's mother was CAUCASIAN (aka "white")?

Given that fact, "blacker" would be referring to the fact that a "black" man who has two BLACK parents would indeed be "blacker" than your Messiah.


Cookoo is right...anyone that uses "much blacker" seriously should likely never type again.

and Obama voters are fools in that the first time they voted shame on Obama.. 2nd time shame on them!

"In the past couple of decades, the word pigmentocracy has come into common usage to refer to the distinctions that people of African descent in America make in their various skin tones, which range from the darkest shades of black to paleness that approximates whiteness. More specifically, the “ocracy” in pigmentocracy carries with it notions of hierarchical value that viewers place on such skin tones. Lighter skin tones are therefore valued more than darker skin tones. Such preferences have social, economic, and political implications, as persons of lighter skin tones historically were frequently—and stereotypically—viewed as being more intelligent, talented, and socially graceful than their darker skinned black counterparts. Blacker blacks were viewed as unattractive, indeed ugly, and generally considered of lesser value. Europeans standards of beauty thus dominated an African people for most of their history in America.
Pigmentocracy, Freedom's Story, TeacherServe®, National Humanities Center

How very sad you are.
RACE baiting???

Yep. Like you do here ...

I want Dr. Ben Carson noted and better educated then Obama to be President and if he decides to run I would vote for this "blacker" black man NOT as idiots like you did for a half assed /half black man...
SO where in the f...k does that make me RACISTS????

Are you deliberately switching the topic from race-baiting to racism, or are you simply too dim to understand the difference?

Constantly bringing up the president's race for no reason, as you keep doing, is some obvious race-baiting.

NO I am not bringing up his RACE! I am bringing up the stupidity of racists voters who because they had NO valid reasons to vote for Obama except that he was half black! These people obviously never heard Obama bring up his OWN ethnicity when Obama said: "He’s young and inexperienced and he’s got a funny name. And did I mention he’s black?"
Obama at Florida fund-raiser says GOP will go after him because he is black. Pool report. - Lynn Sweet

Evidently NOT one of you Obama supporters EVER read Obama's book "Dreams of My Father"
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed. Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem
angry all the time."

So why did Obama have to make any references to being Black if he wasn't being disingenuous?

Obama brought these distinctions UP first in his book then in 2008 above... I wasn't on this board in either time!
Obama brought race up FIRST!!!

Anyone listening (key word there--you have to listen) to his platform vs. more of the Bush years from McCain would likely have voted for Obama without the fact that Sarah Palin was the #2 showing a shocking lapse in judgement, without the fact that under Bush the economy had just gone off the rails due to the deregulations that the GOP embraces, and that McCain at times seemed to want to continue our intreventionist (sp?) foreign policy which had not resulted in anything excpet Saddam's topple five years earlier and his arrest in 2006 I think it was.

You see only race.

Again, how pathetic you are.
Out to destroy our country? That's the kind of CRAP that's sinking the Republican party. One can't have honest differences of opinion in their world. :cuckoo:

Tell us what aspects of "our country" have improved over the last 4 years:

economy no
debt no
deficit no
unemployment no
people on welfare no
people on foodstamps no
people in poverty no
militiary strength no
balance of trade no
healthcare no
infrastructure no
gas prices no
food prices no
housing prices no
college tuition no
violence in cities no

so again, if obama is not destroying our country, who is?

Which one of those were caused by Republicans? When trying to fix the mess, which ones were blocked by Republicans. Turns out it's ALL of them. How can you not know that? The history is very recent. Not enough time has passed to rewrite history. You have to give it another 10 years at least.

sorry but that doesn't play. obama has had 4 years and nothing is better, his first 2 years he had both houses of congress and what did he pass? obozocare. BFD. the economy sucks because his policies of tax and spend do not work. Republicans did not block anything, and what they tried to block he rammed thru using executive orders,

Nope, the current mess belongs to obama, he inherited it from himself.

worst president in history :clap2:
A nationwide study conducted by Milliman Inc. for the Society of Actuaries found that nationwide the premiums
in the individual market would increase from 8 to 37 percent in 2014
with a cumulative increase of as much as 122 percent between 2013 and 2017!!!

All because of Obamacare? Really?

Well Obamacare certainly isn't obviously doing what Obama said it would do..
" You should know that once we have fully implemented, you’re going to be able to buy insurance through a pool so that you can get the same good rates as a group that if you’re an employee at a big company you can get right now — which means your premiums will go down.”
President Obama?s claim that insurance premiums ?will go down? - The Washington Post

The reason he made this stupid statement.."premiums will go down" is he doesn't know a thing about HEALTH , Health Insurance or how businesses work!

the idiot's Obamacare FORCES the dropping of "pre-existing conditions"!

THINK which Obama hasn't done.. YOU are an actuary a person that calculates risk and the premiums!
For example...
Before eliminating "pre-existing" a smoker (historically causing higher claims) would pay "pre-existing" higher premiums.. non-smoker would pay lower!
BUT the idiot OBAMA having no idea of what an actuary is much less the affect baning "pre-existing" forced the actuaries to LUMP everyone together as "smokers"!
As a result HIGHER premiums!
2nd example of Obama's lack of knowledge to even question the people that wrote this idiocy into Obamacare!!!

Are you aware that state insurance regulators require companies to make a profit???
Profits build reserves which are used to pay unknown claim expense experiences... hence reserves!
Obama care forces companies to pay out 85% of premium in claims!
Well these idiots not knowing companies already pay out an average of 80% and not knowing profits before taxes average 4.6% leaving 15% overhead,salaries,etc.
NOW force 85%!
So where will the 4.6% profit come from???
RAISING premiums, letting people go, buying less computers,etc.... ALL things that force economy slowdown!

So these two reasons alone are contributing to HIGHER premiums which again Obama said would be LOWER!!!!

Obviously this goes way over your head but maybe more intelligent people will understand that Obamacare wasn't designed to HELP health care costs..
It was designed to put 1,300 insurance companies out of business and in doing so Obama has stated a single payer preference... to hell with the
FACTS these companies pay $100 billion a year in federal/state/local taxes plus property plus employing 400,000 people that will be laid off!
All because of Obamaidiocy!

Yeah, Obama should have never said the health care insurance premiums would go down. Between 1999-2009 premiums went up 131% and that was before Obamacare!
The only thing that's going to push health cre insurance premiums down is a serious drop in the cost of health care.
Considering the US pays more than any other country in the entire world by a huge margin, there is a definite way that health care costs in America can be and should be competitive with the rest of the world.
The rest of the wealthy countries negotiate with health care providers the price that will be charged for their services and products. The result is the huge gap that lies between what we pay in the US and how much the rest of the world.
The problem is that our elected officials who can change the direction of the cost of health care are in the back pocket of health care. Therefore, I would never count on these folks to do their job and that is to represent the people of the US and the economical security of the US.
Exactly how much longer can the working wage class and their employers keep on absorbing the rising cost of health care that seriously exceeds inflation/wage growth/profit growth?


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Of course the economy is much better than 2009, health cost trends are coming down, college loan costs are much better, and EVERYTHING will get better when Pubs stop the mindless obstruction of recovery, especially the Debt ceiling/fiscal cliff/sequestration BS. Unbelievable. And the dupes haven't heard ANY good news LOL.
Cookoo is right...anyone that uses "much blacker" seriously should likely never type again.

and Obama voters are fools in that the first time they voted shame on Obama.. 2nd time shame on them!

"In the past couple of decades, the word pigmentocracy has come into common usage to refer to the distinctions that people of African descent in America make in their various skin tones, which range from the darkest shades of black to paleness that approximates whiteness. More specifically, the “ocracy” in pigmentocracy carries with it notions of hierarchical value that viewers place on such skin tones. Lighter skin tones are therefore valued more than darker skin tones. Such preferences have social, economic, and political implications, as persons of lighter skin tones historically were frequently—and stereotypically—viewed as being more intelligent, talented, and socially graceful than their darker skinned black counterparts. Blacker blacks were viewed as unattractive, indeed ugly, and generally considered of lesser value. Europeans standards of beauty thus dominated an African people for most of their history in America.
Pigmentocracy, Freedom's Story, TeacherServe®, National Humanities Center

How very sad you are.

How very ill-informed AND um-informed YOU are!!! I can't understand you ONLY form opinions BASED on what the MSM tells you !
YOU have NO independent objectivity! YOU don't THINK you FEEL and notice the difference right there!
YOU call me SAD an emotional, hysterical comment... I call you "ill-informed and un-informed" based on your obvious limited research and scholarship!
Obama's CRAP is much easier to swallow than Republican/Teabagger CRAP. That's been proven in two elections.

At least you've admitted that you're swallowing crap...this is progress.:thup: :D

We all have to swallow CRAP from politicians. It's simply a matter of which ones are easier to swallow. Republicans/Teabaggers activate my gag reflex.

sounds like you have some experience with teabagging , gagging and swallowing

A nationwide study conducted by Milliman Inc. for the Society of Actuaries found that nationwide the premiums
in the individual market would increase from 8 to 37 percent in 2014
with a cumulative increase of as much as 122 percent between 2013 and 2017!!!

All because of Obamacare? Really?

Well Obamacare certainly isn't obviously doing what Obama said it would do..
" You should know that once we have fully implemented, you’re going to be able to buy insurance through a pool so that you can get the same good rates as a group that if you’re an employee at a big company you can get right now — which means your premiums will go down.”
President Obama?s claim that insurance premiums ?will go down? - The Washington Post

The reason he made this stupid statement.."premiums will go down" is he doesn't know a thing about HEALTH , Health Insurance or how businesses work!

the idiot's Obamacare FORCES the dropping of "pre-existing conditions"!

THINK which Obama hasn't done.. YOU are an actuary a person that calculates risk and the premiums!
For example...
Before eliminating "pre-existing" a smoker (historically causing higher claims) would pay "pre-existing" higher premiums.. non-smoker would pay lower!
BUT the idiot OBAMA having no idea of what an actuary is much less the affect baning "pre-existing" forced the actuaries to LUMP everyone together as "smokers"!
As a result HIGHER premiums!
2nd example of Obama's lack of knowledge to even question the people that wrote this idiocy into Obamacare!!!

Are you aware that state insurance regulators require companies to make a profit???
Profits build reserves which are used to pay unknown claim expense experiences... hence reserves!
Obama care forces companies to pay out 85% of premium in claims!
Well these idiots not knowing companies already pay out an average of 80% and not knowing profits before taxes average 4.6% leaving 15% overhead,salaries,etc.
NOW force 85%!
So where will the 4.6% profit come from???
RAISING premiums, letting people go, buying less computers,etc.... ALL things that force economy slowdown!

So these two reasons alone are contributing to HIGHER premiums which again Obama said would be LOWER!!!!

Obviously this goes way over your head but maybe more intelligent people will understand that Obamacare wasn't designed to HELP health care costs..
It was designed to put 1,300 insurance companies out of business and in doing so Obama has stated a single payer preference... to hell with the
FACTS these companies pay $100 billion a year in federal/state/local taxes plus property plus employing 400,000 people that will be laid off!
All because of Obamaidiocy!

Yeah, Obama should have never said the health care insurance premiums would go down. Between 1999-2009 premiums went up 131% and that was before Obamacare!
The only thing that's going to push health cre insurance premiums down is a serious drop in the cost of health care.
Considering the US pays more than any other country in the entire world by a huge margin, there is a definite way that health care costs in America can be and should be competitive with the rest of the world.
The rest of the wealthy countries negotiate with health care providers the price that will be charged for their services and products. The result is the huge gap that lies between what we pay in the US and how much the rest of the world.
The problem is that our elected officials who can change the direction of the cost of health care are in the back pocket of health care. Therefore, I would never count on these folks to do their job and that is to represent the people of the US and the economical security of the US.
Exactly how much longer can the working wage class and their employers keep on absorbing the rising cost of health care that seriously exceeds inflation/wage growth/profit growth?

So again YOU know better the people that create the premiums i.e. ACTUARIES!

Actuaries are telling you that because of idiotic lumping for example smokers/non-smokers i.e. no Pre-existing conditions that have to charge the higher premium because they can't distinguish by law! Idiot!
Then these same actuaries "EXPERTS" tried telling the idiots who put Obamacare together that STATE laws require reserves! NO reserves you can't sell!
Reserves come from OH those evil high disgusting profits of 4.6% average!
So actuaries are ADDING this stupid requirement of 85% to the premiums so they can GET the 4.6% net profits needed to create RESERVES!

BUT IDIOTS like you have NO idea and even more idiotic you spout crap you have NO knowledge obviously about!
Premiums went up in the past simple because $850 billion a year in claims come from duplicate tests,referrals, etc.. ALL called DEFENSIVE MEDICINE!
Again the experts tell us not some fly by night graduate like you obviously are that believes everything your socialist liberal arts mouthpieces teach, i.e. corporations are bad! Profits are bad! All capitalism is BAD!!!

No premiums from the experts went up simply because MORE claims!

Let me ask you... you see these shows with extreme sports accidents, mountain climbing accidents, speed boat accidents, idiots on skate boards??

What do you think happens after they have an accident??? INSURANCE CLAIMS!!!

When our society lets idiots do idiotic stunts like slide a board down a railing smashing the mouth to the concrete...DUH!!! You don't think claims are made??
But of course the idiot you are will immediately make some stupid comment about my example!

How many idiotic claims have your or your relatives filed because of stupid careless activities you engage in?

And this is just ONE of the contributions to INsurance premium escalations!
Idiots like you doing idiotic actions... $850 billion defensive medicine out of fear of lawsuits! Medicare forcing hospitals to take under EMTALA (Look it up idiot!)
Well Obamacare certainly isn't obviously doing what Obama said it would do..
" You should know that once we have fully implemented, you’re going to be able to buy insurance through a pool so that you can get the same good rates as a group that if you’re an employee at a big company you can get right now — which means your premiums will go down.”
President Obama?s claim that insurance premiums ?will go down? - The Washington Post

The reason he made this stupid statement.."premiums will go down" is he doesn't know a thing about HEALTH , Health Insurance or how businesses work!

the idiot's Obamacare FORCES the dropping of "pre-existing conditions"!

THINK which Obama hasn't done.. YOU are an actuary a person that calculates risk and the premiums!
For example...
Before eliminating "pre-existing" a smoker (historically causing higher claims) would pay "pre-existing" higher premiums.. non-smoker would pay lower!
BUT the idiot OBAMA having no idea of what an actuary is much less the affect baning "pre-existing" forced the actuaries to LUMP everyone together as "smokers"!
As a result HIGHER premiums!
2nd example of Obama's lack of knowledge to even question the people that wrote this idiocy into Obamacare!!!

Are you aware that state insurance regulators require companies to make a profit???
Profits build reserves which are used to pay unknown claim expense experiences... hence reserves!
Obama care forces companies to pay out 85% of premium in claims!
Well these idiots not knowing companies already pay out an average of 80% and not knowing profits before taxes average 4.6% leaving 15% overhead,salaries,etc.
NOW force 85%!
So where will the 4.6% profit come from???
RAISING premiums, letting people go, buying less computers,etc.... ALL things that force economy slowdown!

So these two reasons alone are contributing to HIGHER premiums which again Obama said would be LOWER!!!!

Obviously this goes way over your head but maybe more intelligent people will understand that Obamacare wasn't designed to HELP health care costs..
It was designed to put 1,300 insurance companies out of business and in doing so Obama has stated a single payer preference... to hell with the
FACTS these companies pay $100 billion a year in federal/state/local taxes plus property plus employing 400,000 people that will be laid off!
All because of Obamaidiocy!

Yeah, Obama should have never said the health care insurance premiums would go down. Between 1999-2009 premiums went up 131% and that was before Obamacare!
The only thing that's going to push health cre insurance premiums down is a serious drop in the cost of health care.
Considering the US pays more than any other country in the entire world by a huge margin, there is a definite way that health care costs in America can be and should be competitive with the rest of the world.
The rest of the wealthy countries negotiate with health care providers the price that will be charged for their services and products. The result is the huge gap that lies between what we pay in the US and how much the rest of the world.
The problem is that our elected officials who can change the direction of the cost of health care are in the back pocket of health care. Therefore, I would never count on these folks to do their job and that is to represent the people of the US and the economical security of the US.
Exactly how much longer can the working wage class and their employers keep on absorbing the rising cost of health care that seriously exceeds inflation/wage growth/profit growth?

So again YOU know better the people that create the premiums i.e. ACTUARIES!

Actuaries are telling you that because of idiotic lumping for example smokers/non-smokers i.e. no Pre-existing conditions that have to charge the higher premium because they can't distinguish by law! Idiot!
Then these same actuaries "EXPERTS" tried telling the idiots who put Obamacare together that STATE laws require reserves! NO reserves you can't sell!
Reserves come from OH those evil high disgusting profits of 4.6% average!
So actuaries are ADDING this stupid requirement of 85% to the premiums so they can GET the 4.6% net profits needed to create RESERVES!

BUT IDIOTS like you have NO idea and even more idiotic you spout crap you have NO knowledge obviously about!
Premiums went up in the past simple because $850 billion a year in claims come from duplicate tests,referrals, etc.. ALL called DEFENSIVE MEDICINE!
Again the experts tell us not some fly by night graduate like you obviously are that believes everything your socialist liberal arts mouthpieces teach, i.e. corporations are bad! Profits are bad! All capitalism is BAD!!!

No premiums from the experts went up simply because MORE claims!

Let me ask you... you see these shows with extreme sports accidents, mountain climbing accidents, speed boat accidents, idiots on skate boards??

What do you think happens after they have an accident??? INSURANCE CLAIMS!!!

When our society lets idiots do idiotic stunts like slide a board down a railing smashing the mouth to the concrete...DUH!!! You don't think claims are made??
But of course the idiot you are will immediately make some stupid comment about my example!

How many idiotic claims have your or your relatives filed because of stupid careless activities you engage in?

And this is just ONE of the contributions to INsurance premium escalations!
Idiots like you doing idiotic actions... $850 billion defensive medicine out of fear of lawsuits! Medicare forcing hospitals to take under EMTALA (Look it up idiot!)

Listen here healthmyths, you rag on someone in another post about their objectivity and then you turn around and do your usual narrow-minded train of thought (complete with the usual CAPITAL letters :razz:). And speaking of the a Actuaries. I found this press release regarding Affordable Care Act Programs Expected to Mitigate Health Plans’ Risk in Early Years (SOA - Society of Actuaries - Affordable Care Act Programs Expected to Mitigate Health Plans? Risk in Early Years) It seems you have been greatly exaggerating their report to the negative :)eusa_liar:). Now this doesn't surprise me as I have caught you in factual lies in the past.
Now, prove to me that the US government negotiating the cost of services/products would not seriously lower the cost of health care. The wealthy nations negotiating prices are paying pennies on the dollar what Americans pay. That is a fact.
RACE baiting???

Yep. Like you do here ...

I want Dr. Ben Carson noted and better educated then Obama to be President and if he decides to run I would vote for this "blacker" black man NOT as idiots like you did for a half assed /half black man...
SO where in the f...k does that make me RACISTS????

Are you deliberately switching the topic from race-baiting to racism, or are you simply too dim to understand the difference?

Constantly bringing up the president's race for no reason, as you keep doing, is some obvious race-baiting.

NO I am not bringing up his RACE! I am bringing up the stupidity of racists voters who because they had NO valid reasons to vote for Obama except that he was half black! These people obviously never heard Obama bring up his OWN ethnicity when Obama said: "He’s young and inexperienced and he’s got a funny name. And did I mention he’s black?"
Obama at Florida fund-raiser says GOP will go after him because he is black. Pool report. - Lynn Sweet

Evidently NOT one of you Obama supporters EVER read Obama's book "Dreams of My Father"
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed. Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem
angry all the time."

So why did Obama have to make any references to being Black if he wasn't being disingenuous?

Obama brought these distinctions UP first in his book then in 2008 above... I wasn't on this board in either time!
Obama brought race up FIRST!!!

Ah, but of course. And that's how you justify the "white guilt" theory, right?

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