At what point in history has the Democrat party offered any manner of leadership with integrity and clear conscious?


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
The party of slavery era is out. PROGS want to blame Confederate soldiers instead of the left's elite, go figure they missed that one too.

I know some Jewish folk, good people, though other tribes have other ideas, there's a history and geography for it. I can't figure out how Jews as a group concluded it was Democrats who were pro human rights and such, that wasn't long after the civil war. I figure some were in on it and stuck the idea up their asses with newspapers, just as today's media screams racism 24/7. All I know is many in the Jewish community now see the light, and blacks are coming around too.

Today the party is what? They don't even stand for anything unless it involves the absurd and contrary. Not an honest or worth a shit narrative among them, they're PROG-Commies, Communists in the making. Go figure they even sold us out to China many times, I wonder why that would be? Yet they cry "minimum wage", "minimum wage", rational thought is lost.

So we're only say 150 years out from slavery, even their congress failed to support civil rights 100 years later. Yet we're supposed to believe this is the party of love and blah blah, the righteous of the two parties? We're supposed to believe it's conservatives who are racist and such, turn on any form of media right now, they'll tell you all about it. Today their government supports the destruction of their cities, and ESPECIALLY within black communities, proven. All while they declare love & stuff like that.

How is it this country supports Trump policies over Biden's BY FAR, yet the party of slavery got the left to support their party anyway?

Where along the way have Democrats earned an ounce of the reputation they're supposed to be, the lessor of two evils? Looks to me they only project. More than that most conservatives are for country and people. What are PROGS for, gay marriage and cross-genders? That BS wasn't even an idea in most PROG-heads. The absurd is no longer absurd when their masters tell them so, and always play the victim card, and ALWAYS entertain the lowest common denominator. That sound like leadership to you?
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PPPPPTTT!!!! Seriously? Are you trying to get sent to the basement out of the gate? :)
This is typical of right wing bloviating. Saying BS without saying...ANYTHING. Nothing but same old, same old.

So let's start diving down. Leadership and Integrity. I'm surprised you even have the testicular fortitude to bring integrity up.
Because Republicans and conservatives abandoned it a long time ago. All you got are "ists" and "isms".

There are issues that require thought and reason..but that's not in the Republican cards.
Discuss particulars. Then..I'll think that maybe, you're not spewing talking points...or drunk gibberish.
The party of slavery era is out. PROGS want to blame Confederate soldiers instead of the left's elite, go figure they missed that one too.

I know some Jewish folk, good people, though other tribes have other ideas, there's a history and geography for it. I can't figure out how Jews as a group concluded it was Democrats who were pro human rights and such, that wasn't long after the civil war. I figure some were in on it and stuck the idea up their asses with newspapers, just as today's media screams racism 24/7. All I know is many in the Jewish community now see the light, and blacks are coming around too.

Today the party is what? They don't even stand for anything unless it involves the absurd and contrary. Not an honest or worth a shit narrative among them, they're PROG-Commies, Communists in the making. Go figure they even sold us out to China many times, I wonder why that would be? Yet they cry "minimum wage", "minimum wage", rational thought is lost.

So we're only say 150 years out from slavery, even their congress failed to support civil rights 100 years later. Yet we're supposed to believe this is the party of love and blah blah, the righteous of the two parties? We're supposed to believe it's conservatives who are racist and such, turn on any form of media right now, they'll tell you all about it. Today their government supports the destruction of their cities, and ESPECIALLY within black communities, proven. All while they declare love & stuff like that.

How is it this country supports Trump policies over Biden's BY FAR, yet the party of slavery got the left to support their party anyway?

Where along the way have Democrats earned an ounce of the reputation they're supposed to be, the lessor of two evils? Looks to me they only project. More than that most conservatives are for country and people. What are PROGS for, gay marriage and cross-genders? That BS wasn't even an idea in most PROG-heads. The absurd is no longer absurd when their masters tell them so, and always play the victim card, and ALWAYS entertain the lowest common denominator. That sound like leadership to you?

There's no such thing as a "Democrat Party".

Lush Rimjob much?

I can't figure out how Jews as a group concluded it was Democrats who were pro human rights and such, that wasn't long after the civil war.

"Can't figure it out"?
Didja LOOK? Like in a history book? Or even on this board??

Around the turn of the 19th/20th century the Duopoly started to crossfade. Republicans abandoned their original cause of Abolition --- that after all got done --- and started taking on the interests of the wealthy, the corporations, the railroads, Wall Street. Democrats meanwhile absorbed the Populist movement and political party, and with it started taking on the interests of labor and minorities, including Catholics, Jews, immigrants &c, and by the 1930s, blacks were on board as well. That ol' debbil "party switch" that your cult tries so desperately to deny happened, there it is.
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PPPPPTTT!!!! Seriously? Are you trying to get sent to the basement out of the gate? :)
This is typical of right wing bloviating. Saying BS without saying...ANYTHING. Nothing but same old, same old.

So let's start diving down. Leadership and Integrity. I'm surprised you even have the testicular fortitude to bring integrity up.
Because Republicans and conservatives abandoned it a long time ago. All you got are "ists" and "isms".

There are issues that require thought and reason..but that's not in the Republican cards.
Discuss particulars. Then..I'll think that maybe, you're not spewing talking points...or drunk gibberish.

Fair enough, I'll rephrase it :aargh:

Where along the way have Democrats earned a reputation they're anything more than the party of slavery & trickery against the common good of country & logic? Must be someplace, I'd like to hear about it.
PPPPPTTT!!!! Seriously? Are you trying to get sent to the basement out of the gate? :)
This is typical of right wing bloviating. Saying BS without saying...ANYTHING. Nothing but same old, same old.

So let's start diving down. Leadership and Integrity. I'm surprised you even have the testicular fortitude to bring integrity up.
Because Republicans and conservatives abandoned it a long time ago. All you got are "ists" and "isms".

There are issues that require thought and reason..but that's not in the Republican cards.
Discuss particulars. Then..I'll think that maybe, you're not spewing talking points...or drunk gibberish.

Fair enough, I'll rephrase it :aargh:

Where along the way have Democrats earned a reputation they're anything more than the party of slavery & trickery against the common good of country & logic? Must be someplace, I'd like to hear about it.

Well..since the mid 70's, Democrats have consistently put themselves on the side of the workers and common folk. Something that the Republican party could lay claim to prior to the 70's.
Slavery??..Civil Rights?? do know the parties switched identities in the mid 60's..right??

So, what are Republican excuses for siding with big corporations and the religious rights since 1982?...GO!!! :)
The party of slavery era is out. PROGS want to blame Confederate soldiers instead of the left's elite, go figure they missed that one too.

I know some Jewish folk, good people, though other tribes have other ideas, there's a history and geography for it. I can't figure out how Jews as a group concluded it was Democrats who were pro human rights and such, that wasn't long after the civil war. I figure some were in on it and stuck the idea up their asses with newspapers, just as today's media screams racism 24/7. All I know is many in the Jewish community now see the light, and blacks are coming around too.

Today the party is what? They don't even stand for anything unless it involves the absurd and contrary. Not an honest or worth a shit narrative among them, they're PROG-Commies, Communists in the making. Go figure they even sold us out to China many times, I wonder why that would be? Yet they cry "minimum wage", "minimum wage", rational thought is lost.

So we're only say 150 years out from slavery, even their congress failed to support civil rights 100 years later. Yet we're supposed to believe this is the party of love and blah blah, the righteous of the two parties? We're supposed to believe it's conservatives who are racist and such, turn on any form of media right now, they'll tell you all about it. Today their government supports the destruction of their cities, and ESPECIALLY within black communities, proven. All while they declare love & stuff like that.

How is it this country supports Trump policies over Biden's BY FAR, yet the party of slavery got the left to support their party anyway?

Where along the way have Democrats earned an ounce of the reputation they're supposed to be, the lessor of two evils? Looks to me they only project. More than that most conservatives are for country and people. What are PROGS for, gay marriage and cross-genders? That BS wasn't even an idea in most PROG-heads. The absurd is no longer absurd when their masters tell them so, and always play the victim card, and ALWAYS entertain the lowest common denominator. That sound like leadership to you?
Two Democrats offered leadership based with integrity and with clear conscience today, and were even join by a Republican for the same reason in the same cause.

Obama, Bush, Clinton Say They're Willing To Get Coronavirus Vaccine On Camera

PPPPPTTT!!!! Seriously? Are you trying to get sent to the basement out of the gate? :)
This is typical of right wing bloviating. Saying BS without saying...ANYTHING. Nothing but same old, same old.

So let's start diving down. Leadership and Integrity. I'm surprised you even have the testicular fortitude to bring integrity up.
Because Republicans and conservatives abandoned it a long time ago. All you got are "ists" and "isms".

There are issues that require thought and reason..but that's not in the Republican cards.
Discuss particulars. Then..I'll think that maybe, you're not spewing talking points...or drunk gibberish.

Fair enough, I'll rephrase it :aargh:

Where along the way have Democrats earned a reputation they're anything more than the party of slavery & trickery against the common good of country & logic? Must be someplace, I'd like to hear about it.

Well..since the mid 70's, Democrats have consistently put themselves on the side of the workers and common folk. Something that the Republican party could lay claim to prior to the 70's.
Slavery??..Civil Rights?? do know the parties switched identities in the mid 60's..right??

So, what are Republican excuses for siding with big corporations and the religious rights since 1982?...GO!!! :)
FDR was a Democrat and his policies and programs are still impacting America more than any President since his time.
Could it be the Carter & Clinton Administrations. who decided Chinese goods were in the best interest of our own?

How about FDR, who imprisoned Japanese Americans and was too big a puss to know a war when he sees it. Perhaps the Johnson Admin., funny how they "feared" communism at the time, now PROGS entertain Communism, who knew.

Might it be the Obama admin, who introduced the most corrupt gov. of all, while millions were raped or murdered because of his error? We watched as he bowed to terrorists and paid them off too. All while Americans were distinguished between racists and Democrats, thugs were declared heroes and authority declared thugs, so Democrats could sit back watching their cities burn? All so they could play the feel for blacks line, shit fuckers, you just enticed them to destroy their own communities, I wonder why?

How about the Clinton admin. and all Democrats who supported going to war with Iraq, yet that error belonged to POTUS Bush alone? Interesting. Bush sucks, I think he's a Democrat in hiding anyway.

To put it more simple, how do Democrat leaders compare to say Abe Lincoln, Teddy, Reagan and Trump for example?
The party of slavery era is out. PROGS want to blame Confederate soldiers instead of the left's elite, go figure they missed that one too.

I know some Jewish folk, good people, though other tribes have other ideas, there's a history and geography for it. I can't figure out how Jews as a group concluded it was Democrats who were pro human rights and such, that wasn't long after the civil war. I figure some were in on it and stuck the idea up their asses with newspapers, just as today's media screams racism 24/7. All I know is many in the Jewish community now see the light, and blacks are coming around too.

Today the party is what? They don't even stand for anything unless it involves the absurd and contrary. Not an honest or worth a shit narrative among them, they're PROG-Commies, Communists in the making. Go figure they even sold us out to China many times, I wonder why that would be? Yet they cry "minimum wage", "minimum wage", rational thought is lost.

So we're only say 150 years out from slavery, even their congress failed to support civil rights 100 years later. Yet we're supposed to believe this is the party of love and blah blah, the righteous of the two parties? We're supposed to believe it's conservatives who are racist and such, turn on any form of media right now, they'll tell you all about it. Today their government supports the destruction of their cities, and ESPECIALLY within black communities, proven. All while they declare love & stuff like that.

How is it this country supports Trump policies over Biden's BY FAR, yet the party of slavery got the left to support their party anyway?

Where along the way have Democrats earned an ounce of the reputation they're supposed to be, the lessor of two evils? Looks to me they only project. More than that most conservatives are for country and people. What are PROGS for, gay marriage and cross-genders? That BS wasn't even an idea in most PROG-heads. The absurd is no longer absurd when their masters tell them so, and always play the victim card, and ALWAYS entertain the lowest common denominator. That sound like leadership to you?

There's no such thing as a "Democrat Party".

Lush Rimjob much?

I can't figure out how Jews as a group concluded it was Democrats who were pro human rights and such, that wasn't long after the civil war.

"Can't figure it out"?
Didja LOOK? Like in a history book? Or even on this board??

Around the turn of the 19th/20th century the Duopoly started to crossfade. Republicans abandoned their original cause of Abolition --- that after all got done --- and started taking on the interests of the wealthy, the corporations, the railroads, Wall Street. Democrats meanwhile absorbed the Populist movement and political party, and with it started taking on the interests of labor and minorities, including Catholics, Jews, immigrants &c, and by the 1930s, blacks were on board as well. That ol' debbil "party switch" that your cult tries so desperately to deny happened, there it is.

The actual voting record for both Houses of Congress shows that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 passed the Senate on a 73-to-27 vote. The Democratic supermajority in the Senate split their vote 46 (69%) for and 21 (31%) against. The Republicans, on the other hand, split their vote 27 for (82%) and 6 against (18%). Thus, the no vote consisted of 78% Democrats. Further, the infamous 74-day filibuster was led by the Southern Democrats, who overwhelmingly voted against the act.
The party of slavery era is out. PROGS want to blame Confederate soldiers instead of the left's elite, go figure they missed that one too.

I know some Jewish folk, good people, though other tribes have other ideas, there's a history and geography for it. I can't figure out how Jews as a group concluded it was Democrats who were pro human rights and such, that wasn't long after the civil war. I figure some were in on it and stuck the idea up their asses with newspapers, just as today's media screams racism 24/7. All I know is many in the Jewish community now see the light, and blacks are coming around too.

Today the party is what? They don't even stand for anything unless it involves the absurd and contrary. Not an honest or worth a shit narrative among them, they're PROG-Commies, Communists in the making. Go figure they even sold us out to China many times, I wonder why that would be? Yet they cry "minimum wage", "minimum wage", rational thought is lost.

So we're only say 150 years out from slavery, even their congress failed to support civil rights 100 years later. Yet we're supposed to believe this is the party of love and blah blah, the righteous of the two parties? We're supposed to believe it's conservatives who are racist and such, turn on any form of media right now, they'll tell you all about it. Today their government supports the destruction of their cities, and ESPECIALLY within black communities, proven. All while they declare love & stuff like that.

How is it this country supports Trump policies over Biden's BY FAR, yet the party of slavery got the left to support their party anyway?

Where along the way have Democrats earned an ounce of the reputation they're supposed to be, the lessor of two evils? Looks to me they only project. More than that most conservatives are for country and people. What are PROGS for, gay marriage and cross-genders? That BS wasn't even an idea in most PROG-heads. The absurd is no longer absurd when their masters tell them so, and always play the victim card, and ALWAYS entertain the lowest common denominator. That sound like leadership to you?

There's no such thing as a "Democrat Party".

Lush Rimjob much?

I can't figure out how Jews as a group concluded it was Democrats who were pro human rights and such, that wasn't long after the civil war.

"Can't figure it out"?
Didja LOOK? Like in a history book? Or even on this board??

Around the turn of the 19th/20th century the Duopoly started to crossfade. Republicans abandoned their original cause of Abolition --- that after all got done --- and started taking on the interests of the wealthy, the corporations, the railroads, Wall Street. Democrats meanwhile absorbed the Populist movement and political party, and with it started taking on the interests of labor and minorities, including Catholics, Jews, immigrants &c, and by the 1930s, blacks were on board as well. That ol' debbil "party switch" that your cult tries so desperately to deny happened, there it is.

The actual voting record for both Houses of Congress shows that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 passed the Senate on a 73-to-27 vote. The Democratic supermajority in the Senate split their vote 46 (69%) for and 21 (31%) against. The Republicans, on the other hand, split their vote 27 for (82%) and 6 against (18%). Thus, the no vote consisted of 78% Democrats. Further, the infamous 74-day filibuster was led by the Southern Democrats, who overwhelmingly voted against the act.

DON'T cart this bullshit in here YET AGAIN.

>> Nearly 100% of Union state Democrats supported the 1964 Civil Rights Act compared to 85% of Republicans. None of the southern Republicans voted for the bill, while a small percentage of southern Democrats did.​
The same pattern holds true when looking at ideology instead of party affiliation. The folks over at, who created DW-nominate scores to measure the ideology of congressmen and senators, found that the more liberal a congressman or senator was the more likely he would vote for the Civil Rights Act of 1964, once one controlled for a factor closely linked to geography.​
That's why Strom Thurmond left the Democratic party soon after the Civil Right Act passed. He recognized that of the two parties, it was the Republican party that was more hospitable to his message. The Republican candidate for president in 1964, Barry Goldwater, was one of the few non-Confederate state senators to vote against the bill. He carried his home state of Arizona and swept the deep southern states – a first for a Republican ever. <<​

Interestingly George Wallace offered to be Goldwater's running mate that year. Goldwater declined.

Link is here. I suggest you READ IT.

Having said that, it's most instructive that what I posted was on the turn of the century, which you, finding yourself defenseless, tried to fast-forward to "1964" and a Congressional action which had nothing to do with Jews ---- which was the original question you're running away from.
The party of slavery era is out. PROGS want to blame Confederate soldiers instead of the left's elite, go figure they missed that one too.

I know some Jewish folk, good people, though other tribes have other ideas, there's a history and geography for it. I can't figure out how Jews as a group concluded it was Democrats who were pro human rights and such, that wasn't long after the civil war. I figure some were in on it and stuck the idea up their asses with newspapers, just as today's media screams racism 24/7. All I know is many in the Jewish community now see the light, and blacks are coming around too.

Today the party is what? They don't even stand for anything unless it involves the absurd and contrary. Not an honest or worth a shit narrative among them, they're PROG-Commies, Communists in the making. Go figure they even sold us out to China many times, I wonder why that would be? Yet they cry "minimum wage", "minimum wage", rational thought is lost.

So we're only say 150 years out from slavery, even their congress failed to support civil rights 100 years later. Yet we're supposed to believe this is the party of love and blah blah, the righteous of the two parties? We're supposed to believe it's conservatives who are racist and such, turn on any form of media right now, they'll tell you all about it. Today their government supports the destruction of their cities, and ESPECIALLY within black communities, proven. All while they declare love & stuff like that.

How is it this country supports Trump policies over Biden's BY FAR, yet the party of slavery got the left to support their party anyway?

Where along the way have Democrats earned an ounce of the reputation they're supposed to be, the lessor of two evils? Looks to me they only project. More than that most conservatives are for country and people. What are PROGS for, gay marriage and cross-genders? That BS wasn't even an idea in most PROG-heads. The absurd is no longer absurd when their masters tell them so, and always play the victim card, and ALWAYS entertain the lowest common denominator. That sound like leadership to you?

The lefts elite for slavery?

Who specifically are you referring to?
The party of slavery era is out. PROGS want to blame Confederate soldiers instead of the left's elite, go figure they missed that one too.

I know some Jewish folk, good people, though other tribes have other ideas, there's a history and geography for it. I can't figure out how Jews as a group concluded it was Democrats who were pro human rights and such, that wasn't long after the civil war. I figure some were in on it and stuck the idea up their asses with newspapers, just as today's media screams racism 24/7. All I know is many in the Jewish community now see the light, and blacks are coming around too.

Today the party is what? They don't even stand for anything unless it involves the absurd and contrary. Not an honest or worth a shit narrative among them, they're PROG-Commies, Communists in the making. Go figure they even sold us out to China many times, I wonder why that would be? Yet they cry "minimum wage", "minimum wage", rational thought is lost.

So we're only say 150 years out from slavery, even their congress failed to support civil rights 100 years later. Yet we're supposed to believe this is the party of love and blah blah, the righteous of the two parties? We're supposed to believe it's conservatives who are racist and such, turn on any form of media right now, they'll tell you all about it. Today their government supports the destruction of their cities, and ESPECIALLY within black communities, proven. All while they declare love & stuff like that.

How is it this country supports Trump policies over Biden's BY FAR, yet the party of slavery got the left to support their party anyway?

Where along the way have Democrats earned an ounce of the reputation they're supposed to be, the lessor of two evils? Looks to me they only project. More than that most conservatives are for country and people. What are PROGS for, gay marriage and cross-genders? That BS wasn't even an idea in most PROG-heads. The absurd is no longer absurd when their masters tell them so, and always play the victim card, and ALWAYS entertain the lowest common denominator. That sound like leadership to you?

There's no such thing as a "Democrat Party".

Lush Rimjob much?

I can't figure out how Jews as a group concluded it was Democrats who were pro human rights and such, that wasn't long after the civil war.

"Can't figure it out"?
Didja LOOK? Like in a history book? Or even on this board??

Around the turn of the 19th/20th century the Duopoly started to crossfade. Republicans abandoned their original cause of Abolition --- that after all got done --- and started taking on the interests of the wealthy, the corporations, the railroads, Wall Street. Democrats meanwhile absorbed the Populist movement and political party, and with it started taking on the interests of labor and minorities, including Catholics, Jews, immigrants &c, and by the 1930s, blacks were on board as well. That ol' debbil "party switch" that your cult tries so desperately to deny happened, there it is.

The actual voting record for both Houses of Congress shows that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 passed the Senate on a 73-to-27 vote. The Democratic supermajority in the Senate split their vote 46 (69%) for and 21 (31%) against. The Republicans, on the other hand, split their vote 27 for (82%) and 6 against (18%). Thus, the no vote consisted of 78% Democrats. Further, the infamous 74-day filibuster was led by the Southern Democrats, who overwhelmingly voted against the act.

DON'T cart this bullshit in here YET AGAIN.

>> Nearly 100% of Union state Democrats supported the 1964 Civil Rights Act compared to 85% of Republicans. None of the southern Republicans voted for the bill, while a small percentage of southern Democrats did.​
The same pattern holds true when looking at ideology instead of party affiliation. The folks over at, who created DW-nominate scores to measure the ideology of congressmen and senators, found that the more liberal a congressman or senator was the more likely he would vote for the Civil Rights Act of 1964, once one controlled for a factor closely linked to geography.​
That's why Strom Thurmond left the Democratic party soon after the Civil Right Act passed. He recognized that of the two parties, it was the Republican party that was more hospitable to his message. The Republican candidate for president in 1964, Barry Goldwater, was one of the few non-Confederate state senators to vote against the bill. He carried his home state of Arizona and swept the deep southern states – a first for a Republican ever. <<​

Interestingly George Wallace offered to be Goldwater's running mate that year. Goldwater declined.

Link is here. I suggest you READ IT.

So you're suggesting the LOW I say LOW support for the Civil Rights Act demonstrated by Demonicrats is just my imagination. You're saying the numbers don't matter either, because what does matter in PROG-think is a border dividing the North & South in 1963.

Interesting twist PROG, especially rich after you claimed the Democrats progressed toward human rights while it was Republicans who turned Democrat. Pathetic.
The party of slavery era is out. PROGS want to blame Confederate soldiers instead of the left's elite, go figure they missed that one too.

I know some Jewish folk, good people, though other tribes have other ideas, there's a history and geography for it. I can't figure out how Jews as a group concluded it was Democrats who were pro human rights and such, that wasn't long after the civil war. I figure some were in on it and stuck the idea up their asses with newspapers, just as today's media screams racism 24/7. All I know is many in the Jewish community now see the light, and blacks are coming around too.

Today the party is what? They don't even stand for anything unless it involves the absurd and contrary. Not an honest or worth a shit narrative among them, they're PROG-Commies, Communists in the making. Go figure they even sold us out to China many times, I wonder why that would be? Yet they cry "minimum wage", "minimum wage", rational thought is lost.

So we're only say 150 years out from slavery, even their congress failed to support civil rights 100 years later. Yet we're supposed to believe this is the party of love and blah blah, the righteous of the two parties? We're supposed to believe it's conservatives who are racist and such, turn on any form of media right now, they'll tell you all about it. Today their government supports the destruction of their cities, and ESPECIALLY within black communities, proven. All while they declare love & stuff like that.

How is it this country supports Trump policies over Biden's BY FAR, yet the party of slavery got the left to support their party anyway?

Where along the way have Democrats earned an ounce of the reputation they're supposed to be, the lessor of two evils? Looks to me they only project. More than that most conservatives are for country and people. What are PROGS for, gay marriage and cross-genders? That BS wasn't even an idea in most PROG-heads. The absurd is no longer absurd when their masters tell them so, and always play the victim card, and ALWAYS entertain the lowest common denominator. That sound like leadership to you?

The lefts elite for slavery?

Who specifically are you referring to?


Does it matter, really you want names? WTF had the power & money in the South at the time, you figure Confederate soldiers? Sure, that makes sense. It was Tom.

Today's left elite is for another form of slavery. They govern so the black community destroys themselves from within. They don't even have the common courtesy to declare the enemy.
The party of slavery era is out. PROGS want to blame Confederate soldiers instead of the left's elite, go figure they missed that one too.

I know some Jewish folk, good people, though other tribes have other ideas, there's a history and geography for it. I can't figure out how Jews as a group concluded it was Democrats who were pro human rights and such, that wasn't long after the civil war. I figure some were in on it and stuck the idea up their asses with newspapers, just as today's media screams racism 24/7. All I know is many in the Jewish community now see the light, and blacks are coming around too.

Today the party is what? They don't even stand for anything unless it involves the absurd and contrary. Not an honest or worth a shit narrative among them, they're PROG-Commies, Communists in the making. Go figure they even sold us out to China many times, I wonder why that would be? Yet they cry "minimum wage", "minimum wage", rational thought is lost.

So we're only say 150 years out from slavery, even their congress failed to support civil rights 100 years later. Yet we're supposed to believe this is the party of love and blah blah, the righteous of the two parties? We're supposed to believe it's conservatives who are racist and such, turn on any form of media right now, they'll tell you all about it. Today their government supports the destruction of their cities, and ESPECIALLY within black communities, proven. All while they declare love & stuff like that.

How is it this country supports Trump policies over Biden's BY FAR, yet the party of slavery got the left to support their party anyway?

Where along the way have Democrats earned an ounce of the reputation they're supposed to be, the lessor of two evils? Looks to me they only project. More than that most conservatives are for country and people. What are PROGS for, gay marriage and cross-genders? That BS wasn't even an idea in most PROG-heads. The absurd is no longer absurd when their masters tell them so, and always play the victim card, and ALWAYS entertain the lowest common denominator. That sound like leadership to you?

There's no such thing as a "Democrat Party".

Lush Rimjob much?

I can't figure out how Jews as a group concluded it was Democrats who were pro human rights and such, that wasn't long after the civil war.

"Can't figure it out"?
Didja LOOK? Like in a history book? Or even on this board??

Around the turn of the 19th/20th century the Duopoly started to crossfade. Republicans abandoned their original cause of Abolition --- that after all got done --- and started taking on the interests of the wealthy, the corporations, the railroads, Wall Street. Democrats meanwhile absorbed the Populist movement and political party, and with it started taking on the interests of labor and minorities, including Catholics, Jews, immigrants &c, and by the 1930s, blacks were on board as well. That ol' debbil "party switch" that your cult tries so desperately to deny happened, there it is.

The actual voting record for both Houses of Congress shows that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 passed the Senate on a 73-to-27 vote. The Democratic supermajority in the Senate split their vote 46 (69%) for and 21 (31%) against. The Republicans, on the other hand, split their vote 27 for (82%) and 6 against (18%). Thus, the no vote consisted of 78% Democrats. Further, the infamous 74-day filibuster was led by the Southern Democrats, who overwhelmingly voted against the act.

DON'T cart this bullshit in here YET AGAIN.

>> Nearly 100% of Union state Democrats supported the 1964 Civil Rights Act compared to 85% of Republicans. None of the southern Republicans voted for the bill, while a small percentage of southern Democrats did.​
The same pattern holds true when looking at ideology instead of party affiliation. The folks over at, who created DW-nominate scores to measure the ideology of congressmen and senators, found that the more liberal a congressman or senator was the more likely he would vote for the Civil Rights Act of 1964, once one controlled for a factor closely linked to geography.​
That's why Strom Thurmond left the Democratic party soon after the Civil Right Act passed. He recognized that of the two parties, it was the Republican party that was more hospitable to his message. The Republican candidate for president in 1964, Barry Goldwater, was one of the few non-Confederate state senators to vote against the bill. He carried his home state of Arizona and swept the deep southern states – a first for a Republican ever. <<​

Interestingly George Wallace offered to be Goldwater's running mate that year. Goldwater declined.

Link is here. I suggest you READ IT.

So you're suggesting the LOW I say LOW support for the Civil Rights Act demonstrated by Demonicrats is just my imagination. You're saying the numbers don't matter either, because what does matter in PROG-think is a border dividing the North & South in 1963.

Interesting twist PROG, especially rich after you claimed the Democrats progressed toward human rights while it was Republicans who turned Democrat. Pathetic.

"Progs" split the scene a hundred years ago, not that it surprises me that your ignorance of history would keep you in the dark about that as well.

The fact remains, the only pattern shown in that vote was REGIONAL, not political. But that same cranial density that keeps you in the dark about the Progressive Era, also led you to swallow that lame meme whole.

Now you've been spanked for it. Enjoy the pain.
The party of slavery era is out. PROGS want to blame Confederate soldiers instead of the left's elite, go figure they missed that one too.

I know some Jewish folk, good people, though other tribes have other ideas, there's a history and geography for it. I can't figure out how Jews as a group concluded it was Democrats who were pro human rights and such, that wasn't long after the civil war. I figure some were in on it and stuck the idea up their asses with newspapers, just as today's media screams racism 24/7. All I know is many in the Jewish community now see the light, and blacks are coming around too.

Today the party is what? They don't even stand for anything unless it involves the absurd and contrary. Not an honest or worth a shit narrative among them, they're PROG-Commies, Communists in the making. Go figure they even sold us out to China many times, I wonder why that would be? Yet they cry "minimum wage", "minimum wage", rational thought is lost.

So we're only say 150 years out from slavery, even their congress failed to support civil rights 100 years later. Yet we're supposed to believe this is the party of love and blah blah, the righteous of the two parties? We're supposed to believe it's conservatives who are racist and such, turn on any form of media right now, they'll tell you all about it. Today their government supports the destruction of their cities, and ESPECIALLY within black communities, proven. All while they declare love & stuff like that.

How is it this country supports Trump policies over Biden's BY FAR, yet the party of slavery got the left to support their party anyway?

Where along the way have Democrats earned an ounce of the reputation they're supposed to be, the lessor of two evils? Looks to me they only project. More than that most conservatives are for country and people. What are PROGS for, gay marriage and cross-genders? That BS wasn't even an idea in most PROG-heads. The absurd is no longer absurd when their masters tell them so, and always play the victim card, and ALWAYS entertain the lowest common denominator. That sound like leadership to you?

The lefts elite for slavery?

Who specifically are you referring to?


Does it matter, really you want names? WTF had the power & money in the South at the time, you figure Confederate soldiers? Sure, that makes sense.

It was Tom

If they are the 'Left Elite', you'd figure they'd be someone whose name we'd actually recognize.

Your claims are fairly incoherent. So I'm asking for some clarification. Who exactly are you blaming for slavery?
The party of slavery era is out. PROGS want to blame Confederate soldiers instead of the left's elite, go figure they missed that one too.

I know some Jewish folk, good people, though other tribes have other ideas, there's a history and geography for it. I can't figure out how Jews as a group concluded it was Democrats who were pro human rights and such, that wasn't long after the civil war. I figure some were in on it and stuck the idea up their asses with newspapers, just as today's media screams racism 24/7. All I know is many in the Jewish community now see the light, and blacks are coming around too.

Today the party is what? They don't even stand for anything unless it involves the absurd and contrary. Not an honest or worth a shit narrative among them, they're PROG-Commies, Communists in the making. Go figure they even sold us out to China many times, I wonder why that would be? Yet they cry "minimum wage", "minimum wage", rational thought is lost.

So we're only say 150 years out from slavery, even their congress failed to support civil rights 100 years later. Yet we're supposed to believe this is the party of love and blah blah, the righteous of the two parties? We're supposed to believe it's conservatives who are racist and such, turn on any form of media right now, they'll tell you all about it. Today their government supports the destruction of their cities, and ESPECIALLY within black communities, proven. All while they declare love & stuff like that.

How is it this country supports Trump policies over Biden's BY FAR, yet the party of slavery got the left to support their party anyway?

Where along the way have Democrats earned an ounce of the reputation they're supposed to be, the lessor of two evils? Looks to me they only project. More than that most conservatives are for country and people. What are PROGS for, gay marriage and cross-genders? That BS wasn't even an idea in most PROG-heads. The absurd is no longer absurd when their masters tell them so, and always play the victim card, and ALWAYS entertain the lowest common denominator. That sound like leadership to you?
Who gives a shit?! JFK was a great president. There’s your answer. This hyper focus on parties is exhausting. We should be focusing on individuals and their ideas. We give these parties too much power. Fuck them both
The party of slavery era is out. PROGS want to blame Confederate soldiers instead of the left's elite, go figure they missed that one too.

I know some Jewish folk, good people, though other tribes have other ideas, there's a history and geography for it. I can't figure out how Jews as a group concluded it was Democrats who were pro human rights and such, that wasn't long after the civil war. I figure some were in on it and stuck the idea up their asses with newspapers, just as today's media screams racism 24/7. All I know is many in the Jewish community now see the light, and blacks are coming around too.

Today the party is what? They don't even stand for anything unless it involves the absurd and contrary. Not an honest or worth a shit narrative among them, they're PROG-Commies, Communists in the making. Go figure they even sold us out to China many times, I wonder why that would be? Yet they cry "minimum wage", "minimum wage", rational thought is lost.

So we're only say 150 years out from slavery, even their congress failed to support civil rights 100 years later. Yet we're supposed to believe this is the party of love and blah blah, the righteous of the two parties? We're supposed to believe it's conservatives who are racist and such, turn on any form of media right now, they'll tell you all about it. Today their government supports the destruction of their cities, and ESPECIALLY within black communities, proven. All while they declare love & stuff like that.

How is it this country supports Trump policies over Biden's BY FAR, yet the party of slavery got the left to support their party anyway?

Where along the way have Democrats earned an ounce of the reputation they're supposed to be, the lessor of two evils? Looks to me they only project. More than that most conservatives are for country and people. What are PROGS for, gay marriage and cross-genders? That BS wasn't even an idea in most PROG-heads. The absurd is no longer absurd when their masters tell them so, and always play the victim card, and ALWAYS entertain the lowest common denominator. That sound like leadership to you?

There's no such thing as a "Democrat Party".

Lush Rimjob much?

I can't figure out how Jews as a group concluded it was Democrats who were pro human rights and such, that wasn't long after the civil war.

"Can't figure it out"?
Didja LOOK? Like in a history book? Or even on this board??

Around the turn of the 19th/20th century the Duopoly started to crossfade. Republicans abandoned their original cause of Abolition --- that after all got done --- and started taking on the interests of the wealthy, the corporations, the railroads, Wall Street. Democrats meanwhile absorbed the Populist movement and political party, and with it started taking on the interests of labor and minorities, including Catholics, Jews, immigrants &c, and by the 1930s, blacks were on board as well. That ol' debbil "party switch" that your cult tries so desperately to deny happened, there it is.

The actual voting record for both Houses of Congress shows that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 passed the Senate on a 73-to-27 vote. The Democratic supermajority in the Senate split their vote 46 (69%) for and 21 (31%) against. The Republicans, on the other hand, split their vote 27 for (82%) and 6 against (18%). Thus, the no vote consisted of 78% Democrats. Further, the infamous 74-day filibuster was led by the Southern Democrats, who overwhelmingly voted against the act.

DON'T cart this bullshit in here YET AGAIN.

>> Nearly 100% of Union state Democrats supported the 1964 Civil Rights Act compared to 85% of Republicans. None of the southern Republicans voted for the bill, while a small percentage of southern Democrats did.​
The same pattern holds true when looking at ideology instead of party affiliation. The folks over at, who created DW-nominate scores to measure the ideology of congressmen and senators, found that the more liberal a congressman or senator was the more likely he would vote for the Civil Rights Act of 1964, once one controlled for a factor closely linked to geography.​
That's why Strom Thurmond left the Democratic party soon after the Civil Right Act passed. He recognized that of the two parties, it was the Republican party that was more hospitable to his message. The Republican candidate for president in 1964, Barry Goldwater, was one of the few non-Confederate state senators to vote against the bill. He carried his home state of Arizona and swept the deep southern states – a first for a Republican ever. <<​

Interestingly George Wallace offered to be Goldwater's running mate that year. Goldwater declined.

Link is here. I suggest you READ IT.

So you're suggesting the LOW I say LOW support for the Civil Rights Act demonstrated by Demonicrats is just my imagination. You're saying the numbers don't matter either, because what does matter in PROG-think is a border dividing the North & South in 1963.

Interesting twist PROG, especially rich after you claimed the Democrats progressed toward human rights while it was Republicans who turned Democrat. Pathetic.

"Progs" split the scene a hundred years ago, not that it surprises me that your ignorance of history would keep you in the dark about that as well.

The fact remains, the only pattern shown in that vote was REGIONAL, not political. But that same cranial density that keeps you in the dark about the Progressive Era, also led you to swallow that lame meme whole.

Now you've been spanked for it. Enjoy the pain.

Once again dumbshit, the Democrat party descended while you're claiming Republicans took over for Demonicrats, you can't even keep a story straight.

No man, you're PROG, it's the only loose term available for PROGS, I mean leftists, though communists fits well too. If you read a book you'd know the same label can be applied to different things over generations. You should know this by now, you think men are women too if they're fabulous.

We can't call you liberals because it's a miss-label and you guys never owned it to begin with. We can't call you progressive because that's clearly misleading. PROG just sounds right, I'm not alone believing so. Strikes me as a fly of some sort, just there and don't offer more than a buzz and bacteria.
The party of slavery era is out. PROGS want to blame Confederate soldiers instead of the left's elite, go figure they missed that one too.

I know some Jewish folk, good people, though other tribes have other ideas, there's a history and geography for it. I can't figure out how Jews as a group concluded it was Democrats who were pro human rights and such, that wasn't long after the civil war. I figure some were in on it and stuck the idea up their asses with newspapers, just as today's media screams racism 24/7. All I know is many in the Jewish community now see the light, and blacks are coming around too.

Today the party is what? They don't even stand for anything unless it involves the absurd and contrary. Not an honest or worth a shit narrative among them, they're PROG-Commies, Communists in the making. Go figure they even sold us out to China many times, I wonder why that would be? Yet they cry "minimum wage", "minimum wage", rational thought is lost.

So we're only say 150 years out from slavery, even their congress failed to support civil rights 100 years later. Yet we're supposed to believe this is the party of love and blah blah, the righteous of the two parties? We're supposed to believe it's conservatives who are racist and such, turn on any form of media right now, they'll tell you all about it. Today their government supports the destruction of their cities, and ESPECIALLY within black communities, proven. All while they declare love & stuff like that.

How is it this country supports Trump policies over Biden's BY FAR, yet the party of slavery got the left to support their party anyway?

Where along the way have Democrats earned an ounce of the reputation they're supposed to be, the lessor of two evils? Looks to me they only project. More than that most conservatives are for country and people. What are PROGS for, gay marriage and cross-genders? That BS wasn't even an idea in most PROG-heads. The absurd is no longer absurd when their masters tell them so, and always play the victim card, and ALWAYS entertain the lowest common denominator. That sound like leadership to you?

There's no such thing as a "Democrat Party".

Lush Rimjob much?

I can't figure out how Jews as a group concluded it was Democrats who were pro human rights and such, that wasn't long after the civil war.

"Can't figure it out"?
Didja LOOK? Like in a history book? Or even on this board??

Around the turn of the 19th/20th century the Duopoly started to crossfade. Republicans abandoned their original cause of Abolition --- that after all got done --- and started taking on the interests of the wealthy, the corporations, the railroads, Wall Street. Democrats meanwhile absorbed the Populist movement and political party, and with it started taking on the interests of labor and minorities, including Catholics, Jews, immigrants &c, and by the 1930s, blacks were on board as well. That ol' debbil "party switch" that your cult tries so desperately to deny happened, there it is.

The actual voting record for both Houses of Congress shows that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 passed the Senate on a 73-to-27 vote. The Democratic supermajority in the Senate split their vote 46 (69%) for and 21 (31%) against. The Republicans, on the other hand, split their vote 27 for (82%) and 6 against (18%). Thus, the no vote consisted of 78% Democrats. Further, the infamous 74-day filibuster was led by the Southern Democrats, who overwhelmingly voted against the act.

DON'T cart this bullshit in here YET AGAIN.

>> Nearly 100% of Union state Democrats supported the 1964 Civil Rights Act compared to 85% of Republicans. None of the southern Republicans voted for the bill, while a small percentage of southern Democrats did.​
The same pattern holds true when looking at ideology instead of party affiliation. The folks over at, who created DW-nominate scores to measure the ideology of congressmen and senators, found that the more liberal a congressman or senator was the more likely he would vote for the Civil Rights Act of 1964, once one controlled for a factor closely linked to geography.​
That's why Strom Thurmond left the Democratic party soon after the Civil Right Act passed. He recognized that of the two parties, it was the Republican party that was more hospitable to his message. The Republican candidate for president in 1964, Barry Goldwater, was one of the few non-Confederate state senators to vote against the bill. He carried his home state of Arizona and swept the deep southern states – a first for a Republican ever. <<​

Interestingly George Wallace offered to be Goldwater's running mate that year. Goldwater declined.

Link is here. I suggest you READ IT.

So you're suggesting the LOW I say LOW support for the Civil Rights Act demonstrated by Demonicrats is just my imagination. You're saying the numbers don't matter either, because what does matter in PROG-think is a border dividing the North & South in 1963.

Interesting twist PROG, especially rich after you claimed the Democrats progressed toward human rights while it was Republicans who turned Democrat. Pathetic.

"Progs" split the scene a hundred years ago, not that it surprises me that your ignorance of history would keep you in the dark about that as well.

The fact remains, the only pattern shown in that vote was REGIONAL, not political. But that same cranial density that keeps you in the dark about the Progressive Era, also led you to swallow that lame meme whole.

Now you've been spanked for it. Enjoy the pain.

Once again dumbshit, the Democrat party descended while you're claiming Republicans took over for Demonicrats, you can't even keep a story straight.

No man, you're PROG, it's the only loose term available for PROGS, I mean leftists, though communists fits well too. If you read a book you'd know the same label can be applied to different things over generations. You should know this by now, you think men are women too if it's fabulous.

We can't call you liberals because it's a miss-label and you guys never owned it to begin with. We can't call you progressive because that's clearly misleading. PROG just sounds right, I'm not alone believing so. Strikes me as a fly of some sort, just there and don't offer more than a buzz and bacteria.

You get that the south is overwhelmingly conservative, yes?
The party of slavery era is out. PROGS want to blame Confederate soldiers instead of the left's elite, go figure they missed that one too.

I know some Jewish folk, good people, though other tribes have other ideas, there's a history and geography for it. I can't figure out how Jews as a group concluded it was Democrats who were pro human rights and such, that wasn't long after the civil war. I figure some were in on it and stuck the idea up their asses with newspapers, just as today's media screams racism 24/7. All I know is many in the Jewish community now see the light, and blacks are coming around too.

Today the party is what? They don't even stand for anything unless it involves the absurd and contrary. Not an honest or worth a shit narrative among them, they're PROG-Commies, Communists in the making. Go figure they even sold us out to China many times, I wonder why that would be? Yet they cry "minimum wage", "minimum wage", rational thought is lost.

So we're only say 150 years out from slavery, even their congress failed to support civil rights 100 years later. Yet we're supposed to believe this is the party of love and blah blah, the righteous of the two parties? We're supposed to believe it's conservatives who are racist and such, turn on any form of media right now, they'll tell you all about it. Today their government supports the destruction of their cities, and ESPECIALLY within black communities, proven. All while they declare love & stuff like that.

How is it this country supports Trump policies over Biden's BY FAR, yet the party of slavery got the left to support their party anyway?

Where along the way have Democrats earned an ounce of the reputation they're supposed to be, the lessor of two evils? Looks to me they only project. More than that most conservatives are for country and people. What are PROGS for, gay marriage and cross-genders? That BS wasn't even an idea in most PROG-heads. The absurd is no longer absurd when their masters tell them so, and always play the victim card, and ALWAYS entertain the lowest common denominator. That sound like leadership to you?
Here's the issue for Jews...
Jews have a hard time watching people starve, the neo-Cons since Reagan don't give a shit about anybody.

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