At what point in time did the Democrats stop being Democratic?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
For me, it was in the early 90's. Democrats lost the ball, they lost what democracy IS. They totally lost it and sold out. Fast forward 20 years: Biden gets millions of $ from China and homosexual lobby (Soros) and demonize common sense and normal human beings. And here we are.
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For me, it was in the early 90's. Democrats lost the ball, they lost what democracy IS. They totally lost it and sold out. Fast forward 20 years: Biden gets millions of $ from China and hetrosexuals and common sense are demonized.
Probably around the same time Republicans really stopped being conservative...which was, well..Reagan, and after that, they abandoned all pretense of actually having ideas that helped the average voter and reverted to culture wars.
Call Democrats what you will, but at least they are consistent. They'll tax you and spend that money like a drunken sailor. Republicans?...they'll give tax breaks to their favorites, while still spending like drunken sailors.
It depends on what sect of Democrats you are talking about.

There's the greedy motherfukkahs.
There's the bigoted, prejudiced motherfukkahs.
There's the world dominating by any means psychopathic motherfukkahs.

And then there's the rarely every heard of "old school" Dems, that believe in life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, limited government, and doing everything possible to enhance the lives of the working people.
Probably around the same time Republicans really stopped being conservative...which was, well..Reagan, and after that, they abandoned all pretense of actually having ideas that helped the average voter and reverted to culture wars.
Call Democrats what you will, but at least they are consistent. They'll tax you and spend that money like a drunken sailor. Republicans?...they'll give tax breaks to their favorites, while still spending like drunken sailors.
No, no no more cheap shots like this. I used to be a Democrat. Democrats have become the bane of actual real democracy. They fight for imaginary dragons and they solve NOTHING. They are pandering to idiots. I am no genius, it's clear democrats have lost the meaning of democracy.
No, no no more cheap shots like this. I used to be a Democrat. Democrats have become the bane of actual real democracy. They fight for imaginary dragons and they solve NOTHING. They are pandering to idiots. I am no genius, it's clear democrats have lost the meaning of democracy.
This isn't a cheap shot. It's the truth. And the truth hurts. Republicans haven't been "conservative" since Eisenhower.
Pandering to "idiots"???....Trump, Carlson, Hannity, Taylor-Greene...are you kidding me?

Again, Democrats are at least consistent.
Republicans?..are on the verge of they'll bend over and open up for any chance their power will be maintained.
This isn't a cheap shot. It's the truth. And the truth hurts. Republicans haven't been "conservative" since Eisenhower.
Pandering to "idiots"???....Trump, Carlson, Hannity, Taylor-Greene...are you kidding me?

Again, Democrats are at least
This isn't a cheap shot. It's the truth. And the truth hurts. Republicans haven't been "conservative" since Eisenhower.
Pandering to "idiots"???....Trump, Carlson, Hannity, Taylor-Greene...are you kidding me?

Again, Democrats are at least consistent.
Republicans?..are on the verge of they'll bend over and open up for any chance their power will be maintained.
Um really? They are consistently inconsistent. Impeaching a standing president TWICE over mere allegations? That is OK? Raiding Mar-a-lago over mere allegations? Secret documents are sacrosanct but then Biden had them in garage? Radio silence, Double standards. Democracy is dead, and the democrats killed it.
For me, it was in the early 90's. Democrats lost the ball, they lost what democracy IS. They totally lost it and sold out. Fast forward 20 years: Biden gets millions of $ from China and homosexual lobby (Soros) and demonize common sense and normal human beings. And here we are.
306--the people's voice
Biden--the people's choice
306>232...democracy in action.

Epiphany time. 1993. Democrats stopped asking us what we plebes wanted, put the cart in front of the horse, and they TOLD US WHAT the issues "where". They stopped listening and started dictating. That was my red pill moment. 1993.
I don't think there is much example of a pivotal moment. It was more like dry-rot on a ships hull that slowly worked through. However, there are definitely some milestones. When Nixon opened up trade with China around 1970, Chinese communists were quick to move in seize the opportunity to influence our society in their favor. Since the Democratic Party has always been the "tolerant" party, it's tolerance of communism and other toxic ideas enabled the dry rot to begin. It was really about the same time that "woke" became a thing. Wokeism has shifted gears from time to time through the decades and picked up momentum, but overall it's been very gradual.
They refuse to accept election results when they lose, they attack our nation's Capitol and try to stop the peaceful transfer of presidential power on a lie, they ignore the results of audits and studies that they themselves pay for, and then they claim others are not democratic.

The Orange Era™ has literally been an ongoing study in projection.
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It depends on what sect of Democrats you are talking about.

There's the greedy motherfukkahs.
There's the bigoted, prejudiced motherfukkahs.
There's the world dominating by any means psychopathic motherfukkahs.

And then there's the rarely every heard of "old school" Dems, that believe in life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, limited government, and doing everything possible to enhance the lives of the working people.
Like Joe and the Democrats of today, baffled by BS as you are....
Epiphany time. 1993. Democrats stopped asking us what we plebes wanted, put the cart in front of the horse, and they TOLD US WHAT the issues "where". They stopped listening and started dictating. That was my red pill moment. 1993.
also when you started to listen to Rush Limbaugh and Fox and the minions of Dupes... democrats have never stopped wanting exactly the same things, a living wage health care cheap college and training Great infrastructure and vacations taxing the rich OMG. The only thing that has changed is your brain wash on the right....
I prefer to think of it in terms of when democrats stopped being liberal.

I'd say it was when multiculturalism morphed into identity politics, myself.
Um really? They are consistently inconsistent. Impeaching a standing president TWICE over mere allegations? That is OK? Raiding Mar-a-lago over mere allegations? Secret documents are sacrosanct but then Biden had them in garage? Radio silence, Double standards. Democracy is dead, and the democrats killed it.
mere allegations my arse, super Dupe. lol.
Illiberal liberals. Contrarians. Reminds me of a Monty Python skit. When you want a jolly good argument and all you get is a contrarian instead.
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also when you started to listen to Rush Limbaugh and Fox and the minions of Dupes... democrats have never stopped wanting exactly the same things, a living wage health care cheap college and training Great infrastructure and vacations taxing the rich OMG. The only thing that has changed is your brain wash on the right....
What Dems leaders claim they want called a "sales pitch". It has little to do with what's in the package.
Um really? They are consistently inconsistent. Impeaching a standing president TWICE over mere allegations? That is OK? Raiding Mar-a-lago over mere allegations? Secret documents are sacrosanct but then Biden had them in garage? Radio silence, Double standards. Democracy is dead, and the democrats killed it.
Except impeachment is a political process, not a legal one. Trying to extort a foreign government to dig up dirt on a political rival and organizing, fomenting, and encouraging insurrection because you lost an election are valid reasons for impeachment. And if the Republican party and the people who support them had any balls left, he would have been convicted and gone. And we wouldn't be having this conversation. As far as the docs go, we'll let the SC sort that out but remember, Pence had them too before you get all just and righteous. What's really killing our democracy are Republicans and "conservatives" that have just abandoned their core principles in deference to a fraud of a NY limousine riding liberal and the desperate dive into culture wars...because they have nothing new as far as policy initiatives for the common voter.

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