At what point is enough enough?

Do any of you go shopping w/out a mask?

I often do, you should see the looks i get too

I'm waiting for when i'm finally confronted, then i think i'll hack and cough like a cat w/a furball , and ask what isle the ventilators are in

oh and, can i post for bail $$$ on the USMB ????

PJ and I keep them in the console in separate ziplock bags to put on before entering a store. If walking around looking and product outside a store, I am not wearing, but maintaining distance. I follow the Mayor's recommendations.
I follow the Mayor's recommendations.

Bwaaahhaaaaaaaa....This came to my mind on this comment from White 6 , did you say Seig Hiel?
I'm over 65, conservative in nature, unless I have concrete information contrary to best scientific evaluations, it would be foolish for me to take needless, uninformed chances that I do not have to. This is especially true, in the light of posters on this board that act as though older Americans should suck it up for the economy. Trump wants the support of senior citizens, but he is losing it, not just with people that know he cannot be trusted, but by senior citizens who worry that he does not have their best interests at heart. We have our own plans, our own money, and a lifetime of supporting our families, the economy, and this country.You got any idea how many on this board are over 60 and cringe when we read the non caring sometimes even malevolent sounding words of his supporters here. You are the best advertisement in favor of Electing Joe Biden I can imagine. You want to throw Nazi posters at somebody like me. You got to be out of your fucking mind. Nobody is asking me to buy and wear MOPP-4 protection to go out and about. Just wear a mask when I go into stores, so in case I pick up the virus and don't even know I have it, I won't spread it to others that get within close range. It is a conservative request that could save me or others from getting and spreading a disease they don't even know how to consistently treat as sometimes it progresses rapidly, even violently to sudden death. You think you can insult me and my intelligence to support you half baked, don't give-a-shit course of action as a protest against what you perceive as temporarily infringing our your rights, when you show absolutely know benefit to me. Fuck you. I may not be able to completely defend against a virus, I cannot see. I can definitely defend against pricks like you, frontal or flank.

I will take what precautions I see fit and go along with the precautions of my 30 something year old mayor, whom I voted for, as he seems to have my best interests at heart. You, the Trumpers and Donald Trump do not, you self centered, anti-common sense little bastard. If you don't like it you can find me in Jackson, Tennessee.
Wearing a mask won't protect you. The virus enters through the eyes. Get a mask and goggles. Or, just admit that the world is a dark and dangerous place. Death lies around every corner. It's a jungle out there. At any moment disease could strike.
Do any of you go shopping w/out a mask?

I often do, you should see the looks i get too

I'm waiting for when i'm finally confronted, then i think i'll hack and cough like a cat w/a furball , and ask what isle the ventilators are in

oh and, can i post for bail $$$ on the USMB ????

PJ and I keep them in the console in separate ziplock bags to put on before entering a store. If walking around looking and product outside a store, I am not wearing, but maintaining distance. I follow the Mayor's recommendations.
I follow the Mayor's recommendations.

Bwaaahhaaaaaaaa....This came to my mind on this comment from White 6 , did you say Seig Hiel?
I'm over 65, conservative in nature, unless I have concrete information contrary to best scientific evaluations, it would be foolish for me to take needless, uninformed chances that I do not have to. This is especially true, in the light of posters on this board that act as though older Americans should suck it up for the economy. Trump wants the support of senior citizens, but he is losing it, not just with people that know he cannot be trusted, but by senior citizens who worry that he does not have their best interests at heart. We have our own plans, our own money, and a lifetime of supporting our families, the economy, and this country.You got any idea how many on this board are over 60 and cringe when we read the non caring sometimes even malevolent sounding words of his supporters here. You are the best advertisement in favor of Electing Joe Biden I can imagine. You want to throw Nazi posters at somebody like me. You got to be out of your fucking mind. Nobody is asking me to buy and wear MOPP-4 protection to go out and about. Just wear a mask when I go into stores, so in case I pick up the virus and don't even know I have it, I won't spread it to others that get within close range. It is a conservative request that could save me or others from getting and spreading a disease they don't even know how to consistently treat as sometimes it progresses rapidly, even violently to sudden death. You think you can insult me and my intelligence to support you half baked, don't give-a-shit course of action as a protest against what you perceive as temporarily infringing our your rights, when you show absolutely know benefit to me. Fuck you. I may not be able to completely defend against a virus, I cannot see. I can definitely defend against pricks like you, frontal or flank.

I will take what precautions I see fit and go along with the precautions of my 30 something year old mayor, whom I voted for, as he seems to have my best interests at heart. You, the Trumpers and Donald Trump do not, you self centered, anti-common sense little bastard. If you don't like it you can find me in Jackson, Tennessee.
Wearing a mask won't protect you. The virus enters through the eyes. Get a mask and goggles. Or, just admit that the world is a dark and dangerous place. Death lies around every corner. It's a jungle out there. At any moment disease could strike.
I have dealt with the world as a dangerous and sometimes indeed dark place for a long time. I could always hack and still can. Masking, distancing, hand washing and hygiene are minimal, simple steps for the protection of others and if others are doing it, it helps protect me. The only people unwilling to take minimal steps for their protection and the protection of other are uncaring, worthless jerks and basically dregs of society. I don't complain if someone is unmasked. I avoid and go on. I do dangerous things. Always have. I always use at least minimal precautions. It is the conservative way to live that has been known to save my life. I support people taking at least minimal steps to protect themselves and others around them. I may not be able to count on others, but I am willing to go along with reasonable precautions that people in the know think might help.
Do any of you go shopping w/out a mask?

I often do, you should see the looks i get too

I'm waiting for when i'm finally confronted, then i think i'll hack and cough like a cat w/a furball , and ask what isle the ventilators are in

oh and, can i post for bail $$$ on the USMB ????

PJ and I keep them in the console in separate ziplock bags to put on before entering a store. If walking around looking and product outside a store, I am not wearing, but maintaining distance. I follow the Mayor's recommendations.
I follow the Mayor's recommendations.

Bwaaahhaaaaaaaa....This came to my mind on this comment from White 6 , did you say Seig Hiel?
I'm over 65, conservative in nature, unless I have concrete information contrary to best scientific evaluations, it would be foolish for me to take needless, uninformed chances that I do not have to. This is especially true, in the light of posters on this board that act as though older Americans should suck it up for the economy. Trump wants the support of senior citizens, but he is losing it, not just with people that know he cannot be trusted, but by senior citizens who worry that he does not have their best interests at heart. We have our own plans, our own money, and a lifetime of supporting our families, the economy, and this country.You got any idea how many on this board are over 60 and cringe when we read the non caring sometimes even malevolent sounding words of his supporters here. You are the best advertisement in favor of Electing Joe Biden I can imagine. You want to throw Nazi posters at somebody like me. You got to be out of your fucking mind. Nobody is asking me to buy and wear MOPP-4 protection to go out and about. Just wear a mask when I go into stores, so in case I pick up the virus and don't even know I have it, I won't spread it to others that get within close range. It is a conservative request that could save me or others from getting and spreading a disease they don't even know how to consistently treat as sometimes it progresses rapidly, even violently to sudden death. You think you can insult me and my intelligence to support you half baked, don't give-a-shit course of action as a protest against what you perceive as temporarily infringing our your rights, when you show absolutely know benefit to me. Fuck you. I may not be able to completely defend against a virus, I cannot see. I can definitely defend against pricks like you, frontal or flank.

I will take what precautions I see fit and go along with the precautions of my 30 something year old mayor, whom I voted for, as he seems to have my best interests at heart. You, the Trumpers and Donald Trump do not, you self centered, anti-common sense little bastard. If you don't like it you can find me in Jackson, Tennessee.
Wearing a mask won't protect you. The virus enters through the eyes. Get a mask and goggles. Or, just admit that the world is a dark and dangerous place. Death lies around every corner. It's a jungle out there. At any moment disease could strike.
I have dealt with the world as a dangerous and sometimes indeed dark place for a long time. I could always hack and still can. Masking, distancing, hand washing and hygiene are minimal, simple steps for the protection of others and if others are doing it, it helps protect me. The only people unwilling to take minimal steps for their protection and the protection of other are uncaring, worthless jerks and basically dregs of society. I don't complain if someone is unmasked. I avoid and go on. I do dangerous things. Always have. I always use at least minimal precautions. It is the conservative way to live that has been known to save my life. I support people taking at least minimal steps to protect themselves and others around them. I may not be able to count on others, but I am willing to go along with reasonable precautions that people in the know think might help.

Apologies if i was provocative W6 , i just don't trust anything from our Gub'Mit , which quite frankly aren't on the same page anyways

check it out>>>

When you are so fed up with illegal aliens, you go to the INS office and they tell you Ronald Reagan created this situation back in 1989. Republicans made this entire situation. Echos of project Brazos. We got people living in the streets now, yay for diversity!
I see you are not a studier of US history. Back when Ronald Reagan wanted to build a wall on our southern border and stop illegal immigration, Tipp O'Neil a real gem of the Dimwitocrap party said fine, you make the 11 million illegals already in the US citizens and he Tipp(the leader of Congress at the time) would give the money for the wall. Once we got US citizens that werent worth a crap, then Tipp said there was no money for the wall. Typical of Demoncraps to lie, all the fucking time.
Do any of you go shopping w/out a mask?

I often do, you should see the looks i get too

I'm waiting for when i'm finally confronted, then i think i'll hack and cough like a cat w/a furball , and ask what isle the ventilators are in

oh and, can i post for bail $$$ on the USMB ????

PJ and I keep them in the console in separate ziplock bags to put on before entering a store. If walking around looking and product outside a store, I am not wearing, but maintaining distance. I follow the Mayor's recommendations.
I follow the Mayor's recommendations.

Bwaaahhaaaaaaaa....This came to my mind on this comment from White 6 , did you say Seig Hiel?
I'm over 65, conservative in nature, unless I have concrete information contrary to best scientific evaluations, it would be foolish for me to take needless, uninformed chances that I do not have to. This is especially true, in the light of posters on this board that act as though older Americans should suck it up for the economy. Trump wants the support of senior citizens, but he is losing it, not just with people that know he cannot be trusted, but by senior citizens who worry that he does not have their best interests at heart. We have our own plans, our own money, and a lifetime of supporting our families, the economy, and this country.You got any idea how many on this board are over 60 and cringe when we read the non caring sometimes even malevolent sounding words of his supporters here. You are the best advertisement in favor of Electing Joe Biden I can imagine. You want to throw Nazi posters at somebody like me. You got to be out of your fucking mind. Nobody is asking me to buy and wear MOPP-4 protection to go out and about. Just wear a mask when I go into stores, so in case I pick up the virus and don't even know I have it, I won't spread it to others that get within close range. It is a conservative request that could save me or others from getting and spreading a disease they don't even know how to consistently treat as sometimes it progresses rapidly, even violently to sudden death. You think you can insult me and my intelligence to support you half baked, don't give-a-shit course of action as a protest against what you perceive as temporarily infringing our your rights, when you show absolutely know benefit to me. Fuck you. I may not be able to completely defend against a virus, I cannot see. I can definitely defend against pricks like you, frontal or flank.

I will take what precautions I see fit and go along with the precautions of my 30 something year old mayor, whom I voted for, as he seems to have my best interests at heart. You, the Trumpers and Donald Trump do not, you self centered, anti-common sense little bastard. If you don't like it you can find me in Jackson, Tennessee.
Wearing a mask won't protect you. The virus enters through the eyes. Get a mask and goggles. Or, just admit that the world is a dark and dangerous place. Death lies around every corner. It's a jungle out there. At any moment disease could strike.
I have dealt with the world as a dangerous and sometimes indeed dark place for a long time. I could always hack and still can. Masking, distancing, hand washing and hygiene are minimal, simple steps for the protection of others and if others are doing it, it helps protect me. The only people unwilling to take minimal steps for their protection and the protection of other are uncaring, worthless jerks and basically dregs of society. I don't complain if someone is unmasked. I avoid and go on. I do dangerous things. Always have. I always use at least minimal precautions. It is the conservative way to live that has been known to save my life. I support people taking at least minimal steps to protect themselves and others around them. I may not be able to count on others, but I am willing to go along with reasonable precautions that people in the know think might help.

Apologies if i was provocative W6 , i just don't trust anything from our Gub'Mit , which quite frankly aren't on the same page anyways

check it out>>>

Nah, your pretty normal if any of us that post multiple times a day are normal. That guy just struck me wrong and I over reacted some. It bugs me to be in the group that the young or middle aged trump crowd suggests, people my age (and yours) should go quietly into that good night, for the good of society and some push to the point of making it sound as if we would be doing something patriotic for the country, and he actually suggested I think like a Nazi because I support intelligent, modest protections. I'm just more of a "rage against the dying of the light" kind of guy, for me and anybody near me.
Do any of you go shopping w/out a mask?
I always wear a mask, I don't want to have problems with police!
Our tv shows aren't talking about that too much but it looks like our President has ordered police to be very harsh with anyone violationg quarantine or causing any kind of troubles during this current pandemic.... :(
When you are so fed up with illegal aliens, you go to the INS office and they tell you Ronald Reagan created this situation back in 1989. Republicans made this entire situation. Echos of project Brazos. We got people living in the streets now, yay for diversity!
I see you are not a studier of US history. Back when Ronald Reagan wanted to build a wall on our southern border and stop illegal immigration, Tipp O'Neil a real gem of the Dimwitocrap party said fine, you make the 11 million illegals already in the US citizens and he Tipp(the leader of Congress at the time) would give the money for the wall. Once we got US citizens that werent worth a crap, then Tipp said there was no money for the wall. Typical of Demoncraps to lie, all the fucking time.
How many republicans or democrats would not jump at the deal if we could go back in time before ("The U.S. foreign-born population reached a record 44.4 million in 2017." June 17, 2019) if they could?
Do any of you go shopping w/out a mask?

I often do, you should see the looks i get too

I'm waiting for when i'm finally confronted, then i think i'll hack and cough like a cat w/a furball , and ask what isle the ventilators are in

oh and, can i post for bail $$$ on the USMB ????

How if you are spending your time LOOKING for people giving you looks.

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