At what point is it OK to use your gun against the gubment?

Firearm ownership is an absolute right… end of story
Well regulated firearm ownership is an absolute right

Firearm ownership, period, is an absolute right.
Well regulated firearm ownership, period, is an absolute right

Who said that?
That firearm ownership, period, is an absolute right? Nobody, really. The anonymous poster, I guess. :dunno:
One of the conservative talking points is that we all need to own serious firepower in case we have to rise up against an abusive government. This is a GOP /NRA thing .

So I'd like to know , at what point do you get all shooty?

I'm sure the baseball shooter must have thought he had to resort to violence as a last resort . Just wondering what righties think since this is one their beliefs .

1. When they intend to cause unprovoked physical harm, for no other reason than oppression.

2. Govt. takeover to include revising or ignoring the Constitution. There's a line to be drawn requiring horse sense. For example, while homosexuals may have FELT their rights were being violated, because they couldn't gay marry, it's hardly a reason to consider the govt. a threat. We also don't knock off incompetent judges, of which there are SO many.

Far as I can tell, that's it in a nutshell.

On a side, sounds like you're nearly defending the shooter. You may need a gut-check.
One of the conservative talking points is that we all need to own serious firepower in case we have to rise up against an abusive government. This is a GOP /NRA thing .

So I'd like to know , at what point do you get all shooty?

I'm sure the baseball shooter must have thought he had to resort to violence as a last resort . Just wondering what righties think since this is one their beliefs .

Ah, more hard leftists coming out and condoning the shooting. How predictable...
You might want to read the OP again....he's asking a question, not condoning anything. No wonder you guys got played in November.......

the alternative was?
I'll say when the machine unsurps the Constitution like Obama did. But we held back


Can we get an example of a con unsurp?

Get a pencil youngster and take notes.

Here a (5) examples


Morning Bell: 5 Ways Obama Has Trampled the Constitution

The Obama Administration has done the opposite, turning the law on its head and ignoring constitutional limitations on its power.

>>> Read the Constitution now

Here are five of the Administration’s largest violations:

1. Changing Obamacare on the fly without congressional action

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act requires that businesses employing 50 or more full-time employees must provide health insurance or pay a fine per uncovered employee. The law schedules this mandate to begin in January 2014. Yet the Administration has already announced that it will put this requirement on hold.

Meanwhile, Congress explicitly considered and rejected proposed amendments to Obamacare that would have created a specific allowance for a congressional health insurance subsidy in the exchanges, and indeed, such an exemption is illegal. But the Administration told Members of Congress and their staffers that it would give them a generous taxpayer-funded subsidy just the same.

Obamacare won’t work as written, and the Administration is just seizing power unilaterally to rewrite it.

2. Implementing the DREAM Act by executive fiat

Congress has repeatedly considered, and rejected, a bill known as the Dream Act that would effectively grant amnesty to many illegal aliens. Yet in June 2012, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano issued a directive to immigration officials instructing them to defer deportation proceedings against an estimated 1.7 million illegal aliens. Oddly, this happened about a year after President Obama admitted that “the President doesn’t have the authority to simply ignore Congress and say, ‘We’re not going to enforce the laws you’ve passed.’”

3. Making “recess appointments” while the Senate was in session

In January 2012, President Obama made four “recess” appointments to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) and Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, claiming that the Senate was not available to confirm those appointees. Yet the Senate was not in recess at that time. The Recess Appointments Clause is not an alternative to Senate confirmation and is supposed to be only a stopgap for times when the Senate is unable to provide advice and consent. Eventually, a three-judge panel of the D.C. Circuit struck down the appointments to the NLRB as unconstitutional.

4. Waiving welfare work requirements

In July 2012, the Department of Health and Human Services gutted the work requirements out of the welfare reform law passed in 1996. It notified states of Secretary Kathleen Sebelius’s “willingness to exercise her waiver authority” so that states may eliminate the work participation requirement of Section 407 of the 1996 reforms. This flatly contradicts the law, which provides that waivers granted under other sections of the law “shall not affect the applicability of section 407 to the State.” Despite this unambiguous language, the Obama Administration continues to flout the law with its “revisionist” interpretation.

5. Encouraging federal contractors to violate the law

The WARN Act requires that federal contractors give 60 days’ notice before a mass layoff or plant closing. Employers who do not give notice are liable for employees’ back pay and benefits as well as additional penalties. With defense-related spending cuts set to start on January 2, 2013, defense contractors should have issued notice by November 2, 2012 (just four days before the presidential election). Yet, the Department of Labor instructed defense contractors not to issue notice for layoffs due to sequestration until after the election—and assured them they would be reimbursed with taxpayer funds for any subsequent liability for violating the law.

One of the Constitution’s strongest features is its simplicity. It doesn’t serve as a laundry list of rights, as many modern constitutions attempt to do. Instead, it lays out a governing framework, divides power among three co-equal branches, and protects Americans from having their rights usurped by an overreaching government.

But for the Constitution to survive the next quarter-millennium, we need leaders who are dedicated to maintaining it, not stretching it to suit their immediate political needs.
One of the conservative talking points is that we all need to own serious firepower in case we have to rise up against an abusive government. This is a GOP /NRA thing .

So I'd like to know , at what point do you get all shooty?

I'm sure the baseball shooter must have thought he had to resort to violence as a last resort . Just wondering what righties think since this is one their beliefs .

Ah, more hard leftists coming out and condoning the shooting. How predictable...

Lefties are against gun violence . I don't condone the shooting .

Am I wrong to say that is not a pro gun talking point. ? What's the matter , suddenly you can't admit it ?

Lefties are against the right for individuals to bear personal firearms. Lefties are not universally against violence. Get it straight.
One of the conservative talking points is that we all need to own serious firepower in case we have to rise up against an abusive government. This is a GOP /NRA thing .

So I'd like to know , at what point do you get all shooty?

I'm sure the baseball shooter must have thought he had to resort to violence as a last resort . Just wondering what righties think since this is one their beliefs .

Obviously not a gop deal, since it was a radicalized lib that was influenced my cnn msnbc, maher etc.
Timmy: "I'm sure the baseball shooter must have thought he had to resort to violence as a last resort. Just wondering what righties think since this is one their beliefs ."

Jake: "The alt righties should go armed down to the government building and ask."

LordBrownTrout failed to include Timmy when he replied to me: "They didn't. It was a radicalized lib that went down and actually shot people."

Radicalized crazy religious righties actually shoot people in America.
I'm sure the baseball shooter must have thought he had to resort to violence as a last resort

So ... it's on? Good luck.


The Oregon Bird Sanctuary invaders just before they spring into action?
The committee on how to express paranoia as a group so as not to appear as a single lone gunman?
The long lost kin of the makers of fake camoflage?
The yearly gathering of people scared of their own shadow?
The PFTFBOWIWTFMWTC? People For The Fake Bravado Of Walking Into Wendy's To Frighten Mothers With Their Children?
Friends Of David Koresh?
The Delusional Daliance of the Double Chin Gang?
Graveyard shift at Walmart?
Targets for the M1A1?
Delta Farce?
Jade Helm and the Technicolor Dreamcoat?
Squirrel Hunters Anonymous?
The entire Slim Jim market in Podunk Arkansas?
One of the conservative talking points is that we all need to own serious firepower in case we have to rise up against an abusive government. This is a GOP /NRA thing .

So I'd like to know , at what point do you get all shooty?

I'm sure the baseball shooter must have thought he had to resort to violence as a last resort . Just wondering what righties think since this is one their beliefs .
Nah its a Founding Fathers Constitutional thing. Look it up.
One of the conservative talking points is that we all need to own serious firepower in case we have to rise up against an abusive government. This is a GOP /NRA thing .

So I'd like to know , at what point do you get all shooty?

I'm sure the baseball shooter must have thought he had to resort to violence as a last resort . Just wondering what righties think since this is one their beliefs .

Ah, more hard leftists coming out and condoning the shooting. How predictable...
You might want to read the OP again....he's asking a question, not condoning anything. No wonder you guys got played in November.......

the alternative was?
Sigh...a good point. It never should have gone that far.
What leftists are condoning the shooting? How many? Who are they?

We have idiot Alt Right on this Board that insinuate that pay day is coming when the "revolution" begins. They are wankers and internet toughies, so they are no concern that way.

But let's not act like the left side of the paradigm condones the shootings.

I hope it is a wake up call for all of us.
One of the conservative talking points is that we all need to own serious firepower in case we have to rise up against an abusive government. This is a GOP /NRA thing .

So I'd like to know , at what point do you get all shooty?

I'm sure the baseball shooter must have thought he had to resort to violence as a last resort . Just wondering what righties think since this is one their beliefs .

Ah, more hard leftists coming out and condoning the shooting. How predictable...
You might want to read the OP again....he's asking a question, not condoning anything. No wonder you guys got played in November.......

the alternative was?
Sigh...a good point. It never should have gone that far.

Agreed, Hillary the Hag left no alternative
One of the conservative talking points is that we all need to own serious firepower in case we have to rise up against an abusive government. This is a GOP /NRA thing .

So I'd like to know , at what point do you get all shooty?

I'm sure the baseball shooter must have thought he had to resort to violence as a last resort . Just wondering what righties think since this is one their beliefs .
Ruby Ridge
The cattle rancher stand off a while back

Those were instances of governments big boot on the neck of Americans. One of those situations ended properly because of the use of weapons.
That seems like a good question. When one person thinks they have the right to undergo armed revolt they may find the other armed citizens against them and if a small group takes over and does so without the consent of the others then they also might find themselves in a situation of facing a revolt of their own. Now if most people agree with the revolt then the government almost has to stand down since it can govern people who don't want to be governed and if it did so it would be doing so without the population's permission to do so. It would almost have to be a dictatorship at that moment but if the majority wanted a new government and they had no alternative way to establish one then armed revolt is the only option left. It is usually the one where the people don't have an option to change the government's policies which is why revolts almost always happen in a dictatorship and not in democracies.
Firearm ownership is an absolute right… end of story

None of our rights are absolute.
YOu don't know what you are talking about.
Jackson, the Bill of Rights is not absolute. You know that.

Name one, Jake. I looked at them and can't find any. Please elucidate.

Bill of Rights and later Amendments to the United States Constitution
All of them. Check our SCOTUS rulings and interpretations.
Firearm ownership is an absolute right… end of story

None of our rights are absolute.
YOu don't know what you are talking about.
Jackson, the Bill of Rights is not absolute. You know that.

Name one, Jake. I looked at them and can't find any. Please elucidate.

Bill of Rights and later Amendments to the United States Constitution
All of them. Check our SCOTUS rulings and interpretations.

I know and it is a monumental task to change one though.

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