At what point is it OK to use your gun against the gubment?

One of the conservative talking points is that we all need to own serious firepower in case we have to rise up against an abusive government. This is a GOP /NRA thing .

So I'd like to know , at what point do you get all shooty?

I'm sure the baseball shooter must have thought he had to resort to violence as a last resort . Just wondering what righties think since this is one their beliefs .
Good point. The right's always saying we need guns so that when the time is right, we can use them against the government and take back what's ours. I'd love some clarification on where Republicans think that point lies.
You "people" are predictable as the sunset. You pretend to "want to know" and when told, you simply cry, piss, moan, lie, and spin more with the same failed lib roe that has failed time and time again. By all means means keep it up. Each day more and more Americans are seeing you for the sorry, mentally damaged children you are.
Firearm ownership is an absolute right… end of story

None of our rights are absolute.

Yes...they are.....there are limitations on how you exercise them in public, or if you lose your rights through due process....but they are essentially absolute.

There are inalienable rights, and there are Constitutional rights, but there is no such thing as an 'absolute' right.

The right to bear arms is a Constitutional right. - and like ALL rights is a limited right.
Yes, limited to the people like it says.
One of the conservative talking points is that we all need to own serious firepower in case we have to rise up against an abusive government. This is a GOP /NRA thing .

So I'd like to know , at what point do you get all shooty?

I'm sure the baseball shooter must have thought he had to resort to violence as a last resort . Just wondering what righties think since this is one their beliefs .
Good point. The right's always saying we need guns so that when the time is right, we can use them against the government and take back what's ours. I'd love some clarification on where Republicans think that point lies.
You "people" are predictable as the sunset. You pretend to "want to know" and when told, you simply cry, piss, moan, lie, and spin more with the same failed lib roe that has failed time and time again. By all means means keep it up. Each day more and more Americans are seeing you for the sorry, mentally damaged children you are.
Don't be so easy to trigger, snowflake
One of the conservative talking points is that we all need to own serious firepower in case we have to rise up against an abusive government. This is a GOP /NRA thing .

So I'd like to know , at what point do you get all shooty?

I'm sure the baseball shooter must have thought he had to resort to violence as a last resort . Just wondering what righties think since this is one their beliefs .
Good point. The right's always saying we need guns so that when the time is right, we can use them against the government and take back what's ours. I'd love some clarification on where Republicans think that point lies.
You "people" are predictable as the sunset. You pretend to "want to know" and when told, you simply cry, piss, moan, lie, and spin more with the same failed lib roe that has failed time and time again. By all means means keep it up. Each day more and more Americans are seeing you for the sorry, mentally damaged children you are.
Don't be so easy to trigger, snowflake
^ And here we have the spin I told you all about.
As long as you're right wing and you believe that the government helping people is wrong = the right time to kill members of the government.

The republican base is anti-government to its core.
That's an amazing statement since we are the government.

I've got an idea to settle this whole thing. We'll get all of the righties to form one big circle, and then yell, there's the government, open fire.
One of the conservative talking points is that we all need to own serious firepower in case we have to rise up against an abusive government. This is a GOP /NRA thing .

So I'd like to know , at what point do you get all shooty?

I'm sure the baseball shooter must have thought he had to resort to violence as a last resort . Just wondering what righties think since this is one their beliefs .
When it is run by Lawless Fascist Snow Flake Leftist Liberal Dems.

Golly dang! I could have sworn it was a low life dim thug who did the government shooting yesterday!


Was that guy a republican matthew?
Suddenly bringing it up right after a hard leftists goes on a crazy shooting rampage against government officials.

Can't tell if you are stupid enough to think no one sees that you are trying to justify the shooting.

I guess jumping to conclusions is your favourite form of exercise.

The question is valid.

Republicans told the American people that if they elected a Republican House and Senate, they would keep Trump in check, and to this point, they haven't done so, and they've defended his stupidity.

At what point, as they gut environmental regulations keeping the air and water fit for human consumption, regulations put in place to rein in Wall Street after the crash, and labor laws to help low paid workers get overtime, do working people say, "Enough" and take up arms against a government that is not working for the best interests of the people?

What has Trump done against the law or the Constitution? Considering he is using the courts and he hasn't declared martial law......but go on with your bullshit....

His Muslim ban for one!

What Muslim ban, Timmy Toe Nail Fungus?

You might know it as a "travel ban" . But the fake name doesn't make it past the courts review .
tell us, timmy...

why are they reviewing his tweets instead of the EOs and the Constitution?
One of the conservative talking points is that we all need to own serious firepower in case we have to rise up against an abusive government. This is a GOP /NRA thing .

So I'd like to know , at what point do you get all shooty?

I'm sure the baseball shooter must have thought he had to resort to violence as a last resort . Just wondering what righties think since this is one their beliefs .
Good point. The right's always saying we need guns so that when the time is right, we can use them against the government and take back what's ours. I'd love some clarification on where Republicans think that point lies.

Here you this.......

United States Declaration of Independence - Wikipedia
One of the conservative talking points is that we all need to own serious firepower in case we have to rise up against an abusive government. This is a GOP /NRA thing .

So I'd like to know , at what point do you get all shooty?

I'm sure the baseball shooter must have thought he had to resort to violence as a last resort . Just wondering what righties think since this is one their beliefs .

Ah, more hard leftists coming out and condoning the shooting. How predictable...

Lefties are against gun violence . I don't condone the shooting .

Am I wrong to say that is not a pro gun talking point. ? What's the matter , suddenly you can't admit it ?

Suddenly bringing it up right after a hard leftists goes on a crazy shooting rampage against government officials.

Can't tell if you are stupid enough to think no one sees that you are trying to justify the shooting.

YOU should be justifying the shooting ! It's in line with YOUR beliefs .

No, it isn't.....there is still the ability to redress grievances through lawful channels......this guy, typical lefty, didn't care about that....he just wanted what he wanted and he started murdering people...
Not only that 2aguy - but he didn't even have a rational case. President Trump and the Republican Congress have yet to violate the U.S. Constitution (unlike Barack Insane Obama and the Dumbocrats who absolutely shredded it during their reign of terror). President Trump's big "crime" is constitutionally returning power to the states.
Republicans told the American people that if they elected a Republican House and Senate, they would keep Trump in check, and to this point, they haven't done so, and they've defended his stupidity.
Snowflake....President Trump has kept himself in check. He hasn't violated the U.S. Constitution once. This is why you should keep your nose in Canada's business and out of ours, sweetie. You don't have the first fuck'n clue what is going on in the United States. You just keep parroting idiotic left-wing talking points that you read here on USMB.

President Trump has rolled back all of the illegal/unconstitutional Executive Orders by Barack Insane Obama that granted the federal government unconstitutional power. The states now rightly have that power again. What is the problem with that?!? Why does that cause you lefties to lose your fuck'n minds?

He approved the Dakota Pipeline and the Keystone Pipeline to create energy independence and jobs. Since pipes do not create emissions like trucks do, it's also the most environmentally friendly way to transport oil. So again, why does that cause you lefties to lose your fuck'n minds?

The only reason you immature assholes are losing your shit is because President Trump has a little "R" behind his name. That's it. That's his big "crime". You can't point to one thing he's done that was unconstitutional or damaging. Hell, he's even paid of $68 billion of the national debt in his first 50 days!!!
At what point, as they gut environmental regulations keeping the air and water fit for human consumption, regulations put in place to rein in Wall Street after the crash, and labor laws to help low paid workers get overtime, do working people say, "Enough" and take up arms against a government that is not working for the best interests of the people?
Well, if you weren't so ignorant about the United States, our government, and our laws, you would understand that all of those things are 100% illegal/unconstitutional. The people should have said "enough" and "taken up arms" against Barack Insane Obama and the Dumbocrats for violating the law in implementing those things.

Furthermore, the American people placed President Trump and the Republicans in power for the express purpose of gutting the highly illegal/unconstitutional environmental regulations, the highly illegal/unconstitutional environmental regulations, and the highly illegal/unconstitutional labor laws - so this government is working for the people. And unlike the previous regime, they are doing it legally/constitutionally.

Stop meddling in the U.S., you ignorant Canadian. You're not a U.S. citizen - what goes on here is none of your business. Like a typical fascist, you're just trying to spread your totalitarian government desires across the world. It isn't happening here sweetie. We are American's - we don't cave to that shit. We get liberty or we die trying. There is no compromise. Go home.
You might want to read the OP again....he's asking a question, not condoning anything. No wonder you guys got played in November.......
Got "played"? Sweetie...we slaughtered your ass in November. That's why you fuck'n infants needed therapy dogs, coloring books, and play-doh.

President Trump has delivered on every promise he made so far. He rolled back all of Barack Insane Obama's illegal/unconstitutional Executive Orders. He secured the border. He created jobs. Hell, even paid off $68 billion of the U.S. debt in his first 50 days in office. He's scaled back government, returned power to the states, been fiscally responsible, and did all of that while creating jobs. He's had the greatest first 100 days of any president in the modern era (and that even includes the revered Ronald Reagan).
Ah, more hard leftists coming out and condoning the shooting. How predictable...

Lefties are against gun violence . I don't condone the shooting .

Am I wrong to say that is not a pro gun talking point. ? What's the matter , suddenly you can't admit it ?

Suddenly bringing it up right after a hard leftists goes on a crazy shooting rampage against government officials.

Can't tell if you are stupid enough to think no one sees that you are trying to justify the shooting.

I guess jumping to conclusions is your favourite form of exercise.

The question is valid.

Republicans told the American people that if they elected a Republican House and Senate, they would keep Trump in check, and to this point, they haven't done so, and they've defended his stupidity.

At what point, as they gut environmental regulations keeping the air and water fit for human consumption, regulations put in place to rein in Wall Street after the crash, and labor laws to help low paid workers get overtime, do working people say, "Enough" and take up arms against a government that is not working for the best interests of the people?

What has Trump done against the law or the Constitution? Considering he is using the courts and he hasn't declared martial law......but go on with your bullshit....

His Muslim ban for one!

It isn't a muslim are just lying now. There are 50 Muslim countries in the world. His temporary travel pause and pause on immigration effected 6 countries, all with terrorism problems and all in places where the governments cannot vet - 6 = 44 muslim countries where muslims can travel freely to the United States....

So again......what has Trump done that is illegal...since he has the power to halt any and all immigration through the Constitution and through laws created by congress......?
Firearm ownership is an absolute right… end of story

None of our rights are absolute.
YOu don't know what you are talking about.
Jackson, the Bill of Rights is not absolute. You know that.
Many among the Founders thought the Bill of Rights wasn't necessary since the Constitution empowers government and does not limit citizens. Furthermore some thought having a Bill of Rights would give too many idiots the idea that government limits rights.
Firearm ownership is an absolute right… end of story

None of our rights are absolute.

Yes...they are.....there are limitations on how you exercise them in public, or if you lose your rights through due process....but they are essentially absolute.

There are inalienable rights, and there are Constitutional rights, but there is no such thing as an 'absolute' right.

The right to bear arms is a Constitutional right. - and like ALL rights is a limited right.

The right to self defense existed before the Constitution was does not grant the Right, it merely codifies it......and the idea that all Rights are limited is not what you does not mean that you get to limit the Right to the point it is barely a Right...but because you haven't completely erased the ink from the Constitution it still exists...sorry.....that isn't how it works.......

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