At what point is it OK to use your gun against the gubment?

Firearm ownership is an absolute right… end of story

None of our rights are absolute.
YOu don't know what you are talking about.
Jackson, the Bill of Rights is not absolute. You know that.
Many among the Founders thought the Bill of Rights wasn't necessary since the Constitution empowers government and does not limit citizens. Furthermore some thought having a Bill of Rights would give too many idiots the idea that government limits rights.

And if they had not written those Rights down, they would not exist today.
His Muslim ban for one!
  1. It wasn't a "muslim ban" you dimwit
  2. Banning muslims from entering this country would be constitutional anyway
  3. Foreigners have no "right" to enter the U.S. It is completely and totally at our discretion
  4. The U.S. Constitution is not an international document - therefore, foreigners have no constitutional rights to anything (including entering our nation)
Thanks for playing, stupid.
As long as you're right wing and you believe that the government helping people is wrong = the right time to kill members of the government.

The republican base is anti-government to its core.
That's an amazing statement since we are the government.

I've got an idea to settle this whole thing. We'll get all of the righties to form one big circle, and then yell, there's the government, open fire.
"We, the People" are supposed to be the government, but it's LW ideology that says most people are too stupid to be trusted with such power and that only the Elites know what is best for us.
Lefties are against gun violence . I don't condone the shooting .

Am I wrong to say that is not a pro gun talking point. ? What's the matter , suddenly you can't admit it ?

Suddenly bringing it up right after a hard leftists goes on a crazy shooting rampage against government officials.

Can't tell if you are stupid enough to think no one sees that you are trying to justify the shooting.

I guess jumping to conclusions is your favourite form of exercise.

The question is valid.

Republicans told the American people that if they elected a Republican House and Senate, they would keep Trump in check, and to this point, they haven't done so, and they've defended his stupidity.

At what point, as they gut environmental regulations keeping the air and water fit for human consumption, regulations put in place to rein in Wall Street after the crash, and labor laws to help low paid workers get overtime, do working people say, "Enough" and take up arms against a government that is not working for the best interests of the people?

What has Trump done against the law or the Constitution? Considering he is using the courts and he hasn't declared martial law......but go on with your bullshit....

His Muslim ban for one!

It isn't a muslim are just lying now. There are 50 Muslim countries in the world. His temporary travel pause and pause on immigration effected 6 countries, all with terrorism problems and all in places where the governments cannot vet - 6 = 44 muslim countries where muslims can travel freely to the United States....

So again......what has Trump done that is illegal...since he has the power to halt any and all immigration through the Constitution and through laws created by congress......?

The courts have declared it unconstitutional!!!!!! Which literally makes it unconstitutional!

It is a Muslim ban. Doesn't matter how much lipstick you put on that pig .
Suddenly bringing it up right after a hard leftists goes on a crazy shooting rampage against government officials.

Can't tell if you are stupid enough to think no one sees that you are trying to justify the shooting.

I guess jumping to conclusions is your favourite form of exercise.

The question is valid.

Republicans told the American people that if they elected a Republican House and Senate, they would keep Trump in check, and to this point, they haven't done so, and they've defended his stupidity.

At what point, as they gut environmental regulations keeping the air and water fit for human consumption, regulations put in place to rein in Wall Street after the crash, and labor laws to help low paid workers get overtime, do working people say, "Enough" and take up arms against a government that is not working for the best interests of the people?

What has Trump done against the law or the Constitution? Considering he is using the courts and he hasn't declared martial law......but go on with your bullshit....

His Muslim ban for one!

It isn't a muslim are just lying now. There are 50 Muslim countries in the world. His temporary travel pause and pause on immigration effected 6 countries, all with terrorism problems and all in places where the governments cannot vet - 6 = 44 muslim countries where muslims can travel freely to the United States....

So again......what has Trump done that is illegal...since he has the power to halt any and all immigration through the Constitution and through laws created by congress......?

The courts have declared it unconstitutional!!!!!! Which literally makes it unconstitutional!

It is a Muslim ban. Doesn't matter how much lipstick you put on that pig .
Agreed. Trump screwed himself with his Tweets by saying it's a Muslim ban and not just a ban on those countries.

FWIW, I don't fear Muslims. There's almost 2 Billion of them in the world. We need their help to root out the bad Radical ones and neutralize them.
One of the conservative talking points is that we all need to own serious firepower in case we have to rise up against an abusive government. This is a GOP /NRA thing .

So I'd like to know , at what point do you get all shooty?

I'm sure the baseball shooter must have thought he had to resort to violence as a last resort . Just wondering what righties think since this is one their beliefs .

Judging by the only standard we have, it appears to be when your candidate or party loses the election.
Many among the Founders thought the Bill of Rights wasn't necessary since the Constitution empowers government and does not limit citizens. Furthermore some thought having a Bill of Rights would give too many idiots the idea that government limits rights.
That's exactly right. From Federalist No. 84
“I go further, and affirm that bills of rights, in the sense and to the extent in which they are contended for, are not only unnecessary in the proposed Constitution, but would even be dangerous. They would contain various exceptions to powers not granted; and, on this very account, would afford a colorable pretext to claim more than were granted. For why declare that things shall not be done which there is no power to do? Why, for instance, should it be said that the liberty of the press shall not be restrained, when no power is given by which restrictions may be imposed? I will not contend that such a provision would confer a regulating power; but it is evident that it would furnish, to men disposed to usurp, a plausible pretense for claiming that power.”
The federalists were (rightly) gravely concerned that the U.S. Constitution would ultimately end with a federal government with unlimited powers. To quell their fears, the Bill of Rights was created. It was what the founders were such critical rights, that they wanted "extra" protections around them. Sadly though, just as Alexander Hamilton predicted (the prick who wanted to expand the federal government in the first place) - it has been used to imply that the federal government has more powers that it actually does and that the rights of citizens are limited.

Excerpt From: Alexander Hamilton. “The Federalist Papers.” iBooks.
One of the conservative talking points is that we all need to own serious firepower in case we have to rise up against an abusive government. This is a GOP /NRA thing .

So I'd like to know , at what point do you get all shooty?

I'm sure the baseball shooter must have thought he had to resort to violence as a last resort . Just wondering what righties think since this is one their beliefs .
Good point. The right's always saying we need guns so that when the time is right, we can use them against the government and take back what's ours. I'd love some clarification on where Republicans think that point lies.
Well, first you have to actually say something that conservatives say. But you go ahead and just take a couple of knees.
In Federalist No. 84, the first progressive - Alexander Hamilton - accurately predicted what his side of the aisle would actually do:
"I will not contend that such a provision would confer a regulating power; but it is evident that it would furnish, to men disposed to usurp, a plausible pretense for claiming that power.”
The U.S. Constitution explicitly restricts the federal government to 18 enumerated powers and not one more. Even people such as Alexander Hamilton - who felt that the Articles of Confederation were simply too weak and that a stronger federal government was required for the United States - completely recognized the limitation of 18 enumerated powers of the federal government.

Excerpt From: Alexander Hamilton. “The Federalist Papers.” iBooks.
Lefties are against gun violence . I don't condone the shooting .

Am I wrong to say that is not a pro gun talking point. ? What's the matter , suddenly you can't admit it ?

Suddenly bringing it up right after a hard leftists goes on a crazy shooting rampage against government officials.

Can't tell if you are stupid enough to think no one sees that you are trying to justify the shooting.

I guess jumping to conclusions is your favourite form of exercise.

The question is valid.

Republicans told the American people that if they elected a Republican House and Senate, they would keep Trump in check, and to this point, they haven't done so, and they've defended his stupidity.

At what point, as they gut environmental regulations keeping the air and water fit for human consumption, regulations put in place to rein in Wall Street after the crash, and labor laws to help low paid workers get overtime, do working people say, "Enough" and take up arms against a government that is not working for the best interests of the people?

What has Trump done against the law or the Constitution? Considering he is using the courts and he hasn't declared martial law......but go on with your bullshit....

His Muslim ban for one!

It isn't a muslim are just lying now. There are 50 Muslim countries in the world. His temporary travel pause and pause on immigration effected 6 countries, all with terrorism problems and all in places where the governments cannot vet - 6 = 44 muslim countries where muslims can travel freely to the United States....

So again......what has Trump done that is illegal...since he has the power to halt any and all immigration through the Constitution and through laws created by congress......?

It is a Muslim ban . Just look at the last terror attach in London righties start screaming "see trump is right !" .

If it's a terror ban he should be adding England to the list ? No?
Suddenly bringing it up right after a hard leftists goes on a crazy shooting rampage against government officials.

Can't tell if you are stupid enough to think no one sees that you are trying to justify the shooting.

I guess jumping to conclusions is your favourite form of exercise.

The question is valid.

Republicans told the American people that if they elected a Republican House and Senate, they would keep Trump in check, and to this point, they haven't done so, and they've defended his stupidity.

At what point, as they gut environmental regulations keeping the air and water fit for human consumption, regulations put in place to rein in Wall Street after the crash, and labor laws to help low paid workers get overtime, do working people say, "Enough" and take up arms against a government that is not working for the best interests of the people?

What has Trump done against the law or the Constitution? Considering he is using the courts and he hasn't declared martial law......but go on with your bullshit....

His Muslim ban for one!

It isn't a muslim are just lying now. There are 50 Muslim countries in the world. His temporary travel pause and pause on immigration effected 6 countries, all with terrorism problems and all in places where the governments cannot vet - 6 = 44 muslim countries where muslims can travel freely to the United States....

So again......what has Trump done that is illegal...since he has the power to halt any and all immigration through the Constitution and through laws created by congress......?

It is a Muslim ban . Just look at the last terror attach in London righties start screaming "see trump is right !" .

If it's a terror ban he should be adding England to the list ? No?

England has terrorist training camps?

and if it was a Muslim ban, he would be banning Muslims from England.
Suddenly bringing it up right after a hard leftists goes on a crazy shooting rampage against government officials.

Can't tell if you are stupid enough to think no one sees that you are trying to justify the shooting.

I guess jumping to conclusions is your favourite form of exercise.

The question is valid.

Republicans told the American people that if they elected a Republican House and Senate, they would keep Trump in check, and to this point, they haven't done so, and they've defended his stupidity.

At what point, as they gut environmental regulations keeping the air and water fit for human consumption, regulations put in place to rein in Wall Street after the crash, and labor laws to help low paid workers get overtime, do working people say, "Enough" and take up arms against a government that is not working for the best interests of the people?

What has Trump done against the law or the Constitution? Considering he is using the courts and he hasn't declared martial law......but go on with your bullshit....

His Muslim ban for one!

It isn't a muslim are just lying now. There are 50 Muslim countries in the world. His temporary travel pause and pause on immigration effected 6 countries, all with terrorism problems and all in places where the governments cannot vet - 6 = 44 muslim countries where muslims can travel freely to the United States....

So again......what has Trump done that is illegal...since he has the power to halt any and all immigration through the Constitution and through laws created by congress......?

It is a Muslim ban . Just look at the last terror attach in London righties start screaming "see trump is right !" .

If it's a terror ban he should be adding England to the list ? No? are stupid....

there are 50 muslim countries in the world.....

6 muslim countries are on the list because they don't have the government support to vet immigrants

Since you are really stupid...let me explain....

That means that muslims from 44 muslim countries can still come to the United States....

Since that is the is it a fucking, muslim ban?
I guess jumping to conclusions is your favourite form of exercise.

The question is valid.

Republicans told the American people that if they elected a Republican House and Senate, they would keep Trump in check, and to this point, they haven't done so, and they've defended his stupidity.

At what point, as they gut environmental regulations keeping the air and water fit for human consumption, regulations put in place to rein in Wall Street after the crash, and labor laws to help low paid workers get overtime, do working people say, "Enough" and take up arms against a government that is not working for the best interests of the people?

What has Trump done against the law or the Constitution? Considering he is using the courts and he hasn't declared martial law......but go on with your bullshit....

His Muslim ban for one!

It isn't a muslim are just lying now. There are 50 Muslim countries in the world. His temporary travel pause and pause on immigration effected 6 countries, all with terrorism problems and all in places where the governments cannot vet - 6 = 44 muslim countries where muslims can travel freely to the United States....

So again......what has Trump done that is illegal...since he has the power to halt any and all immigration through the Constitution and through laws created by congress......?

It is a Muslim ban . Just look at the last terror attach in London righties start screaming "see trump is right !" .

If it's a terror ban he should be adding England to the list ? No? are stupid....

there are 50 muslim countries in the world.....

6 muslim countries are on the list because they don't have the government support to vet immigrants

Since you are really stupid...let me explain....

That means that muslims from 44 muslim countries can still come to the United States....

Since that is the is it a fucking, muslim ban?

So because it didn't target ALL muslim countries , it's not a Muslim ban?

Let's try this with the IRS scandal! Because Lerner didn't target ALL tea party groups (just those with Patriot in their name) she did nothing wrong ! Right ?
One of the conservative talking points is that we all need to own serious firepower in case we have to rise up against an abusive government. This is a GOP /NRA thing .

So I'd like to know , at what point do you get all shooty?

I'm sure the baseball shooter must have thought he had to resort to violence as a last resort . Just wondering what righties think since this is one their beliefs .
The answer to that goes back to the American Revolution.

The Founding Fathers were not snowflakes Timmy.
What has Trump done against the law or the Constitution? Considering he is using the courts and he hasn't declared martial law......but go on with your bullshit....

His Muslim ban for one!

It isn't a muslim are just lying now. There are 50 Muslim countries in the world. His temporary travel pause and pause on immigration effected 6 countries, all with terrorism problems and all in places where the governments cannot vet - 6 = 44 muslim countries where muslims can travel freely to the United States....

So again......what has Trump done that is illegal...since he has the power to halt any and all immigration through the Constitution and through laws created by congress......?

It is a Muslim ban . Just look at the last terror attach in London righties start screaming "see trump is right !" .

If it's a terror ban he should be adding England to the list ? No? are stupid....

there are 50 muslim countries in the world.....

6 muslim countries are on the list because they don't have the government support to vet immigrants

Since you are really stupid...let me explain....

That means that muslims from 44 muslim countries can still come to the United States....

Since that is the is it a fucking, muslim ban?

So because it didn't target ALL muslim countries , it's not a Muslim ban?

Let's try this with the IRS scandal! Because Lerner didn't target ALL tea party groups (just those with Patriot in their name) she did nothing wrong ! Right ?

Yeah...that is kinda how it works...since the countries on the list.....are countries that cannot vet the people they would send here...and we don't even have embassies in at least 2 of them.......

Again.....44 muslim countries can have their muslims come here whenever they want......6 can't.....because they don't have the means to vet their people...

What part of that dynamic is so hard for you left wing morons to understand......
What has Trump done against the law or the Constitution? Considering he is using the courts and he hasn't declared martial law......but go on with your bullshit....

His Muslim ban for one!

It isn't a muslim are just lying now. There are 50 Muslim countries in the world. His temporary travel pause and pause on immigration effected 6 countries, all with terrorism problems and all in places where the governments cannot vet - 6 = 44 muslim countries where muslims can travel freely to the United States....

So again......what has Trump done that is illegal...since he has the power to halt any and all immigration through the Constitution and through laws created by congress......?

It is a Muslim ban . Just look at the last terror attach in London righties start screaming "see trump is right !" .

If it's a terror ban he should be adding England to the list ? No? are stupid....

there are 50 muslim countries in the world.....

6 muslim countries are on the list because they don't have the government support to vet immigrants

Since you are really stupid...let me explain....

That means that muslims from 44 muslim countries can still come to the United States....

Since that is the is it a fucking, muslim ban?

So because it didn't target ALL muslim countries , it's not a Muslim ban?

Let's try this with the IRS scandal! Because Lerner didn't target ALL tea party groups (just those with Patriot in their name) she did nothing wrong ! Right ?

It is kinda like saying.....I am a Vegan...but I eat hamburgers and steaks.......doesn't work, does it....?
"At what point is it OK to use your gun against the gubment?"

There is no such ‘point.’

The Second Amendment acknowledges the fundamental right of citizens to possess and carry firearms consistent with lawful self-defense, not to ‘take up arms’ against the government.

And the Second Amendment doesn’t ‘trump’ the First.

There is nothing in the text, history, or case law of the Constitution that acts as a ‘tripwire’ as to when government becomes ‘tyrannical,’ justifying its ‘overthrow.’

The people have the First Amendment right to petition the government for a redress of grievances through either the political or judicial process – not to oppose government through violence in violation of the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law.

That a minority of citizens might subjectively – and in error – perceive the government to have become ‘tyrannical’ in no manner ‘warrants’ armed rebellion, or the ‘overthrow’ of a government lawfully put into place at the behest of the people, in accordance with the will of a majority of the people.
One of the conservative talking points is that we all need to own serious firepower in case we have to rise up against an abusive government. This is a GOP /NRA thing .

So I'd like to know , at what point do you get all shooty?

I'm sure the baseball shooter must have thought he had to resort to violence as a last resort . Just wondering what righties think since this is one their beliefs .

Why do you like the shooting now so Much? Is it the happy faces and stars? What makes you happy about this?

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