At what point is it OK to use your gun against the gubment?

As long as you're right wing and you believe that the government helping people is wrong = the right time to kill members of the government.

The republican base is anti-government to its core.
Wow. That comment is a candidate for USMB's most stupid post of the year.
First the shooter IS A LEFT WINGER. Like you ..
Next,. what is the definition of "helping people"?..\
Because if you believe that an ever expanding welfare state where there is zero enforcement of the rules, and no one who is gaming the system ever gets booted off the system,
Ya...That is WRONG....
I have a question..if you are so consumed with "helping people", why are you not writing checks? Why are you not volunteering your time and money to those you believe need help?
Why is it you lefties think that compassion always begins in someone else's bank account?
What is a "member of government"?

Much more easy to just run ones mouth.
One of the conservative talking points is that we all need to own serious firepower in case we have to rise up against an abusive government. This is a GOP /NRA thing .

So I'd like to know , at what point do you get all shooty?

I'm sure the baseball shooter must have thought he had to resort to violence as a last resort . Just wondering what righties think since this is one their beliefs .
Good point. The right's always saying we need guns so that when the time is right, we can use them against the government and take back what's ours. I'd love some clarification on where Republicans think that point lies.
The founders wrote about it so you just proved how ignorant you truly are. It's called tyranny. When the government tries to turn citizens into subjects and no longer represents the will of the people they have gone too far.

This is the very foundation of the left versus right dichotomy. It's why it's best to defeat you at the ballot box because you will be defeated one way or the other.
We already know from the Cliven Bundy incident that was widely cheered by the Right that they support the armed threat of violence against the government.
Seems to have worked. Correct me if I'm wrong.

On February 10, 2016, Cliven Bundy was arrested by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) at the Portland International Airport while he was on his way to support the Malheur Standoff. He is currently in federal custody, facing federal charges related to his own standoff with the Bureau of Land Management in 2014.[5] His trial is scheduled for 2017.
We already know from the Cliven Bundy incident that was widely cheered by the Right that they support the armed threat of violence against the government.
Seems to have worked. Correct me if I'm wrong.

On February 10, 2016, Cliven Bundy was arrested by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) at the Portland International Airport while he was on his way to support the Malheur Standoff. He is currently in federal custody, facing federal charges related to his own standoff with the Bureau of Land Management in 2014.[5] His trial is scheduled for 2017.
So no decision made and the feds backed off back then. Just what I thought.
One of the conservative talking points is that we all need to own serious firepower in case we have to rise up against an abusive government. This is a GOP /NRA thing .

So I'd like to know , at what point do you get all shooty?

I'm sure the baseball shooter must have thought he had to resort to violence as a last resort . Just wondering what righties think since this is one their beliefs .

"we all need to own serious firepower in case we have to rise up against an abusive government."

That just makes for a fun conversation piece.
We really believe we should own guns to defend ourselves against desperate, starving, thieving Liberals once you've overpopulated and depleted all natural resources....That's when the likes of Maxine Waters will finally give the order:
"Go to the homes of good quality, hard working positive contributing REAL American's and steal what's rightfully yours!"
We already know from the Cliven Bundy incident that was widely cheered by the Right that they support the armed threat of violence against the government.

How wrong you are. There are absolutely dumbshits on the right who are all about that. They are however vastly outnumbered by the dickheads on the left who actually DO engage in violence.
We already know from the Cliven Bundy incident that was widely cheered by the Right that they support the armed threat of violence against the government.

How wrong you are. There are absolutely dumbshits on the right who are all about that. They are however vastly outnumbered by the dickheads on the left who actually DO engage in violence.

You are, as always, wrong.
When they ignore petitions to fix problems for decades and then turn around and try to kill me or my family when we are just trying to live our lives
Anyone else believe Mathew and Timmy are the same idiot poster? They echo the stupidest stuff on the web. Both suffer diarrhea of the mouth and have never had an original thought. It's got to be the same loser.
We already know from the Cliven Bundy incident that was widely cheered by the Right that they support the armed threat of violence against the government.

How wrong you are. There are absolutely dumbshits on the right who are all about that. They are however vastly outnumbered by the dickheads on the left who actually DO engage in violence.

You are, as always, wrong.

Really? Post up all of the violent righties doing bad things. Then I'll post up all of the lefty's. GO!
One of the conservative talking points is that we all need to own serious firepower in case we have to rise up against an abusive government. This is a GOP /NRA thing .

So I'd like to know , at what point do you get all shooty?

I'm sure the baseball shooter must have thought he had to resort to violence as a last resort . Just wondering what righties think since this is one their beliefs .
The constitution says you have right to bear arms. It doesn't say have the right to use them. And this is where a lot people have got in trouble, thinking the 2nd amendment gives them the right to overthrow the government if they disagree with it. That would lead to anarchy and I don't think that is what the founding fathers had in mind.
One of the conservative talking points is that we all need to own serious firepower in case we have to rise up against an abusive government. This is a GOP /NRA thing .

So I'd like to know , at what point do you get all shooty?

I'm sure the baseball shooter must have thought he had to resort to violence as a last resort . Just wondering what righties think since this is one their beliefs .

it isn't....

and i will direct you to that part of the constitution that deals with the criminal act of treason... the only criminal act set forth in the Constitution.
Article 3 - The Judicial Branch
Section 3 - Treason

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Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

The Congress shall have power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.
One of the conservative talking points is that we all need to own serious firepower in case we have to rise up against an abusive government. This is a GOP /NRA thing .

So I'd like to know , at what point do you get all shooty?

I'm sure the baseball shooter must have thought he had to resort to violence as a last resort . Just wondering what righties think since this is one their beliefs .

/---- Guess which person is unarmed and which one works for the government.

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