At what point will partisans realize that sexual misconduct is not a political issue?

Sexual misconduct is made a political issue. It stands on its own when it's happening, then it's turned even worse by politics. The act itself is not some partisan behavior.
Saying "Sexual Misconduct is made a political issue" is kind of like saying 'Graft is made a political issue". It's kind of the most retarded thing you've said yet.

Dude, I can't help it if you say retarded things.

Of course, sexual misconduct is going to be made a political issue. It says a lot about the person's character.

Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

Poor little Mac, wanting everyone to take him Oh, so seriously!
Or is everything going to remain a simplistic Left vs. Right slap fight?
Uh-huh, get used to it Mac; simple minded games appeal to simple minded people, not to mention sex sells, combine the two and you have the perfect pastime for partisan proles.

Look on the bright side, while all the partisan droids are busy squawking about who is touching whose naughty parts it'll keep them somewhat distracted from actively seeking to make life for the rest of us more difficult. ;)

"What I may call the messages of Brave New World, but it is possible to make people contented with their servitude. I think this can be done. I think it has been done in the past. I think it could be done even more effectively now because you can provide them with bread and circuses and you can provide them with endless amounts of distractions and propaganda." -- Aldous Huxley, A Brave New World
Of course the Left claims the high ground when it comes to feminism and sexism. Much like the right claims the high ground on morality and religion. So, when they are caught breaking bad on their sacred cows, they deserve condemnation.
This is a topic in which both sides' sacred cows intersect, but neither appears to recognize that.

really? is Anthony Weiner still in congress?

did Dems vote for an admitted sexual predator for president?

did Dems put Clarence Thomas on the Supreme Court?

are Dems pushing a child molester for the Senate?

when our own is no longer in office and all of the above were repub picks, we look at them and laugh when they whine and say al franked should resign because of a dumbass photo.
You and many other posters here are arguing a point I didn't make. And of course, the arguments in this thread have illustrated my point.

My actual point, if it matters, is that sexual misconduct is not in itself a partisan act. But it becomes politicized by partisans.

Because partisans will jump at every chance to partisan.
...and there is no one more partisan than our sweet Silly Jilly.
Uh-huh, get used to it Mac; simple minded games appeal to simple minded people, not to mention sex sells, combine the two and you have the perfect pastime for partisan proles.

Look on the bright side, while all the partisan droids are busy squawking about who is touching whose naughty parts it'll keep them somewhat distracted from actively seeking to make life for the rest of us more difficult. ;)

"What I may call the messages of Brave New World, but it is possible to make people contented with their servitude. I think this can be done. I think it has been done in the past. I think it could be done even more effectively now because you can provide them with bread and circuses and you can provide them with endless amounts of distractions and propaganda." -- Aldous Huxley, A Brave New World
Of course the Left claims the high ground when it comes to feminism and sexism. Much like the right claims the high ground on morality and religion. So, when they are caught breaking bad on their sacred cows, they deserve condemnation.
This is a topic in which both sides' sacred cows intersect, but neither appears to recognize that.

really? is Anthony Weiner still in congress?

did Dems vote for an admitted sexual predator for president?

did Dems put Clarence Thomas on the Supreme Court?

are Dems pushing a child molester for the Senate?

when our own is no longer in office and all of the above were repub picks, we look at them and laugh when they whine and say al franked should resign because of a dumbass photo.
You and many other posters here are arguing a point I didn't make. And of course, the arguments in this thread have illustrated my point.

My actual point, if it matters, is that sexual misconduct is not in itself a partisan act. But it becomes politicized by partisans.

Because partisans will jump at every chance to partisan.
...and there is no one more partisan than our sweet Silly Jilly.
Well...maybe Little more partisan.
Mac, so wants attention, so afraid to admit it.
My goodness. Would anyone like to sub-lease the large space I occupy in Joe's mind?

Yes, it's dark and nasty, but I'll let it go on the cheap.

Sexual misconduct is made a political issue. It stands on its own when it's happening, then it's turned even worse by politics. The act itself is not some partisan behavior.
Saying "Sexual Misconduct is made a political issue" is kind of like saying 'Graft is made a political issue". It's kind of the most retarded thing you've said yet.

Dude, I can't help it if you say retarded things.

Of course, sexual misconduct is going to be made a political issue. It says a lot about the person's character.

Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

Poor little Mac, wanting everyone to take him Oh, so seriously!

Not making this a political issue is like not punching someone in the boxing ring. Sure do it - and you will lose like never before.

It's not so much "partisans gonna partisan" as "winner's gonna win". Anyone who would not bring this into the politics is going to be beaten by someone who does, back to the 60s era republicanism, where the conservatives failed to conserve anything.

This is a huge winning ticket for the right, the left wing people are generally much more perverse than those on the right. It has been utterly stupid to not push on it before and just let the left use its projection tricks freely.
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My goodness. Would anyone like to sub-lease the large space I occupy in Joe's mind?

Yes, it's dark and nasty, but I'll let it go on the cheap.


Please, buddy. You make these absurd claims and then get all upset when people shoot down your premises... it's kind of pathetic.
Not making this a political issue is like not punching someone in the boxing ring. Sure do it - and you will lose like never before.

It's not so much "partisans gonna partisan" as "winner's gonna win". Anyone who would not bring this into the politics is going to be beaten by someone who does, back to the 60s era republicanism, where the conservatives failed to conserve anything.

This is a huge winning ticket for the right, the left wing people are generally much more perverse than those on the right. It has been utterly stupid to not push on it before and just let the left use its projection tricks freely.

Well, it's questionable if it really is a winner for the right.

Here's the thing. The left does not go around telling people what kind of sex they should have or what kind of contraception they should use. So they actually have to engage in pretty egregious behavior to pay a price.

The Right, however, being holier than thou and wanting to tell the rest of us how to live our sex lives, tends to look pretty silly when they are caught in their own hypocrisy.
My goodness. Would anyone like to sub-lease the large space I occupy in Joe's mind? Yes, it's dark and nasty, but I'll let it go on the cheap. Creepy.
Please, buddy. You make these absurd claims and then get all upset when people shoot down your premises... it's kind of pathetic.
I don't have to sub-lease it, Joe. You can just have it back.

I never wanted to be this far up in your head to begin with.
I don't have to sub-lease it, Joe. You can just have it back.

I never wanted to be this far up in your head to begin with.

Mac, buddy, if you are the one taking time to make cartoons about me, it seems to me that I'm the one living in your head rent free.

Which i'm okay with. I mean, you could man up and admit that your premises are generally faulty and not well thought out.... that would be amusing.
I don't have to sub-lease it, Joe. You can just have it back.

I never wanted to be this far up in your head to begin with.

Mac, buddy, if you are the one taking time to make cartoons about me, it seems to me that I'm the one living in your head rent free.

Which i'm okay with. I mean, you could man up and admit that your premises are generally faulty and not well thought out.... that would be amusing.
Poor Mac. His ego is so tiny.

Let's all just make him feel better.

"No, no, Mac this shit that has been going on since at least the 1990's is a totally new development and we should all be really totally concerned, you guys!"
Sexual misconduct is made a political issue. It stands on its own when it's happening, then it's turned even worse by politics. The act itself is not some partisan behavior.
Saying "Sexual Misconduct is made a political issue" is kind of like saying 'Graft is made a political issue". It's kind of the most retarded thing you've said yet.

Dude, I can't help it if you say retarded things.

Of course, sexual misconduct is going to be made a political issue. It says a lot about the person's character.

Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

Poor little Mac, wanting everyone to take him Oh, so seriously!

Sexual misconduct may say a lot about a person's character, but I think the issue is that it is used to try to say a lot about the character of a political party. In other words, it isn't just that Roy Moore is a creeper, it is that the Republican party is made up of creepers, or the Republican party is more concerned with votes than pedophilia, or similar accusations. In other words, it isn't just that Al Franken acted like a creeper, it's that the Democrat party is made up of creepers, or the Democrat party accepts sexual misconduct, even promotes it, or similar accusations.

You can plug in the name of any politician accused of sexual misconduct and find similar sentiments. The same is also true of celebrities, entertainers, newscasters, what have you. Too many people seem to want to expand this instances to include all members of a political party or ideology. I can't speak for Mac, but I think that is the kind of issue he is taking with sexual misconduct being made a political issue.
I can't speak for Mac, but I think that is the kind of issue he is taking with sexual misconduct being made a political issue.
Partisan politics have decayed to the point where every single issue is nothing more than an opportunity to attack the other side, even something as non-political as sexual misconduct. Therefore, partisans are unable to separate the two.

Then they hold up some imaginary scoreboard and tally everything up, as if they're an objective observer, and claim "victory".

The point of the thread, which has long since been comically distorted by those same partisans, is that you'd think something as non-political as sexual misconduct could avoid this transparent and petty behavior. At least a little bit. Somehow.

This thread has certainly shown that we don't have that capacity.
If word leaked that a top Senator was being indicted for the vicious rape of 12 women, the first thought that would enter the minds of partisans would not be for the victims.

It would be, "oh, I hope the Senator is from the other party".
The point of the thread, which has long since been comically distorted by those same partisans, is that you'd think something as non-political as sexual misconduct could avoid this transparent and petty behavior. At least a little bit. Somehow.


Or perhaps it's just your refusal to understand what works in politics and how partisan politics works.

Maybe they aren't dumb but doing what works.

It's kinda like how many people thought Trump was dumb, he wasn't dumb, he was doing what works. That's smart...

So... if your political opposition is a sexually perverted creeper, why should you not bring in the artillery?
The point of the thread, which has long since been comically distorted by those same partisans, is that you'd think something as non-political as sexual misconduct could avoid this transparent and petty behavior. At least a little bit. Somehow.


Or perhaps it's just your refusal to understand what works in politics and how partisan politics works.

Maybe they aren't dumb but doing what works.

It's kinda like how many people thought Trump was dumb, he wasn't dumb, he was doing what works. That's smart...

So... if your political opposition is a sexually perverted creep, why should you not bring in the artillery?
I didn't say anyone was dumb.

If the ends justify the means for you, that's up to you. That doesn't make it right. That's the philosophy of a zealot.

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