Atheism; An Intellectual Dead End

Again, you make presumptions without evidence. And of course you need to personalize when you just can't seem to make your alleged argument. Your post only serves as further evidence of the intellectual dead end of atheism.
Without evidence? Again, your choice to attack atheists is the evidence. I made nothing personal. I referred to your attack on atheists. I said nothing about myself. Your actions indicate that you are a theist. And your response to my post confirms you are a theist; I notice you didn't deny being a theist. You just attacked, again. What I don't understand is why it bothers you so much being exposed as a theist.
No part of any of your remarks logically follow any of my "actions" . And yes, you constantly have to personalize with unfounded speculation. It's no wonder you're an atheist.....your brain is broken. You can't think. You only react based upon the most primitive of instincts.
So, you are denying that you have spent this entire thread attacking atheists? You do not suppose that calling atheists intellectually dead is an attack on atheists? Really?
Which way do you lean? If you lean towards disbelief then you're an agnostic atheist. Not just an undecided agnostic.

Are all agnostics equally unsure?

The reason we aren't agnostics is because then theists think they can convince us. What do you call an unconvincable agnostic?

So are you saying there are only two types of people? Theists and agnostics? Because no one can say for sure there is no God. In that case there are no theists either because they aren't sure either. They think they are sure but so do we.
I am smack right in the middle, I see no proof either way, as well as not taking any side, and the first side to show me actual proof will get my vote.
I am smack right in the middle, I see no proof either way, as well as not taking any side, and the first side to show me actual proof will get my vote.

are you a releasable Spirit from your physiology .... if so are there others, might there not be an Almighty or a committee of the same and the origin of the genome of life that is managed within that dimension including physicality.

Nothing in the real world points to your conclusion. Could be, just show me some real proof.

There is no evidence god doesn’t exist, so belief is as justified or as valid as non-belief.
Argument from ignorance.

A common attempt to shift the burden of proof or ‘make room’ for a god. Represents a type of false dichotomy that excludes the fact that there is insufficient investigation and the proposition has not yet been proven either true or false.

The failure to disprove the existence of something does not constitute proof of its existence.

Belief is not as valid a position as skepticism when dealing with unsupported or unfalsifiable claims because all such claims would need to be believed implicitly. Agnostic atheism is the most rational position.

Note: It is possible to gather evidence of absence and disprove specific claims about and definitions of a god.
Not what I'd say, but I see no proof that suggests that a god is not possible. If you have any, please share.
Argument from ignorance. I just explained why belief is not just as probable as disbelief. Any outrageous claims should come with evidence and I or you shouldn't need no proof to know God is simply a hypothesis you neither accept or reject. You don't have the balls to take a side
No one has ever suggested that God can't exist. Only that the default presumption is that God doesn't exist until such time as objective evidence proves otherwise.
Making you like me, an agnostic.
Again, that is just a diplomatic term used to not offend theists. Either you believe that there is a God or you don't. One is theist, or atheist. If one is atheist, one is a strong atheist - confident in their position - or they are not. You are not confidentin your position, so you don't eant to offend anyone. Thus you call yourslef an agnostic. But the fact remains that you believe in the existence of deity no more than I do. I am just more confident in my position than you.
I see no proof of a god, of that I am 100% sure. But I also see no proof that a god isn't possible, also 100% sure of that.
If is not a question of the possible. It is a question of the probable. Literally anything is possible. Some things, however are highly improbable.

It is possible that, one day, someone may provide irrefutable objective evidence in support of the existence of divinity. However, in light of millennia of failure to do so, I find the prospect highly unlikely. So, I am not afraid to insult theists by maintaining my continues position that, until such evidence is presented, I will stand by my conviction that God does not exist.

However, lime any rational person, I am more than willing to abandon that position once evidence to the contrary is presented.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
So you admit that a god is possible, just unproven so far. You're an agnostic. Good for you.
Then you must admit there is no such thing as a theist either. Do you try to make the same point to people who claim to be theists? Because they aren't any more sure there is a God than I am there is not.

The opposite of a theist is an atheist. If you aren't a theist and you had to pick one? And I'm not talking about which one you would pick if you thought hell was at stake. I'm talking about hooking you to a lie detector and holding a gun to your head and saying agnostic automatically gets you shot. So you have to be honest, do you think there's a god? You'd say no.
I wonder when one of these atheist scholars is going to make an actual argument in support of the atheist viewpoint? They seem to have missed that part.
You're new you may need to search the archives newby
I'm not sure what that means but what I do know is theists believe because they want to believe. Not because there's any good evidence.
Oh really, you're not sure what that means? But you're so certain about the meaning of everything else. Strange.

You're not smart

“I would love to believe that when I die I will live again, that some thinking, feeling, remembering part of me will continue. But much as I want to believe that, and despite the ancient and worldwide cultural traditions that assert an afterlife, I know of nothing to suggest that it is more than wishful thinking. The world is so exquisite with so much love and moral depth, that there is no reason to deceive ourselves with pretty stories for which there’s little good evidence. Far better it seems to me, in our vulnerability, is to look death in the eye and to be grateful every day for the brief but magnificent opportunity that life provides.” – Carl Sagan

“I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.” – Mark Twain
This might almost be interesting if you had any actual thoughts of your own.

You haven't understood a word I've said yet so I'm showing you what Carl Sagan and Mark Twain have to say. Now you want me to go back to my own thoughts which you don't understand? Forget it.

If you don't like my thoughts or Sagan's or Twain's then I think your goal is to just frustrate us into leaving this forum.

Talking to you is the intellectual dead end.
Let's try listening to a reasonable, intelligent atheist explain why you're having this problem with communication. Maybe he can be a model for how your arguments should be constructed, but only if you want them to be compelling and interesting arguments.

I was open to God for 30 plus years. I became an atheist. One of the reasons I knew I did the right thing were all the people who told me I was evil or maybe angry or I want to live a sinful life or I'm not smart enough.

Did you listen to what he said about theists who misrepresent/lie about his views and intentions? Or derail the conversation?
I'm not sure what that means but what I do know is theists believe because they want to believe. Not because there's any good evidence.
Oh really, you're not sure what that means? But you're so certain about the meaning of everything else. Strange.

You're not smart

“I would love to believe that when I die I will live again, that some thinking, feeling, remembering part of me will continue. But much as I want to believe that, and despite the ancient and worldwide cultural traditions that assert an afterlife, I know of nothing to suggest that it is more than wishful thinking. The world is so exquisite with so much love and moral depth, that there is no reason to deceive ourselves with pretty stories for which there’s little good evidence. Far better it seems to me, in our vulnerability, is to look death in the eye and to be grateful every day for the brief but magnificent opportunity that life provides.” – Carl Sagan

“I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.” – Mark Twain
This might almost be interesting if you had any actual thoughts of your own.

You haven't understood a word I've said yet so I'm showing you what Carl Sagan and Mark Twain have to say. Now you want me to go back to my own thoughts which you don't understand? Forget it.

If you don't like my thoughts or Sagan's or Twain's then I think your goal is to just frustrate us into leaving this forum.

Talking to you is the intellectual dead end.
Let's try listening to a reasonable, intelligent atheist explain why you're having this problem with communication. Maybe he can be a model for how your arguments should be constructed, but only if you want them to be compelling and interesting arguments.

Still not sure exactly what you guys believe because you contradict yourselves and then instead of finish the thought you change the subject or call us animals for not believing what you do. This was a good listen. Let's try to stay on topic
I think the best comment or passage I've ever seen on the whole atheism vs. theism 'controversy' is from old Tom Paine's The Age of Reason; Being an Investigation of True and Fabulous Theology:

'Let him believe this, and he will live more consistently and morally than by any other system; it is by his being taught to contemplate himself as an outlaw, as an outcast, as a beggar, as a mumper, as one thrown, as it were, on a dunghill at an immense distance from his Creator, and who must make his approaches by creeping and cringing to intermediate beings, that he conceives either a contemptuous disregard for everything under the name of religion, or becomes indifferent, or turns what he calls devout. In the latter case, he consumes his life in grief, or the affectation of it; his prayers are reproaches; his humility is ingratitude; he calls himself a worm, and the fertile earth a dunghill; and all the blessings of life by the thankless name of vanities; he despises the choicest gift of God to man, the GIFT OF REASON; and having endeavored to force upon himself the belief of a system against which reason revolts, he ungratefully calls it human reason, as if man could give reason to himself.'

I leave it at that- someone believing or not in God at the end of the day won't cause me to lose sleep- I and take a dim view of 'debating' about religion because, as I see it, it all boils down to bunch of casuistry and clever sophisms.
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Good Lord, you have found an exception to the rule. Alleluia!. Ayn Rand is excused. Your sorry militant atheist ass is not. How's that? Putting that aside, you are invoking Ayn Rand out of context, asshat. Go back and re-read post #319 to put this in it's proper context.
Fuck you, you lying piece of shit. You have repeatedly demonstrated that you don't know dick about physics, atheism, or common sense. Don't you dare presume that you know anything about me, or my political ideology, and get a case of the ass with me, just be cause you have been exposed for the ignorant dishonest fucktard that you are.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
I know you better than you know yourself.
You know dick about me.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
My signature line defines you.
Well, since I am neither Communist, nor socialist, it rather doesn't. Like I said you are full of shit, and know nothing about me.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
And yet you declined to state your political views. Beliefs not worth expressing are beliefs not worth having.
How's that working out for you?
Condo paid off, car paid off, zero debt, savings, property, good job. I like capitalism.

I certainly don't want communism so I know you are wrong.

Saying athiesm leads to communism is like me telling you belief in God leads to homosexuality. You being the exception of course.
For your sake, I hope you are right because otherwise, you have just denied yourself.
If it's OK for a theist like you to lie its certainly OK for me.

You're no saint and neither am I. I just don't rationalize and I don't have a get out of hell free card which gives me a free pass on lying. You do.

Are you ever going to admit you are fos on your atheists are commy claim? It really would make you seem more intellectually honest
You do rationalize. You are doing it right now.

Sorry, but reason and experience tells us that militant atheism leads to communism. Heck, Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin even say so.
See what he's doing there? Since he got called out, he wants to modify his statement with "militant", and pretend that is what he has been saying all along, even though his comments are a matter of record. This is what you get from Ding. You offer to five him the chance for intellectual honesty, but the fact is he isn't honest. He hates all atheists, and pretends he doesn't. He insists that he has no preferred outcome, all while attacking atheists, and their character.

He is a liar, and a religious zealot. Plain, and simple.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
No. There is no need to make that distinction with you as you are a militant atheist. There is only a distinction which needs to made when I am not dealing with a militant atheist.
How's that working out for you?
Condo paid off, car paid off, zero debt, savings, property, good job. I like capitalism.

I certainly don't want communism so I know you are wrong.

Saying athiesm leads to communism is like me telling you belief in God leads to homosexuality. You being the exception of course.
For your sake, I hope you are right because otherwise, you have just denied yourself.
If it's OK for a theist like you to lie its certainly OK for me.

You're no saint and neither am I. I just don't rationalize and I don't have a get out of hell free card which gives me a free pass on lying. You do.

Are you ever going to admit you are fos on your atheists are commy claim? It really would make you seem more intellectually honest
Really? Then tell me what your political views are.
Who cares? What are skulls and Ayn Rand's political views? So there's no connection.

And aren't Germany Canada and Australia socialist countries? They have socialized medicine and schools, right? So how long do you predict until they eventually fall into communism?
Don't be silly. Of course there is a connection. Ayn Rand was not a militant atheist. You are. Ayn Rand was a conservative. You are not. Look at how you attempt to defend socialism without admitting that you are defending socialism Socialists can't be honest because no onje would buy their bullshit if they were.

They will fall into communism when they descend into anarchy which will happen unless they return to conservative values. Lucky for them the pieces of shit socialists have so far been unable to replace loyalty to God, Country and Family with loyalty to state.
Fuck you, you lying piece of shit. You have repeatedly demonstrated that you don't know dick about physics, atheism, or common sense. Don't you dare presume that you know anything about me, or my political ideology, and get a case of the ass with me, just be cause you have been exposed for the ignorant dishonest fucktard that you are.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
I know you better than you know yourself.
You know dick about me.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
My signature line defines you.
Well, since I am neither Communist, nor socialist, it rather doesn't. Like I said you are full of shit, and know nothing about me.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
And yet you declined to state your political views. Beliefs not worth expressing are beliefs not worth having.
I don't disagree, except this isn't a discussion of ideological position, but of theological position. My ideological positions are irrelevant to this discussion. That is the problem. You hate atheists, because you think that all atheists also have ideological positions that you find anathema. Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but atheists are no different than theists in that we come in all different shapes, and sizes, and ideological positions.
Condo paid off, car paid off, zero debt, savings, property, good job. I like capitalism.

I certainly don't want communism so I know you are wrong.

Saying athiesm leads to communism is like me telling you belief in God leads to homosexuality. You being the exception of course.
For your sake, I hope you are right because otherwise, you have just denied yourself.
If it's OK for a theist like you to lie its certainly OK for me.

You're no saint and neither am I. I just don't rationalize and I don't have a get out of hell free card which gives me a free pass on lying. You do.

Are you ever going to admit you are fos on your atheists are commy claim? It really would make you seem more intellectually honest
You do rationalize. You are doing it right now.

Sorry, but reason and experience tells us that militant atheism leads to communism. Heck, Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin even say so.
See what he's doing there? Since he got called out, he wants to modify his statement with "militant", and pretend that is what he has been saying all along, even though his comments are a matter of record. This is what you get from Ding. You offer to five him the chance for intellectual honesty, but the fact is he isn't honest. He hates all atheists, and pretends he doesn't. He insists that he has no preferred outcome, all while attacking atheists, and their character.

He is a liar, and a religious zealot. Plain, and simple.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
No. There is no need to make that distinction with you as you are a militant atheist. There is only a distinction which needs to made when I am not dealing with a militant atheist.
You think any atheist who voices their opinion is a "militant atheist", so, yeah, you're calling me militant is kinda meaningless.
Are Atheists able to use rational thought, deductive reasoning, and scrupulous logic to substantiate and legitimize their perceptions? Or are they simply lacking a perception that most people experience without the need for rationalization? Are they spiritually dumb?

Yes I'm dumber than the sheep who believe because they want to believe, have been threatened with hell and have been brainwashed since birth.

If you were raised on an island by people who didn't believe in God what age do you think you would come up with the God concept? I don't think God is something that is naturally concluded. You may contemplate a creator but at what point would you decide a heaven was logical and not wishful thinking?

In fact the person raised by non religious people might not even give this any thought. They might instead focus all their energy on living and learning things that are knowable.

You'd better stick to things that are knowable. The unknowable frightens atheists.

Wrong! Im not afraid of death or hell you are. I laugh at such nonsense and go about living my life.

Now you can come up with reasons why you think I don't believe or why I deny God exists but you'll probably miss the mark. It's not Satan, im not angry and Its not because I want to be able to live in sin without consequences. I think belief holds us back, makes us dumb and is how they control us. I think it's made up.

So maybe, just maybe, I don't believe because it isn't true

Of course you are afraid of death. Normalization of deviance eventually leads to predictable surprises.

Dumb is spending your workday blogging from work. Predictable surprises await.
Condo paid off, car paid off, zero debt, savings, property, good job. I like capitalism.

I certainly don't want communism so I know you are wrong.

Saying athiesm leads to communism is like me telling you belief in God leads to homosexuality. You being the exception of course.
For your sake, I hope you are right because otherwise, you have just denied yourself.
If it's OK for a theist like you to lie its certainly OK for me.

You're no saint and neither am I. I just don't rationalize and I don't have a get out of hell free card which gives me a free pass on lying. You do.

Are you ever going to admit you are fos on your atheists are commy claim? It really would make you seem more intellectually honest
Really? Then tell me what your political views are.
Who cares? What are skulls and Ayn Rand's political views? So there's no connection.

And aren't Germany Canada and Australia socialist countries? They have socialized medicine and schools, right? So how long do you predict until they eventually fall into communism?
Don't be silly. Of course there is a connection. Ayn Rand was not a militant atheist. You are. Ayn Rand was a conservative. You are not. Look at how you attempt to defend socialism without admitting that you are defending socialism Socialists can't be honest because no onje would buy their bullshit if they were.

They will fall into communism when they descend into anarchy which will happen unless they return to conservative values. Lucky for them the pieces of shit socialists have so far been unable to replace loyalty to God, Country and Family with loyalty to state.
Ayn Rand wasn't militant, but we are? You have clearly never read any of Rand's writings, or you would know just how little respect she had for religionists.
I think the best comment or passage I've ever seen on the whole atheism vs. theism 'controversy' is from old Tom Paine's The Age of Reason; Being an Investigation of True and Fabulous Theology:

'Let him believe this, and he will live more consistently and morally than by any other system; it is by his being taught to contemplate himself as an outlaw, as an outcast, as a beggar, as a mumper, as one thrown, as it were, on a dunghill at an immense distance from his Creator, and who must make his approaches by creeping and cringing to intermediate beings, that he conceives either a contemptuous disregard for everything under the name of religion, or becomes indifferent, or turns what he calls devout. In the latter case, he consumes his life in grief, or the affectation of it; his prayers are reproaches; his humility is ingratitude; he calls himself a worm, and the fertile earth a dunghill; and all the blessings of life by the thankless name of vanities; he despises the choicest gift of God to man, the GIFT OF REASON; and having endeavored to force upon himself the belief of a system against which reason revolts, he ungratefully calls it human reason, as if man could give reason to himself.'

I leave it at that- someone believing or not in God at the end of the day won't cause me to lose sleep- I and take a dim view of 'debating' about religion because, as I see it, it all boils down to bunch of casuistry and clever sophisms.
See if you can figure out this message.

Shawn Achor: The happy secret to better work | TED Talk |
Are Atheists able to use rational thought, deductive reasoning, and scrupulous logic to substantiate and legitimize their perceptions? Or are they simply lacking a perception that most people experience without the need for rationalization? Are they spiritually dumb?

Yes I'm dumber than the sheep who believe because they want to believe, have been threatened with hell and have been brainwashed since birth.

If you were raised on an island by people who didn't believe in God what age do you think you would come up with the God concept? I don't think God is something that is naturally concluded. You may contemplate a creator but at what point would you decide a heaven was logical and not wishful thinking?

In fact the person raised by non religious people might not even give this any thought. They might instead focus all their energy on living and learning things that are knowable.

You'd better stick to things that are knowable. The unknowable frightens atheists.

Wrong! Im not afraid of death or hell you are. I laugh at such nonsense and go about living my life.

Now you can come up with reasons why you think I don't believe or why I deny God exists but you'll probably miss the mark. It's not Satan, im not angry and Its not because I want to be able to live in sin without consequences. I think belief holds us back, makes us dumb and is how they control us. I think it's made up.

So maybe, just maybe, I don't believe because it isn't true

Of course you are afraid of death. Normalization of deviance eventually leads to predictable surprises.

Dumb is spending your workday blogging from work. Predictable surprises await.

Of course I'm not afraid of death. Because there is nothing to be afraid of. Are you afraid of death?
For your sake, I hope you are right because otherwise, you have just denied yourself.
If it's OK for a theist like you to lie its certainly OK for me.

You're no saint and neither am I. I just don't rationalize and I don't have a get out of hell free card which gives me a free pass on lying. You do.

Are you ever going to admit you are fos on your atheists are commy claim? It really would make you seem more intellectually honest
Really? Then tell me what your political views are.
Who cares? What are skulls and Ayn Rand's political views? So there's no connection.

And aren't Germany Canada and Australia socialist countries? They have socialized medicine and schools, right? So how long do you predict until they eventually fall into communism?
Don't be silly. Of course there is a connection. Ayn Rand was not a militant atheist. You are. Ayn Rand was a conservative. You are not. Look at how you attempt to defend socialism without admitting that you are defending socialism Socialists can't be honest because no onje would buy their bullshit if they were.

They will fall into communism when they descend into anarchy which will happen unless they return to conservative values. Lucky for them the pieces of shit socialists have so far been unable to replace loyalty to God, Country and Family with loyalty to state.
Ayn Rand wasn't militant, but we are? You have clearly never read any of Rand's writings, or you would know just how little respect she had for religionists.
I have read enough to know that I know that Ayn Rand believed in absolute morals. I have read enough to know how little she thought of amoral moral relativists like yourself.
Are Atheists able to use rational thought, deductive reasoning, and scrupulous logic to substantiate and legitimize their perceptions? Or are they simply lacking a perception that most people experience without the need for rationalization? Are they spiritually dumb?

Yes I'm dumber than the sheep who believe because they want to believe, have been threatened with hell and have been brainwashed since birth.

If you were raised on an island by people who didn't believe in God what age do you think you would come up with the God concept? I don't think God is something that is naturally concluded. You may contemplate a creator but at what point would you decide a heaven was logical and not wishful thinking?

In fact the person raised by non religious people might not even give this any thought. They might instead focus all their energy on living and learning things that are knowable.

You'd better stick to things that are knowable. The unknowable frightens atheists.

Wrong! Im not afraid of death or hell you are. I laugh at such nonsense and go about living my life.

Now you can come up with reasons why you think I don't believe or why I deny God exists but you'll probably miss the mark. It's not Satan, im not angry and Its not because I want to be able to live in sin without consequences. I think belief holds us back, makes us dumb and is how they control us. I think it's made up.

So maybe, just maybe, I don't believe because it isn't true

Of course you are afraid of death. Normalization of deviance eventually leads to predictable surprises.

Dumb is spending your workday blogging from work. Predictable surprises await.

Of course I'm not afraid of death. Because there is nothing to be afraid of. Are you afraid of death?

How can I? I have eternal life. I have a soul and I have my faith. What do you have?
If it's OK for a theist like you to lie its certainly OK for me.

You're no saint and neither am I. I just don't rationalize and I don't have a get out of hell free card which gives me a free pass on lying. You do.

Are you ever going to admit you are fos on your atheists are commy claim? It really would make you seem more intellectually honest
Really? Then tell me what your political views are.
Who cares? What are skulls and Ayn Rand's political views? So there's no connection.

And aren't Germany Canada and Australia socialist countries? They have socialized medicine and schools, right? So how long do you predict until they eventually fall into communism?
Don't be silly. Of course there is a connection. Ayn Rand was not a militant atheist. You are. Ayn Rand was a conservative. You are not. Look at how you attempt to defend socialism without admitting that you are defending socialism Socialists can't be honest because no onje would buy their bullshit if they were.

They will fall into communism when they descend into anarchy which will happen unless they return to conservative values. Lucky for them the pieces of shit socialists have so far been unable to replace loyalty to God, Country and Family with loyalty to state.
Ayn Rand wasn't militant, but we are? You have clearly never read any of Rand's writings, or you would know just how little respect she had for religionists.
I have read enough to know that I know that Ayn Rand believed in absolute morals. I have read enough to know how little she thought of amoral moral relativists like yourself.
Which has absolutely nothing to do with what I posted. Wanna try again?
For your sake, I hope you are right because otherwise, you have just denied yourself.
If it's OK for a theist like you to lie its certainly OK for me.

You're no saint and neither am I. I just don't rationalize and I don't have a get out of hell free card which gives me a free pass on lying. You do.

Are you ever going to admit you are fos on your atheists are commy claim? It really would make you seem more intellectually honest
You do rationalize. You are doing it right now.

Sorry, but reason and experience tells us that militant atheism leads to communism. Heck, Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin even say so.
See what he's doing there? Since he got called out, he wants to modify his statement with "militant", and pretend that is what he has been saying all along, even though his comments are a matter of record. This is what you get from Ding. You offer to five him the chance for intellectual honesty, but the fact is he isn't honest. He hates all atheists, and pretends he doesn't. He insists that he has no preferred outcome, all while attacking atheists, and their character.

He is a liar, and a religious zealot. Plain, and simple.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
No. There is no need to make that distinction with you as you are a militant atheist. There is only a distinction which needs to made when I am not dealing with a militant atheist.
You think any atheist who voices their opinion is a "militant atheist", so, yeah, you're calling me militant is kinda meaningless.
No. Just the ones like you who have admitted that you seek to subordinate the expression of their faith.

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