Atheism; An Intellectual Dead End

Wrong! Im not afraid of death or hell you are. I laugh at such nonsense and go about living my life.

Now you can come up with reasons why you think I don't believe or why I deny God exists but you'll probably miss the mark. It's not Satan, im not angry and Its not because I want to be able to live in sin without consequences. I think belief holds us back, makes us dumb and is how they control us. I think it's made up.

So maybe, just maybe, I don't believe because it isn't true
You're not afraid of death? That would make you a singularly unique human being.
What's to be afraid of? Do you remember what things were like 4u before you were born? That's what things will be like 4u after you die.

Oh you mean dying? Yes, I'm afraid of dying. I hope i don't suffer and it will be sad for my life to be over but I'm not scared of what happens after the lights go out.

And for you and your religion to say you know what happens is laughable to me.
Again Professor Knee Jerk, to what religion do you refer? I haven't mentioned anything about God anywhere in this entire thread.
Afraid of dying but not afraid of death? Why are you afraid of dying?
Because it might hurt and because my time is over
Let's suppose your death is painless. What do you have to worry about? Your time is over? How would you know that? How could you when your death results in a black void of nothingness? It's certain that no form of consciousness will exist for you then.....right?
I wouldn't count on no form of consciousness. I would count on an eternity of knowing that what one had and never appreciated was taken away.
I think I know what kind of atheists these people are. The slow witted kind.

Do you not agree that America as a whole is pretty stupid?

Sure. Here's why....

Alexander I. Solzhenitsyn -- A World Split Apart — Commencement Address Delivered At Harvard University, June 8, 1978

Alexander I. Solzhenitsyn is an idiot.

I would not have expected you to see it any other way.
Wrong! Im not afraid of death or hell you are. I laugh at such nonsense and go about living my life.

Now you can come up with reasons why you think I don't believe or why I deny God exists but you'll probably miss the mark. It's not Satan, im not angry and Its not because I want to be able to live in sin without consequences. I think belief holds us back, makes us dumb and is how they control us. I think it's made up.

So maybe, just maybe, I don't believe because it isn't true
Of course you are afraid of death. Normalization of deviance eventually leads to predictable surprises.

Dumb is spending your workday blogging from work. Predictable surprises await.
Wow! Another derailing and an attack I took a 15 minute break at work. You're turning into a dick
It is not an attack if it is true. You really shouldn't be surprised when you go looking for a fight that you actually get one. Yes, I am a dick. I admit it freely. When are you going to admit it?
You and God are a joke
I doubt God will appreciate you throwing Him out with the bathwater, but that is your mistake to make, brother.
If a flawed man uses flawed logic to tell a fatally flawed story maybe God should have made a bigger dent on society than 2000 years ago in the most primitive part of the world then vanashed.

I doubt a God would cafe. The god you speak of is in your head.

You getting mad makes me feel you are doubting now too. What post opened your eyes?

If you truly believed a God existed and a heaven awaits you would never get angry. Angry shows doubt. Speaks volumes more than any nonsense you've said
Well, since I am neither Communist, nor socialist, it rather doesn't. Like I said you are full of shit, and know nothing about me.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
And yet you declined to state your political views. Beliefs not worth expressing are beliefs not worth having.
I don't disagree, except this isn't a discussion of ideological position, but of theological position. My ideological positions are irrelevant to this discussion. That is the problem. You hate atheists, because you think that all atheists also have ideological positions that you find anathema. Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but atheists are no different than theists in that we come in all different shapes, and sizes, and ideological positions.
Im putting ding on ideological ignore. He's back to suggesting that atheism leads to communism. The other guy you put on ignore posted a really good video and the atheist pointed out how he would be having a good conversation with a theist and then when they get frustrated they lash out with wild claims meant to derail the subject.

Could there be a better example than us discussing if God exists and ding saying we are commies? There is no better example.

Ding, it's been nice, I'm going to move on. I think this conversation has run its course.

Czernobog you have made a lot of great points that went in one ear and out the other. I wouldn't waste any more time on this thread these guys are newby amateur lightweight unevolved sheep
Good. Bye bye.

I don't hate atheists. I hate what militant atheists, like yourself, do. You seek out religious persons for the express purpose of confronting them and then you pretend that you aren't doing it. Of course I will shine a light on your ideological behavior because I know what the ideological behavior is of people who do what you do. You are a subversive.
See you in hell bro. You denied Jesus 3 times and don't even know I did that shit to you. You're fucked. Do you know what eternity is? I was sent to test you.
I worry about my soul every single day. Nothing new. But since I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, I don't worry so much about the mistakes I make as much I do about the progression I take. He uses it to progress men of goodwill. Only a good man knows how bad he is, a bad man has no clue. I have chosen the better portion than you and it will not be taken away.
Yes I'm dumber than the sheep who believe because they want to believe, have been threatened with hell and have been brainwashed since birth.

If you were raised on an island by people who didn't believe in God what age do you think you would come up with the God concept? I don't think God is something that is naturally concluded. You may contemplate a creator but at what point would you decide a heaven was logical and not wishful thinking?

In fact the person raised by non religious people might not even give this any thought. They might instead focus all their energy on living and learning things that are knowable.
You'd better stick to things that are knowable. The unknowable frightens atheists.
Wrong! Im not afraid of death or hell you are. I laugh at such nonsense and go about living my life.

Now you can come up with reasons why you think I don't believe or why I deny God exists but you'll probably miss the mark. It's not Satan, im not angry and Its not because I want to be able to live in sin without consequences. I think belief holds us back, makes us dumb and is how they control us. I think it's made up.

So maybe, just maybe, I don't believe because it isn't true
Of course you are afraid of death. Normalization of deviance eventually leads to predictable surprises.

Dumb is spending your workday blogging from work. Predictable surprises await.
Wow! Another derailing and an attack I took a 15 minute break at work. You're turning into a dick
It is not an attack if it is true. You really shouldn't be surprised when you go looking for a fight that you actually get one. Yes, I am a dick. I admit it freely. When are you going to admit it?
You really shouldn't be surprised when you go looking for a fight that you actually get one. Yes, I am a dick. I admit it freely.

the admission of christianity has nothing to do with the religion of the Almighty nor theism, simply their 4th century political agenda.

And yet you declined to state your political views. Beliefs not worth expressing are beliefs not worth having.
I don't disagree, except this isn't a discussion of ideological position, but of theological position. My ideological positions are irrelevant to this discussion. That is the problem. You hate atheists, because you think that all atheists also have ideological positions that you find anathema. Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but atheists are no different than theists in that we come in all different shapes, and sizes, and ideological positions.
Im putting ding on ideological ignore. He's back to suggesting that atheism leads to communism. The other guy you put on ignore posted a really good video and the atheist pointed out how he would be having a good conversation with a theist and then when they get frustrated they lash out with wild claims meant to derail the subject.

Could there be a better example than us discussing if God exists and ding saying we are commies? There is no better example.

Ding, it's been nice, I'm going to move on. I think this conversation has run its course.

Czernobog you have made a lot of great points that went in one ear and out the other. I wouldn't waste any more time on this thread these guys are newby amateur lightweight unevolved sheep
Good. Bye bye.

I don't hate atheists. I hate what militant atheists, like yourself, do. You seek out religious persons for the express purpose of confronting them and then you pretend that you aren't doing it. Of course I will shine a light on your ideological behavior because I know what the ideological behavior is of people who do what you do. You are a subversive.
See you in hell bro. You denied Jesus 3 times and don't even know I did that shit to you. You're fucked. Do you know what eternity is? I was sent to test you.
I worry about my soul every single day. Nothing new. But since I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, I don't worry so much about the mistakes I make as much I do about the progression I take. He uses it to progress men of goodwill. Only a good man knows how bad he is, a bad man has no clue. I have chosen the better portion than you and it will not be taken away.
No, Christians get a free pass on the mistakes they make simply because they believe and feel guilty. Easiest cult to join.

You keep telling us what a good man you are. I'm not sure
Of course you are afraid of death. Normalization of deviance eventually leads to predictable surprises.

Dumb is spending your workday blogging from work. Predictable surprises await.
Wow! Another derailing and an attack I took a 15 minute break at work. You're turning into a dick
It is not an attack if it is true. You really shouldn't be surprised when you go looking for a fight that you actually get one. Yes, I am a dick. I admit it freely. When are you going to admit it?
You and God are a joke
I doubt God will appreciate you throwing Him out with the bathwater, but that is your mistake to make, brother.
If a flawed man uses flawed logic to tell a fatally flawed story maybe God should have made a bigger dent on society than 2000 years ago in the most primitive part of the world then vanashed.

I doubt a God would cafe. The god you speak of is in your head.

You getting mad makes me feel you are doubting now too. What post opened your eyes?

If you truly believed a God existed and a heaven awaits you would never get angry. Angry shows doubt. Speaks volumes more than any nonsense you've said
I'm not mad. How can I be. I have everlasting life. What do you have? There is only one of us here who will be taking this out on someone else and it won't be me. I'm not here for you. I am here for me. What you intend for evil, He uses for my good. Whatever happens to you is between you and God.
I don't disagree, except this isn't a discussion of ideological position, but of theological position. My ideological positions are irrelevant to this discussion. That is the problem. You hate atheists, because you think that all atheists also have ideological positions that you find anathema. Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but atheists are no different than theists in that we come in all different shapes, and sizes, and ideological positions.
Im putting ding on ideological ignore. He's back to suggesting that atheism leads to communism. The other guy you put on ignore posted a really good video and the atheist pointed out how he would be having a good conversation with a theist and then when they get frustrated they lash out with wild claims meant to derail the subject.

Could there be a better example than us discussing if God exists and ding saying we are commies? There is no better example.

Ding, it's been nice, I'm going to move on. I think this conversation has run its course.

Czernobog you have made a lot of great points that went in one ear and out the other. I wouldn't waste any more time on this thread these guys are newby amateur lightweight unevolved sheep
Good. Bye bye.

I don't hate atheists. I hate what militant atheists, like yourself, do. You seek out religious persons for the express purpose of confronting them and then you pretend that you aren't doing it. Of course I will shine a light on your ideological behavior because I know what the ideological behavior is of people who do what you do. You are a subversive.
See you in hell bro. You denied Jesus 3 times and don't even know I did that shit to you. You're fucked. Do you know what eternity is? I was sent to test you.
I worry about my soul every single day. Nothing new. But since I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, I don't worry so much about the mistakes I make as much I do about the progression I take. He uses it to progress men of goodwill. Only a good man knows how bad he is, a bad man has no clue. I have chosen the better portion than you and it will not be taken away.
No, Christians get a free pass on the mistakes they make simply because they believe and feel guilty. Easiest cult to join.

You keep telling us what a good man you are. I'm not sure
Your view of my faith is biased. Your loss, not mine.
You'd better stick to things that are knowable. The unknowable frightens atheists.
Wrong! Im not afraid of death or hell you are. I laugh at such nonsense and go about living my life.

Now you can come up with reasons why you think I don't believe or why I deny God exists but you'll probably miss the mark. It's not Satan, im not angry and Its not because I want to be able to live in sin without consequences. I think belief holds us back, makes us dumb and is how they control us. I think it's made up.

So maybe, just maybe, I don't believe because it isn't true
Of course you are afraid of death. Normalization of deviance eventually leads to predictable surprises.

Dumb is spending your workday blogging from work. Predictable surprises await.
Wow! Another derailing and an attack I took a 15 minute break at work. You're turning into a dick
It is not an attack if it is true. You really shouldn't be surprised when you go looking for a fight that you actually get one. Yes, I am a dick. I admit it freely. When are you going to admit it?
You really shouldn't be surprised when you go looking for a fight that you actually get one. Yes, I am a dick. I admit it freely.

the admission of christianity has nothing to do with the religion of the Almighty nor theism, simply their 4th century political agenda.

You are like a broken record.
Well, since I am neither Communist, nor socialist, it rather doesn't. Like I said you are full of shit, and know nothing about me.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
And yet you declined to state your political views. Beliefs not worth expressing are beliefs not worth having.
I don't disagree, except this isn't a discussion of ideological position, but of theological position. My ideological positions are irrelevant to this discussion. That is the problem. You hate atheists, because you think that all atheists also have ideological positions that you find anathema. Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but atheists are no different than theists in that we come in all different shapes, and sizes, and ideological positions.
Im putting ding on ideological ignore. He's back to suggesting that atheism leads to communism. The other guy you put on ignore posted a really good video and the atheist pointed out how he would be having a good conversation with a theist and then when they get frustrated they lash out with wild claims meant to derail the subject.

Could there be a better example than us discussing if God exists and ding saying we are commies? There is no better example.

Ding, it's been nice, I'm going to move on. I think this conversation has run its course.

Czernobog you have made a lot of great points that went in one ear and out the other. I wouldn't waste any more time on this thread these guys are newby amateur lightweight unevolved sheep
Good. Bye bye.

I don't hate atheists. I hate what militant atheists, like yourself, do. You seek out religious persons for the express purpose of confronting them and then you pretend that you aren't doing it. Of course I will shine a light on your ideological behavior because I know what the ideological behavior is of people who do what you do. You are a subversive.
See you in hell bro. You denied Jesus 3 times and don't even know I did that shit to you. You're fucked. Do you know what eternity is? I was sent to test you.
Yes. You were sent to test me, but you don't believe in hell. I've denied Jesus way more than three times, brother. He hasn't abandoned me yet.
Wrong! Im not afraid of death or hell you are. I laugh at such nonsense and go about living my life.

Now you can come up with reasons why you think I don't believe or why I deny God exists but you'll probably miss the mark. It's not Satan, im not angry and Its not because I want to be able to live in sin without consequences. I think belief holds us back, makes us dumb and is how they control us. I think it's made up.

So maybe, just maybe, I don't believe because it isn't true
Of course you are afraid of death. Normalization of deviance eventually leads to predictable surprises.

Dumb is spending your workday blogging from work. Predictable surprises await.
Wow! Another derailing and an attack I took a 15 minute break at work. You're turning into a dick
It is not an attack if it is true. You really shouldn't be surprised when you go looking for a fight that you actually get one. Yes, I am a dick. I admit it freely. When are you going to admit it?
You really shouldn't be surprised when you go looking for a fight that you actually get one. Yes, I am a dick. I admit it freely.

the admission of christianity has nothing to do with the religion of the Almighty nor theism, simply their 4th century political agenda.

You are like a broken record.
so says the repeater ...
Atheists are just as deluded as theists as there's no proof that a god can't exist.
That's why I'm an agnostic atheist
No. You are not.
Why are you so jealous of agnostics all the time? You secretly are one?

I'm not. I don't see any agnostics here.
He's atheist sure enough that he's denying Jesus is the Messiah.

That he isn't agnostic about because agnostics still burn in hell.

Or does mudda think God will treat agnostics differently than atheists? Maybe that's why he insists hes not a disbeliever
No. He's just a troll.
Of course you are afraid of death. Normalization of deviance eventually leads to predictable surprises.

Dumb is spending your workday blogging from work. Predictable surprises await.
Wow! Another derailing and an attack I took a 15 minute break at work. You're turning into a dick
It is not an attack if it is true. You really shouldn't be surprised when you go looking for a fight that you actually get one. Yes, I am a dick. I admit it freely. When are you going to admit it?
You really shouldn't be surprised when you go looking for a fight that you actually get one. Yes, I am a dick. I admit it freely.

the admission of christianity has nothing to do with the religion of the Almighty nor theism, simply their 4th century political agenda.

You are like a broken record.
so says the repeater ...
What have I repeated?
Oh really, you're not sure what that means? But you're so certain about the meaning of everything else. Strange.

You're not smart

“I would love to believe that when I die I will live again, that some thinking, feeling, remembering part of me will continue. But much as I want to believe that, and despite the ancient and worldwide cultural traditions that assert an afterlife, I know of nothing to suggest that it is more than wishful thinking. The world is so exquisite with so much love and moral depth, that there is no reason to deceive ourselves with pretty stories for which there’s little good evidence. Far better it seems to me, in our vulnerability, is to look death in the eye and to be grateful every day for the brief but magnificent opportunity that life provides.” – Carl Sagan

“I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.” – Mark Twain
This might almost be interesting if you had any actual thoughts of your own.

You haven't understood a word I've said yet so I'm showing you what Carl Sagan and Mark Twain have to say. Now you want me to go back to my own thoughts which you don't understand? Forget it.

If you don't like my thoughts or Sagan's or Twain's then I think your goal is to just frustrate us into leaving this forum.

Talking to you is the intellectual dead end.
Let's try listening to a reasonable, intelligent atheist explain why you're having this problem with communication. Maybe he can be a model for how your arguments should be constructed, but only if you want them to be compelling and interesting arguments.

I think it is you that should listen to him. Not once have I've seen Sam Harris degrade his opponents. You have instigated this several times here.

While completely failing to notice all the personal investive hurled from the other side. Congratulations, you are in full possession of an atheistic sense of moral relativism.
Wrong again. Atheism isn't like religion. But the human behaviors of blind dogmatic faith are remarkably the same for both atheists and religious fundamentalists.
I didn't claim Atheism was a religion. That claim was made by Christians in this forum. Please provide some sort of evidence for blind dogmatic faith by atheists. I will be waiting.
Yes. I was one of those people, but let me clarify that. Atheism in and of itself is not a religion. It only manifests itself as a religion when it becomes dogmatic like a religion and its adherents act like it is a religion. That does not apply to the vast majority of atheists most of whom have no interest in God or religion at all, but it does apply to militant atheists who attack other religions like a rival religion attacks a fellow rival religion. Protestants and Catholics come to mind as well as Sunnis and Shiites. I have posted the dogmatic faith of these militant atheists. It is listed at the bottom of every one of my posts. It is not something new. It is not something I made up. It has been observed and discussed for over 100 years.
I think religion is bad. I can't help it. When I think religion is harmless I'll stop.

For example George Bush used the stupidity of religion to win. People deny science because of religion. And Muslims CuT off heads over it. Sorry these things bother me

But I still vote for religious idiots. But would you religious idiots vote for an admitted atheist? No you wouldn't. So who's got the problem here?
I know you do. I've always known you did. That's what makes you a militant atheist.

Militant’ atheism is most often confused with gosateizm (state atheism), which was based on the ideology of Marxism-Leninism. It was this ideology which was responsible for the oppression and murder of theists under several 20th century communist regimes. Atheism is simply a lack of belief in gods with no inherit moral, political or philosophical baggage.

You keep making this mistake. Will you stop? If you don't then it's not a mistake. Then you are lying. So from here on our stop telling Skull pilot, me and Ayn Rand that we are socialists or commies. It makes you look stupid and we are sick of explaining this error you keep making. Stop it!
The Socialist Phenomenon by Igor Shafarevich
Wow! Another derailing and an attack I took a 15 minute break at work. You're turning into a dick
It is not an attack if it is true. You really shouldn't be surprised when you go looking for a fight that you actually get one. Yes, I am a dick. I admit it freely. When are you going to admit it?
You really shouldn't be surprised when you go looking for a fight that you actually get one. Yes, I am a dick. I admit it freely.

the admission of christianity has nothing to do with the religion of the Almighty nor theism, simply their 4th century political agenda.

You are like a broken record.
so says the repeater ...
What have I repeated?
try yourself.
It is not an attack if it is true. You really shouldn't be surprised when you go looking for a fight that you actually get one. Yes, I am a dick. I admit it freely. When are you going to admit it?
You really shouldn't be surprised when you go looking for a fight that you actually get one. Yes, I am a dick. I admit it freely.

the admission of christianity has nothing to do with the religion of the Almighty nor theism, simply their 4th century political agenda.

You are like a broken record.
so says the repeater ...
What have I repeated?
try yourself.
That made no sense at all. You on the other hand have repeated your 4th century rant like 1500 times.

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