Atheism; An Intellectual Dead End

I see no proof of a god, of that I am 100% sure. But I also see no proof that a god isn't possible, also 100% sure of that.
If is not a question of the possible. It is a question of the probable. Literally anything is possible. Some things, however are highly improbable.

It is possible that, one day, someone may provide irrefutable objective evidence in support of the existence of divinity. However, in light of millennia of failure to do so, I find the prospect highly unlikely. So, I am not afraid to insult theists by maintaining my continues position that, until such evidence is presented, I will stand by my conviction that God does not exist.

However, lime any rational person, I am more than willing to abandon that position once evidence to the contrary is presented.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
So you admit that a god is possible, just unproven so far. You're an agnostic. Good for you.
Then you must admit there is no such thing as a theist either. Do you try to make the same point to people who claim to be theists? Because they aren't any more sure there is a God than I am there is not.

The opposite of a theist is an atheist. If you aren't a theist and you had to pick one? And I'm not talking about which one you would pick if you thought hell was at stake. I'm talking about hooking you to a lie detector and holding a gun to your head and saying agnostic automatically gets you shot. So you have to be honest, do you think there's a god? You'd say no.
Do I think there's a god? Could be, but so far no actual proof. That's the best answer I can give. Just because today, we have no proof doesn't mean that something doesn't exist.
And tons of theists are 100% convinced that there's an invisible superhero.

I asked if you THINK there is a god. You didn't answer the question which means you aren't being intellectually honest with me. You're being stubborn and won't admit that if hooked up to a lie detector that could 100% read your heart and mind and then I put the gun to your head and you were forced to be honest you would say FINE, I DON'T BELIEVE. And why do you not believe? Because there is zero evidence. So the question is, why are you on the fence about something that has zero evidence?

Because you are a pussy. Think about what you wrote. "Do I think there's a god?" Then you puss out and say "could be", but then immediately admit there is "zero evidence/proof."

So then give me a couple reasons why you are on the fence about this? Why god is just as probable as no god. Explain to us all why you think there's an equal chance a god does exist.

And what other things do you believe without evidence? Gravity existed before we knew it but God's not gravity. Gravity is a scientific thing. God's all in your head.

You probably fall for the watchmaker argument. That makes you uncomfortable that everything created must have a creator. So since you can't wrap your brain around that, you remain willfully ignorant. LOL

And what god are we talking about anyways? Generic creator thing or sent his son God? I'm agnostic about generic god too. But these people are secretly Jesus freaks. I thought Ding was just a theist and I think he may have even said he was a deist one time but yesterday he came out of the closet. He's a jesus freak. And he admitted it's ok for him to lie because he's a jesus freak. He can be a dick too. Isn't Jesus great? Easiest religion to join. You don't have to do SHIT but put 10% in the pot.

Gravity was something that was always there we just didn't know it or understand how to explain it. Please show me how you would attempt to prove god exists like we did gravity. This is a good point you make because gravity isn't a solid. Maybe Gravity is god? It sure is a powerful thing. Man is the universe fascinating or what? The idea that we are being pulled by our sun to go around and around and the entire universe is swirling around too. Absolutely amazing.
I don't think anyone knows whether the universe was made by intelligent design or by chance. We're not there yet. But you seem to think that you've cracked that nut.
Holy shit! These atheists have to be the dumbest and least honest people on the planet. Maybe even the least honest in any parallel universe as well.
You dummies need to personalize and assign motives all the time because you're too fucking stupid to even know what your argument is.
What camp are you in? Because you talk so much smack, I can't wait to hear your arguments. :D
I see no proof of a god, of that I am 100% sure. But I also see no proof that a god isn't possible, also 100% sure of that.
If is not a question of the possible. It is a question of the probable. Literally anything is possible. Some things, however are highly improbable.

It is possible that, one day, someone may provide irrefutable objective evidence in support of the existence of divinity. However, in light of millennia of failure to do so, I find the prospect highly unlikely. So, I am not afraid to insult theists by maintaining my continues position that, until such evidence is presented, I will stand by my conviction that God does not exist.

However, lime any rational person, I am more than willing to abandon that position once evidence to the contrary is presented.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
So you admit that a god is possible, just unproven so far. You're an agnostic. Good for you.
Then you must admit there is no such thing as a theist either. Do you try to make the same point to people who claim to be theists? Because they aren't any more sure there is a God than I am there is not.

The opposite of a theist is an atheist. If you aren't a theist and you had to pick one? And I'm not talking about which one you would pick if you thought hell was at stake. I'm talking about hooking you to a lie detector and holding a gun to your head and saying agnostic automatically gets you shot. So you have to be honest, do you think there's a god? You'd say no.
Do I think there's a god? Could be, but so far no actual proof. That's the best answer I can give. Just because today, we have no proof doesn't mean that something doesn't exist.
And tons of theists are 100% convinced that there's an invisible superhero.

I asked if you THINK there is a god. You didn't answer the question which means you aren't being intellectually honest with me. You're being stubborn and won't admit that if hooked up to a lie detector that could 100% read your heart and mind and then I put the gun to your head and you were forced to be honest you would say FINE, I DON'T BELIEVE. And why do you not believe? Because there is zero evidence. So the question is, why are you on the fence about something that has zero evidence?

Because you are a pussy. Think about what you wrote. "Do I think there's a god?" Then you puss out and say "could be", but then immediately admit there is "zero evidence/proof."

So then give me a couple reasons why you are on the fence about this? Why god is just as probable as no god. Explain to us all why you think there's an equal chance a god does exist.

And what other things do you believe without evidence? Gravity existed before we knew it but God's not gravity. Gravity is a scientific thing. God's all in your head.

You probably fall for the watchmaker argument. That makes you uncomfortable that everything created must have a creator. So since you can't wrap your brain around that, you remain willfully ignorant. LOL

And what god are we talking about anyways? Generic creator thing or sent his son God? I'm agnostic about generic god too. But these people are secretly Jesus freaks. I thought Ding was just a theist and I think he may have even said he was a deist one time but yesterday he came out of the closet. He's a jesus freak. And he admitted it's ok for him to lie because he's a jesus freak. He can be a dick too. Isn't Jesus great? Easiest religion to join. You don't have to do SHIT but put 10% in the pot.

Gravity was something that was always there we just didn't know it or understand how to explain it. Please show me how you would attempt to prove god exists like we did gravity. This is a good point you make because gravity isn't a solid. Maybe Gravity is god? It sure is a powerful thing. Man is the universe fascinating or what? The idea that we are being pulled by our sun to go around and around and the entire universe is swirling around too. Absolutely amazing.
Have any of you fucking dummies made any progress in substantiating the non existence of nothing.....the premise for your non existant logic..
Holy shit! These atheists have to be the dumbest and least honest people on the planet. Maybe even the least honest in any parallel universe as well.
You dummies need to personalize and assign motives all the time because you're too fucking stupid to even know what your argument is.
What camp are you in? Because you talk so much smack, I can't wait to hear your arguments. :D
What the fuck are you talking about? This is a thread about atheism. I don't have a camp. Fucking stupid.
If that makes you more comfortable, then more power to you. I, myself, am not ashamed of my atheism, so I have no problem identifying as an atheist. Why would you be so disturbed by your atheism?
An atheist thinks that there is no god. Some go further and say that god is not possible. Plus, atheists are usually kinda obnoxious. :D
If you say so. I would say that theists are the obnoxious ones - particularly the Theists of the "Big Three" flavour (welll...two of the 'Big Three", anyway - Jews don't really seem to care if anyone converts to their religion. They seem perfectly happy living, and letting live); constantly trying to push themselves on everyone, and using every means possible, including the government, to force their views on everyone else.
The atheists who claim that god is not possible, or that god doesn't exist are just as deluded. Just because we have no mean now to detect a god doesn't mean that there isn't one. Personally, I'll wait for the actual evidence either way.

I like to think that asking is the universe made by intelligent design is a plausible question, it's something that man will likely search for forever when looking at possible origins of this universe and what may or may not be found outside it.
You, on the other hand, seem to have a closed mind about all this. Why is that?
Because the question itself is based on an unproven assumption. "Is the universe created by Intelligent Design?" Before asking this question, does not one first have to Ask, "Is there evidence of a designer"? After all, without a designer, the answer to your question is rather self evident, isn't it? You see, this is the flaw of most reasoning that leads to theism: every path of reason starts from a position of presuming the existence of divinity. From there, it proceeds to arrange the evidence to support that presumption.

I prefer to start from the origin with a null assumption: God does not exist. Now, offer objective evidence to prove God does, and I will happily move off of the null position. From there, we can happily explore all other aspects of divinity, from consciousness, to divine ethics, to creation. But, first, I need to have evidence of the existence of divinity presented.

Otherwise, I remain comfortably in the "God does not exist" position.
If is not a question of the possible. It is a question of the probable. Literally anything is possible. Some things, however are highly improbable.

It is possible that, one day, someone may provide irrefutable objective evidence in support of the existence of divinity. However, in light of millennia of failure to do so, I find the prospect highly unlikely. So, I am not afraid to insult theists by maintaining my continues position that, until such evidence is presented, I will stand by my conviction that God does not exist.

However, lime any rational person, I am more than willing to abandon that position once evidence to the contrary is presented.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
So you admit that a god is possible, just unproven so far. You're an agnostic. Good for you.
Then you must admit there is no such thing as a theist either. Do you try to make the same point to people who claim to be theists? Because they aren't any more sure there is a God than I am there is not.

The opposite of a theist is an atheist. If you aren't a theist and you had to pick one? And I'm not talking about which one you would pick if you thought hell was at stake. I'm talking about hooking you to a lie detector and holding a gun to your head and saying agnostic automatically gets you shot. So you have to be honest, do you think there's a god? You'd say no.
Do I think there's a god? Could be, but so far no actual proof. That's the best answer I can give. Just because today, we have no proof doesn't mean that something doesn't exist.
And tons of theists are 100% convinced that there's an invisible superhero.

I asked if you THINK there is a god. You didn't answer the question which means you aren't being intellectually honest with me. You're being stubborn and won't admit that if hooked up to a lie detector that could 100% read your heart and mind and then I put the gun to your head and you were forced to be honest you would say FINE, I DON'T BELIEVE. And why do you not believe? Because there is zero evidence. So the question is, why are you on the fence about something that has zero evidence?

Because you are a pussy. Think about what you wrote. "Do I think there's a god?" Then you puss out and say "could be", but then immediately admit there is "zero evidence/proof."

So then give me a couple reasons why you are on the fence about this? Why god is just as probable as no god. Explain to us all why you think there's an equal chance a god does exist.

And what other things do you believe without evidence? Gravity existed before we knew it but God's not gravity. Gravity is a scientific thing. God's all in your head.

You probably fall for the watchmaker argument. That makes you uncomfortable that everything created must have a creator. So since you can't wrap your brain around that, you remain willfully ignorant. LOL

And what god are we talking about anyways? Generic creator thing or sent his son God? I'm agnostic about generic god too. But these people are secretly Jesus freaks. I thought Ding was just a theist and I think he may have even said he was a deist one time but yesterday he came out of the closet. He's a jesus freak. And he admitted it's ok for him to lie because he's a jesus freak. He can be a dick too. Isn't Jesus great? Easiest religion to join. You don't have to do SHIT but put 10% in the pot.

Gravity was something that was always there we just didn't know it or understand how to explain it. Please show me how you would attempt to prove god exists like we did gravity. This is a good point you make because gravity isn't a solid. Maybe Gravity is god? It sure is a powerful thing. Man is the universe fascinating or what? The idea that we are being pulled by our sun to go around and around and the entire universe is swirling around too. Absolutely amazing.
Have any of you fucking dummies made any progress in substantiating the non existence of nothing.....the premise for your non existant logic..
No. None of us has made progress to "substantiating the non existence of nothing". Why? Because no one is attempting to do that. You really need to see someone about your penchant for typing gibberish, though.
An atheist thinks that there is no god. Some go further and say that god is not possible. Plus, atheists are usually kinda obnoxious. :D
If you say so. I would say that theists are the obnoxious ones - particularly the Theists of the "Big Three" flavour (welll...two of the 'Big Three", anyway - Jews don't really seem to care if anyone converts to their religion. They seem perfectly happy living, and letting live); constantly trying to push themselves on everyone, and using every means possible, including the government, to force their views on everyone else.
The atheists who claim that god is not possible, or that god doesn't exist are just as deluded. Just because we have no mean now to detect a god doesn't mean that there isn't one. Personally, I'll wait for the actual evidence either way.

I like to think that asking is the universe made by intelligent design is a plausible question, it's something that man will likely search for forever when looking at possible origins of this universe and what may or may not be found outside it.
You, on the other hand, seem to have a closed mind about all this. Why is that?
Because the question itself is based on an unproven assumption. "Is the universe created by Intelligent Design?" Before asking this question, does not one first have to Ask, "Is there evidence of a designer"? After all, without a designer, the answer to your question is rather self evident, isn't it? You see, this is the flaw of most reasoning that leads to theism: every path of reason starts from a position of presuming the existence of divinity. From there, it proceeds to arrange the evidence to support that presumption.

I prefer to start from the origin with a null assumption: God does not exist. Now, offer objective evidence to prove God does, and I will happily move off of the null position. From there, we can happily explore all other aspects of divinity, from consciousness, to divine ethics, to creation. But, first, I need to have evidence of the existence of divinity presented.

Otherwise, I remain comfortably in the "God does not exist" position.
You think that way because you know as much about science as you do religion. Pretty much not at all.
So you admit that a god is possible, just unproven so far. You're an agnostic. Good for you.
Then you must admit there is no such thing as a theist either. Do you try to make the same point to people who claim to be theists? Because they aren't any more sure there is a God than I am there is not.

The opposite of a theist is an atheist. If you aren't a theist and you had to pick one? And I'm not talking about which one you would pick if you thought hell was at stake. I'm talking about hooking you to a lie detector and holding a gun to your head and saying agnostic automatically gets you shot. So you have to be honest, do you think there's a god? You'd say no.
Do I think there's a god? Could be, but so far no actual proof. That's the best answer I can give. Just because today, we have no proof doesn't mean that something doesn't exist.
And tons of theists are 100% convinced that there's an invisible superhero.

I asked if you THINK there is a god. You didn't answer the question which means you aren't being intellectually honest with me. You're being stubborn and won't admit that if hooked up to a lie detector that could 100% read your heart and mind and then I put the gun to your head and you were forced to be honest you would say FINE, I DON'T BELIEVE. And why do you not believe? Because there is zero evidence. So the question is, why are you on the fence about something that has zero evidence?

Because you are a pussy. Think about what you wrote. "Do I think there's a god?" Then you puss out and say "could be", but then immediately admit there is "zero evidence/proof."

So then give me a couple reasons why you are on the fence about this? Why god is just as probable as no god. Explain to us all why you think there's an equal chance a god does exist.

And what other things do you believe without evidence? Gravity existed before we knew it but God's not gravity. Gravity is a scientific thing. God's all in your head.

You probably fall for the watchmaker argument. That makes you uncomfortable that everything created must have a creator. So since you can't wrap your brain around that, you remain willfully ignorant. LOL

And what god are we talking about anyways? Generic creator thing or sent his son God? I'm agnostic about generic god too. But these people are secretly Jesus freaks. I thought Ding was just a theist and I think he may have even said he was a deist one time but yesterday he came out of the closet. He's a jesus freak. And he admitted it's ok for him to lie because he's a jesus freak. He can be a dick too. Isn't Jesus great? Easiest religion to join. You don't have to do SHIT but put 10% in the pot.

Gravity was something that was always there we just didn't know it or understand how to explain it. Please show me how you would attempt to prove god exists like we did gravity. This is a good point you make because gravity isn't a solid. Maybe Gravity is god? It sure is a powerful thing. Man is the universe fascinating or what? The idea that we are being pulled by our sun to go around and around and the entire universe is swirling around too. Absolutely amazing.
Have any of you fucking dummies made any progress in substantiating the non existence of nothing.....the premise for your non existant logic..
No. None of us has made progress to "substantiating the non existence of nothing". Why? Because no one is attempting to do that. You really need to see someone about your penchant for typing gibberish, though.
Evidently atheism doesn't stand on it's own arguments.
Holy shit! These atheists have to be the dumbest and least honest people on the planet. Maybe even the least honest in any parallel universe as well.
You dummies need to personalize and assign motives all the time because you're too fucking stupid to even know what your argument is.
What camp are you in? Because you talk so much smack, I can't wait to hear your arguments. :D
That's just it. CA won't answer that question, because he is nothing but an arrogant coward. He wants to sit, and snipe at people who have actual original thoughts, all while hiding what he believes, or thinks, so that he can appear to be intellectually superior. Don't bother responding to him, except to mock him. It is all he deserves.
Because the question itself is based on an unproven assumption. "Is the universe created by Intelligent Design?" Before asking this question, does not one first have to Ask, "Is there evidence of a designer"? After all, without a designer, the answer to your question is rather self evident, isn't it? You see, this is the flaw of most reasoning that leads to theism: every path of reason starts from a position of presuming the existence of divinity. From there, it proceeds to arrange the evidence to support that presumption.

I prefer to start from the origin with a null assumption: God does not exist. Now, offer objective evidence to prove God does, and I will happily move off of the null position. From there, we can happily explore all other aspects of divinity, from consciousness, to divine ethics, to creation. But, first, I need to have evidence of the existence of divinity presented.

Otherwise, I remain comfortably in the "God does not exist" position.
You think that way because you know as much about science as you do religion. Pretty much not at all.[/QUOTE]
Well, I certainly have a more vast understanding of both than you have demonstrated.
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Holy shit! These atheists have to be the dumbest and least honest people on the planet. Maybe even the least honest in any parallel universe as well.
You dummies need to personalize and assign motives all the time because you're too fucking stupid to even know what your argument is.
What camp are you in? Because you talk so much smack, I can't wait to hear your arguments. :D
That's just it. CA won't answer that question, because he is nothing but an arrogant coward. He wants to sit, and snipe at people who have actual original thoughts, all while hiding what he believes, or thinks, so that he can appear to be intellectually superior. Don't bother responding to him, except to mock him. It is all he deserves.
No, the actual truth is that you can't make a persuasive argument for atheism. That's why you constantly distract with superficial nonsense and avoid answering real questions. That's why you've had to personalize all your arguments throughout this entire thread.
Then you must admit there is no such thing as a theist either. Do you try to make the same point to people who claim to be theists? Because they aren't any more sure there is a God than I am there is not.

The opposite of a theist is an atheist. If you aren't a theist and you had to pick one? And I'm not talking about which one you would pick if you thought hell was at stake. I'm talking about hooking you to a lie detector and holding a gun to your head and saying agnostic automatically gets you shot. So you have to be honest, do you think there's a god? You'd say no.
Do I think there's a god? Could be, but so far no actual proof. That's the best answer I can give. Just because today, we have no proof doesn't mean that something doesn't exist.
And tons of theists are 100% convinced that there's an invisible superhero.

I asked if you THINK there is a god. You didn't answer the question which means you aren't being intellectually honest with me. You're being stubborn and won't admit that if hooked up to a lie detector that could 100% read your heart and mind and then I put the gun to your head and you were forced to be honest you would say FINE, I DON'T BELIEVE. And why do you not believe? Because there is zero evidence. So the question is, why are you on the fence about something that has zero evidence?

Because you are a pussy. Think about what you wrote. "Do I think there's a god?" Then you puss out and say "could be", but then immediately admit there is "zero evidence/proof."

So then give me a couple reasons why you are on the fence about this? Why god is just as probable as no god. Explain to us all why you think there's an equal chance a god does exist.

And what other things do you believe without evidence? Gravity existed before we knew it but God's not gravity. Gravity is a scientific thing. God's all in your head.

You probably fall for the watchmaker argument. That makes you uncomfortable that everything created must have a creator. So since you can't wrap your brain around that, you remain willfully ignorant. LOL

And what god are we talking about anyways? Generic creator thing or sent his son God? I'm agnostic about generic god too. But these people are secretly Jesus freaks. I thought Ding was just a theist and I think he may have even said he was a deist one time but yesterday he came out of the closet. He's a jesus freak. And he admitted it's ok for him to lie because he's a jesus freak. He can be a dick too. Isn't Jesus great? Easiest religion to join. You don't have to do SHIT but put 10% in the pot.

Gravity was something that was always there we just didn't know it or understand how to explain it. Please show me how you would attempt to prove god exists like we did gravity. This is a good point you make because gravity isn't a solid. Maybe Gravity is god? It sure is a powerful thing. Man is the universe fascinating or what? The idea that we are being pulled by our sun to go around and around and the entire universe is swirling around too. Absolutely amazing.
Have any of you fucking dummies made any progress in substantiating the non existence of nothing.....the premise for your non existant logic..
No. None of us has made progress to "substantiating the non existence of nothing". Why? Because no one is attempting to do that. You really need to see someone about your penchant for typing gibberish, though.
Evidently atheism doesn't stand on it's own arguments.
Atheism stands on its own arguments just fine. You are just as ignorant of what Atheism is as you are religion, and the sciences. It's kind of sad, really...
I am an athiest. I simply do not believe in supernatural entities, gods, angels, demons supernatural events or anything of that sort. My attitude is that science can explain everything, eventually.
So then you evidently have "faith" in science. Where is the evolution of thought?
You keep using this word "faith". I think you do not know what it means. Faith: firm belief in something for which there is no proof. See, science doesn't require faith, because it relies on observable evidence. When I go up to the roof of my house, and drop a ball, I don't "have faith" that it will fall to the earth. I simply know that it will, because gravity is an observable phenomenon. Evolution as an observable process. The only "faith" I have in science, I have in the scientists - and that faith is simply this: That they will keep asking questions.

That is the only faith that we ever need in humanity - that we Keep. Asking. Questions. That we never simply accept dictated answers that have no evidence. It is for this reason that I refuse to accept your "God did it" as an answer for anything. Because in order to accept that as an answer, one must first accept that God even exists - and there is yet any objective evidence to support that claim.

Now, you are going to, naturally, respond that I have no evidence that he does not. The problem is that my position requires no "faith". It merely requires me to withhold acceptance of a positive claim ("God exists") until evidence to support that claim is presented. It is your position - There is a God - that requires faith, because it requires you to accept a position for which there is no objective evidence.

Now, you'll notice I keep using that word, "objective", because it matters. There is plenty of "evidence" to the existence of God: "God healed me of my bunions"; "God sent me a job offer"; "The holy spirit filled me with peace". Do you notice what all of these have in common? "Me". They are all personal, anecdotal, unverifiable, and subject to personal interpretation. In other words, they are all useless as proof. For proof to be valid, it must be objective, and verifiable.
For the historic record, here's where mischaracterizations begin. Post # 70. False and misleading assumptions based on conjecture. When did I mention God?
You keep saying " when did I mention God". Isn't he what the thread is about?
Why are you people all so universally stupid? Or are you just purposefully obtuse?
You get what you give bitch.
Do I think there's a god? Could be, but so far no actual proof. That's the best answer I can give. Just because today, we have no proof doesn't mean that something doesn't exist.
And tons of theists are 100% convinced that there's an invisible superhero.

I asked if you THINK there is a god. You didn't answer the question which means you aren't being intellectually honest with me. You're being stubborn and won't admit that if hooked up to a lie detector that could 100% read your heart and mind and then I put the gun to your head and you were forced to be honest you would say FINE, I DON'T BELIEVE. And why do you not believe? Because there is zero evidence. So the question is, why are you on the fence about something that has zero evidence?

Because you are a pussy. Think about what you wrote. "Do I think there's a god?" Then you puss out and say "could be", but then immediately admit there is "zero evidence/proof."

So then give me a couple reasons why you are on the fence about this? Why god is just as probable as no god. Explain to us all why you think there's an equal chance a god does exist.

And what other things do you believe without evidence? Gravity existed before we knew it but God's not gravity. Gravity is a scientific thing. God's all in your head.

You probably fall for the watchmaker argument. That makes you uncomfortable that everything created must have a creator. So since you can't wrap your brain around that, you remain willfully ignorant. LOL

And what god are we talking about anyways? Generic creator thing or sent his son God? I'm agnostic about generic god too. But these people are secretly Jesus freaks. I thought Ding was just a theist and I think he may have even said he was a deist one time but yesterday he came out of the closet. He's a jesus freak. And he admitted it's ok for him to lie because he's a jesus freak. He can be a dick too. Isn't Jesus great? Easiest religion to join. You don't have to do SHIT but put 10% in the pot.

Gravity was something that was always there we just didn't know it or understand how to explain it. Please show me how you would attempt to prove god exists like we did gravity. This is a good point you make because gravity isn't a solid. Maybe Gravity is god? It sure is a powerful thing. Man is the universe fascinating or what? The idea that we are being pulled by our sun to go around and around and the entire universe is swirling around too. Absolutely amazing.
Have any of you fucking dummies made any progress in substantiating the non existence of nothing.....the premise for your non existant logic..
No. None of us has made progress to "substantiating the non existence of nothing". Why? Because no one is attempting to do that. You really need to see someone about your penchant for typing gibberish, though.
Evidently atheism doesn't stand on it's own arguments.
Atheism stands on its own arguments just fine. You are just as ignorant of what Atheism is as you are religion, and the sciences. It's kind of sad, really...
It does? It stands on it's own? I guess it's just unfortunate that you can't seem to address the premise of atheism.
So then you evidently have "faith" in science. Where is the evolution of thought?
You keep using this word "faith". I think you do not know what it means. Faith: firm belief in something for which there is no proof. See, science doesn't require faith, because it relies on observable evidence. When I go up to the roof of my house, and drop a ball, I don't "have faith" that it will fall to the earth. I simply know that it will, because gravity is an observable phenomenon. Evolution as an observable process. The only "faith" I have in science, I have in the scientists - and that faith is simply this: That they will keep asking questions.

That is the only faith that we ever need in humanity - that we Keep. Asking. Questions. That we never simply accept dictated answers that have no evidence. It is for this reason that I refuse to accept your "God did it" as an answer for anything. Because in order to accept that as an answer, one must first accept that God even exists - and there is yet any objective evidence to support that claim.

Now, you are going to, naturally, respond that I have no evidence that he does not. The problem is that my position requires no "faith". It merely requires me to withhold acceptance of a positive claim ("God exists") until evidence to support that claim is presented. It is your position - There is a God - that requires faith, because it requires you to accept a position for which there is no objective evidence.

Now, you'll notice I keep using that word, "objective", because it matters. There is plenty of "evidence" to the existence of God: "God healed me of my bunions"; "God sent me a job offer"; "The holy spirit filled me with peace". Do you notice what all of these have in common? "Me". They are all personal, anecdotal, unverifiable, and subject to personal interpretation. In other words, they are all useless as proof. For proof to be valid, it must be objective, and verifiable.
For the historic record, here's where mischaracterizations begin. Post # 70. False and misleading assumptions based on conjecture. When did I mention God?
You keep saying " when did I mention God". Isn't he what the thread is about?
Why are you people all so universally stupid? Or are you just purposefully obtuse?
You get what you give bitch.
I'm done being polite with you dumb motherfuckers.
If is not a question of the possible. It is a question of the probable. Literally anything is possible. Some things, however are highly improbable.

It is possible that, one day, someone may provide irrefutable objective evidence in support of the existence of divinity. However, in light of millennia of failure to do so, I find the prospect highly unlikely. So, I am not afraid to insult theists by maintaining my continues position that, until such evidence is presented, I will stand by my conviction that God does not exist.

However, lime any rational person, I am more than willing to abandon that position once evidence to the contrary is presented.

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So you admit that a god is possible, just unproven so far. You're an agnostic. Good for you.
Then you must admit there is no such thing as a theist either. Do you try to make the same point to people who claim to be theists? Because they aren't any more sure there is a God than I am there is not.

The opposite of a theist is an atheist. If you aren't a theist and you had to pick one? And I'm not talking about which one you would pick if you thought hell was at stake. I'm talking about hooking you to a lie detector and holding a gun to your head and saying agnostic automatically gets you shot. So you have to be honest, do you think there's a god? You'd say no.
Do I think there's a god? Could be, but so far no actual proof. That's the best answer I can give. Just because today, we have no proof doesn't mean that something doesn't exist.
And tons of theists are 100% convinced that there's an invisible superhero.

Why could there be? I can explain how/why/when we made it up. You explain to me the reasons you think there "could be". How? Why?
Like I said to Czernobyl "I like to think that asking is the universe made by intelligent design is a plausible question, it's something that man will likely search for forever when looking at possible origins of this universe and what may or may not be found outside it.
You, on the other hand, seem to have a closed mind about all this. Why is that?"

Well you aren't buying any of the arguments for god either so does it matter that you're keeping an open mind and I'm not? When you learn some evidence that moves you, let me know.

I just believe I know where god came from

You keep using this word "faith". I think you do not know what it means. Faith: firm belief in something for which there is no proof. See, science doesn't require faith, because it relies on observable evidence. When I go up to the roof of my house, and drop a ball, I don't "have faith" that it will fall to the earth. I simply know that it will, because gravity is an observable phenomenon. Evolution as an observable process. The only "faith" I have in science, I have in the scientists - and that faith is simply this: That they will keep asking questions.

That is the only faith that we ever need in humanity - that we Keep. Asking. Questions. That we never simply accept dictated answers that have no evidence. It is for this reason that I refuse to accept your "God did it" as an answer for anything. Because in order to accept that as an answer, one must first accept that God even exists - and there is yet any objective evidence to support that claim.

Now, you are going to, naturally, respond that I have no evidence that he does not. The problem is that my position requires no "faith". It merely requires me to withhold acceptance of a positive claim ("God exists") until evidence to support that claim is presented. It is your position - There is a God - that requires faith, because it requires you to accept a position for which there is no objective evidence.

Now, you'll notice I keep using that word, "objective", because it matters. There is plenty of "evidence" to the existence of God: "God healed me of my bunions"; "God sent me a job offer"; "The holy spirit filled me with peace". Do you notice what all of these have in common? "Me". They are all personal, anecdotal, unverifiable, and subject to personal interpretation. In other words, they are all useless as proof. For proof to be valid, it must be objective, and verifiable.
For the historic record, here's where mischaracterizations begin. Post # 70. False and misleading assumptions based on conjecture. When did I mention God?
You keep saying " when did I mention God". Isn't he what the thread is about?
Why are you people all so universally stupid? Or are you just purposefully obtuse?
You get what you give bitch.
I'm done being polite with you dumb motherfuckers.
You've been polite? LOL

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