Atheism; An Intellectual Dead End

Feel free to make an argument for atheism any time.
Nope. Not my job. If you are unsatisfied with your theological position, then do a bit of research, and find out for yourself what theology makes sense to you, just like I did.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Theological position? There you go again. Still no argument in support of atheism. There must be some intelligent atheists around here somewhere.

Two points of interest. First, why do you think atheists should feel the need to make any arguments in favour of atheism?

Second, am I to understand from your mocking response that you do not perceive atheism to be a theological position?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
1. Are you fucking kidding or what?
2. As stated over and over: Atheists and religious fundamentalists share many behavioral characteristics..

No, I'm not "fucking kidding". You keep insisting that atheists are no different that fundamental Christians, yet you seem really annoyed that I won't act Luke a fundamental christian, and attempt to proselytise you. How strange.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
You're acting like one right now.
Holy shit! These atheists have to be the dumbest and least honest people on the planet. Maybe even the least honest in any parallel universe as well.
You dummies need to personalize and assign motives all the time because you're too fucking stupid to even know what your argument is.
What camp are you in? Because you talk so much smack, I can't wait to hear your arguments. :D
What the fuck are you talking about? This is a thread about atheism. I don't have a camp. Fucking stupid.
I'm asking what you believe, ex. Atheist, or theist... maybe which religion, if any... just to see why you're so upset.
No, that isn't why you're asking. Not at all.
So you're embarrassed to answer? You'll say no, so go ahead.
Nope. Not my job. If you are unsatisfied with your theological position, then do a bit of research, and find out for yourself what theology makes sense to you, just like I did.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Theological position? There you go again. Still no argument in support of atheism. There must be some intelligent atheists around here somewhere.

Two points of interest. First, why do you think atheists should feel the need to make any arguments in favour of atheism?

Second, am I to understand from your mocking response that you do not perceive atheism to be a theological position?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
1. Are you fucking kidding or what?
2. As stated over and over: Atheists and religious fundamentalists share many behavioral characteristics..

No, I'm not "fucking kidding". You keep insisting that atheists are no different that fundamental Christians, yet you seem really annoyed that I won't act Luke a fundamental christian, and attempt to proselytise you. How strange.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
You're acting like one right now.
By not doing what fundamental Christians do, I'm doing what fundamental Christians do? Reason really isn't one of your strengths is it?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
You dummies need to personalize and assign motives all the time because you're too fucking stupid to even know what your argument is.
What camp are you in? Because you talk so much smack, I can't wait to hear your arguments. :D
What the fuck are you talking about? This is a thread about atheism. I don't have a camp. Fucking stupid.
I'm asking what you believe, ex. Atheist, or theist... maybe which religion, if any... just to see why you're so upset.
No, that isn't why you're asking. Not at all.
So you're embarrassed to answer? You'll say no, so go ahead.
You dummies should keep speculating and trying to assign motives. Because that's what you do best.
Theological position? There you go again. Still no argument in support of atheism. There must be some intelligent atheists around here somewhere.

Two points of interest. First, why do you think atheists should feel the need to make any arguments in favour of atheism?

Second, am I to understand from your mocking response that you do not perceive atheism to be a theological position?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
1. Are you fucking kidding or what?
2. As stated over and over: Atheists and religious fundamentalists share many behavioral characteristics..

No, I'm not "fucking kidding". You keep insisting that atheists are no different that fundamental Christians, yet you seem really annoyed that I won't act Luke a fundamental christian, and attempt to proselytise you. How strange.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
You're acting like one right now.
By not doing what fundamental Christians do, I'm doing what fundamental Christians do? Reason really isn't one of your strengths is it?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
You are a child. I don't why I'm even bothering with this.
What camp are you in? Because you talk so much smack, I can't wait to hear your arguments. :D
What the fuck are you talking about? This is a thread about atheism. I don't have a camp. Fucking stupid.
I'm asking what you believe, ex. Atheist, or theist... maybe which religion, if any... just to see why you're so upset.
No, that isn't why you're asking. Not at all.
So you're embarrassed to answer? You'll say no, so go ahead.
You dummies should keep speculating and trying to assign motives. Because that's what you do best.
You're probably one of those guys who worships a brown Jesus, you're all really upset. And with good reason.
Two points of interest. First, why do you think atheists should feel the need to make any arguments in favour of atheism?

Second, am I to understand from your mocking response that you do not perceive atheism to be a theological position?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
1. Are you fucking kidding or what?
2. As stated over and over: Atheists and religious fundamentalists share many behavioral characteristics..

No, I'm not "fucking kidding". You keep insisting that atheists are no different that fundamental Christians, yet you seem really annoyed that I won't act Luke a fundamental christian, and attempt to proselytise you. How strange.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
You're acting like one right now.
By not doing what fundamental Christians do, I'm doing what fundamental Christians do? Reason really isn't one of your strengths is it?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
You are a child. I don't why I'm even bothering with this.
That's actually funny. :lol: I won't behave like you want me to behave, thereby confirming your bias against Atheists, so you call me a child, as if i am the one with the problem.

Run along, now. You are dismissed.
Your logic is impeccable except you haven't included in your speculations that for a living being to qualify as God it would have to be incorporeal. Microscopes, telescopes, test tubes and beakers are consequently worthless.

For a human being to accurately perceive that which is incorporeal he would have to purify what is incorporeal in him, the conscious mind.

For everyone to have hold of objective evidence everyone would just have to stop screwing up each others minds.

Its a jungle out there.....Get real.
There's another word for what you are descibing - imagined. Gracvity is "incorporeal" as you put it. There is nothing to see, touch,taste, or smell. Yet, it is possible to observe gravity in action. It is posible to test for the existence of gravity, and to repeat the effects of gravity, and no "purity of spirit" necessary. Either a thing exists, or it doesn't. If it only exists for those "in the right mind-set" then it isn't real; it is the product of one's imagination.

No, gravity is not incorporeal. Gravity is a force directly related and connected to matter in the material universe.

Let me put it this way. If a person wants to understand calculous, they must apply their mind to learn it. If a person does not do what is necessary to learn, they will never understand calculous.

Only those who do, will. Its as simple as that.

In the same way I told you the way to prepare your mind in order to be capable of seeing God.. If you do not take the steps necessary God will remain hidden from you,not because he is not there, but because you have chosen to remain blind.
I see this all the time from theists. It complete BS. Most atheists were at one time religious. Some of them believed in God for many years. So now tell me, especially after you know now this, who has chosen to remain blind?

who has chosen to remain blind?

Apparently many believers and unbelievers alike who continue to argue with each other over what scripture is not about.
So what you are saying is scripture is vague and contradictory.

Exactly, and intentionally so, written in a way that would divert the superstitious and irrational from ever grasping what the stories are actually about which requires rational and intelligent rumination to comprehend.

So he drove the man out and to the east of Eden he placed the cherubim with a flaming and flashing sword that turns in every direction to guard the way to the tree of life."
Now, you can get away with that, right up until the historical inaccuracies in the Bible begin to be revealed. The slavery of Israel, for instance. The Egyptians were meticulous record keepers. Yet, there is not a single record of Israelites ever having been the "guests" of the Egyptians. Yet, the Bible insists it happened. What? The Egyptians just forgot to mention an entire race of people they held captive for over 150 years?!?! Or is it more likely that it just. Never. Happened? And that is just one example.

I have never argued for the historical accuracy of the bible. You must be confusing me with someone else.

In that one example you have only highlighted the limited depth of your mental acuity.

That egyptian slavery that you see no record of persists to this day in the form of cultic ritual worship and sacrifice that inspired solomonic temple practices that morphed into catholicism and merged religion with politics into a many headed money making beast that kept the population subjugated like slaves to ignorant, irrational, and superstitious beliefs and compulsory degrading ritual practices so they could be easily penned in and fleeced like dumb unthinking animals on a regular basis..

Who are all the people held captive by ignorance and bound by degrading practices that you dispute with, going like sheep to the slaughter getting their pockets picked while being deceived and deliberately confused with specious falsehoods for their entire lives if not slaves?

Where is the historical record for what is right in front of your eyes?

Did it never happen or are you just blind?
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Oh. You want me to persuadew you that you should be an Athist. Persuasive writing, also known as the argument essay, uses logic and reason to show that one idea is more legitimate than another. It attempts to persuade a reader to adopt a certain point of view or to take a particular action.

Not my job, and hasn't been my purpose. I have bmerely been expressing my reasons for being an atheist. Not my job to convince anyone else what their theological position should, or should not be.
No stupid, all you've done is tell people why they shouldn't believe in God or religion. You've failed entirely to make any kind of argument in support of atheism.
No, I haven't, retard. I've told people why I don't believe in God. I couldn't five so much as a single little shit what anyone else believes, or doesn't. I just want those who so ardently do believe to leave me the He'll alone until they have objective evidence, and quit trying to pass civil laws trying to force me to behave as if I agree with their theology.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Feel free to make an argument for atheism any time.
Nope. Not my job. If you are unsatisfied with your theological position, then do a bit of research, and find out for yourself what theology makes sense to you, just like I did.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Theological position? There you go again. Still no argument in support of atheism. There must be some intelligent atheists around here somewhere.
My argument for atheism it religion and the human mind that made God up.

You have fairytale only difference is yours happened 2000 years ago instead of a long time ago in a land far far away

Are you a baby? Babies believe anything you tell them
Then you must admit there is no such thing as a theist either. Do you try to make the same point to people who claim to be theists? Because they aren't any more sure there is a God than I am there is not.

The opposite of a theist is an atheist. If you aren't a theist and you had to pick one? And I'm not talking about which one you would pick if you thought hell was at stake. I'm talking about hooking you to a lie detector and holding a gun to your head and saying agnostic automatically gets you shot. So you have to be honest, do you think there's a god? You'd say no.
Do I think there's a god? Could be, but so far no actual proof. That's the best answer I can give. Just because today, we have no proof doesn't mean that something doesn't exist.
And tons of theists are 100% convinced that there's an invisible superhero.

Why could there be? I can explain how/why/when we made it up. You explain to me the reasons you think there "could be". How? Why?
Like I said to Czernobyl "I like to think that asking is the universe made by intelligent design is a plausible question, it's something that man will likely search for forever when looking at possible origins of this universe and what may or may not be found outside it.
You, on the other hand, seem to have a closed mind about all this. Why is that?"

Well you aren't buying any of the arguments for god either so does it matter that you're keeping an open mind and I'm not? When you learn some evidence that moves you, let me know.

I just believe I know where god came from

You still haven't proven that a god is not possible.
Not will i. just improbable and unnecessary
If is not a question of the possible. It is a question of the probable. Literally anything is possible. Some things, however are highly improbable.

It is possible that, one day, someone may provide irrefutable objective evidence in support of the existence of divinity. However, in light of millennia of failure to do so, I find the prospect highly unlikely. So, I am not afraid to insult theists by maintaining my continues position that, until such evidence is presented, I will stand by my conviction that God does not exist.

However, lime any rational person, I am more than willing to abandon that position once evidence to the contrary is presented.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
So you admit that a god is possible, just unproven so far. You're an agnostic. Good for you.
Then you must admit there is no such thing as a theist either. Do you try to make the same point to people who claim to be theists? Because they aren't any more sure there is a God than I am there is not.

The opposite of a theist is an atheist. If you aren't a theist and you had to pick one? And I'm not talking about which one you would pick if you thought hell was at stake. I'm talking about hooking you to a lie detector and holding a gun to your head and saying agnostic automatically gets you shot. So you have to be honest, do you think there's a god? You'd say no.
Do I think there's a god? Could be, but so far no actual proof. That's the best answer I can give. Just because today, we have no proof doesn't mean that something doesn't exist.
And tons of theists are 100% convinced that there's an invisible superhero.

I asked if you THINK there is a god. You didn't answer the question which means you aren't being intellectually honest with me. You're being stubborn and won't admit that if hooked up to a lie detector that could 100% read your heart and mind and then I put the gun to your head and you were forced to be honest you would say FINE, I DON'T BELIEVE. And why do you not believe? Because there is zero evidence. So the question is, why are you on the fence about something that has zero evidence?

Because you are a pussy. Think about what you wrote. "Do I think there's a god?" Then you puss out and say "could be", but then immediately admit there is "zero evidence/proof."

So then give me a couple reasons why you are on the fence about this? Why god is just as probable as no god. Explain to us all why you think there's an equal chance a god does exist.

And what other things do you believe without evidence? Gravity existed before we knew it but God's not gravity. Gravity is a scientific thing. God's all in your head.

You probably fall for the watchmaker argument. That makes you uncomfortable that everything created must have a creator. So since you can't wrap your brain around that, you remain willfully ignorant. LOL

And what god are we talking about anyways? Generic creator thing or sent his son God? I'm agnostic about generic god too. But these people are secretly Jesus freaks. I thought Ding was just a theist and I think he may have even said he was a deist one time but yesterday he came out of the closet. He's a jesus freak. And he admitted it's ok for him to lie because he's a jesus freak. He can be a dick too. Isn't Jesus great? Easiest religion to join. You don't have to do SHIT but put 10% in the pot.

Gravity was something that was always there we just didn't know it or understand how to explain it. Please show me how you would attempt to prove god exists like we did gravity. This is a good point you make because gravity isn't a solid. Maybe Gravity is god? It sure is a powerful thing. Man is the universe fascinating or what? The idea that we are being pulled by our sun to go around and around and the entire universe is swirling around too. Absolutely amazing.
Have any of you fucking dummies made any progress in substantiating the non existence of nothing.....the premise for your non existant logic..
Have any of you fucking dummies made any progress in substantiating the non existence of nothing.....the premise for your non existant logic..

Are Atheists able to use rational thought, deductive reasoning, and scrupulous logic to substantiate and legitimize their perceptions? Or are they simply lacking a perception that most people experience without the need for rationalization? Are they spiritually dumb?

how about it spider are you going to craw out of your hole and link your biased video to the text of your OP, the duality belongs to you christian as not spiritually dumb but as your video, Spiritually dead.

Or are they simply lacking a perception that most people experience without the need for rationalization?

what perception is that spider ... * is it from a book.

No stupid, all you've done is tell people why they shouldn't believe in God or religion. You've failed entirely to make any kind of argument in support of atheism.
No, I haven't, retard. I've told people why I don't believe in God. I couldn't five so much as a single little shit what anyone else believes, or doesn't. I just want those who so ardently do believe to leave me the He'll alone until they have objective evidence, and quit trying to pass civil laws trying to force me to behave as if I agree with their theology.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Feel free to make an argument for atheism any time.
Nope. Not my job. If you are unsatisfied with your theological position, then do a bit of research, and find out for yourself what theology makes sense to you, just like I did.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Theological position? There you go again. Still no argument in support of atheism. There must be some intelligent atheists around here somewhere.
My argument for atheism it religion and the human mind that made God up.

You have fairytale only difference is yours happened 2000 years ago instead of a long time ago in a land far far away

Are you a baby? Babies believe anything you tell them
You people are evidently too stupid to realize how embarrassed you should be right now.
No, I haven't, retard. I've told people why I don't believe in God. I couldn't five so much as a single little shit what anyone else believes, or doesn't. I just want those who so ardently do believe to leave me the He'll alone until they have objective evidence, and quit trying to pass civil laws trying to force me to behave as if I agree with their theology.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Feel free to make an argument for atheism any time.
Nope. Not my job. If you are unsatisfied with your theological position, then do a bit of research, and find out for yourself what theology makes sense to you, just like I did.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Theological position? There you go again. Still no argument in support of atheism. There must be some intelligent atheists around here somewhere.
My argument for atheism it religion and the human mind that made God up.

You have fairytale only difference is yours happened 2000 years ago instead of a long time ago in a land far far away

Are you a baby? Babies believe anything you tell them
You people are evidently too stupid to realize how embarrassed you should be right now.
Okay, I'm gonnna try this one last time.

Based on your stupid videos - thanks for that, by the way; there's twenty minutes I'll never get back to learn absolutely nothing -your position is that, regarding the question of the existence of God, the only valid position is to take no position. REALLY?!?!?
No, I haven't, retard. I've told people why I don't believe in God. I couldn't five so much as a single little shit what anyone else believes, or doesn't. I just want those who so ardently do believe to leave me the He'll alone until they have objective evidence, and quit trying to pass civil laws trying to force me to behave as if I agree with their theology.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Feel free to make an argument for atheism any time.
Nope. Not my job. If you are unsatisfied with your theological position, then do a bit of research, and find out for yourself what theology makes sense to you, just like I did.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Theological position? There you go again. Still no argument in support of atheism. There must be some intelligent atheists around here somewhere.
My argument for atheism it religion and the human mind that made God up.

You have fairytale only difference is yours happened 2000 years ago instead of a long time ago in a land far far away

Are you a baby? Babies believe anything you tell them
You people are evidently too stupid to realize how embarrassed you should be right now.

That's because you are doing a horrible job arguing your side of this. I though about this last night. Your religion does a horrible job of explaining itself. Only people who want to believe it do. Otherwise, you should be able to point me to the #1 site for converting people to christianity. The best website that lays it all out for the undecided or unbeliever. Is there such a sight? No there is not. You can pick any one of them they are all bat shit crazy. Not one of them can be held up as the best sight for converting fools. I'm going to go look and see if I can find anything. I'll get back to you.

Think about it. You recognize a fairy tale when you hear one right? They start off, "once upon a time in a land far far away" and then the story is full of stuff that could never happen in real life. You know its not real because it's not dated and there is no real location.

But your pappy and mammy and preacher tell you a story just as unbelievable but because they dated the story and told you it happened in the middle east you fucking believed it. How stupid are you? LOL.

Heaven is full of idiots.
Feel free to make an argument for atheism any time.
Nope. Not my job. If you are unsatisfied with your theological position, then do a bit of research, and find out for yourself what theology makes sense to you, just like I did.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Theological position? There you go again. Still no argument in support of atheism. There must be some intelligent atheists around here somewhere.
My argument for atheism it religion and the human mind that made God up.

You have fairytale only difference is yours happened 2000 years ago instead of a long time ago in a land far far away

Are you a baby? Babies believe anything you tell them
You people are evidently too stupid to realize how embarrassed you should be right now.

That's because you are doing a horrible job arguing your side of this. I though about this last night. Your religion does a horrible job of explaining itself. Only people who want to believe it do. Otherwise, you should be able to point me to the #1 site for converting people to christianity. The best website that lays it all out for the undecided or unbeliever. Is there such a sight? No there is not. You can pick any one of them they are all bat shit crazy. Not one of them can be held up as the best sight for converting fools. I'm going to go look and see if I can find anything. I'll get back to you.

Think about it. You recognize a fairy tale when you hear one right? They start off, "once upon a time in a land far far away" and then the story is full of stuff that could never happen in real life. You know its not real because it's not dated and there is no real location.

But your pappy and mammy and preacher tell you a story just as unbelievable but because they dated the story and told you it happened in the middle east you fucking believed it. How stupid are you? LOL.

Heaven is full of idiots.
I don't think he's a theist. I think he's just an arrogant, sanctimonious agnostic atheist. He doesn't have the balls to just say, "I am of the opinion there is no God, ", so he has to try to mock anyone who does.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
No, I haven't, retard. I've told people why I don't believe in God. I couldn't five so much as a single little shit what anyone else believes, or doesn't. I just want those who so ardently do believe to leave me the He'll alone until they have objective evidence, and quit trying to pass civil laws trying to force me to behave as if I agree with their theology.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Feel free to make an argument for atheism any time.
Nope. Not my job. If you are unsatisfied with your theological position, then do a bit of research, and find out for yourself what theology makes sense to you, just like I did.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Theological position? There you go again. Still no argument in support of atheism. There must be some intelligent atheists around here somewhere.
My argument for atheism it religion and the human mind that made God up.

You have fairytale only difference is yours happened 2000 years ago instead of a long time ago in a land far far away

Are you a baby? Babies believe anything you tell them
You people are evidently too stupid to realize how embarrassed you should be right now.

You will have to do better than this if you are going to convince us we should be embarrassed. I compared your religion to a fairy tale and I explained the minor differences between your religion and fairy tales. They are very similar in that both tell stories that are not realistic. The only real difference is maybe there was a guy named Jesus 2016 years ago who was actually crucified. But he wasn't the messiah. His mom wasn't a virgin when she had him. If you believe that you should be embarrassed.

“For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.”

So did Jonas really spend three days in a whale's belly and live to tell about it?

“Now, if the book of Genesis is an allegory, then sin is an allegory, the Fall is an allegory and the need for a Savior is an allegory – but if we are all descendants of an allegory, where does that leave us? It destroys the foundation of all Christian doctrine—it destroys the foundation of the gospel.” – Ken Ham

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