Atheism; An Intellectual Dead End

Nope. Not my job. If you are unsatisfied with your theological position, then do a bit of research, and find out for yourself what theology makes sense to you, just like I did.

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Theological position? There you go again. Still no argument in support of atheism. There must be some intelligent atheists around here somewhere.
My argument for atheism it religion and the human mind that made God up.

You have fairytale only difference is yours happened 2000 years ago instead of a long time ago in a land far far away

Are you a baby? Babies believe anything you tell them
You people are evidently too stupid to realize how embarrassed you should be right now.

That's because you are doing a horrible job arguing your side of this. I though about this last night. Your religion does a horrible job of explaining itself. Only people who want to believe it do. Otherwise, you should be able to point me to the #1 site for converting people to christianity. The best website that lays it all out for the undecided or unbeliever. Is there such a sight? No there is not. You can pick any one of them they are all bat shit crazy. Not one of them can be held up as the best sight for converting fools. I'm going to go look and see if I can find anything. I'll get back to you.

Think about it. You recognize a fairy tale when you hear one right? They start off, "once upon a time in a land far far away" and then the story is full of stuff that could never happen in real life. You know its not real because it's not dated and there is no real location.

But your pappy and mammy and preacher tell you a story just as unbelievable but because they dated the story and told you it happened in the middle east you fucking believed it. How stupid are you? LOL.

Heaven is full of idiots.
I don't think he's a theist. I think he's just an arrogant, sanctimonious agnostic atheist. He doesn't have the balls to just say, "I am of the opinion there is no God, ", so he has to try to mock anyone who does.

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But he started this thread saying basically atheists are stupid for not seeing what is obvious to the masses. First of all, what a piss poor argument. Not exactly a good argument for why we should believe in god. The masses once thought the earth was flat because to them it was obvious.

The fact that it's easy for the masses to swallow the idea that a creator exists causes me concern. I hate it that Paul went to Greece and so many Greeks bought that story.

Basically what jackoff is saying is that believing in god is easy for most people because it makes them comfortable. People don't like not knowing the answers so of course "must be god" comes very easy to a lot of people. I think back to my Greek Grandmother with a 3rd grade education. She was very religious. I doubt she questioned it even for a second.

My buddy and I got into an argument about if there is a god and I learned something very interesting about theists. You know how they suggest we are unhappy? Actually it's the other way around. My buddy basically admitted that if he believed there was no heaven he would be very disappointed and depressed. Because as he sees it, "this life sucks" He said, "if this is all there was I'd kill myself". So heaven is for people who aren't completely happy here and now.

I don't think there is anything after this but that doesn't make me want to kill myself.
No, I haven't, retard. I've told people why I don't believe in God. I couldn't five so much as a single little shit what anyone else believes, or doesn't. I just want those who so ardently do believe to leave me the He'll alone until they have objective evidence, and quit trying to pass civil laws trying to force me to behave as if I agree with their theology.

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Feel free to make an argument for atheism any time.
Nope. Not my job. If you are unsatisfied with your theological position, then do a bit of research, and find out for yourself what theology makes sense to you, just like I did.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Theological position? There you go again. Still no argument in support of atheism. There must be some intelligent atheists around here somewhere.
My argument for atheism it religion and the human mind that made God up.

You have fairytale only difference is yours happened 2000 years ago instead of a long time ago in a land far far away

Are you a baby? Babies believe anything you tell them
You people are evidently too stupid to realize how embarrassed you should be right now.
Constructive Douchebag is too smart for us, he must be a theist. Him and dingbat, two peas in a pod. :lol:
Nope. Not my job. If you are unsatisfied with your theological position, then do a bit of research, and find out for yourself what theology makes sense to you, just like I did.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Theological position? There you go again. Still no argument in support of atheism. There must be some intelligent atheists around here somewhere.
My argument for atheism it religion and the human mind that made God up.

You have fairytale only difference is yours happened 2000 years ago instead of a long time ago in a land far far away

Are you a baby? Babies believe anything you tell them
You people are evidently too stupid to realize how embarrassed you should be right now.

That's because you are doing a horrible job arguing your side of this. I though about this last night. Your religion does a horrible job of explaining itself. Only people who want to believe it do. Otherwise, you should be able to point me to the #1 site for converting people to christianity. The best website that lays it all out for the undecided or unbeliever. Is there such a sight? No there is not. You can pick any one of them they are all bat shit crazy. Not one of them can be held up as the best sight for converting fools. I'm going to go look and see if I can find anything. I'll get back to you.

Think about it. You recognize a fairy tale when you hear one right? They start off, "once upon a time in a land far far away" and then the story is full of stuff that could never happen in real life. You know its not real because it's not dated and there is no real location.

But your pappy and mammy and preacher tell you a story just as unbelievable but because they dated the story and told you it happened in the middle east you fucking believed it. How stupid are you? LOL.

Heaven is full of idiots.
I don't think he's a theist. I think he's just an arrogant, sanctimonious agnostic atheist. He doesn't have the balls to just say, "I am of the opinion there is no God, ", so he has to try to mock anyone who does.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

I have to disagree, bing is their sidekick.
Theological position? There you go again. Still no argument in support of atheism. There must be some intelligent atheists around here somewhere.
My argument for atheism it religion and the human mind that made God up.

You have fairytale only difference is yours happened 2000 years ago instead of a long time ago in a land far far away

Are you a baby? Babies believe anything you tell them
You people are evidently too stupid to realize how embarrassed you should be right now.

That's because you are doing a horrible job arguing your side of this. I though about this last night. Your religion does a horrible job of explaining itself. Only people who want to believe it do. Otherwise, you should be able to point me to the #1 site for converting people to christianity. The best website that lays it all out for the undecided or unbeliever. Is there such a sight? No there is not. You can pick any one of them they are all bat shit crazy. Not one of them can be held up as the best sight for converting fools. I'm going to go look and see if I can find anything. I'll get back to you.

Think about it. You recognize a fairy tale when you hear one right? They start off, "once upon a time in a land far far away" and then the story is full of stuff that could never happen in real life. You know its not real because it's not dated and there is no real location.

But your pappy and mammy and preacher tell you a story just as unbelievable but because they dated the story and told you it happened in the middle east you fucking believed it. How stupid are you? LOL.

Heaven is full of idiots.
I don't think he's a theist. I think he's just an arrogant, sanctimonious agnostic atheist. He doesn't have the balls to just say, "I am of the opinion there is no God, ", so he has to try to mock anyone who does.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

I have to disagree, bing is their sidekick.

I found that site that is good for converting. Maybe they should start making these arguments:

Why Atheists Change Their Mind: 8 Common Factors | Word on Fire

Reasonable atheists eventually become theists because they are reasonable; and furthermore, because they are honest. They are willing to follow the evidence wherever it leads; and in many cases the evidence comes to the atheist most coherently and well-presented through the writings of believers in God.







My argument for atheism it religion and the human mind that made God up.

You have fairytale only difference is yours happened 2000 years ago instead of a long time ago in a land far far away

Are you a baby? Babies believe anything you tell them
You people are evidently too stupid to realize how embarrassed you should be right now.

That's because you are doing a horrible job arguing your side of this. I though about this last night. Your religion does a horrible job of explaining itself. Only people who want to believe it do. Otherwise, you should be able to point me to the #1 site for converting people to christianity. The best website that lays it all out for the undecided or unbeliever. Is there such a sight? No there is not. You can pick any one of them they are all bat shit crazy. Not one of them can be held up as the best sight for converting fools. I'm going to go look and see if I can find anything. I'll get back to you.

Think about it. You recognize a fairy tale when you hear one right? They start off, "once upon a time in a land far far away" and then the story is full of stuff that could never happen in real life. You know its not real because it's not dated and there is no real location.

But your pappy and mammy and preacher tell you a story just as unbelievable but because they dated the story and told you it happened in the middle east you fucking believed it. How stupid are you? LOL.

Heaven is full of idiots.
I don't think he's a theist. I think he's just an arrogant, sanctimonious agnostic atheist. He doesn't have the balls to just say, "I am of the opinion there is no God, ", so he has to try to mock anyone who does.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

I have to disagree, bing is their sidekick.

I found that site that is good for converting. Maybe they should start making these arguments:

Why Atheists Change Their Mind: 8 Common Factors | Word on Fire

Reasonable atheists eventually become theists because they are reasonable; and furthermore, because they are honest. They are willing to follow the evidence wherever it leads; and in many cases the evidence comes to the atheist most coherently and well-presented through the writings of believers in God.







10/4 Sealy

through the writings of believers in God.

CA, are your videos the same as the writings ... is that just the 4th century "edition" or is everything included, the spoken religion as well.

not everyone that is not an atheist would read further a corrupt book to still know the Almighty.
I reject atheism on grounds that it has no compelling positive, supporting argument. From my experiences debating atheists, I can safely say atheism is little more than a psychological crutch for morally-and-psychology-weak people.
To summarize.
Atheism is not a philosophy, not a religion, not a belief system of any kind. Atheism is simply the non belief of theism. Period. End of story.
Yet people who claim to be atheists all behave like religious fundamentalists. They are dogmatically intolerant of diverging views, they continually make statements of blind faith in things they have no knowledge of. Atheists constantly postulate theories about what can or cannot exist. But with what evidence? Where is the evidence for nothing and non existence? Atheists cannot concede that everything they think they know could be wrong. All typical human behavioral manifestations of people with closed minds. Maybe dead end isn't the best description for all the pop culture atheists on this thread, it's more like they're riding a pseudo intellectual merry go round. Round and round but going nowhere.
To summarize.
Atheism is not a philosophy, not a religion, not a belief system of any kind. Atheism is simply the non belief of theism. Period. End of story.
Yet people who claim to be atheists all behave like religious fundamentalists. They are dogmatically intolerant of diverging views, they continually make statements of blind faith in things they have no knowledge of. Atheists constantly postulate theories about what can or cannot exist. But with what evidence? Where is the evidence for nothing and non existence? Atheists cannot concede that everything they think they know could be wrong. All typical human behavioral manifestations of people with closed minds. Maybe dead end isn't the best description for all the pop culture atheists on this thread, it's more like they're riding a pseudo intellectual merry go round. Round and round but going nowhere.
To summarize:

You are entirely full of shit, and spew opinions based on your own prejudices, completely ignoring anything anyone who does not buy your bullshit has to say.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
To summarize.
Atheism is not a philosophy, not a religion, not a belief system of any kind. Atheism is simply the non belief of theism. Period. End of story.
Yet people who claim to be atheists all behave like religious fundamentalists. They are dogmatically intolerant of diverging views, they continually make statements of blind faith in things they have no knowledge of. Atheists constantly postulate theories about what can or cannot exist. But with what evidence? Where is the evidence for nothing and non existence? Atheists cannot concede that everything they think they know could be wrong. All typical human behavioral manifestations of people with closed minds. Maybe dead end isn't the best description for all the pop culture atheists on this thread, it's more like they're riding a pseudo intellectual merry go round. Round and round but going nowhere.
To summarize:

You are entirely full of shit, and spew opinions based on your own prejudices, completely ignoring anything anyone who does not buy your bullshit has to say.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Who could possibly argue with such impeccable logic?
To summarize.
Atheism is not a philosophy, not a religion, not a belief system of any kind. Atheism is simply the non belief of theism. Period. End of story.
Yet people who claim to be atheists all behave like religious fundamentalists. They are dogmatically intolerant of diverging views, they continually make statements of blind faith in things they have no knowledge of. Atheists constantly postulate theories about what can or cannot exist. But with what evidence? Where is the evidence for nothing and non existence? Atheists cannot concede that everything they think they know could be wrong. All typical human behavioral manifestations of people with closed minds. Maybe dead end isn't the best description for all the pop culture atheists on this thread, it's more like they're riding a pseudo intellectual merry go round. Round and round but going nowhere.
To summarize:

You are entirely full of shit, and spew opinions based on your own prejudices, completely ignoring anything anyone who does not buy your bullshit has to say.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Who could possibly argue with such impeccable logic?
Certainly not you. You are incapable of logic.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
To summarize.
Atheism is not a philosophy, not a religion, not a belief system of any kind. Atheism is simply the non belief of theism. Period. End of story.
Yet people who claim to be atheists all behave like religious fundamentalists. They are dogmatically intolerant of diverging views, they continually make statements of blind faith in things they have no knowledge of. Atheists constantly postulate theories about what can or cannot exist. But with what evidence? Where is the evidence for nothing and non existence? Atheists cannot concede that everything they think they know could be wrong. All typical human behavioral manifestations of people with closed minds. Maybe dead end isn't the best description for all the pop culture atheists on this thread, it's more like they're riding a pseudo intellectual merry go round. Round and round but going nowhere.
To summarize:

You are entirely full of shit, and spew opinions based on your own prejudices, completely ignoring anything anyone who does not buy your bullshit has to say.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Who could possibly argue with such impeccable logic?
Certainly not you. You are incapable of logic.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Thanks for straitening me out on that. It's clear to me now that I can really learn a lot from someone of your prodigious intellect. Keep up the good work.
not to mention the anarchist is the aggressor without commitment ... did someone step on his cross.
tell us is atheism evil ...
Atheism doesn't purport to claim any morality. Therefore concepts of good and evil are irrelevant in this context.
Atheism doesn't purport to claim any morality ...

this is your error not theirs. and no there is nothing evil in atheism only those who willingly believe it to be.
I have no idea what you're talking about.
Atheism doesn't purport to claim any morality ...

that the statement in itself is an evil enclave of religiosity for some, you.
tell us is atheism evil ...
Atheism doesn't purport to claim any morality. Therefore concepts of good and evil are irrelevant in this context.
Atheism doesn't purport to claim any morality ...

this is your error not theirs. and no there is nothing evil in atheism only those who willingly believe it to be.
I have no idea what you're talking about.
Atheism doesn't purport to claim any morality ...

that the statement in itself is an evil enclave of religiosity for some, you.
OK. If you say so.

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