Zone1 Atheism Has No Basis for the Idea of Good or Evil, Just or Unjust

Truth is arrived at through a conflict and confusion process. First, it is ridiculed; second, it is violently opposed; and third, it is accepted as self-evident. And just because truth is discovered, that doesn't mean it can't be lost again. But eventually error will fail as error is wont to do.
I thought religion was revealed truth. My mistake, thanks for the clarification.
That's a retarded statement. You have Vlad the Impaler, Bin Laden, Genghis Khan, and other infamous religious folks as the basis of your morality. A deity that tortures people in hell for all eternity, for not converting to the right type of Christianity is your foundation of morality. A might makes right "morality", which is irrational and just plain stupid, that's the foundation of your "morality". Every statement that is defecated from your keyboard is poopoo and asinine. Dumb.
Not to mention all the people the church has burned at the stake for heresy
No, that's not what I believe. I don't interpret bible passages like the Westboro Baptists.

There is no need to interpret the killing of children.

Either it was done or it wasn't and your bible says it was done.

You'll do anything to defend the depravity of your religion
Either the morals of the god in your bible are perfect and don't need to be changed or they are not.
Either your god is the arbiter of what is moral or its not.

And since you have decided to follow a moral code that you think is better than your god's in certain ways then you have chosen secular human morality over that of your god in those instances.

Your own morals are better than your god's morals.

That is not an insult
The way the imperfect people of ancient cultures perceived and described God can never be perfect. The way the imperfect now perceive and describe God can never be perfect. We all sin and fall short. We all see through a glass darkly and cannot know all there is to see and know. None of that is any evidence that God is imperfect.

The Holy Spirit--God with us--instructs the mind, thoughts, actions, morals of believers who, though imperfect, have profoundly changed the world from one of savagery to one in which evil is more resisted and good/kindness/justice/benevolence is more the rule however imperfectly it is followed. Remove God's Church from the population and you will not like what is left behind.
Meaning, we will always have our God whom we are never going to be above.
Have you raised your children to always be below you?

I have raised mine to try to do better than whatever I have accomplished.

Further. Are you saying that we have to raise our children to adore a genocidal LGBTQ+ hating dick wad God?
You don't believe in anything that is supernatural so you kind of are.
Are Buddhists atheists, stupid?

I have a dragon in my garage. Care to compare his moral to your God's?

I did not think so, as you know my dragon would eat your God and spit him into hell.
Is sin not a happy fault necessary to God's plan to you, as sung by Christians?

If necessary to the plan, your sin helps God's plan along. Right?

You should sin even more. Right"
The informed Christian knows that both Jesus of Nazareth and the Apostle Paul were very big on common sense and practical values. Your post reflects neither. Sin is what destroyed God's perfect Creation and what continues to keep it imperfect. Without sin all would be perfect.
Have you raised your children to always be below you?

I have raised mine to try to do better than whatever I have accomplished.

Further. Are you saying that we have to raise our children to adore a genocidal LGBTQ+ hating dick wad God?
And how do your children feel about you? Do they attempt to command you to bow down to them and worship you? Control you? And how have you brought them up to despise their grandparents? We will always be our Father’s children praising His glory along with our redeemer Jesus Christ.

Your ignorance isn’t worth commenting on. You aren’t interested to know the facts about God and the Plan we all agreed to before coming down to earth. Everything you think is right isn’t what you agreed to and knew. It’s been covered by a vail over your mind so that you learn to control your body in accordance with the agreement you made with Father in Heaven. And to live and make decisions based on your faith in Christ. Straighten up!
That's a retarded statement. You have Vlad the Impaler, Bin Laden, Genghis Khan, and other infamous religious folks as the basis of your morality. A deity that tortures people in hell for all eternity, for not converting to the right type of Christianity is your foundation of morality. A might makes right "morality", which is irrational and just plain stupid, that's the foundation of your "morality". Every statement that is defecated from your keyboard is poopoo and asinine. Dumb.
Only an imbecile thinks anyone’s morality is superior or inferior in a Godless universe.
The way the imperfect people of ancient cultures perceived and described God can never be perfect. The way the imperfect now perceive and describe God can never be perfect. We all sin and fall short. We all see through a glass darkly and cannot know all there is to see and know. None of that is any evidence that God is imperfect.

The Holy Spirit--God with us--instructs the mind, thoughts, actions, morals of believers who, though imperfect, have profoundly changed the world from one of savagery to one in which evil is more resisted and good/kindness/justice/benevolence is more the rule however imperfectly it is followed. Remove God's Church from the population and you will not like what is left behind.

The apologetics never stop.

Human secularism is why we have the morals we do today.
It's why we abolished slavery
It's why we give women equal treatment under the law
It's why we have representative government.

And of course you have to believe you are nothing but a wicked sinner. If you didn't your religion would have no power over you and you obviously want it to.
I'm sure. That's what worries me about your POV re: morality. You're basically saying you'd be depraved and a threat to your community without religion. And that's just plain fucked up.
It’s why we have so much crime. People are turning away from God.

You can’t tell me you’ve never been in a situation where you could have gotten away with a crime, even a petty crime.
It’s why we have so much crime. People are turning away from God.

You can’t tell me you’ve never been in a situation where you could have gotten away with a crime, even a petty crime.
We've always had crime even when people were so afraid of the power of the church they wouldn't dare criticize it.

The fact is that only a minuscule fraction of people are actually criminals.

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