Atheism Is Not A Religion!!!

The author of that article is so wishy-washy in his conviction that he actually tries to argue as to whether atheism is actually an "ism" or not. No longer is atheism a intellectual position that people take but rather it has become some sort of vague feeling one has like boredom. They actually want to redefine atheism as simply the lack of belief in gods just one could redefine a sociopath as one who simply lacks a belief in being nice to people. Play all the little dishonest semantic games you want but at least have the guts enough to take a stand for what you believe. This kind of bullshit semantics makes you look like a bunch of cowards.
You fundie zealots have a difficult time understanding some pretty basic concepts. Concluding your gawds don't exist is a rational, reasonable conclusion.

The "bullshit semantics" is nothing more than your stunted ability to resolve clearly defined terms and conditions.
Yes it is bullshit to say that atheism is simply a lack in belief, that is a redefinition of the term which as traditionally been defined as an intellectual stand in which theism is negated. Atheism is not simply a lack of belief, it is affirmative stance that denies the existence of God. Characterizing atheism as "simply a lack of belief" means that atheism is not an intellectual stance based on reason or logic but more or less a feeling one has.
You're really rather desperate. Atheism is a conclusion regarding the non-existence of your gawds as well as the gawds of others.

There's no requirement for belief.
You can't not have your cake and eat it too. If atheism is not a intellectual stance then it has nothing to with reason or logic. If atheism is defined as simply the lack of belief then it is just a vague notion that pops up in people's heads.

An intellectual stance is not a religion.

Wait...that article you cited posited that atheism isn't a religion nor a belief nor a point of view, it even question if in fact whether atheism is really a "ism" or not which would indeed render atheism to not an intellectual stance at all. So if it isn't any of these things then what is it if anything but a vague notion that some people have because obviously from the information given in that article that you cited we surely cannot say it is an intellectual stance built on rationality
I'm formulating some Common Tenets of Atheist Religion;

[Obviously there is diversity in every branch of religion. There are many exceptions to the rule.]

1. The universe is a great, uncaused random accident.

2. Rejection of the Christian concept of free will, and free will as a suitable explanation for the existence of evil.
A developing concept among atheists is that human behavior is ultimately controlled by genes, by brain neurochemistry, and by interactions with the environment. In its most extreme form, determinism completely denies the existence of human free will.

3. Salvation through technology, leading toward transhumanism

4. The belief that (with the exception of atheism) the primary cause of war is religion (more than a fight over resources, territory and political power). This causes the atheist zealot to severely distort the importance of doctrinal differences in historical wars, as if a world full of atheists would be entirely at peace.

5. The belief that atheism is the only religion which is compatible with science.

6. The atheist believes that love is merely an adapted chemical reaction in the brain. Any further meaning is something that an atheist may choose to humor himself with.

7. For utilitarian reasons of quality of life, the atheist invents moral rules by which a community should be governed, subjectively justifying that set of morals as well as humanly possible, thereby creating a new religion.
Atheism is completely without religion. I know this because as soon as I became an atheist, I lost my religion. That's the great thing about being an requires so little of your time. :p

That is not exactly true. There are two religions that I know of that are atheist. Anton LeVey's church of Satan, and KSW.

Atheists who don't believe in a god also aren't going to believe in this god's supernatural competitor, and I have no idea what KSW is.

So no, I think that claim is false.
Anton LeVay's church of Satan doesn't believe in any God or supernatural competitor. My claim is accurate.

KSW is the church of scientology. They don't believe in a god or gods thus they are by definition atheist.

I'm not saying all atheists are scientologists or members of the church of Satan. I'm just saying that there are religions that are atheists.

I listed two.
Actually not.

You listed religions that have no 'gods,' which has nothing to do with being free from faith.

Being free from faith means just that: being free from faith, both acknowledging the fact there is no 'god' as perceived by theists, and not abiding by any type of religious doctrine or dogma.

Being free from faith is consequently not 'religion.'
Being free from faith has nothing to do with atheism.

Faith is another word for trust. Or belief. If atheists don't believe in anything they are actually nihilist

All atheism means is the absence theism, not the absence of faith. I have plenty of atheist friends that have faith in their children and in their Spouses, even in things that they can't know.

If they didn't believe in anything they would be nihilists

I agree with you. To me God is the All in all, in my ttradition God is that which all things live, move and have being.
I'm formulating some Common Tenets of Atheist Religion;

[Obviously there is diversity in every branch of religion. There are many exceptions to the rule.]

1. The universe is a great, uncaused random accident.

2. Rejection of the Christian concept of free will, and free will as a suitable explanation for the existence of evil.
A developing concept among atheists is that human behavior is ultimately controlled by genes, by brain neurochemistry, and by interactions with the environment. In its most extreme form, determinism completely denies the existence of human free will.

3. Salvation through technology, leading toward transhumanism

4. The belief that (with the exception of atheism) the primary cause of war is religion (more than a fight over resources, territory and political power). This causes the atheist zealot to severely distort the importance of doctrinal differences in historical wars, as if a world full of atheists would be entirely at peace.

5. The belief that atheism is the only religion which is compatible with science.

6. The atheist believes that love is merely an adapted chemical reaction in the brain. Any further meaning is something that an atheist may choose to humor himself with.

7. For utilitarian reasons of quality of life, the atheist invents moral rules by which a community should be governed, subjectively justifying that set of morals as well as humanly possible, thereby creating a new religion.

You forgot that they also imply that consciousness is merely a result of neuro-chemical reactions in the brain and therefore consciousness is an illusion or just our minds playings tricks on itself.
You forgot that they also imply that consciousness is merely a result of neuro-chemical reactions in the brain and therefore consciousness is an illusion or just our minds playings tricks on itself.

There's a lot of things I haven't gotten to. Atheists have many many beliefs. I would say that an atheist typically believes that her own brain is the source of consciousness. They would tend to reject any Jungian ideas of the collective unconscious, or the 100th Monkey Effect, or the 'conscious universe'.
You forgot that they also imply that consciousness is merely a result of neuro-chemical reactions in the brain and therefore consciousness is an illusion or just our minds playings tricks on itself.

There's a lot of things I haven't gotten to. Atheists have many many beliefs. I would say that an atheist typically believes that her own brain is the source of consciousness. They would tend to reject any Jungian ideas of the collective unconscious, or the 100th Monkey Effect, or the 'conscious universe'.
You've employed most of the slogans on the pages of the most notorious fundie christian ministries. What a shame those charlatans find an audience for their fears and superstitions.
That is not exactly true. There are two religions that I know of that are atheist. Anton LeVey's church of Satan, and KSW.

Atheists who don't believe in a god also aren't going to believe in this god's supernatural competitor, and I have no idea what KSW is.

So no, I think that claim is false.
Anton LeVay's church of Satan doesn't believe in any God or supernatural competitor. My claim is accurate.

KSW is the church of scientology. They don't believe in a god or gods thus they are by definition atheist.

I'm not saying all atheists are scientologists or members of the church of Satan. I'm just saying that there are religions that are atheists.

I listed two.
Actually not.

You listed religions that have no 'gods,' which has nothing to do with being free from faith.

Being free from faith means just that: being free from faith, both acknowledging the fact there is no 'god' as perceived by theists, and not abiding by any type of religious doctrine or dogma.

Being free from faith is consequently not 'religion.'
Being free from faith has nothing to do with atheism.

Faith is another word for trust. Or belief. If atheists don't believe in anything they are actually nihilist

All atheism means is the absence theism, not the absence of faith. I have plenty of atheist friends that have faith in their children and in their Spouses, even in things that they can't know.

If they didn't believe in anything they would be nihilists

I agree with you. To me God is the All in all, in my ttradition God is that which all things live, move and have being.
I'm formulating some Common Tenets of Atheist Religion;

[Obviously there is diversity in every branch of religion. There are many exceptions to the rule.]

1. The universe is a great, uncaused random accident.

2. Rejection of the Christian concept of free will, and free will as a suitable explanation for the existence of evil.
A developing concept among atheists is that human behavior is ultimately controlled by genes, by brain neurochemistry, and by interactions with the environment. In its most extreme form, determinism completely denies the existence of human free will.

3. Salvation through technology, leading toward transhumanism

4. The belief that (with the exception of atheism) the primary cause of war is religion (more than a fight over resources, territory and political power). This causes the atheist zealot to severely distort the importance of doctrinal differences in historical wars, as if a world full of atheists would be entirely at peace.

5. The belief that atheism is the only religion which is compatible with science.

6. The atheist believes that love is merely an adapted chemical reaction in the brain. Any further meaning is something that an atheist may choose to humor himself with.

7. For utilitarian reasons of quality of life, the atheist invents moral rules by which a community should be governed, subjectively justifying that set of morals as well as humanly possible, thereby creating a new religion.

You forgot that they also imply that consciousness is merely a result of neuro-chemical reactions in the brain and therefore consciousness is an illusion or just our minds playings tricks on itself.
Your religion of hate and self-loathing is not winning many converts, obviously.
You fundie zealots have a difficult time understanding some pretty basic concepts. Concluding your gawds don't exist is a rational, reasonable conclusion.

The "bullshit semantics" is nothing more than your stunted ability to resolve clearly defined terms and conditions.
Yes it is bullshit to say that atheism is simply a lack in belief, that is a redefinition of the term which as traditionally been defined as an intellectual stand in which theism is negated. Atheism is not simply a lack of belief, it is affirmative stance that denies the existence of God. Characterizing atheism as "simply a lack of belief" means that atheism is not an intellectual stance based on reason or logic but more or less a feeling one has.
You're really rather desperate. Atheism is a conclusion regarding the non-existence of your gawds as well as the gawds of others.

There's no requirement for belief.
You can't not have your cake and eat it too. If atheism is not a intellectual stance then it has nothing to with reason or logic. If atheism is defined as simply the lack of belief then it is just a vague notion that pops up in people's heads.

An intellectual stance is not a religion.

Wait...that article you cited posited that atheism isn't a religion nor a belief nor a point of view, it even question if in fact whether atheism is really a "ism" or not which would indeed render atheism to not an intellectual stance at all. So if it isn't any of these things then what is it if anything but a vague notion that some people have because obviously from the information given in that article that you cited we surely cannot say it is an intellectual stance built on rationality
We actually can say that conclusions regarding the non-existence of alleged supernatural entities is a rational and reasonable position. Your succumbing to fears and superstitions is your own waking nightmare to deal with. Spending your life in trembling fear of angry deities is a prescription for a maladjusted personality as evidenced by the hyper-religious and their inability to resolve a reality based worldview.
Atheism is without theism. It really isn't without religion, that would be areligious. I am an areligious theist.

And there are two religions that don't believe in God. One was Anton LeVay's church which you stupidly claimed worships Satan. Proving how dumb you are. A quick Google search will reveal the truth. And scientology which has no deity.

Atheism is completely without religion. I know this because as soon as I became an atheist, I lost my religion. That's the great thing about being an requires so little of your time. :p

That is not exactly true. There are two religions that I know of that are atheist. Anton LeVey's church of Satan, and KSW.

Atheists who don't believe in a god also aren't going to believe in this god's supernatural competitor, and I have no idea what KSW is.

So no, I think that claim is false.
Anton LeVay's church of Satan doesn't believe in any God or supernatural competitor. My claim is accurate.

KSW is the church of scientology. They don't believe in a god or gods thus they are by definition atheist.

I'm not saying all atheists are scientologists or members of the church of Satan. I'm just saying that there are religions that are atheists.

I listed two.
Actually not.

You listed religions that have no 'gods,' which has nothing to do with being free from faith.

Being free from faith means just that: being free from faith, both acknowledging the fact there is no 'god' as perceived by theists, and not abiding by any type of religious doctrine or dogma.

Being free from faith is consequently not 'religion.'
so what?.....the definition of 'atheist' is not "free from faith".......
We actually can say that conclusions regarding the non-existence of alleged supernatural entities is a rational and reasonable position.
Atheism is a religion because it makes as little sense as theistic versions.

Atheism is the belief in the non-existance of gods. Yet unless everyone's definition of 'god' is the same, you might not be talking about the same thing.

As Arthur C Clarke said, "any sufficiently advanced technology will be indistinguishable from magic." So relative to an ant, we're gods. Do we then not believe in ourselves? What about an older alien species with technology to us? Wouldn't they be as gods to us?

And until you've been everywhere in the rather sizable universe, seen and descriebd everything you can't say with any certainty that no where in the whole universe is anything we'd call a god. If you had that kind of knowledge, you'd in effect BE the god you're claiming doesn't exist and would evaporate in a puff of logic. :)
You forgot that they also imply that consciousness is merely a result of neuro-chemical reactions in the brain and therefore consciousness is an illusion or just our minds playings tricks on itself.

There's a lot of things I haven't gotten to. Atheists have many many beliefs. I would say that an atheist typically believes that her own brain is the source of consciousness. They would tend to reject any Jungian ideas of the collective unconscious, or the 100th Monkey Effect, or the 'conscious universe'.
We actually can say that conclusions regarding the non-existence of alleged supernatural entities is a rational and reasonable position.

Your spam does nothing to maķe any case for your magical gawds.
You forgot that they also imply that consciousness is merely a result of neuro-chemical reactions in the brain and therefore consciousness is an illusion or just our minds playings tricks on itself.

There's a lot of things I haven't gotten to. Atheists have many many beliefs. I would say that an atheist typically believes that her own brain is the source of consciousness. They would tend to reject any Jungian ideas of the collective unconscious, or the 100th Monkey Effect, or the 'conscious universe'.
We actually can say that conclusions regarding the non-existence of alleged supernatural entities is a rational and reasonable position.

Your spam does nothing to maķe any case for your magical gawds.
and you have no logical argument that concludes the non existence of supernatural entities.....if you had one you could diagram it....all you can do is shout "you are a fundamentalist"........
Atheism is a religion because it makes as little sense as theistic versions.

Atheism is the belief in the non-existance of gods. Yet unless everyone's definition of 'god' is the same, you might not be talking about the same thing.

As Arthur C Clarke said, "any sufficiently advanced technology will be indistinguishable from magic." So relative to an ant, we're gods. Do we then not believe in ourselves? What about an older alien species with technology to us? Wouldn't they be as gods to us?

And until you've been everywhere in the rather sizable universe, seen and descriebd everything you can't say with any certainty that no where in the whole universe is anything we'd call a god. If you had that kind of knowledge, you'd in effect BE the god you're claiming doesn't exist and would evaporate in a puff of logic. :)
It's interesting that you're employing science fiction writers as a member of the Religion of Atheism is a Religion.
You forgot that they also imply that consciousness is merely a result of neuro-chemical reactions in the brain and therefore consciousness is an illusion or just our minds playings tricks on itself.

There's a lot of things I haven't gotten to. Atheists have many many beliefs. I would say that an atheist typically believes that her own brain is the source of consciousness. They would tend to reject any Jungian ideas of the collective unconscious, or the 100th Monkey Effect, or the 'conscious universe'.
We actually can say that conclusions regarding the non-existence of alleged supernatural entities is a rational and reasonable position.

Your spam does nothing to maķe any case for your magical gawds.
and you have no logical argument that concludes the non existence of supernatural entities.....if you had one you could diagram it....all you can do is shout "you are a fundamentalist"........
It's not up to me to disprove any of the gawds you offer no evidence for.
You forgot that they also imply that consciousness is merely a result of neuro-chemical reactions in the brain and therefore consciousness is an illusion or just our minds playings tricks on itself.

There's a lot of things I haven't gotten to. Atheists have many many beliefs. I would say that an atheist typically believes that her own brain is the source of consciousness. They would tend to reject any Jungian ideas of the collective unconscious, or the 100th Monkey Effect, or the 'conscious universe'.
We actually can say that conclusions regarding the non-existence of alleged supernatural entities is a rational and reasonable position.

Your spam does nothing to maķe any case for your magical gawds.
and you have no logical argument that concludes the non existence of supernatural entities.....if you had one you could diagram it....all you can do is shout "you are a fundamentalist"........
It's not up to me to disprove any of the gawds you offer no evidence for.

then you shouldn't pretend you can......
We actually can say that conclusions regarding the non-existence of alleged supernatural entities is a rational and reasonable position.
you can't actually say that, because you don't even know where to start....
You forgot that they also imply that consciousness is merely a result of neuro-chemical reactions in the brain and therefore consciousness is an illusion or just our minds playings tricks on itself.

There's a lot of things I haven't gotten to. Atheists have many many beliefs. I would say that an atheist typically believes that her own brain is the source of consciousness. They would tend to reject any Jungian ideas of the collective unconscious, or the 100th Monkey Effect, or the 'conscious universe'.
We actually can say that conclusions regarding the non-existence of alleged supernatural entities is a rational and reasonable position.

Your spam does nothing to maķe any case for your magical gawds.
and you have no logical argument that concludes the non existence of supernatural entities.....if you had one you could diagram it....all you can do is shout "you are a fundamentalist"........
It's not up to me to disprove any of the gawds you offer no evidence for.

then you shouldn't pretend you can......
We actually can say that conclusions regarding the non-existence of alleged supernatural entities is a rational and reasonable position.
you can't actually say that, because you don't even know where to start....
You're typically befuddled. We start with you YEC'ists making claims to magical gawds ard the ones responsible for supporting your claims.
We actually can say that conclusions regarding the non-existence of alleged supernatural entities is a rational and reasonable position. Your succumbing to fears and superstitions is your own waking nightmare to deal with. Spending your life in trembling fear of angry deities is a prescription for a maladjusted personality as evidenced by the hyper-religious and their inability to resolve a reality based worldview.
Please everyone watch the following:
Was Adolf Hitler a Christian - a report on How Hitler Viewed God - The 700 Club
We actually can say that conclusions regarding the non-existence of alleged supernatural entities is a rational and reasonable position. Your succumbing to fears and superstitions is your own waking nightmare to deal with. Spending your life in trembling fear of angry deities is a prescription for a maladjusted personality as evidenced by the hyper-religious and their inability to resolve a reality based worldview.
Please everyone watch the following:
Was Adolf Hitler a Christian - a report on How Hitler Viewed God - The 700 Club

Citing the 700 Club in a discussion of religion...not exactly unbiased
Religious views of Adolf Hitler - Wikiquote

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