Atheism Is Not A Religion!!!

Citing the 700 Club in a discussion of religion...not exactly unbiased
Religious views of Adolf Hitler - Wikiquote

The actual recorded historic film footage is not bias. It is most revealing. Was Adolf Hitler a Christian - a report on How Hitler Viewed God - The 700 Club

And oddly Wikiquote left some major points out.

The Bible does say that by their works one will know if they are Christian. Hitler's works were directed against all God's chosen people. He could not be anything but an Anti-Christ!
Last edited:
We actually can say that conclusions regarding the non-existence of alleged supernatural entities is a rational and reasonable position. Your succumbing to fears and superstitions is your own waking nightmare to deal with. Spending your life in trembling fear of angry deities is a prescription for a maladjusted personality as evidenced by the hyper-religious and their inability to resolve a reality based worldview.
Please everyone watch the following:
Was Adolf Hitler a Christian - a report on How Hitler Viewed God - The 700 Club

Citing the 700 Club in a discussion of religion...not exactly unbiased
Religious views of Adolf Hitler - Wikiquote
Why is the 700 Club not the truest reflection of christianity?

Who decides?
We actually can say that conclusions regarding the non-existence of alleged supernatural entities is a rational and reasonable position. Your succumbing to fears and superstitions is your own waking nightmare to deal with. Spending your life in trembling fear of angry deities is a prescription for a maladjusted personality as evidenced by the hyper-religious and their inability to resolve a reality based worldview.
Please everyone watch the following:
Was Adolf Hitler a Christian - a report on How Hitler Viewed God - The 700 Club

Citing the 700 Club in a discussion of religion...not exactly unbiased
Religious views of Adolf Hitler - Wikiquote
Why is the 700 Club not the truest reflection of christianity?
Was Adolf Hitler a Christian - a report on How Hitler Viewed God - The 700 Club I do not see that Hitler as a saved individual.
Who decides?
Christianity is a personal relationship and not an organizational privilege. Christians do associate with other Christians and form churches, but the CHURCH is the body of ALL believers saved and sealed through Christ Jesus.
We actually can say that conclusions regarding the non-existence of alleged supernatural entities is a rational and reasonable position. Your succumbing to fears and superstitions is your own waking nightmare to deal with. Spending your life in trembling fear of angry deities is a prescription for a maladjusted personality as evidenced by the hyper-religious and their inability to resolve a reality based worldview.
Please everyone watch the following:
Was Adolf Hitler a Christian - a report on How Hitler Viewed God - The 700 Club

Citing the 700 Club in a discussion of religion...not exactly unbiased
Religious views of Adolf Hitler - Wikiquote
Why is the 700 Club not the truest reflection of christianity?
Was Adolf Hitler a Christian - a report on How Hitler Viewed God - The 700 Club I do not see that Hitler as a saved individual.
Who decides?
Christianity is a personal relationship and not an organizational privilege. Christians do associate with other Christians and form churches, but the CHURCH is the body of ALL believers saved and sealed through Christ Jesus.
Umm, no. Christianity is a splintered collection of sects and subdivisions, frequently hostile to one another, most of which explicitly meet the definition of a cult.
You've employed most of the slogans on the pages of the most notorious fundie christian ministries. What a shame those charlatans find an audience for their fears and superstitions.

You continue to link me with fundamentalist Christians, even though I'm not Christian and I've never ever written anything fundamentalist on USMB (ie, literal translation of the Bible, support of socially conservative laws, etc.). You make claims with zero backing.

Neither have you actually explained your disagreement with any of my listed Tenets of the Atheist Religion. I think you would be content to just trade barbs and get distracted. The OP defines this thread as being concerned with atheism as a religion, or not. There is room for disagreement within any religion. Where do you disagree with my list?;

1. The universe is a great, uncaused random accident.

2. Rejection of the Christian concept of free will, and free will as a suitable explanation for the existence of evil.
A developing concept among atheists is that human behavior is ultimately controlled by genes, by brain neurochemistry, and by interactions with the environment. In its most extreme form, determinism completely denies the existence of human free will.

3. Salvation through technology, leading toward transhumanism

4. The belief that (with the exception of atheism) the primary cause of war is religion (more than a fight over resources, territory and political power). This causes the atheist zealot to severely distort the importance of doctrinal differences in historical wars, as if a world full of atheists would be entirely at peace.

5. The belief that atheism is the only religion which is compatible with science.

6. The atheist believes that love is merely an adapted chemical reaction in the brain. Any further meaning is something that an atheist may choose to humor himself with.

7. For utilitarian reasons of quality of life, the atheist invents moral rules by which a community should be governed, subjectively justifying that set of morals as well as humanly possible, thereby creating a new religion.
You've employed most of the slogans on the pages of the most notorious fundie christian ministries. What a shame those charlatans find an audience for their fears and superstitions.

You continue to link me with fundamentalist Christians, even though I'm not Christian and I've never ever written anything fundamentalist on USMB (ie, literal translation of the Bible, support of socially conservative laws, etc.). You make claims with zero backing.

Neither have you actually explained your disagreement with any of my listed Tenets of the Atheist Religion. I think you would be content to just trade barbs and get distracted. The OP defines this thread as being concerned with atheism as a religion, or not. There is room for disagreement within any religion. Where do you disagree with my list?;

1. The universe is a great, uncaused random accident.

2. Rejection of the Christian concept of free will, and free will as a suitable explanation for the existence of evil.
A developing concept among atheists is that human behavior is ultimately controlled by genes, by brain neurochemistry, and by interactions with the environment. In its most extreme form, determinism completely denies the existence of human free will.

3. Salvation through technology, leading toward transhumanism

4. The belief that (with the exception of atheism) the primary cause of war is religion (more than a fight over resources, territory and political power). This causes the atheist zealot to severely distort the importance of doctrinal differences in historical wars, as if a world full of atheists would be entirely at peace.

5. The belief that atheism is the only religion which is compatible with science.

6. The atheist believes that love is merely an adapted chemical reaction in the brain. Any further meaning is something that an atheist may choose to humor himself with.

7. For utilitarian reasons of quality of life, the atheist invents moral rules by which a community should be governed, subjectively justifying that set of morals as well as humanly possible, thereby creating a new religion.
You continue to link your arguments with those of fundamentalist christians. Are you then surprised at responses that are directed to those arguments?

Secondly, your list of grievances reads like a list one would find at the ICR website. It's cliched' and a little dated.
It is NOT a religion, and if you keep saying it is, I'm going to start my own tax exempt church, and start pounding on your door at dinner time.

Seriously, it sounds ridiculous when you say it.

  1. the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
    "ideas about the relationship between science and religion"
    synonyms:faith, belief, worship, creed; More
    [TBODY] [/TBODY]

As an agnostic I'm pleased since we can infer Iconoclastism isn't a religion. It's a way of looking at the world without the need to appeal to authority.
From the horse's mouth....

What do we believe?
The First Church of Atheism is formed around the belief that the mysteries of life can be explained through science and reason. We aim to provide a place for atheists to become ordained, for free, as well as a hub for atheists to find ministers to perform their ceremonies. This is our doctrine:

“Nothing exists besides natural phenomena. Thought is merely a function of those natural phenomena. Death is complete, and irreversible. We have faith solely in humankind, nature, and the facts of science.”

Is this really free?
Yes, becoming ordained with the First Church of Atheism is entirely free of charge.

Why is this free?
We believe that everyone should have the right to preach what they believe, to start a congregation, and to perform ceremonies. This is usually reserved for members of traditional religious sects. We have started a church of our own, based on our beliefs, and will provide our service of ordainment free to anyone who shares our beliefs.

Will I be a minister in the eyes of the law?
Yes, you will be a legally ordained minister. You will be able to perform every task that a clergy member can perform.

How do I prove I am an ordained minister?
Visit the store to purchase various items, such as an identification card, certificate, or letters for your local government office.

What type of services can I perform as a minister?
You will be able to perform the following services:
-Commitment ceremonies
-Many others

Are there any privileges of being a minister?
Ministers command a level of respect from the general public. Some parking lots have reserved parking for clergy. You will have clergy level access to prisons and hospitals.

How long does my ordainment last?
Your ordainment with the First Church of Atheism lasts for your lifetime. Once you are ordained, you never have to do anything again. You will be a minister for life.

Can I revoke my ordainment?
Yes, simply contact us and we will remove your ordainment, free of charge.

Can atheism really have a church?
A church is defined as an association of people who share a particular belief system. So yes, a church of atheism can really exist.
You continue to link your arguments with those of fundamentalist christians. Are you then surprised at responses that are directed to those arguments?

Let's begin with the first postulation of Atheist religion;

1. The universe is a great, uncaused random accident.

agree or disagree?
You continue to link your arguments with those of fundamentalist christians. Are you then surprised at responses that are directed to those arguments?

Let's begin with the first postulation of Atheist religion;

1. The universe is a great, uncaused random accident.

agree or disagree?

Let's begin with your first error wherein you make the false assumptions, false analogies and offer false premises of your contrived slogan of an "Atheist religion".

like so many angry, self-hating fundamentalists, you know very little of the physical sciences. The "great, uncaused cause" is a slogan typically spewed by your fundamentalist ministries.

The so-called Big Bang was a major disruption in time and space followed by expansion of the universe.

You may wish to actually understand some appropriate terms and concepts outside of your madrassah to avoid making yourself the focus of even more ridicule.

Your worldview of angry gods, supernatural realms and a never ending hierarchy of gods, designer gods, designers of designer gawds ----> an infinity of designers of your designer gods is actually pretty nihilistic and child-like. This means there are questions we can never hope to attain true knowledge about, and that means our place in the universe is hopelessly obscured. This is a sweepingly nihilistic and child-like point of view, and you extremists can never seem to connect the dots to this inescapable conclusion. The cul de sac remains forever in place-- "the gawds did it, and that's that."

How this suffices as an answer to anything is beyond any reasoning I can come up with. I understand the slogan that builds your entire fantasy world of angry gawds, "the gawds did it" is enough for you lot of christian extremists, but people of careful thought are not required to accept your limitations. That you accept such nonsense smacks more of a desire to keep a comforting myth as opposed to facing a sometimes cold-- but understandable-- reality.
It is NOT a religion, and if you keep saying it is, I'm going to start my own tax exempt church, and start pounding on your door at dinner time.

Seriously, it sounds ridiculous when you say it.

  1. the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
    "ideas about the relationship between science and religion"
    synonyms:faith, belief, worship, creed; More
    [TBODY] [/TBODY]

As an agnostic I'm pleased since we can infer Iconoclastism isn't a religion. It's a way of looking at the world without the need to appeal to authority.
Is that: to be well armed and not wait for the authorities?

...or is it: being the authority?
Let's begin with your first error wherein you make the false assumptions, false analogies and offer false premises of your contrived slogan of an "Atheist religion".

like so many angry, self-hating fundamentalists, you know very little of the physical sciences. The "great, uncaused cause" is a slogan typically spewed by your fundamentalist ministries.

While you would love to avoid the question and dismiss me as a fundamentalist all day long, the topic of this thread has to do with atheism as a religion. If you would like to discuss my druidic 'hate' theories, you can 'ridicule' me here:
Treeshepherd s Model of Truth US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You won't agree with the statement that the universe is uncaused? Maybe you're just being stubborn. I thought this would be an easy one for us to come to an understanding about.

"There is sufficient evidence at present to justify the belief that the universe began to exist without being caused to do so. This evidence includes the Hawking-Penrose singularity theorems that are based on Einstein's General Theory of Relativity, and the recently introduced Quantum Cosmological Models of the early universe. The singularity theorems lead to an explication of the beginning of the universe that involves the notion of a Big Bang singularity, and the Quantum Cosmological Models represent the beginning largely in terms of the notion of a vacuum fluctuation. Theories that represent the universe as infinitely old or as caused to begin are shown to be at odds with or at least unsupported by these and other current cosmological notions."
The Uncaused Beginning of the Universe

Secular theories point toward an uncaused universe. Agree or disagree.
There's a lot of things I haven't gotten to. Atheists have many many beliefs. I would say that an atheist typically believes that her own brain is the source of consciousness. They would tend to reject any Jungian ideas of the collective unconscious, or the 100th Monkey Effect, or the 'conscious universe'.

Your spam does nothing to maķe any case for your magical gawds.
and you have no logical argument that concludes the non existence of supernatural entities.....if you had one you could diagram it....all you can do is shout "you are a fundamentalist"........
It's not up to me to disprove any of the gawds you offer no evidence for.

then you shouldn't pretend you can......
We actually can say that conclusions regarding the non-existence of alleged supernatural entities is a rational and reasonable position.
you can't actually say that, because you don't even know where to start....
You're typically befuddled. We start with you YEC'ists making claims to magical gawds ard the ones responsible for supporting your claims. think that I am the one befuddled, yet you still think I'm a young earther.......anyone stupid enough to believe that is the one befuddled.......
We actually can say that conclusions regarding the non-existence of alleged supernatural entities is a rational and reasonable position. Your succumbing to fears and superstitions is your own waking nightmare to deal with. Spending your life in trembling fear of angry deities is a prescription for a maladjusted personality as evidenced by the hyper-religious and their inability to resolve a reality based worldview.
Please everyone watch the following:
Was Adolf Hitler a Christian - a report on How Hitler Viewed God - The 700 Club

Citing the 700 Club in a discussion of religion...not exactly unbiased
Religious views of Adolf Hitler - Wikiquote
so what.....its only atheists who claim he was a you consider them unbiased?.....
We actually can say that conclusions regarding the non-existence of alleged supernatural entities is a rational and reasonable position. Your succumbing to fears and superstitions is your own waking nightmare to deal with. Spending your life in trembling fear of angry deities is a prescription for a maladjusted personality as evidenced by the hyper-religious and their inability to resolve a reality based worldview.
Please everyone watch the following:
Was Adolf Hitler a Christian - a report on How Hitler Viewed God - The 700 Club

Citing the 700 Club in a discussion of religion...not exactly unbiased
Religious views of Adolf Hitler - Wikiquote
Why is the 700 Club not the truest reflection of christianity?

Who decides?
why is Hollie not the truest reflection of the ignorance of atheists?........
You continue to link your arguments with those of fundamentalist christians. Are you then surprised at responses that are directed to those arguments?

Let's begin with the first postulation of Atheist religion;

1. The universe is a great, uncaused random accident.

agree or disagree?

Let's begin with your first error wherein you make the false assumptions, false analogies and offer false premises of your contrived slogan of an "Atheist religion".

like so many angry, self-hating fundamentalists, you know very little of the physical sciences. The "great, uncaused cause" is a slogan typically spewed by your fundamentalist ministries.

The so-called Big Bang was a major disruption in time and space followed by expansion of the universe.

You may wish to actually understand some appropriate terms and concepts outside of your madrassah to avoid making yourself the focus of even more ridicule.

Your worldview of angry gods, supernatural realms and a never ending hierarchy of gods, designer gods, designers of designer gawds ----> an infinity of designers of your designer gods is actually pretty nihilistic and child-like. This means there are questions we can never hope to attain true knowledge about, and that means our place in the universe is hopelessly obscured. This is a sweepingly nihilistic and child-like point of view, and you extremists can never seem to connect the dots to this inescapable conclusion. The cul de sac remains forever in place-- "the gawds did it, and that's that."

How this suffices as an answer to anything is beyond any reasoning I can come up with. I understand the slogan that builds your entire fantasy world of angry gawds, "the gawds did it" is enough for you lot of christian extremists, but people of careful thought are not required to accept your limitations. That you accept such nonsense smacks more of a desire to keep a comforting myth as opposed to facing a sometimes cold-- but understandable-- reality.
You should read the last days of Anthony Flew. I doubt you will understand his reasoning. You are no where near his caliber.
Citing the 700 Club in a discussion of religion...not exactly unbiased
Religious views of Adolf Hitler - Wikiquote

The actual recorded historic film footage is not bias. It is most revealing. Was Adolf Hitler a Christian - a report on How Hitler Viewed God - The 700 Club

And oddly Wikiquote left some major points out.

The Bible does say that by their works one will know if they are Christian. Hitler's works were directed against all God's chosen people. He could not be anything but an Anti-Christ!
You can believe in god and not like him or fear him.

Oh do you mean your particular sect of religion's definition of god? Who's to say he believed in your particular version of god in your particular century and in your society.

Maybe he believed in Mormon or juju the African god?
We actually can say that conclusions regarding the non-existence of alleged supernatural entities is a rational and reasonable position. Your succumbing to fears and superstitions is your own waking nightmare to deal with. Spending your life in trembling fear of angry deities is a prescription for a maladjusted personality as evidenced by the hyper-religious and their inability to resolve a reality based worldview.
Please everyone watch the following:
Was Adolf Hitler a Christian - a report on How Hitler Viewed God - The 700 Club

Citing the 700 Club in a discussion of religion...not exactly unbiased
Religious views of Adolf Hitler - Wikiquote
Why is the 700 Club not the truest reflection of christianity?

Who decides?
why is Hollie not the truest reflection of the ignorance of atheists?........
Dont be mad cause she calls bullshit on your ridiculous religions.
We actually can say that conclusions regarding the non-existence of alleged supernatural entities is a rational and reasonable position. Your succumbing to fears and superstitions is your own waking nightmare to deal with. Spending your life in trembling fear of angry deities is a prescription for a maladjusted personality as evidenced by the hyper-religious and their inability to resolve a reality based worldview.
Please everyone watch the following:
Was Adolf Hitler a Christian - a report on How Hitler Viewed God - The 700 Club

Citing the 700 Club in a discussion of religion...not exactly unbiased
Religious views of Adolf Hitler - Wikiquote
Why is the 700 Club not the truest reflection of christianity?
Was Adolf Hitler a Christian - a report on How Hitler Viewed God - The 700 Club I do not see that Hitler as a saved individual.
Who decides?
Christianity is a personal relationship and not an organizational privilege. Christians do associate with other Christians and form churches, but the CHURCH is the body of ALL believers saved and sealed through Christ Jesus.

How do you function in society? Just curious.

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