Atheism Is Not A Religion!!!

Your spam does nothing to maķe any case for your magical gawds.
and you have no logical argument that concludes the non existence of supernatural entities.....if you had one you could diagram it....all you can do is shout "you are a fundamentalist"........
It's not up to me to disprove any of the gawds you offer no evidence for.

then you shouldn't pretend you can......
We actually can say that conclusions regarding the non-existence of alleged supernatural entities is a rational and reasonable position.
you can't actually say that, because you don't even know where to start....
You're typically befuddled. We start with you YEC'ists making claims to magical gawds ard the ones responsible for supporting your claims. think that I am the one befuddled, yet you still think I'm a young earther.......anyone stupid enough to believe that is the one befuddled.......
Your attempts at argument are identical to the YEC'ist cranks.
You continue to link your arguments with those of fundamentalist christians. Are you then surprised at responses that are directed to those arguments?

Let's begin with the first postulation of Atheist religion;

1. The universe is a great, uncaused random accident.

agree or disagree?

Let's begin with your first error wherein you make the false assumptions, false analogies and offer false premises of your contrived slogan of an "Atheist religion".

like so many angry, self-hating fundamentalists, you know very little of the physical sciences. The "great, uncaused cause" is a slogan typically spewed by your fundamentalist ministries.

The so-called Big Bang was a major disruption in time and space followed by expansion of the universe.

You may wish to actually understand some appropriate terms and concepts outside of your madrassah to avoid making yourself the focus of even more ridicule.

Your worldview of angry gods, supernatural realms and a never ending hierarchy of gods, designer gods, designers of designer gawds ----> an infinity of designers of your designer gods is actually pretty nihilistic and child-like. This means there are questions we can never hope to attain true knowledge about, and that means our place in the universe is hopelessly obscured. This is a sweepingly nihilistic and child-like point of view, and you extremists can never seem to connect the dots to this inescapable conclusion. The cul de sac remains forever in place-- "the gawds did it, and that's that."

How this suffices as an answer to anything is beyond any reasoning I can come up with. I understand the slogan that builds your entire fantasy world of angry gawds, "the gawds did it" is enough for you lot of christian extremists, but people of careful thought are not required to accept your limitations. That you accept such nonsense smacks more of a desire to keep a comforting myth as opposed to facing a sometimes cold-- but understandable-- reality.
You should read the last days of Anthony Flew. I doubt you will understand his reasoning. You are no where near his caliber.
You should read one or more of the bibles if you hope to have a chance at defending your polytheism.
We actually can say that conclusions regarding the non-existence of alleged supernatural entities is a rational and reasonable position. Your succumbing to fears and superstitions is your own waking nightmare to deal with. Spending your life in trembling fear of angry deities is a prescription for a maladjusted personality as evidenced by the hyper-religious and their inability to resolve a reality based worldview.
Please everyone watch the following:
Was Adolf Hitler a Christian - a report on How Hitler Viewed God - The 700 Club

Citing the 700 Club in a discussion of religion...not exactly unbiased
Religious views of Adolf Hitler - Wikiquote
Why is the 700 Club not the truest reflection of christianity?

Who decides?
why is Hollie not the truest reflection of the ignorance of atheists?........
You're so befuddled you're left to your usual attempts at juvenile name-calling.
We actually can say that conclusions regarding the non-existence of alleged supernatural entities is a rational and reasonable position. Your succumbing to fears and superstitions is your own waking nightmare to deal with. Spending your life in trembling fear of angry deities is a prescription for a maladjusted personality as evidenced by the hyper-religious and their inability to resolve a reality based worldview.
Please everyone watch the following:
Was Adolf Hitler a Christian - a report on How Hitler Viewed God - The 700 Club

Citing the 700 Club in a discussion of religion...not exactly unbiased
Religious views of Adolf Hitler - Wikiquote
Why is the 700 Club not the truest reflection of christianity?
Was Adolf Hitler a Christian - a report on How Hitler Viewed God - The 700 Club I do not see that Hitler as a saved individual.
Who decides?
Christianity is a personal relationship and not an organizational privilege. Christians do associate with other Christians and form churches, but the CHURCH is the body of ALL believers saved and sealed through Christ Jesus.
Same with Muslims and Jews if you take out the Jesus stuff.
You continue to link your arguments with those of fundamentalist christians. Are you then surprised at responses that are directed to those arguments?

Let's begin with the first postulation of Atheist religion;

1. The universe is a great, uncaused random accident.

agree or disagree?
The honest answer is we dont know. You claim to know, which is why science is discovering the real answers not theists. Theists claim to already know.
Let's begin with your first error wherein you make the false assumptions, false analogies and offer false premises of your contrived slogan of an "Atheist religion".

like so many angry, self-hating fundamentalists, you know very little of the physical sciences. The "great, uncaused cause" is a slogan typically spewed by your fundamentalist ministries.

While you would love to avoid the question and dismiss me as a fundamentalist all day long, the topic of this thread has to do with atheism as a religion. If you would like to discuss my druidic 'hate' theories, you can 'ridicule' me here:
Treeshepherd s Model of Truth US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You won't agree with the statement that the universe is uncaused? Maybe you're just being stubborn. I thought this would be an easy one for us to come to an understanding about.

"There is sufficient evidence at present to justify the belief that the universe began to exist without being caused to do so. This evidence includes the Hawking-Penrose singularity theorems that are based on Einstein's General Theory of Relativity, and the recently introduced Quantum Cosmological Models of the early universe. The singularity theorems lead to an explication of the beginning of the universe that involves the notion of a Big Bang singularity, and the Quantum Cosmological Models represent the beginning largely in terms of the notion of a vacuum fluctuation. Theories that represent the universe as infinitely old or as caused to begin are shown to be at odds with or at least unsupported by these and other current cosmological notions."
The Uncaused Beginning of the Universe

Secular theories point toward an uncaused universe. Agree or disagree.
I'm afraid you're just a pointless spammer, not even one with a high EQ; Entertainment Quotient.

Just once, I would hope that you christian fundies would not attempt to spackle your gawds into every conceivable crack with the silly and tired "Argument of the uncaused cause". It long ago became tedious and it's no more valid, useful or interesting now than centuries ago. Even if we were to abandon every inquisitive brain cell and slouch into the stupor of religious fundamentalism, to mindlessly accept the intellectual dead end of your religious dogma that requires belief in polytheistic gawds who by magical means were responsible for the inception of the universe tells us nothing about the nature of that cause.

It doesn't tell us whether or not it is planned, intelligent, personal, conscious, arbitrary, loving, cruel, or even whether or not it has a "creator" of its own.

Bottom line is that your frail attempt, and that of the other self-hating, science-loathing fundie cranks who arbitrarily pick a point on some presumed chain of causality and call it "Gawds" is not an argument of any value to anybody. It helps no one's crank fundamentalist position, and in the armory of fundie christian apologetics, it doesn’t even qualify as a cap gun.
You continue to link your arguments with those of fundamentalist christians. Are you then surprised at responses that are directed to those arguments?

Let's begin with the first postulation of Atheist religion;

1. The universe is a great, uncaused random accident.

agree or disagree?
The honest answer is we dont know. You claim to know, which is why science is discovering the real answers not theists. Theists claim to already know.

For some strange, unknown reason, it's not the fundie Christian ministries leading to new discoveries in science, medicine, astronomy, the exploration for life off of this planet, etc.
Let's begin with your first error wherein you make the false assumptions, false analogies and offer false premises of your contrived slogan of an "Atheist religion".

like so many angry, self-hating fundamentalists, you know very little of the physical sciences. The "great, uncaused cause" is a slogan typically spewed by your fundamentalist ministries.

While you would love to avoid the question and dismiss me as a fundamentalist all day long, the topic of this thread has to do with atheism as a religion. If you would like to discuss my druidic 'hate' theories, you can 'ridicule' me here:
Treeshepherd s Model of Truth US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You won't agree with the statement that the universe is uncaused? Maybe you're just being stubborn. I thought this would be an easy one for us to come to an understanding about.

"There is sufficient evidence at present to justify the belief that the universe began to exist without being caused to do so. This evidence includes the Hawking-Penrose singularity theorems that are based on Einstein's General Theory of Relativity, and the recently introduced Quantum Cosmological Models of the early universe. The singularity theorems lead to an explication of the beginning of the universe that involves the notion of a Big Bang singularity, and the Quantum Cosmological Models represent the beginning largely in terms of the notion of a vacuum fluctuation. Theories that represent the universe as infinitely old or as caused to begin are shown to be at odds with or at least unsupported by these and other current cosmological notions."
The Uncaused Beginning of the Universe

Secular theories point toward an uncaused universe. Agree or disagree.
I'm afraid you're just a pointless spammer, not even one with a high EQ; Entertainment Quotient.

Just once, I would hope that you christian fundies would not attempt to spackle your gawds into every conceivable crack with the silly and tired "Argument of the uncaused cause". It long ago became tedious and it's no more valid, useful or interesting now than centuries ago. Even if we were to abandon every inquisitive brain cell and slouch into the stupor of religious fundamentalism, to mindlessly accept the intellectual dead end of your religious dogma that requires belief in polytheistic gawds who by magical means were responsible for the inception of the universe tells us nothing about the nature of that cause.

It doesn't tell us whether or not it is planned, intelligent, personal, conscious, arbitrary, loving, cruel, or even whether or not it has a "creator" of its own.

Bottom line is that your frail attempt, and that of the other self-hating, science-loathing fundie cranks who arbitrarily pick a point on some presumed chain of causality and call it "Gawds" is not an argument of any value to anybody. It helps no one's crank fundamentalist position, and in the armory of fundie christian apologetics, it doesn’t even qualify as a cap gun.

Maybe this is why so many scientists dont spend any time discussing this silly little hypothesis. The only reason I spend so much time on religion is I think its not good for people and its holding us back in so many ways. And I'm not smart enough to be a NASA scientist but I am smart enough to take their word for something over any organized religion on earth current past or future ones.
You continue to link your arguments with those of fundamentalist christians. Are you then surprised at responses that are directed to those arguments?

Let's begin with the first postulation of Atheist religion;

1. The universe is a great, uncaused random accident.

agree or disagree?
The honest answer is we dont know. You claim to know, which is why science is discovering the real answers not theists. Theists claim to already know.

For some strange, unknown reason, it's not the fundie Christian ministries leading to new discoveries in science, medicine, astronomy, the exploration for life off of this planet, etc.
Did you see that video that shows our moon size then earth and all the smaller planets and then bigger planets and then our sun then all the larger stars we know about some 1000 times bigger than our star and then you realize just how small we really are. There must be billions of other life out there and no evidence of an intelligent creator that visited our ancient superstitious and uneducated ancestors. No offence great grandpa x 45.
It is NOT a religion, and if you keep saying it is, I'm going to start my own tax exempt church, and start pounding on your door at dinner time.

Seriously, it sounds ridiculous when you say it.

  1. the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
    "ideas about the relationship between science and religion"
    synonyms:faith, belief, worship, creed; More
    [TBODY] [/TBODY]

As an agnostic I'm pleased since we can infer Iconoclastism isn't a religion. It's a way of looking at the world without the need to appeal to authority.
Is that: to be well armed and not wait for the authorities?

...or is it: being the authority?

It's not either, if I understand your meaning and I'm not sure I do. The Authority to which I referred might be God (for those who believe they converse with Him or Her), those who act as if they are His/Her spokesperson, and/or The Bible.
The only reason I spend so much time on religion is I think its not good for people and its holding us back in so many ways.
The reason why you spend your time disparaging religion and the adherents of religion and believe that religion is some sort of evil that is harming humankind and human progress is because you are simply a bigot. You are a bigot who is looking for a scapegoat to blame just because you can't for the life of you understand why the world isn't the way you want it to be. So you need someone to blame, and in your mind it all has to be the fault of religion. That is just irrational bigotry that makes you no better than racists who blame every problem that vexes civilization on what ever minority they hate the most.
It is NOT a religion, and if you keep saying it is, I'm going to start my own tax exempt church, and start pounding on your door at dinner time.

Seriously, it sounds ridiculous when you say it.

  1. the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
    "ideas about the relationship between science and religion"
    synonyms:faith, belief, worship, creed; More
    [TBODY] [/TBODY]

As an agnostic I'm pleased since we can infer Iconoclastism isn't a religion. It's a way of looking at the world without the need to appeal to authority.
Exactly. Whatever that means. Even us atheists admit the most rational position to take is agnostic atheism.

You aren't buying any story from any religion but remain open to the possibility something created the cosmos.

On a scale 1 through 10 ten being sure god exists and 1 being sure he doesnt?
The only reason I spend so much time on religion is I think its not good for people and its holding us back in so many ways.
The reason why you spend your time disparaging religion and the adherents of religion and believe that religion is some sort of evil that is harming humankind and human progress is because you are simply a bigot. You are a bigot who is looking for a scapegoat to blame just because you can't for the life of you understand why the world isn't the way you want it to be. So you need someone to blame, and in your mind it all has to be the fault of religion. That is just irrational bigotry that makes you no better than racists who blame every problem that vexes civilization on what ever minority they hate the most.
What I want plays no part of what I believe. That's you.
The only reason I spend so much time on religion is I think its not good for people and its holding us back in so many ways.
The reason why you spend your time disparaging religion and the adherents of religion and believe that religion is some sort of evil that is harming humankind and human progress is because you are simply a bigot. You are a bigot who is looking for a scapegoat to blame just because you can't for the life of you understand why the world isn't the way you want it to be. So you need someone to blame, and in your mind it all has to be the fault of religion. That is just irrational bigotry that makes you no better than racists who blame every problem that vexes civilization on what ever minority they hate the most.
Scientists 2500 years ago discovered the universe was bigger than what we believed and religion squashed that knowledge and continued to obstruct human progress for the next 2500 years. Its probably more like 10,000 years. How did the Pharaoh keep his slaves in check? Religion. How did kings collect taxes? With divine authority. How did black slaves keep their slaves down? Didn't teach them to read and write but taught them bible verses about obeying master.

I hate your stupidity. Yes I blame religion for every war and why we aren't already half way to alpha santori.
The only reason I spend so much time on religion is I think its not good for people and its holding us back in so many ways.
The reason why you spend your time disparaging religion and the adherents of religion and believe that religion is some sort of evil that is harming humankind and human progress is because you are simply a bigot. You are a bigot who is looking for a scapegoat to blame just because you can't for the life of you understand why the world isn't the way you want it to be. So you need someone to blame, and in your mind it all has to be the fault of religion. That is just irrational bigotry that makes you no better than racists who blame every problem that vexes civilization on what ever minority they hate the most.
What I want plays no part of what I believe. That's you.
You are not being honest. Desire and craving colors everyone's beliefs. In fact desire motivates everything thing that your chimpanzee brain thinks upon or acts upon. It is the primary motivation of all sentient animals on this planet. So don't tell me that your ego and the desires of your ego are not influencing how you think or believe because that is literally impossible. What's next are you going to argue that you do things out of your own free will?
The only reason I spend so much time on religion is I think its not good for people and its holding us back in so many ways.
The reason why you spend your time disparaging religion and the adherents of religion and believe that religion is some sort of evil that is harming humankind and human progress is because you are simply a bigot. You are a bigot who is looking for a scapegoat to blame just because you can't for the life of you understand why the world isn't the way you want it to be. So you need someone to blame, and in your mind it all has to be the fault of religion. That is just irrational bigotry that makes you no better than racists who blame every problem that vexes civilization on what ever minority they hate the most.
Scientists 2500 years ago discovered the universe was bigger than what we believed and religion squashed that knowledge and continued to obstruct human progress for the next 2500 years. Its probably more like 10,000 years. How did the Pharaoh keep his slaves in check? Religion. How did kings collect taxes? With divine authority. How did black slaves keep their slaves down? Didn't teach them to read and write but taught them bible verses about obeying master.

I hate your stupidity. Yes I blame religion for every war and why we aren't already half way to alpha santori.

Now the cat is out of the bag. You indeed scapegoat religion as being the cause of all the problems that plague humankind. Why did you lie at first?
The only reason I spend so much time on religion is I think its not good for people and its holding us back in so many ways.
The reason why you spend your time disparaging religion and the adherents of religion and believe that religion is some sort of evil that is harming humankind and human progress is because you are simply a bigot. You are a bigot who is looking for a scapegoat to blame just because you can't for the life of you understand why the world isn't the way you want it to be. So you need someone to blame, and in your mind it all has to be the fault of religion. That is just irrational bigotry that makes you no better than racists who blame every problem that vexes civilization on what ever minority they hate the most.
Aww, you're angry.

It's just unfortunate for you angry fundamentalists that religion actually is the evil that is fomenting wars across the planet today, as it has historically.

You christian Taliban are really no different than the islamist Taliban.
The only reason I spend so much time on religion is I think its not good for people and its holding us back in so many ways.
The reason why you spend your time disparaging religion and the adherents of religion and believe that religion is some sort of evil that is harming humankind and human progress is because you are simply a bigot. You are a bigot who is looking for a scapegoat to blame just because you can't for the life of you understand why the world isn't the way you want it to be. So you need someone to blame, and in your mind it all has to be the fault of religion. That is just irrational bigotry that makes you no better than racists who blame every problem that vexes civilization on what ever minority they hate the most.
What I want plays no part of what I believe. That's you.
You are not being honest. Desire and craving colors everyone's beliefs. In fact desire motivates everything thing that your chimpanzee brain thinks upon or acts upon. It is the primary motivation of all sentient animals on this planet. So don't tell me that your ego and the desires of your ego are not influencing how you think or believe because that is literally impossible. What's next are you going to argue that you do things out of your own free will?
I suppose there are only a few responses one can give to a god story. Yes I believe means either you are gullible or want to believe or you've been programmed from a very young age or you dont want to go to hell.

There is no other reason someone can believe in virgin births or Resurrections.

Now do I want there to be a heaven because I think I'll go or dont want to believe because I think I'd go to hell? I'm sure you believe I'm afraid of hell. You are wrong. I know if there's a heaven a person like me would go.

I love it when theists like you get angry or combative and start accusing us of being bitter and hating. I thought you approved of free speech and free will?
You can only believe the god story because you want to believe. Otherwise belief is impossible. You would need evidence and religions provide none.
The only reason I spend so much time on religion is I think its not good for people and its holding us back in so many ways.
The reason why you spend your time disparaging religion and the adherents of religion and believe that religion is some sort of evil that is harming humankind and human progress is because you are simply a bigot. You are a bigot who is looking for a scapegoat to blame just because you can't for the life of you understand why the world isn't the way you want it to be. So you need someone to blame, and in your mind it all has to be the fault of religion. That is just irrational bigotry that makes you no better than racists who blame every problem that vexes civilization on what ever minority they hate the most.

You're much too harsh, "A religious war or holy war (Latin: bellum sacrum) is a war primarily caused or justified by differences in religion. The account of the conquest of Canaan by the Israelites in the Book of Joshua, the Muslimconquests of the 7th and 8th centuries, and the ChristianCrusades (11th to 13th centuries) and Wars of Religion (16th and 17th centuries) are the classic examples but a religious aspect has been part of warfare as early as the battles of the Mesopotamiancity-states.

In the modern era, arguments are common over the extent to which religious, economic, or ethnic aspects of a conflict predominate: examples include the Yugoslav Wars and the civil war in Sudan. In several ongoing conflicts including the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the Syrian civil war, and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, religious arguments are overtly present but variously described as fundamentalism or religious extremism depending upon the observer's sympathies. At the same time, members of many religions have been and are active members of the modern anti-war movement."

Religious war - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

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