Atheism Is Not A Religion!!!

The only reason I spend so much time on religion is I think its not good for people and its holding us back in so many ways.
The reason why you spend your time disparaging religion and the adherents of religion and believe that religion is some sort of evil that is harming humankind and human progress is because you are simply a bigot. You are a bigot who is looking for a scapegoat to blame just because you can't for the life of you understand why the world isn't the way you want it to be. So you need someone to blame, and in your mind it all has to be the fault of religion. That is just irrational bigotry that makes you no better than racists who blame every problem that vexes civilization on what ever minority they hate the most.
Aww, you're angry.

It's just unfortunate for you angry fundamentalists that religion actually is the evil that is fomenting wars across the planet today, as it has historically.

You christian Taliban are really no different than the islamist Taliban.
Omg I called her out for being the only one who's angry too.
The only reason I spend so much time on religion is I think its not good for people and its holding us back in so many ways.
The reason why you spend your time disparaging religion and the adherents of religion and believe that religion is some sort of evil that is harming humankind and human progress is because you are simply a bigot. You are a bigot who is looking for a scapegoat to blame just because you can't for the life of you understand why the world isn't the way you want it to be. So you need someone to blame, and in your mind it all has to be the fault of religion. That is just irrational bigotry that makes you no better than racists who blame every problem that vexes civilization on what ever minority they hate the most.
What I want plays no part of what I believe. That's you.
You are not being honest. Desire and craving colors everyone's beliefs. In fact desire motivates everything thing that your chimpanzee brain thinks upon or acts upon. It is the primary motivation of all sentient animals on this planet. So don't tell me that your ego and the desires of your ego are not influencing how you think or believe because that is literally impossible. What's next are you going to argue that you do things out of your own free will?
I suppose there are only a few responses one can give to a god story. Yes I believe means either you are gullible or want to believe or you've been programmed from a very young age or you dont want to go to hell.

There is no other reason someone can believe in virgin births or Resurrections.

Now do I want there to be a heaven because I think I'll go or dont want to believe because I think I'd go to hell? I'm sure you believe I'm afraid of hell. You are wrong. I know if there's a heaven a person like me would go.

I love it when theists like you get angry or combative and start accusing us of being bitter and hating. I thought you approved of free speech and free will?

There is something in your little theory that makes it a bunch of bullshit. I for one do not believe in an afterlife.
The only reason I spend so much time on religion is I think its not good for people and its holding us back in so many ways.
The reason why you spend your time disparaging religion and the adherents of religion and believe that religion is some sort of evil that is harming humankind and human progress is because you are simply a bigot. You are a bigot who is looking for a scapegoat to blame just because you can't for the life of you understand why the world isn't the way you want it to be. So you need someone to blame, and in your mind it all has to be the fault of religion. That is just irrational bigotry that makes you no better than racists who blame every problem that vexes civilization on what ever minority they hate the most.
Aww, you're angry.

It's just unfortunate for you angry fundamentalists that religion actually is the evil that is fomenting wars across the planet today, as it has historically.

You christian Taliban are really no different than the islamist Taliban.
Omg I called her out for being the only one who's angry too.
I just find it mind blowing how their lives are consumed with attaching religion to a rational position that rejects religious doctrines.
The only reason I spend so much time on religion is I think its not good for people and its holding us back in so many ways.
The reason why you spend your time disparaging religion and the adherents of religion and believe that religion is some sort of evil that is harming humankind and human progress is because you are simply a bigot. You are a bigot who is looking for a scapegoat to blame just because you can't for the life of you understand why the world isn't the way you want it to be. So you need someone to blame, and in your mind it all has to be the fault of religion. That is just irrational bigotry that makes you no better than racists who blame every problem that vexes civilization on what ever minority they hate the most.
Aww, you're angry.

It's just unfortunate for you angry fundamentalists that religion actually is the evil that is fomenting wars across the planet today, as it has historically.

You christian Taliban are really no different than the islamist Taliban.
Omg I called her out for being the only one who's angry too.
I just find it mind blowing how their lives are consumed with attaching religion to a rational position that rejects religious doctrines.

If you believe that your position is rational why do you refuse to provide any proof that it is?
The only reason I spend so much time on religion is I think its not good for people and its holding us back in so many ways.
The reason why you spend your time disparaging religion and the adherents of religion and believe that religion is some sort of evil that is harming humankind and human progress is because you are simply a bigot. You are a bigot who is looking for a scapegoat to blame just because you can't for the life of you understand why the world isn't the way you want it to be. So you need someone to blame, and in your mind it all has to be the fault of religion. That is just irrational bigotry that makes you no better than racists who blame every problem that vexes civilization on what ever minority they hate the most.
What I want plays no part of what I believe. That's you.
You are not being honest. Desire and craving colors everyone's beliefs. In fact desire motivates everything thing that your chimpanzee brain thinks upon or acts upon. It is the primary motivation of all sentient animals on this planet. So don't tell me that your ego and the desires of your ego are not influencing how you think or believe because that is literally impossible. What's next are you going to argue that you do things out of your own free will?
I suppose there are only a few responses one can give to a god story. Yes I believe means either you are gullible or want to believe or you've been programmed from a very young age or you dont want to go to hell.

There is no other reason someone can believe in virgin births or Resurrections.

Now do I want there to be a heaven because I think I'll go or dont want to believe because I think I'd go to hell? I'm sure you believe I'm afraid of hell. You are wrong. I know if there's a heaven a person like me would go.

I love it when theists like you get angry or combative and start accusing us of being bitter and hating. I thought you approved of free speech and free will?

There is something in your little theory that makes it a bunch of bullshit. I for one do not believe in an afterlife.
Oh forgive me I forgot about cherry pickers like you and my dad. He just can't believe there isnt a creator or something that made everything so perfect but he knows religions are made up. But then I ask why god hides and he goes right into the "he's testing us" argument. Silly guy. I dont have time to remember everyone's level of insanity. We'll say you're a 6.
The only reason I spend so much time on religion is I think its not good for people and its holding us back in so many ways.
The reason why you spend your time disparaging religion and the adherents of religion and believe that religion is some sort of evil that is harming humankind and human progress is because you are simply a bigot. You are a bigot who is looking for a scapegoat to blame just because you can't for the life of you understand why the world isn't the way you want it to be. So you need someone to blame, and in your mind it all has to be the fault of religion. That is just irrational bigotry that makes you no better than racists who blame every problem that vexes civilization on what ever minority they hate the most.
Aww, you're angry.

It's just unfortunate for you angry fundamentalists that religion actually is the evil that is fomenting wars across the planet today, as it has historically.

You christian Taliban are really no different than the islamist Taliban.
Omg I called her out for being the only one who's angry too.
I just find it mind blowing how their lives are consumed with attaching religion to a rational position that rejects religious doctrines.

If you believe that your position is rational why do you refuse to provide any proof that it is?
I have provided such proof.

Why don't you entertain us with something to rationally assess your gawds as true and extent to the exclusion of all the other true and extant gawds.

Do your gawds do tricks?
The only reason I spend so much time on religion is I think its not good for people and its holding us back in so many ways.
The reason why you spend your time disparaging religion and the adherents of religion and believe that religion is some sort of evil that is harming humankind and human progress is because you are simply a bigot. You are a bigot who is looking for a scapegoat to blame just because you can't for the life of you understand why the world isn't the way you want it to be. So you need someone to blame, and in your mind it all has to be the fault of religion. That is just irrational bigotry that makes you no better than racists who blame every problem that vexes civilization on what ever minority they hate the most.
Aww, you're angry.

It's just unfortunate for you angry fundamentalists that religion actually is the evil that is fomenting wars across the planet today, as it has historically.

You christian Taliban are really no different than the islamist Taliban.
Omg I called her out for being the only one who's angry too.
I just find it mind blowing how their lives are consumed with attaching religion to a rational position that rejects religious doctrines.

If you believe that your position is rational why do you refuse to provide any proof that it is?
How many times do we have to explain this to you. It is you making the claim not us.

And your god isnt even a basic theory let alone a scientific one. God is only a hypothesis.

Do we have to prove the devil isnt a real creature too?
The reason why you spend your time disparaging religion and the adherents of religion and believe that religion is some sort of evil that is harming humankind and human progress is because you are simply a bigot. You are a bigot who is looking for a scapegoat to blame just because you can't for the life of you understand why the world isn't the way you want it to be. So you need someone to blame, and in your mind it all has to be the fault of religion. That is just irrational bigotry that makes you no better than racists who blame every problem that vexes civilization on what ever minority they hate the most.
What I want plays no part of what I believe. That's you.
You are not being honest. Desire and craving colors everyone's beliefs. In fact desire motivates everything thing that your chimpanzee brain thinks upon or acts upon. It is the primary motivation of all sentient animals on this planet. So don't tell me that your ego and the desires of your ego are not influencing how you think or believe because that is literally impossible. What's next are you going to argue that you do things out of your own free will?
I suppose there are only a few responses one can give to a god story. Yes I believe means either you are gullible or want to believe or you've been programmed from a very young age or you dont want to go to hell.

There is no other reason someone can believe in virgin births or Resurrections.

Now do I want there to be a heaven because I think I'll go or dont want to believe because I think I'd go to hell? I'm sure you believe I'm afraid of hell. You are wrong. I know if there's a heaven a person like me would go.

I love it when theists like you get angry or combative and start accusing us of being bitter and hating. I thought you approved of free speech and free will?

There is something in your little theory that makes it a bunch of bullshit. I for one do not believe in an afterlife.
Oh forgive me I forgot about cherry pickers like you and my dad. He just can't believe there isnt a creator or something that made everything so perfect but he knows religions are made up. But then I ask why god hides and he goes right into the "he's testing us" argument. Silly guy. I dont have time to remember everyone's level of insanity. We'll say you're a 6.

I am not a cherry picker. My religious is just open when it comes to believing in an afterlife but ultimately in my tradition the goal is not to have an afterlife. Sorry to inform you but you can't lump all beliefs systems together, not all religions believe in an afterlife and that includes some sect within Judaism.
The reason why you spend your time disparaging religion and the adherents of religion and believe that religion is some sort of evil that is harming humankind and human progress is because you are simply a bigot. You are a bigot who is looking for a scapegoat to blame just because you can't for the life of you understand why the world isn't the way you want it to be. So you need someone to blame, and in your mind it all has to be the fault of religion. That is just irrational bigotry that makes you no better than racists who blame every problem that vexes civilization on what ever minority they hate the most.
Aww, you're angry.

It's just unfortunate for you angry fundamentalists that religion actually is the evil that is fomenting wars across the planet today, as it has historically.

You christian Taliban are really no different than the islamist Taliban.
Omg I called her out for being the only one who's angry too.
I just find it mind blowing how their lives are consumed with attaching religion to a rational position that rejects religious doctrines.

If you believe that your position is rational why do you refuse to provide any proof that it is?
I have provided such proof.

Why don't you entertain us with something to rationally assess your gawds as true and extent to the exclusion of all the other true and extant gawds.

Do your gawds do tricks?

I have asked more than a couple of times to provide some proof that your position is rational and you have yet to deliver.

And no my God does not do tricks.
religion actually is the evil that is fomenting wars across the planet today, as it has historically

That is a very simplistic and naive view as to the causes of war.
I suppose the history of wars fought to prop up one set of gawds vs. another makes you uncomfortable.

Odd, don't you think that the gawds always seem to eventually be on the side of the religionists with the larger caliber weapons and greater volume of fire.
Prove Adam and eve werent real people. Turns out they werent. Prove the Noah story is impossible. We show how it is scientifically impossible. Now theists admit most of these stories are allegories.

But if some maybe all the stories are made up?
The only reason I spend so much time on religion is I think its not good for people and its holding us back in so many ways.
The reason why you spend your time disparaging religion and the adherents of religion and believe that religion is some sort of evil that is harming humankind and human progress is because you are simply a bigot. You are a bigot who is looking for a scapegoat to blame just because you can't for the life of you understand why the world isn't the way you want it to be. So you need someone to blame, and in your mind it all has to be the fault of religion. That is just irrational bigotry that makes you no better than racists who blame every problem that vexes civilization on what ever minority they hate the most.
Aww, you're angry.

It's just unfortunate for you angry fundamentalists that religion actually is the evil that is fomenting wars across the planet today, as it has historically.

You christian Taliban are really no different than the islamist Taliban.
Omg I called her out for being the only one who's angry too.
I just find it mind blowing how their lives are consumed with attaching religion to a rational position that rejects religious doctrines.
You don't reject having religious doctrines. You reject God. You're religious in your objection...just can't accept that because religion generally relates to God and you don't want to have any connection.
Aww, you're angry.

It's just unfortunate for you angry fundamentalists that religion actually is the evil that is fomenting wars across the planet today, as it has historically.

You christian Taliban are really no different than the islamist Taliban.
Omg I called her out for being the only one who's angry too.
I just find it mind blowing how their lives are consumed with attaching religion to a rational position that rejects religious doctrines.

If you believe that your position is rational why do you refuse to provide any proof that it is?
I have provided such proof.

Why don't you entertain us with something to rationally assess your gawds as true and extent to the exclusion of all the other true and extant gawds.

Do your gawds do tricks?

I have asked more than a couple of times to provide some proof that your position is rational and you have yet to deliver.

And no my God does not do tricks.
Its like we explain it to you and you just say "what?".
The only reason I spend so much time on religion is I think its not good for people and its holding us back in so many ways.
The reason why you spend your time disparaging religion and the adherents of religion and believe that religion is some sort of evil that is harming humankind and human progress is because you are simply a bigot. You are a bigot who is looking for a scapegoat to blame just because you can't for the life of you understand why the world isn't the way you want it to be. So you need someone to blame, and in your mind it all has to be the fault of religion. That is just irrational bigotry that makes you no better than racists who blame every problem that vexes civilization on what ever minority they hate the most.
Aww, you're angry.

It's just unfortunate for you angry fundamentalists that religion actually is the evil that is fomenting wars across the planet today, as it has historically.

You christian Taliban are really no different than the islamist Taliban.
Omg I called her out for being the only one who's angry too.
I just find it mind blowing how their lives are consumed with attaching religion to a rational position that rejects religious doctrines.
You don't reject having religious doctrines. You reject God. You're religious in your objection...just can't accept that because religion generally relates to God and you don't want to have any connection.
I have a perfect woman here that wants to marry you. She's a billionaire. Drop everything and come get her. Are you coming? Why not? Why are you rejecting her?
Aww, you're angry.

It's just unfortunate for you angry fundamentalists that religion actually is the evil that is fomenting wars across the planet today, as it has historically.

You christian Taliban are really no different than the islamist Taliban.
Omg I called her out for being the only one who's angry too.
I just find it mind blowing how their lives are consumed with attaching religion to a rational position that rejects religious doctrines.

If you believe that your position is rational why do you refuse to provide any proof that it is?
I have provided such proof.

Why don't you entertain us with something to rationally assess your gawds as true and extent to the exclusion of all the other true and extant gawds.

Do your gawds do tricks?

I have asked more than a couple of times to provide some proof that your position is rational and you have yet to deliver.

And no my God does not do tricks.
I have delivered to you more than a couple of times the proof you asked for.

So tell us about the rational basis you have for your gawds, spirit realms, supernaturalism. Does your vision of heaven include fat, naked babies playing harps?
And your god isnt even a basic theory let alone a scientific one. God is only a hypothesis.
No, God is not a scientific hypothesis. God is a metaphysical concept and as such discussion about God is a discussion of metaphysics and not the physical sciences.
Omg I called her out for being the only one who's angry too.
I just find it mind blowing how their lives are consumed with attaching religion to a rational position that rejects religious doctrines.

If you believe that your position is rational why do you refuse to provide any proof that it is?
I have provided such proof.

Why don't you entertain us with something to rationally assess your gawds as true and extent to the exclusion of all the other true and extant gawds.

Do your gawds do tricks?

I have asked more than a couple of times to provide some proof that your position is rational and you have yet to deliver.

And no my God does not do tricks.
I have delivered to you more than a couple of times the proof you asked for.

So tell us about the rational basis you have for your gawds, spirit realms, supernaturalism. Does your vision of heaven include fat, naked babies playing harps?

If you did provide proof then surely you can reference where in this thread you provided them after I asked because I must have missed them or perhaps your proofs got lost in the mail.
And your god isnt even a basic theory let alone a scientific one. God is only a hypothesis.
No, God is not a scientific hypothesis. God is a metaphysical concept and as such discussion about God is a discussion of metaphysics and not the physical sciences.
I said a scientific theory not scientific hypothesis. God is simply a hypothesis unless you really believe he visited or talks to you then you believe its a fact. Do you?
I just find it mind blowing how their lives are consumed with attaching religion to a rational position that rejects religious doctrines.

If you believe that your position is rational why do you refuse to provide any proof that it is?
I have provided such proof.

Why don't you entertain us with something to rationally assess your gawds as true and extent to the exclusion of all the other true and extant gawds.

Do your gawds do tricks?

I have asked more than a couple of times to provide some proof that your position is rational and you have yet to deliver.

And no my God does not do tricks.
I have delivered to you more than a couple of times the proof you asked for.

So tell us about the rational basis you have for your gawds, spirit realms, supernaturalism. Does your vision of heaven include fat, naked babies playing harps?

If you did provide proof then surely you can reference where in this thread you provided them after I asked because I must have missed them or perhaps your proofs got lost in the mail.

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