Atheism Is Not A Religion!!!

When you live your life under the assumption that there is no God, then the Ten Commandments do not bind you. That is why people are uncomfortable around atheists.

I don't need the Ten Commandments to know right from wrong.
That voice in your heart telling you right from wrong is the voice of God. It's called a conscience. But atheists throughout history have proven to be very good at ignoring the difference between right and wrong, i.e. Stalin, Pol Pot, Robespierre.

And thus starts the guilt by association ploys. If you can't use Hitler (Catholic), go for Pol Pot. How do you know what his religious beliefs were anyway? Let alone that they had any causal relationship?

And -- Robespierre? Founder of the Cult of the Supreme Being, really? I believe that falls under Deism, which requires a Creator.

You remember Deism? Several of this country's founders?
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It is NOT a religion, and if you keep saying it is, I'm going to start my own tax exempt church, and start pounding on your door at dinner time.

Seriously, it sounds ridiculous when you say it.

  1. the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
    "ideas about the relationship between science and religion"
    synonyms:faith, belief, worship, creed; More
    [TBODY] [/TBODY]

You should try being honest for once maybe, and post the ENTIRE defintion

Full Definition of RELIGION
a : the state of a religious <a nun in her 20th year of religion>

b (1) : the service and worship of God or the supernatural (2) : commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance
: a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices
archaic : scrupulous conformity : conscientiousness
: a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith

number 4 certainly covers the militant atheists out there.

Have you noticed that every time you disagree with me, you are wrong?

That's a metaphorical definition. Does not apply. And there's no such thing as "militant atheists". That would require teams of missionaries traipsing out to the jungles to give the savages the good news that everything's fine, just keep on doing what you're doing. That would require charismatic cult leaders in mega-nonchurches splashing over your TV claiming to not-at-all heal the sick in the name of nothing, and most importantly SEND MONEY. Doesn't exist.

Belief in theism, or refusal thereof, is a personal decision. There would be no point in "selling" a nonentity. You can only sell an entity. Or a faith.

That's true. Atheism would be a hard sell.

It's the same dilemma as Atheism number 7: you can't prove a negative. Pretty hard to sell one for the same reason.
When you live your life under the assumption that there is no God, then the Ten Commandments do not bind you. That is why people are uncomfortable around atheists.

I don't need the Ten Commandments to know right from wrong.
That voice in your heart telling you right from wrong is the voice of God. It's called a conscience. But atheists throughout history have proven to be very good at ignoring the difference between right and wrong, i.e. Stalin, Pol Pot, Robespierre.

Now you're really starting to scare me. It sounds like you believe without God, people are going to run out and start murdering people. Tell me that's not true.
When you live your life under the assumption that there is no God, then the Ten Commandments do not bind you. That is why people are uncomfortable around atheists.

I don't need the Ten Commandments to know right from wrong.
That voice in your heart telling you right from wrong is the voice of God. It's called a conscience. But atheists throughout history have proven to be very good at ignoring the difference between right and wrong, i.e. Stalin, Pol Pot, Robespierre.

Now you're really starting to scare me. It sounds like you believe without God, people are going to run out and start murdering people. Tell me that's not true.
Historically, whenever a government controlled by atheists takes over, mass murder happens: the French Revolution, Pol Pot's Cambodia, Stalin's Soviet Union, Mao's China, etc.
I don't believe the vast majority of religists are aware and in sync with reality enough to draw a conclusion to go out and murder atheists.

They reach for a bible for guidance. The bible has no logical solutions to their probloems.

Logically they can never convince someone that requires proof in deciding major lifes' choices. To commit to being a Christian or a Muslim would fly in the face of all that makes comon sense.

Now if the bible stated clearly that it is god's will that Christians must execute non believers. They ..or some of them would go ahead and kill us.

I'm not sure exactly why Muslims in the Mid East believe they are commanded by Allah to kill non believers.

It is obvious from the recent ISIS videos that some of them feel it is within their religists rights to carry out such crimes without reservation.

I think Atheists are more practical than religists. If Christians started murdering Atheists outright for non believing we would see a lot of Atheists retaliating and taking out these radical elements. Fortunately for America's Muslims they do not follow in the footsteps of their Mid East radical element bretheren. We would have a civil war immediately if that was the case. It would be a bloodbath.
When you live your life under the assumption that there is no God, then the Ten Commandments do not bind you. That is why people are uncomfortable around atheists.

I don't need the Ten Commandments to know right from wrong.
That voice in your heart telling you right from wrong is the voice of God. It's called a conscience. But atheists throughout history have proven to be very good at ignoring the difference between right and wrong, i.e. Stalin, Pol Pot, Robespierre.

Now you're really starting to scare me. It sounds like you believe without God, people are going to run out and start murdering people. Tell me that's not true.

These people are pretty adept at conjuring up Bogey Men. They already believe a butt load of crap. How much more propaganda would it take to send them over the edge and make them think they had to kill non believers? That's a fair question.
It is NOT a religion, and if you keep saying it is, I'm going to start my own tax exempt church, and start pounding on your door at dinner time.

Seriously, it sounds ridiculous when you say it.

  1. the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
    "ideas about the relationship between science and religion"
    synonyms:faith, belief, worship, creed; More
    [TBODY] [/TBODY]
What's amusing and telling is that theists seek to propagate the lie that 'atheism' is 'religion' in an attempt to portray those free from faith to be as irrational as theists.
When you live your life under the assumption that there is no God, then the Ten Commandments do not bind you. That is why people are uncomfortable around atheists.

I don't need the Ten Commandments to know right from wrong.
That voice in your heart telling you right from wrong is the voice of God. It's called a conscience. But atheists throughout history have proven to be very good at ignoring the difference between right and wrong, i.e. Stalin, Pol Pot, Robespierre.

Now you're really starting to scare me. It sounds like you believe without God, people are going to run out and start murdering people. Tell me that's not true.

These people are pretty adept at conjuring up Bogey Men. They already believe a butt load of crap. How much more propaganda would it take to send them over the edge and make them think they had to kill non believers? That's a fair question.

They did after all invent "Satan". Same thing really. Anthropomorphize "evil" and declare he's "their" boss. Shades of Alinsky. The poster's trying to pull a Godwin, which he can't do directly since Hitler was Catholic. So he goes for Pol Pot. On the basis of ..... apparently nothing (I asked, got no answer).

Which is an ironic basis in a topic about atheism I must say.. :lol:
May not meet the textbook definition, but the way many atheists identify themselves demanding respect for their non-belief makes it seem like a religion. Way atheist activists assert their rights in the legal arena sure makes it seem like a religion. And when the UN Declaration of Human Rights includes non-belief as a 'freedom of religion' human right, it suuuuuure seems like religion to me. :)
If you go on the internet and tell people there's no God, and they're stupid if they think there is, you're acting just like a religious person who says there is a God, and you'll go to hell if you don't believe it.

Quite true. And if one is acting like a religious person then one is treating Atheism as a religion. Religion is about how people act and interact. Saying Atheism is not a religion by definition is ignoring the people, and people is all there is.

People here have stated categorically there is no God - faith.
People here have stated everyone needs to stop believing in God - proselytizing.
People here have stated an Atheist has no beliefs right after saying there is no God, just because that is the definition of an Atheist - dogma.

How is that not religion?
Atheism is Religion according to the 1961 Torcaso v. Watkins case that was affirmed by the U.S. Supreme Court--the highest court in the land--where court rulings become national law. As recently as 2005, the Wisconsin Federal Court ruling on the matter of Kaufman v. McCaughtry again ruled that Atheism is Religion. In spite of the many court rulings along that line, members of the Religion of Atheism insist they are not religious. They attempt to take the higher ground by insisting that Christians are mental midgets for being religious and for believing in a "non-existent sky gawd."
Historically, whenever a government controlled by atheists takes over, mass murder happens: the French Revolution, Pol Pot's Cambodia, Stalin's Soviet Union, Mao's China, etc.

Even if that were true, and I'm leaving a LOT to one side to say that, it wouldn't mean that there was a God, or that to believe there wasn't meant you shared a religion with these people.
When you live your life under the assumption that there is no God, then the Ten Commandments do not bind you. That is why people are uncomfortable around atheists.

I don't need the Ten Commandments to know right from wrong.
That voice in your heart telling you right from wrong is the voice of God. It's called a conscience. But atheists throughout history have proven to be very good at ignoring the difference between right and wrong, i.e. Stalin, Pol Pot, Robespierre.

Now you're really starting to scare me. It sounds like you believe without God, people are going to run out and start murdering people. Tell me that's not true.
Historically, whenever a government controlled by atheists takes over, mass murder happens: the French Revolution, Pol Pot's Cambodia, Stalin's Soviet Union, Mao's China, etc.

So you are saying that all the great empires of the world were atheists? There is no ancient empire that was void of religion and still had the need to slaughter and subjugate..
Atheism is Religion according to the 1961 Torcaso v. Watkins case that was affirmed by the U.S. Supreme Court--the highest court in the land--where court rulings become national law. As recently as 2005, the Wisconsin Federal Court ruling on the matter of Kaufman v. McCaughtry again ruled that Atheism is Religion. In spite of the many court rulings along that line, members of the Religion of Atheism insist they are not religious. They attempt to take the higher ground by insisting that Christians are mental midgets for being religious and for believing in a "non-existent sky gawd."

That's incorrect. The Courts have never defined atheism as a religion, in fact, they have specifically acknowledged it as a non-religion. They have said that for the purpose of the First Amendment, atheism is equivalent to religion, So that the atheist can be afforded equal protection with religions under the 1st Amendment. That's all it means.
When you live your life under the assumption that there is no God, then the Ten Commandments do not bind you. That is why people are uncomfortable around atheists.

I don't need the Ten Commandments to know right from wrong.
That voice in your heart telling you right from wrong is the voice of God. It's called a conscience. But atheists throughout history have proven to be very good at ignoring the difference between right and wrong, i.e. Stalin, Pol Pot, Robespierre.

Now you're really starting to scare me. It sounds like you believe without God, people are going to run out and start murdering people. Tell me that's not true.
Historically, whenever a government controlled by atheists takes over, mass murder happens: the French Revolution, Pol Pot's Cambodia, Stalin's Soviet Union, Mao's China, etc.

You forgot to list George W Bush. LOL!
Atheism is Religion according to the 1961 Torcaso v. Watkins case that was affirmed by the U.S. Supreme Court--the highest court in the land--where court rulings become national law. As recently as 2005, the Wisconsin Federal Court ruling on the matter of Kaufman v. McCaughtry again ruled that Atheism is Religion. In spite of the many court rulings along that line, members of the Religion of Atheism insist they are not religious. They attempt to take the higher ground by insisting that Christians are mental midgets for being religious and for believing in a "non-existent sky gawd."

That's incorrect. The Courts have never defined atheism as a religion, in fact, they have specifically acknowledged it as a non-religion. They have said that for the purpose of the First Amendment, atheism is equivalent to religion, So that the atheist can be afforded equal protection with religions under the 1st Amendment. That's all it means.

i don't agree with the courts decision but it is not mine...
Atheism is Religion according to the 1961 Torcaso v. Watkins case that was affirmed by the U.S. Supreme Court--the highest court in the land--where court rulings become national law. As recently as 2005, the Wisconsin Federal Court ruling on the matter of Kaufman v. McCaughtry again ruled that Atheism is Religion. In spite of the many court rulings along that line, members of the Religion of Atheism insist they are not religious. They attempt to take the higher ground by insisting that Christians are mental midgets for being religious and for believing in a "non-existent sky gawd."

That's incorrect. The Courts have never defined atheism as a religion, in fact, they have specifically acknowledged it as a non-religion. They have said that for the purpose of the First Amendment, atheism is equivalent to religion, So that the atheist can be afforded equal protection with religions under the 1st Amendment. That's all it means.

i don't agree with the courts decision but it is not mine...

You don't agree that an atheist should have equal protection?
Atheism is Religion according to the 1961 Torcaso v. Watkins case that was affirmed by the U.S. Supreme Court--the highest court in the land--where court rulings become national law. As recently as 2005, the Wisconsin Federal Court ruling on the matter of Kaufman v. McCaughtry again ruled that Atheism is Religion. In spite of the many court rulings along that line, members of the Religion of Atheism insist they are not religious. They attempt to take the higher ground by insisting that Christians are mental midgets for being religious and for believing in a "non-existent sky gawd."

That's incorrect. The Courts have never defined atheism as a religion, in fact, they have specifically acknowledged it as a non-religion. They have said that for the purpose of the First Amendment, atheism is equivalent to religion, So that the atheist can be afforded equal protection with religions under the 1st Amendment. That's all it means.

i don't agree with the courts decision but it is not mine...

You don't agree that an atheist should have equal protection?
Of their religion?
Atheism is Religion according to the 1961 Torcaso v. Watkins case that was affirmed by the U.S. Supreme Court--the highest court in the land--where court rulings become national law. As recently as 2005, the Wisconsin Federal Court ruling on the matter of Kaufman v. McCaughtry again ruled that Atheism is Religion. In spite of the many court rulings along that line, members of the Religion of Atheism insist they are not religious. They attempt to take the higher ground by insisting that Christians are mental midgets for being religious and for believing in a "non-existent sky gawd."

That's incorrect. The Courts have never defined atheism as a religion, in fact, they have specifically acknowledged it as a non-religion. They have said that for the purpose of the First Amendment, atheism is equivalent to religion, So that the atheist can be afforded equal protection with religions under the 1st Amendment. That's all it means.

i don't agree with the courts decision but it is not mine...

You don't agree that an atheist should have equal protection?
Of their religion?

Freedom from...
Atheism is Religion according to the 1961 Torcaso v. Watkins case that was affirmed by the U.S. Supreme Court--the highest court in the land--where court rulings become national law. As recently as 2005, the Wisconsin Federal Court ruling on the matter of Kaufman v. McCaughtry again ruled that Atheism is Religion. In spite of the many court rulings along that line, members of the Religion of Atheism insist they are not religious. They attempt to take the higher ground by insisting that Christians are mental midgets for being religious and for believing in a "non-existent sky gawd."

That's incorrect. The Courts have never defined atheism as a religion, in fact, they have specifically acknowledged it as a non-religion. They have said that for the purpose of the First Amendment, atheism is equivalent to religion, So that the atheist can be afforded equal protection with religions under the 1st Amendment. That's all it means.

i don't agree with the courts decision but it is not mine...

You don't agree that an atheist should have equal protection?
Of their religion?

Freedom from...
You already have that one if forcing a religion upon you as is the case for the atheist I know..

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