Atheists are hoping aliens from outer space will contact us...

You're definitely frustrating to me. That other guy explains it perfectly how and why you are fos. I know that's subjective too.

All I know is it's no fun after awhile with guys like you so it's nice to see others think your hypothesis is just as ridiculous as I do.

Explain to us all again what you believe please. It's easy to forget what your theory is.

Oh, this is funny. So you like the other guy explaining things to me how I'm full of shit, you think my hypothesis is ridiculous.... but you can't recall what my theory is? That's rich! :rofl:

Neither you or other guy have presented any valid science to show how life originated. Fun bags tried to argue for 2 pages that evidence isn't subjective. You both want to try and claim science theories are basically proven facts. Neither of you seem to be able to wrap your minds around the fact that science doesn't conclude and when you've drawn a conclusion you've stopped practicing science and have adopted a faith.

Yep... you two are birds of a feather, you deserve each other. Get a room! :lmao:
"you think my hypothesis is ridiculous"

You have no hypothesis. You have nothing but authoritative claims. You have not once managed to form anything resembling a formal argument. You have left everyone else to puzzle the argument out of your stream of statements and explain it to you, and explain to you how utterly absurd the arguments you try to imply, but just can't seem to form and state, are.
Boss is wielding an overly general argument, and it is its own downfall. He tries to undermine the concept of evidence as "all subjective". This is complete nonsense, and nobody could actually function in life this way. Clearly it can not be so that Boss actually believes all evidence is equally subjective ("Either something is subjective , or it is not"), else he might be prone to jumping off of his roof, thinking he will fall up .... or staring right at the Sun during an eclipse... or drinking bleach. Therefore, he's not even being honest when he presents this philosophical dud as the reason he doubts scientific theories which do not suit him. But, it sounds fancier than, "Because I say so", so here we are.

Overly general arguments are the best arguments to wield.

I don't doubt scientific theories which have credible evidence to support them. I doubt empirical conclusions of fact based on scientific theories. This place is full of little shitstain Atheists living in momma's basement, teeing off daily on Christians for fun. They PRETEND to be scientists and try to present science theory as proven fact. I have a degree in Science and can pretty much hold my own in any science discussion. Although I am not religious, I also have a strong background in Comparative Religious Studies, and can hold my own in those type of debates as well. I'm also a Psychology major who loves to dabble in philosophy. In short, I'm a fairly smart mother fucker. This bugs the shit outta little twerps like you who are used to smearing and denigrating regular Christian folks because your condescending crap don't work on me.

I actually enjoy having honest dialogue and debate with people who have an opposing view. We can completely disagree and I'll have a beer with you at the end of the day. Sometimes, I will actually learn things and maybe even change my viewpoint after debating with someone I share mutual intellectual respect with. (Don't worry... that's not you or sillyboob.)

That said, I am a bit of a smart ass. When I encounter some internet blowhard who doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about, I can't help but rain on his little parade. It's fun to dismantle his silly arguments and watch him slowly devolve into a sniveling little troll and his little buddies jumping in to defend him. Sometimes I think I ought to feel guilty about that but I don't.
"Overly general arguments are the best arguments to wield. ""

No, they are the worst, for precisely the reason I gave. And, the irony is that you just did it again. Of course, you have no idea you are doing it, just as you had no idea you were doing it earlier. This had to be pointed out to you.

They reveal that you are dishonest and will say literally anything to forward a point you cannot otherwise support. It's like a dog lover who says he hates spiders because, 'I hate all animals". They make you look dishonest or stupid. Pick your poison. And I know you will. You have already proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you will hang onto your precious claims and arguments, even after they are shown to be false and fallacious.
Circular argument. If you make a good point they just bring up another argument and eventually they'll make the original argument again.
You're definitely frustrating to me. That other guy explains it perfectly how and why you are fos. I know that's subjective too.

All I know is it's no fun after awhile with guys like you so it's nice to see others think your hypothesis is just as ridiculous as I do.

Explain to us all again what you believe please. It's easy to forget what your theory is.

Oh, this is funny. So you like the other guy explaining things to me how I'm full of shit, you think my hypothesis is ridiculous.... but you can't recall what my theory is? That's rich! :rofl:

Neither you or other guy have presented any valid science to show how life originated. Fun bags tried to argue for 2 pages that evidence isn't subjective. You both want to try and claim science theories are basically proven facts. Neither of you seem to be able to wrap your minds around the fact that science doesn't conclude and when you've drawn a conclusion you've stopped practicing science and have adopted a faith.

Yep... you two are birds of a feather, you deserve each other. Get a room! :lmao:
"you think my hypothesis is ridiculous"

You have no hypothesis. You have nothing but authoritative claims. You have not once managed to form anything resembling a formal argument. You have left everyone else to puzzle the argument out of your stream of statements and explain it to you, and explain to you how utterly absurd the arguments you try to imply, but just can't seem to form and state, are.
That's why I want him to say it again. I know it has something to do with believing in something greater than self. But he also has a relationship with it and cherry picks from the Abraham religious.

I ask every anti evolutioner to explain to me that god poofed fully formed land animals into existence
evolution / the genome of life combine to prove beings are the product of design of one type or another. a committee led by an Almighty through morality is the most likely explanation by the evidence available. creators of life, not necessarily the universe.
"a committee led by an Almighty through morality is the most likely explanation by the evidence available."

Well then, I guess we can discard all of these non-magical explanations that explain all the evidence, because.... well... because Shaman BreezeWood said so?
Well then, I guess we can discard all of these non-magical explanations that explain all the evidence, because.... well... because Shaman BreezeWood said so?

evolution or change over time to living organisms is a reality both physically and spiritual / mental, the change is accomplished from one generation to the next through a mechanism that has yet to be identified but certainly is a relay from what exists to what will next be changed after the death of the initiating being, a connection from what is to what is going to become. Spirituality is proven by evolution whether skeptics recognize it or not.
evolution / the genome of life combine to prove beings are the product of design of one type or another. a committee led by an Almighty through morality is the most likely explanation by the evidence available. creators of life, not necessarily the universe.
"a committee led by an Almighty through morality is the most likely explanation by the evidence available."

Well then, I guess we can discard all of these non-magical explanations that explain all the evidence, because.... well... because Shaman BreezeWood said so?
Well then, I guess we can discard all of these non-magical explanations that explain all the evidence, because.... well... because Shaman BreezeWood said so?

evolution or change over time to living organisms is a reality both physically and spiritual / mental, the change is accomplished from one generation to the next through a mechanism that has yet to be identified but certainly is a relay from what exists to what will next be changed after the death of the initiating being, a connection from what is to what is going to become. Spirituality is proven by evolution whether skeptics recognize it or not.
"the change is accomplished from one generation to the next through a mechanism that has yet to be identified"

That's not true at all. We know the mechanisms of evolution. And nothing in what you said proves spirituality, especially considering the one premise you used is completely false.
evolution / the genome of life combine to prove beings are the product of design of one type or another. a committee led by an Almighty through morality is the most likely explanation by the evidence available. creators of life, not necessarily the universe.
"a committee led by an Almighty through morality is the most likely explanation by the evidence available."

Well then, I guess we can discard all of these non-magical explanations that explain all the evidence, because.... well... because Shaman BreezeWood said so?
Well then, I guess we can discard all of these non-magical explanations that explain all the evidence, because.... well... because Shaman BreezeWood said so?

evolution or change over time to living organisms is a reality both physically and spiritual / mental, the change is accomplished from one generation to the next through a mechanism that has yet to be identified but certainly is a relay from what exists to what will next be changed after the death of the initiating being, a connection from what is to what is going to become. Spirituality is proven by evolution whether skeptics recognize it or not.
"the change is accomplished from one generation to the next through a mechanism that has yet to be identified"

That's not true at all. We know the mechanisms of evolution. And nothing in what you said proves spirituality, especially considering the one premise you used is completely false.
That's not true at all. We know the mechanisms of evolution. And nothing in what you said proves spirituality, especially considering the one premise you used is completely false.

talking about a thoughtfully meaningless post, without a bit of information, yours takes the cake ... good luck.

We know the mechanisms of evolution ...

have you thought of one yet ...
evolution / the genome of life combine to prove beings are the product of design of one type or another. a committee led by an Almighty through morality is the most likely explanation by the evidence available. creators of life, not necessarily the universe.
"a committee led by an Almighty through morality is the most likely explanation by the evidence available."

Well then, I guess we can discard all of these non-magical explanations that explain all the evidence, because.... well... because Shaman BreezeWood said so?
Well then, I guess we can discard all of these non-magical explanations that explain all the evidence, because.... well... because Shaman BreezeWood said so?

evolution or change over time to living organisms is a reality both physically and spiritual / mental, the change is accomplished from one generation to the next through a mechanism that has yet to be identified but certainly is a relay from what exists to what will next be changed after the death of the initiating being, a connection from what is to what is going to become. Spirituality is proven by evolution whether skeptics recognize it or not.
"the change is accomplished from one generation to the next through a mechanism that has yet to be identified"

That's not true at all. We know the mechanisms of evolution. And nothing in what you said proves spirituality, especially considering the one premise you used is completely false.
That's not true at all. We know the mechanisms of evolution. And nothing in what you said proves spirituality, especially considering the one premise you used is completely false.

talking about a thoughtfully meaningless post, without a bit of information, yours takes the cake ... good luck.

We know the mechanisms of evolution ...

have you thought of one yet ...
"Overly general arguments are the best arguments to wield. ""

No, they are the worst, for precisely the reason I gave. And, the irony is that you just did it again. Of course, you have no idea you are doing it, just as you had no idea you were doing it earlier. This had to be pointed out to you.

They reveal that you are dishonest and will say literally anything to forward a point you cannot otherwise support. It's like a dog lover who says he hates spiders because, 'I hate all animals". They make you look dishonest or stupid. Pick your poison. And I know you will. You have already proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you will hang onto your precious claims and arguments, even after they are shown to be false and fallacious.

You've not shown a damn thing I've said to be false or fallacious. Seems to me like what you want to do is demagogue the thread and try to lie your way to victory. I guess you figure a lot of stupid fuckers will stumble in here on Page 17 and see your proclamations of success and miss the epic ass kicking you've taken throughout this thread. Hey, it's probably not a bad strategy to try and bury your brutal schlonging like a bad cat turd, maybe no one will see it?

And look, Fun bags, you made a new friend outta all this... sillyboob is about ready to ask you on a date and I think that's great. He needs a companion of his intellectual level and you fit the bill perfectly. You guys will be happy together in your bliss of stupidity.
That's why I want him to say it again. I know it has something to do with believing in something greater than self. But he also has a relationship with it and cherry picks from the Abraham religious.

I ask every anti evolutioner to explain to me that god poofed fully formed land animals into existence

I don't really care what you believe, at some point, life poofed into existence. You don't have a physical explanation that doesn't defy your own scientific theories. My theory is, it was created by something outside of the physical.

You can join Fun Bags and try to lie and demagogue your way to victory but you're wasting our time. Why not just fall back on your default position that you don't fucking know and don't have an answer? Seems like that would be the easiest thing to do but you seem to want to dance around and make false claims you can't support, like it somehow makes you smart.
We know the mechanisms of evolution.

No you don't.

You know how microevolution works... you think. But you have no clue how macroevolution happened and you can't reproduce your hypothesis in a lab environment, therefore, your theory is not valid. So stop lying about this.
And nothing in what you said proves spirituality

Darwin's Theory of Evolution proves Spirituality.

Humans have a fundamental behavioral attribute the species has had for all of it's civilized existence. There is no example of any living thing past or present, which has a meaningless fundamental behavioral attribute. According to Darwin, these are discarded for more favorable or beneficial attributes as a part of natural selection.

Now we can argue about what is spirituality's purpose or what does it mean... but to claim it doesn't exist in human as fundamental attribute, is stupid. Even Darwin would tell you that.
"Overly general arguments are the best arguments to wield. ""

No, they are the worst, for precisely the reason I gave. And, the irony is that you just did it again. Of course, you have no idea you are doing it, just as you had no idea you were doing it earlier. This had to be pointed out to you.

They reveal that you are dishonest and will say literally anything to forward a point you cannot otherwise support. It's like a dog lover who says he hates spiders because, 'I hate all animals". They make you look dishonest or stupid. Pick your poison. And I know you will. You have already proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you will hang onto your precious claims and arguments, even after they are shown to be false and fallacious.

You've not shown a damn thing I've said to be false or fallacious. Seems to me like what you want to do is demagogue the thread and try to lie your way to victory. I guess you figure a lot of stupid fuckers will stumble in here on Page 17 and see your proclamations of success and miss the epic ass kicking you've taken throughout this thread. Hey, it's probably not a bad strategy to try and bury your brutal schlonging like a bad cat turd, maybe no one will see it?

And look, Fun bags, you made a new friend outta all this... sillyboob is about ready to ask you on a date and I think that's great. He needs a companion of his intellectual level and you fit the bill perfectly. You guys will be happy together in your bliss of stupidity.
Funny no one has ever jumped in and agreed with you on this subject and you've been making your arguments for a long time.

Interesting that so many creationists hate macroevolution. Even ones like you who could marry god and evolution you insist on believing God poofed living things into existence. Why?

Why can't you guys believe God planted one seed and everything living came from it?

But even if it were proven tomorrow on Saturday you would just shift your arguments. You wouldn't be contrite.
That's why I want him to say it again. I know it has something to do with believing in something greater than self. But he also has a relationship with it and cherry picks from the Abraham religious.

I ask every anti evolutioner to explain to me that god poofed fully formed land animals into existence

I don't really care what you believe, at some point, life poofed into existence. You don't have a physical explanation that doesn't defy your own scientific theories. My theory is, it was created by something outside of the physical.

You can join Fun Bags and try to lie and demagogue your way to victory but you're wasting our time. Why not just fall back on your default position that you don't fucking know and don't have an answer? Seems like that would be the easiest thing to do but you seem to want to dance around and make false claims you can't support, like it somehow makes you smart.
I don't know. Neither do you.

The difference is you believe something outside the physical poofed us. Thank you for admitting it. Poofed! Something outside the physical! And no one gets you but I'm the fool. Got it, fucking retard
And nothing in what you said proves spirituality

Darwin's Theory of Evolution proves Spirituality.

Humans have a fundamental behavioral attribute the species has had for all of it's civilized existence. There is no example of any living thing past or present, which has a meaningless fundamental behavioral attribute. According to Darwin, these are discarded for more favorable or beneficial attributes as a part of natural selection.

Now we can argue about what is spirituality's purpose or what does it mean... but to claim it doesn't exist in human as fundamental attribute, is stupid. Even Darwin would tell you that.
And we are slowly shedding this behavior. But it happens so slow you don't see it. Even though I can show you in your lifetime atheism may have went from 10% to 50% of the population not being religious at all.

So we are losing our religion. If not we should be out numbered on these threads.
...and tell us there's no God.

That is why scientists like Carl Sagan so eagerly tell us there MUST be life on other planets, but it's a wish, there is no science to back up his claims.

So far, after decades of listening with radio telescopes, the skies have been totally silent.

Either aliens don't exist at all anywhere in the universe, or they are so far away their transmissions will never reach us.

And in either case, we will never have aliens visit us.

We are probably alone.

I've always wondered what would happen if we made contact with a distant civilization and they had virtually the same beliefs in God? Would that silence Atheists? Probably not.
Why would it silence anybody if it's still not proven?
...and tell us there's no God.

That is why scientists like Carl Sagan so eagerly tell us there MUST be life on other planets, but it's a wish, there is no science to back up his claims.

So far, after decades of listening with radio telescopes, the skies have been totally silent.

Either aliens don't exist at all anywhere in the universe, or they are so far away their transmissions will never reach us.

And in either case, we will never have aliens visit us.

We are probably alone.

I've always wondered what would happen if we made contact with a distant civilization and they had virtually the same beliefs in God? Would that silence Atheists? Probably not.
Why would it silence anybody if it's still not proven?

Boss and I come to different conclusions. He thinks because all humans have always been superstitious that means there must be something to it. If there wasn't then we would have shed it a long time ago.

That exposes his ignorance of evolution of course because we all know it takes a long time for things to change. And humans are actually losing their religion at a very fast pace. So fast you can see it happening.

Now that doesn't mean Muslims in the middle east won't still be praying to Allah 7 times a day in 1000 years. They might be. But that doesn't give it any credibility. Boss has deduced that because so many humans believe despite there being no evidence, that this means god must be real

Of course he's also ignoring the fact that most of us are brainwashed from birth or at a young age when we are impressionable. Or the fact that organized religions fear people into fake belief.

And we know people don't like not knowing all the answers to life's questions so people want to believe. Who doesn't want to believe there is a heaven where we live happy for eternity? My dad talks about how my mom is in heaven watching us. Sure she isn't. LOL. But he hopes that is true. He hopes so bad he's willing to suspend logic and reason. It's called wishful thinking.
...and tell us there's no God.

That is why scientists like Carl Sagan so eagerly tell us there MUST be life on other planets, but it's a wish, there is no science to back up his claims.

So far, after decades of listening with radio telescopes, the skies have been totally silent.

Either aliens don't exist at all anywhere in the universe, or they are so far away their transmissions will never reach us.

And in either case, we will never have aliens visit us.

We are probably alone.

I've always wondered what would happen if we made contact with a distant civilization and they had virtually the same beliefs in God? Would that silence Atheists? Probably not.
Why would it silence anybody if it's still not proven?

Boss and I come to different conclusions. He thinks because all humans have always been superstitious that means there must be something to it. If there wasn't then we would have shed it a long time ago.

That exposes his ignorance of evolution of course because we all know it takes a long time for things to change. And humans are actually losing their religion at a very fast pace. So fast you can see it happening.

Now that doesn't mean Muslims in the middle east won't still be praying to Allah 7 times a day in 1000 years. They might be. But that doesn't give it any credibility. Boss has deduced that because so many humans believe despite there being no evidence, that this means god must be real

Of course he's also ignoring the fact that most of us are brainwashed from birth or at a young age when we are impressionable. Or the fact that organized religions fear people into fake belief.

And we know people don't like not knowing all the answers to life's questions so people want to believe. Who doesn't want to believe there is a heaven where we live happy for eternity? My dad talks about how my mom is in heaven watching us. Sure she isn't. LOL. But he hopes that is true. He hopes so bad he's willing to suspend logic and reason. It's called wishful thinking.
Hes been doing that irrational "spiritual proof" song and dance for years now. Its goofy footed.
...and tell us there's no God.

That is why scientists like Carl Sagan so eagerly tell us there MUST be life on other planets, but it's a wish, there is no science to back up his claims.

So far, after decades of listening with radio telescopes, the skies have been totally silent.

Either aliens don't exist at all anywhere in the universe, or they are so far away their transmissions will never reach us.

And in either case, we will never have aliens visit us.

We are probably alone.

I've always wondered what would happen if we made contact with a distant civilization and they had virtually the same beliefs in God? Would that silence Atheists? Probably not.
Why would it silence anybody if it's still not proven?

Boss and I come to different conclusions. He thinks because all humans have always been superstitious that means there must be something to it. If there wasn't then we would have shed it a long time ago.

That exposes his ignorance of evolution of course because we all know it takes a long time for things to change. And humans are actually losing their religion at a very fast pace. So fast you can see it happening.

Now that doesn't mean Muslims in the middle east won't still be praying to Allah 7 times a day in 1000 years. They might be. But that doesn't give it any credibility. Boss has deduced that because so many humans believe despite there being no evidence, that this means god must be real

Of course he's also ignoring the fact that most of us are brainwashed from birth or at a young age when we are impressionable. Or the fact that organized religions fear people into fake belief.

And we know people don't like not knowing all the answers to life's questions so people want to believe. Who doesn't want to believe there is a heaven where we live happy for eternity? My dad talks about how my mom is in heaven watching us. Sure she isn't. LOL. But he hopes that is true. He hopes so bad he's willing to suspend logic and reason. It's called wishful thinking.
It's good for you that you got this all figured out, that there is no heaven and there is no hell.

And if you're wrong, you won't mind me saying "I told you so."
...and tell us there's no God.

That is why scientists like Carl Sagan so eagerly tell us there MUST be life on other planets, but it's a wish, there is no science to back up his claims.

So far, after decades of listening with radio telescopes, the skies have been totally silent.

Either aliens don't exist at all anywhere in the universe, or they are so far away their transmissions will never reach us.

And in either case, we will never have aliens visit us.

We are probably alone.

I've always wondered what would happen if we made contact with a distant civilization and they had virtually the same beliefs in God? Would that silence Atheists? Probably not.
Why would it silence anybody if it's still not proven?

Boss and I come to different conclusions. He thinks because all humans have always been superstitious that means there must be something to it. If there wasn't then we would have shed it a long time ago.

That exposes his ignorance of evolution of course because we all know it takes a long time for things to change. And humans are actually losing their religion at a very fast pace. So fast you can see it happening.

Now that doesn't mean Muslims in the middle east won't still be praying to Allah 7 times a day in 1000 years. They might be. But that doesn't give it any credibility. Boss has deduced that because so many humans believe despite there being no evidence, that this means god must be real

Of course he's also ignoring the fact that most of us are brainwashed from birth or at a young age when we are impressionable. Or the fact that organized religions fear people into fake belief.

And we know people don't like not knowing all the answers to life's questions so people want to believe. Who doesn't want to believe there is a heaven where we live happy for eternity? My dad talks about how my mom is in heaven watching us. Sure she isn't. LOL. But he hopes that is true. He hopes so bad he's willing to suspend logic and reason. It's called wishful thinking.
It's good for you that you got this all figured out, that there is no heaven and there is no hell.

And if you're wrong, you won't mind me saying "I told you so."
Its better than being spoon fed things as a control mechanism, Id gather.

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