Atheists are hoping aliens from outer space will contact us...

That's why I want him to say it again. I know it has something to do with believing in something greater than self. But he also has a relationship with it and cherry picks from the Abraham religious.

I ask every anti evolutioner to explain to me that god poofed fully formed land animals into existence

I don't really care what you believe, at some point, life poofed into existence. You don't have a physical explanation that doesn't defy your own scientific theories. My theory is, it was created by something outside of the physical.

You can join Fun Bags and try to lie and demagogue your way to victory but you're wasting our time. Why not just fall back on your default position that you don't fucking know and don't have an answer? Seems like that would be the easiest thing to do but you seem to want to dance around and make false claims you can't support, like it somehow makes you smart.
I don't know. Neither do you.

The difference is you believe something outside the physical poofed us. Thank you for admitting it. Poofed! Something outside the physical! And no one gets you but I'm the fool. Got it, fucking retard

Let's be clear. Regardless of whether you believe in God, logic dictates "something" poofed life into existence. Life exists. It hasn't always existed. Therefore, it had to originate. POOF! One second there's no life-- next second--- POOF-- LIFE!

So you can mock and make fun of "poofing" all you like, there is no other logical explanation. It's simply a matter of whether the "poofing" was the result of physical nature or spiritual nature. I've seen no evidence in physical nature and it actually contradicts what we know... biogenesis.. life comes from life.

You promised us pages ago that you would explain your theory of origin but you haven't. The closest you came was your Magic Bean theory, where some ambiguous "seed" came here riding on a comet and "poofed" life into existence here. But physical nature doesn't produce inorganic magical seeds... seeds come from something living. Ergo: You still have not explained origin.

I believe life came from God because I am rational. It's beyond physical nature's capability to create life just as it's beyond physical nature's ability to create itself.
That's why I want him to say it again. I know it has something to do with believing in something greater than self. But he also has a relationship with it and cherry picks from the Abraham religious.

I ask every anti evolutioner to explain to me that god poofed fully formed land animals into existence

I don't really care what you believe, at some point, life poofed into existence. You don't have a physical explanation that doesn't defy your own scientific theories. My theory is, it was created by something outside of the physical.

You can join Fun Bags and try to lie and demagogue your way to victory but you're wasting our time. Why not just fall back on your default position that you don't fucking know and don't have an answer? Seems like that would be the easiest thing to do but you seem to want to dance around and make false claims you can't support, like it somehow makes you smart.
I don't know. Neither do you.

The difference is you believe something outside the physical poofed us. Thank you for admitting it. Poofed! Something outside the physical! And no one gets you but I'm the fool. Got it, fucking retard

Let's be clear. Regardless of whether you believe in God, logic dictates "something" poofed life into existence. Life exists. It hasn't always existed. Therefore, it had to originate. POOF! One second there's no life-- next second--- POOF-- LIFE!

So you can mock and make fun of "poofing" all you like, there is no other logical explanation. It's simply a matter of whether the "poofing" was the result of physical nature or spiritual nature. I've seen no evidence in physical nature and it actually contradicts what we know... biogenesis.. life comes from life.

You promised us pages ago that you would explain your theory of origin but you haven't. The closest you came was your Magic Bean theory, where some ambiguous "seed" came here riding on a comet and "poofed" life into existence here. But physical nature doesn't produce inorganic magical seeds... seeds come from something living. Ergo: You still have not explained origin.

I believe life came from God because I am rational. It's beyond physical nature's capability to create life just as it's beyond physical nature's ability to create itself.
actually, logic doesnt dictate that. life could have always existed, outside this universe, and in a place where theres not even space time rendering "begin" a null and void concept because the 4th dimension is required 1st before something can "begin"
Boss and I come to different conclusions. He thinks because all humans have always been superstitious that means there must be something to it. If there wasn't then we would have shed it a long time ago.

That exposes his ignorance of evolution of course because we all know it takes a long time for things to change. And humans are actually losing their religion at a very fast pace. So fast you can see it happening.

This is simply not true. You are misinformed badly. Only 5% of the human species profess belief in nothing. (Nihilist) This number has not changed over time. Religions come and go. Devout religiosity seems to spike whenever there are cataclysmic events. We've not had one of those in a while. Even in the most Atheistic country on the planet (Denmark), where 66% of the population define themselves as Atheist, only half of them go so far as to say they don't believe it's possible for anything outside the physical to exist. And even YOU have professed a belief in something metaphysical... you called it "Karma."

I believe an objective evaluation of superstition is actually a supporting case for validity of human spirituality. Superstitions held popular sway for many years, until science came along and disproved them. They've largely fallen by the wayside now and are simply a novelty from a past time. Spiritual belief is a different matter. There have been countless years of war and persecution dedicated to stamping out human spirituality and it still remains strong in humans. It's still our most defining attribute as a species. Despite many attempts, you've never been able to stomp spirituality out of the heart of mankind and you never will.
...and tell us there's no God.

That is why scientists like Carl Sagan so eagerly tell us there MUST be life on other planets, but it's a wish, there is no science to back up his claims.

So far, after decades of listening with radio telescopes, the skies have been totally silent.

Either aliens don't exist at all anywhere in the universe, or they are so far away their transmissions will never reach us.

And in either case, we will never have aliens visit us.

We are probably alone.

I've always wondered what would happen if we made contact with a distant civilization and they had virtually the same beliefs in God? Would that silence Atheists? Probably not.
Why would it silence anybody if it's still not proven?

Boss and I come to different conclusions. He thinks because all humans have always been superstitious that means there must be something to it. If there wasn't then we would have shed it a long time ago.

I would assume that the fact of belief would have to have positive selective pressure. It appears to have been invented in all cultures. It is most likely in our DNA as I have posted before. Evolution is about what works, not about whether it is actually true and more importantly BETTER (good enough works for evolution). However, with the invention of science, belief is no longer necessary. That also means it will take a long time to evolve God out of our DNA.

That exposes his ignorance of evolution of course because we all know it takes a long time for things to change. And humans are actually losing their religion at a very fast pace. So fast you can see it happening.

I would argue that science is changing belief. Even Boss still believes in a God w/o the Bible trappings. The last Gallup poll I saw said most Americans believe in a God. They are not so happy with religions.

Now that doesn't mean Muslims in the middle east won't still be praying to Allah 7 times a day in 1000 years. They might be. But that doesn't give it any credibility. Boss has deduced that because so many humans believe despite there being no evidence, that this means god must be real

Of course he's also ignoring the fact that most of us are brainwashed from birth or at a young age when we are impressionable. Or the fact that organized religions fear people into fake belief.

And we know people don't like not knowing all the answers to life's questions so people want to believe. Who doesn't want to believe there is a heaven where we live happy for eternity? My dad talks about how my mom is in heaven watching us. Sure she isn't. LOL. But he hopes that is true. He hopes so bad he's willing to suspend logic and reason. It's called wishful thinking.

Science is winning the war indeed!
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We know the mechanisms of evolution.

No you don't.

You know how microevolution works... you think. But you have no clue how macroevolution happened and you can't reproduce your hypothesis in a lab environment, therefore, your theory is not valid. So stop lying about this.
Duck billed platipus. We know.

The platypus is unique. It's the only egg-laying mammal and the only venomous mammal. Like humans, it is the sole species remaining in it's genus taxon. It is found only in Eastern Australia. Lots of strange critters reside in Aussie Land because it's an isolated continent. It simply doesn't prove macroevolution.
actually, logic doesnt dictate that. life could have always existed, outside this universe, and in a place where theres not even space time rendering "begin" a null and void concept because the 4th dimension is required 1st before something can "begin"

Now you're defying logic by creating universes you cannot prove the existence of. How is that ANY different than saying God Did It!? :dunno:
actually, logic doesnt dictate that. life could have always existed, outside this universe, and in a place where theres not even space time rendering "begin" a null and void concept because the 4th dimension is required 1st before something can "begin"

Now you're defying logic by creating universes you cannot prove the existence of. How is that ANY different than saying God Did It!? :dunno:
Saying they possibly exist doesnt say they do, sherlock.

So uh...what defies logic is your reading capabilities.
However, with the invention of science, belief is no longer necessary.

That's funny... seems like there are an awful lot of believers in faith here.

Science is winning the war indeed!

Nice to see you admit that you're extorting science to wage a war on religion. We already knew that but it's nice of you to confirm it. Physical Science will NEVER supplant human spirituality. It remains, and always will, a fundamental human behavioral attribute. I know you don't like to hear that but it's a fact.
actually, logic doesnt dictate that. life could have always existed, outside this universe, and in a place where theres not even space time rendering "begin" a null and void concept because the 4th dimension is required 1st before something can "begin"

Now you're defying logic by creating universes you cannot prove the existence of. How is that ANY different than saying God Did It!? :dunno:
Saying they possibly exist doesnt say they do, sherlock.

So uh...what defies logic is your reading capabilities.

The same applies for saying it's possible God exists.
Another way of looking at it is that belief is part of creativity and imagination which I think we all would agree are VERY positive human attributes. If we cannot invent a God, then we also cannot do science.
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actually, logic doesnt dictate that. life could have always existed, outside this universe, and in a place where theres not even space time rendering "begin" a null and void concept because the 4th dimension is required 1st before something can "begin"

Now you're defying logic by creating universes you cannot prove the existence of. How is that ANY different than saying God Did It!? :dunno:
Saying they possibly exist doesnt say they do, sherlock.

So uh...what defies logic is your reading capabilities.

The same applies for saying it's possible God exists.
theres a difference between when you say its possible.... to when you say its the only explanation, and thats where your logic fails
Another way of looking at it is that belief is part of creativity and imagination which I think we all would agree are VERY positive human attributes. If we cannot invent a God, then we also cannot do science.
That theres 365+ reasons we could gather that humans have spiritual thoughts means that humans having spiritual thoughts cant logically be used as proof of anything.
Another way of looking at it is that belief is part of creativity and imagination which I think we all would agree are VERY positive human attributes. If we cannot invent a God, then we also cannot do science.
That theres 365+ reasons we could gather that humans have spiritual thoughts means that humans having spiritual thoughts cant logically be used as proof of anything.
However, with the invention of science, belief is no longer necessary.

That's funny... seems like there are an awful lot of believers in faith here.

I have faith in my religion of science

Science is winning the war indeed!

Nice to see you admit that you're extorting science to wage a war on religion. We already knew that but it's nice of you to confirm it. Physical Science will NEVER supplant human spirituality. It remains, and always will, a fundamental human behavioral attribute. I know you don't like to hear that but it's a fact.

"Physical science" is redundant. Science is enough. However, I do like your phrase "human spirituality". It means something that does not exist outside of humanity, ie human invention.

I have no issues with a God or a religion that is in good karma with science.
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However, with the invention of science, belief is no longer necessary.

That's funny... seems like there are an awful lot of believers in faith here.

I have faith in my religion of science

Science is winning the war indeed!

Nice to see you admit that you're extorting science to wage a war on religion. We already knew that but it's nice of you to confirm it. Physical Science will NEVER supplant human spirituality. It remains, and always will, a fundamental human behavioral attribute. I know you don't like to hear that but it's a fact.

"Physical science" is redundant. Science is enough. However, I do like your phrase "human spirituality". It means something that does not exist outside of humanity, ie human invention.

I have no issues with a God or a religion that is in good karma with science.

I have faith in my religion of science

I know. That's my main problem with you. Some of us understand science is a disciplined study of our physical universe and isn't there to establish conclusions of faith as facts. It continues to question it's findings, testing and falsifying it's results. Then there are those who pervert it and exploit it to wage war against God.

"Physical science" is redundant. Science is enough. However, I do like your phrase "human spirituality". It means something that does not exist outside of humanity, ie human invention.

Nonsense. Human merely qualifies the subject of spirituality. Go study your English grammar. It does not mean it doesn't exist outside of humanity, if anything, it distinguishes it from non-human spirituality which may also exist.

It is not a human invention until you can definitively prove it is and you have not. From the oldest civilizations you can find, it appears to be a behavioral attribute. If it were an invention you could pinpoint a date it was invented... like tools, for example. Furthermore, it actually contradicts Darwinian Theory that it's a man-made invention. No species has ever invented a fundamental behavioral attribute. Even the dumbest, most stupid animal on the planet, doesn't engage in behavior for no reason.
I have a philosophical question for all the "non-believers" here...

Do you hope you are right or hope you are wrong?
...and tell us there's no God.

That is why scientists like Carl Sagan so eagerly tell us there MUST be life on other planets, but it's a wish, there is no science to back up his claims.

So far, after decades of listening with radio telescopes, the skies have been totally silent.

Either aliens don't exist at all anywhere in the universe, or they are so far away their transmissions will never reach us.

And in either case, we will never have aliens visit us.

We are probably alone.

I've always wondered what would happen if we made contact with a distant civilization and they had virtually the same beliefs in God? Would that silence Atheists? Probably not.
Why would it silence anybody if it's still not proven?

Boss and I come to different conclusions. He thinks because all humans have always been superstitious that means there must be something to it. If there wasn't then we would have shed it a long time ago.

That exposes his ignorance of evolution of course because we all know it takes a long time for things to change. And humans are actually losing their religion at a very fast pace. So fast you can see it happening.

Now that doesn't mean Muslims in the middle east won't still be praying to Allah 7 times a day in 1000 years. They might be. But that doesn't give it any credibility. Boss has deduced that because so many humans believe despite there being no evidence, that this means god must be real

Of course he's also ignoring the fact that most of us are brainwashed from birth or at a young age when we are impressionable. Or the fact that organized religions fear people into fake belief.

And we know people don't like not knowing all the answers to life's questions so people want to believe. Who doesn't want to believe there is a heaven where we live happy for eternity? My dad talks about how my mom is in heaven watching us. Sure she isn't. LOL. But he hopes that is true. He hopes so bad he's willing to suspend logic and reason. It's called wishful thinking.
It's good for you that you got this all figured out, that there is no heaven and there is no hell.

And if you're wrong, you won't mind me saying "I told you so."

I'm just confident you aren't right so yes, I don't mind you telling me I'm wrong if I"m wrong just like you won't mind if Mohammad or Jehova or Joe Smith doesn't let you into the pearly gates.
...and tell us there's no God.

That is why scientists like Carl Sagan so eagerly tell us there MUST be life on other planets, but it's a wish, there is no science to back up his claims.

So far, after decades of listening with radio telescopes, the skies have been totally silent.

Either aliens don't exist at all anywhere in the universe, or they are so far away their transmissions will never reach us.

And in either case, we will never have aliens visit us.

We are probably alone.

I've always wondered what would happen if we made contact with a distant civilization and they had virtually the same beliefs in God? Would that silence Atheists? Probably not.
Why would it silence anybody if it's still not proven?

Boss and I come to different conclusions. He thinks because all humans have always been superstitious that means there must be something to it. If there wasn't then we would have shed it a long time ago.

That exposes his ignorance of evolution of course because we all know it takes a long time for things to change. And humans are actually losing their religion at a very fast pace. So fast you can see it happening.

Now that doesn't mean Muslims in the middle east won't still be praying to Allah 7 times a day in 1000 years. They might be. But that doesn't give it any credibility. Boss has deduced that because so many humans believe despite there being no evidence, that this means god must be real

Of course he's also ignoring the fact that most of us are brainwashed from birth or at a young age when we are impressionable. Or the fact that organized religions fear people into fake belief.

And we know people don't like not knowing all the answers to life's questions so people want to believe. Who doesn't want to believe there is a heaven where we live happy for eternity? My dad talks about how my mom is in heaven watching us. Sure she isn't. LOL. But he hopes that is true. He hopes so bad he's willing to suspend logic and reason. It's called wishful thinking.
It's good for you that you got this all figured out, that there is no heaven and there is no hell.

And if you're wrong, you won't mind me saying "I told you so."
There could be a place called heaven and a place called hell. I get how and why man made that up. You would think that if there is a god bad people are punished and good people are rewarded. I totally get how and why man made this stuff up.

You want me to buy into Christianity. That aint gonna happen. I know a bullshit story when I hear one.
I have a philosophical question for all the "non-believers" here...

Do you hope you are right or hope you are wrong?

That depends. If you mean do we hope all non Christians go to hell? No we don't hope that. But if you mean do we hope there is a heaven then of course we hope there is one if we get in.

And we hope there is a hell for Hitler but we don't want there to be a hell for us.

And no. I'm not a sadistic fuck like God to burn someone in hell for all eternity. Only something eveil would do that to someone. So no I don't hope anyone burns for all eternity. Not even you boss. I'd like you to burn for a day and Hitler for 10 years.

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