Atheists are hoping aliens from outer space will contact us...

no, youre not applying logic.

you are conflating agnosticism of a first cause with agnosticism of man made religion.

No... stating you are certain man made religions are false is not agnostic.
agnosticism of a belief in a first cause has nothing whatsoever to do with a belief or non belief in man made religion.

glad i could finally clear that up for you

when someone says "agnostic" it doesnt apply to every topic ever, sorry...and youre conflating 2 seperate ideas.
I hope I'm right because if I'm right, guys like me get into heaven if a such place exists. And if I'm right and there is no heaven then I didn't waste my life waiting for an afterlife. I didn't cope with a shitty life in hopes that an afterlife would be better. I knew this was it and so I made the most of it.

I don't think you've fully considered the consequences of Atheism. For the record, I don't believe you're really an Atheist. I think you're living in denial of what you instinctively know is the truth. You have simply bowed to social pressure because you think that makes you cool and hip.

Well I'm an agnostic atheist. I truly don't believe. Even though you think because I believe in karma that I do. Because I'm starting to doubt karma too. I have repeatedly mocked religions for years and I just got a fat raise and met a nice woman. That doesn't happen to people who god is punishing, does it?

But what you guys will do is wait for something bad to happen and then say, "see, god's getting you back".

Well again... it goes back to what I said to GT... you can't have it BOTH ways! You cannot LOGICALLY say: I DO NOT BELIEVE GOD EXISTS ....AND... at the same time-- I'M NOT SURE IF GOD EXISTS! One statement contradicts the other. IF you don't believe God exists, you are an atheist, if you're not sure, you're agnostic.

You claim to be both which means you're agnostic but you enjoy acting like an atheist smart ass.
Agnostic atheist.

At least you admit no religions are the truth and you just choose to believe in something that's never visited and profit including Jesus

I lean towards believing there is no God and it wouldn't care if you believed. If it did it would visit.

I honor it by being the best person I can be. It gave me empathy before faith for a reason
Ain't no hope to it

I KNOW I am left

Ahh.. Another Atheist afraid to answer my question!
Assumes facts not in evidence counselor

The fact is you've avoided answering my question.
What question is that?

The one I asked which you quoted several times.
Perhaps the reason you are having difficulties is that it was a dumb question. Perhaps it also needed more words/options than just a typical republican binary?
I hope I'm right because if I'm right, guys like me get into heaven if a such place exists. And if I'm right and there is no heaven then I didn't waste my life waiting for an afterlife. I didn't cope with a shitty life in hopes that an afterlife would be better. I knew this was it and so I made the most of it.

I don't think you've fully considered the consequences of Atheism. For the record, I don't believe you're really an Atheist. I think you're living in denial of what you instinctively know is the truth. You have simply bowed to social pressure because you think that makes you cool and hip.

Well I'm an agnostic atheist. I truly don't believe. Even though you think because I believe in karma that I do. Because I'm starting to doubt karma too. I have repeatedly mocked religions for years and I just got a fat raise and met a nice woman. That doesn't happen to people who god is punishing, does it?

But what you guys will do is wait for something bad to happen and then say, "see, god's getting you back".

Well again... it goes back to what I said to GT... you can't have it BOTH ways! You cannot LOGICALLY say: I DO NOT BELIEVE GOD EXISTS ....AND... at the same time-- I'M NOT SURE IF GOD EXISTS! One statement contradicts the other. IF you don't believe God exists, you are an atheist, if you're not sure, you're agnostic.

You claim to be both which means you're agnostic but you enjoy acting like an atheist smart ass.
You cannot LOGICALLY say: I DO NOT BELIEVE GOD EXISTS ....AND... at the same time-- I'M NOT SURE IF GOD EXISTS!

Are you really this stupid?

I am the definition case for this. I do not believe God exists, but as a scientist I cannot deny the possibility.

This also has several corollaries

1) If God exists, it is most likely not your God nor anyone else's.

2) The existence of such a God begs the origin question, it does not answer it.

2a) If I allow magic, then reality is pointless & science is an exercise in futility
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I hope I'm right because if I'm right, guys like me get into heaven if a such place exists. And if I'm right and there is no heaven then I didn't waste my life waiting for an afterlife. I didn't cope with a shitty life in hopes that an afterlife would be better. I knew this was it and so I made the most of it.

I don't think you've fully considered the consequences of Atheism. For the record, I don't believe you're really an Atheist. I think you're living in denial of what you instinctively know is the truth. You have simply bowed to social pressure because you think that makes you cool and hip.

Well I'm an agnostic atheist. I truly don't believe. Even though you think because I believe in karma that I do. Because I'm starting to doubt karma too. I have repeatedly mocked religions for years and I just got a fat raise and met a nice woman. That doesn't happen to people who god is punishing, does it?

But what you guys will do is wait for something bad to happen and then say, "see, god's getting you back".

Well again... it goes back to what I said to GT... you can't have it BOTH ways! You cannot LOGICALLY say: I DO NOT BELIEVE GOD EXISTS ....AND... at the same time-- I'M NOT SURE IF GOD EXISTS! One statement contradicts the other. IF you don't believe God exists, you are an atheist, if you're not sure, you're agnostic.

You claim to be both which means you're agnostic but you enjoy acting like an atheist smart ass.
Agnostic atheist.

At least you admit no religions are the truth and you just choose to believe in something that's never visited and profit including Jesus

I lean towards believing there is no God and it wouldn't care if you believed. If it did it would visit.

I honor it by being the best person I can be. It gave me empathy before faith for a reason

We've been through this before, you cannot be an agnostic atheist. You can be an atheist or an agnostic. It seems to me like you are stubbornly trying to maintain both positions, which is totally illogical. Of course, we can expect this from you because you're an idiot.

When you say "I lean towards believing..." What the fuck does that mean? You either believe something or you don't. Saying you "lean towards it" simply means you believe it but you don't have the courage to defend your beliefs. Then, the very next sentence you claim you "honor it" ...what? The thing you don't believe in? THEN.... you go on to actually openly acknowledge what "IT" gave you! You're just flip flopping around all over the place... you believe, you don't believe, you might believe, you might not believe... you can change in mid sentence!

As I stated earlier, I don't believe you're an Atheist. I don't even think you're certain you are agnostic! I think you really, deep down inside, believe in God... but you have been ridiculed by your peers and made to feel inferior, so you've coped with this by denouncing your own spiritualism. You think that's okay because you proclaim yourself to be a "good person" but it's not difficult to adhere to your own self-proscribed moral code that you can define on the fly as it suits you. So, aside from being a moron, you have a weak and pathetic character and a cold, shallow soul.
I hope I'm right because if I'm right, guys like me get into heaven if a such place exists. And if I'm right and there is no heaven then I didn't waste my life waiting for an afterlife. I didn't cope with a shitty life in hopes that an afterlife would be better. I knew this was it and so I made the most of it.

I don't think you've fully considered the consequences of Atheism. For the record, I don't believe you're really an Atheist. I think you're living in denial of what you instinctively know is the truth. You have simply bowed to social pressure because you think that makes you cool and hip.

Well I'm an agnostic atheist. I truly don't believe. Even though you think because I believe in karma that I do. Because I'm starting to doubt karma too. I have repeatedly mocked religions for years and I just got a fat raise and met a nice woman. That doesn't happen to people who god is punishing, does it?

But what you guys will do is wait for something bad to happen and then say, "see, god's getting you back".

Well again... it goes back to what I said to GT... you can't have it BOTH ways! You cannot LOGICALLY say: I DO NOT BELIEVE GOD EXISTS ....AND... at the same time-- I'M NOT SURE IF GOD EXISTS! One statement contradicts the other. IF you don't believe God exists, you are an atheist, if you're not sure, you're agnostic.

You claim to be both which means you're agnostic but you enjoy acting like an atheist smart ass.
You cannot LOGICALLY say: I DO NOT BELIEVE GOD EXISTS ....AND... at the same time-- I'M NOT SURE IF GOD EXISTS!

Are you really this stupid?

I am the definition case for this. I do not believe God exists, but as a scientist I cannot deny the possibility.

If you're not an Atheist, that's okay, the question wasn't for you. If you believe it's possible God exists, you're not an Atheist. An Atheist doesn't believe God exists. My question was for "non-believers" in God. You seem to be an Agnostic but you want to present the argument of an Atheist, then run hide behind your agnosticism.

If you're an Atheist, I say own it bruh... step up and be a man! Don't be afraid to state your true belief! Answer my question... do you hope you're right or do you hope you're wrong?
I hope I'm right because if I'm right, guys like me get into heaven if a such place exists. And if I'm right and there is no heaven then I didn't waste my life waiting for an afterlife. I didn't cope with a shitty life in hopes that an afterlife would be better. I knew this was it and so I made the most of it.

I don't think you've fully considered the consequences of Atheism. For the record, I don't believe you're really an Atheist. I think you're living in denial of what you instinctively know is the truth. You have simply bowed to social pressure because you think that makes you cool and hip.

Well I'm an agnostic atheist. I truly don't believe. Even though you think because I believe in karma that I do. Because I'm starting to doubt karma too. I have repeatedly mocked religions for years and I just got a fat raise and met a nice woman. That doesn't happen to people who god is punishing, does it?

But what you guys will do is wait for something bad to happen and then say, "see, god's getting you back".

Well again... it goes back to what I said to GT... you can't have it BOTH ways! You cannot LOGICALLY say: I DO NOT BELIEVE GOD EXISTS ....AND... at the same time-- I'M NOT SURE IF GOD EXISTS! One statement contradicts the other. IF you don't believe God exists, you are an atheist, if you're not sure, you're agnostic.

You claim to be both which means you're agnostic but you enjoy acting like an atheist smart ass.
Agnostic atheist.

At least you admit no religions are the truth and you just choose to believe in something that's never visited and profit including Jesus

I lean towards believing there is no God and it wouldn't care if you believed. If it did it would visit.

I honor it by being the best person I can be. It gave me empathy before faith for a reason

We've been through this before, you cannot be an agnostic atheist. You can be an atheist or an agnostic. It seems to me like you are stubbornly trying to maintain both positions, which is totally illogical. Of course, we can expect this from you because you're an idiot.

When you say "I lean towards believing..." What the fuck does that mean? You either believe something or you don't. Saying you "lean towards it" simply means you believe it but you don't have the courage to defend your beliefs. Then, the very next sentence you claim you "honor it" ...what? The thing you don't believe in? THEN.... you go on to actually openly acknowledge what "IT" gave you! You're just flip flopping around all over the place... you believe, you don't believe, you might believe, you might not believe... you can change in mid sentence!

As I stated earlier, I don't believe you're an Atheist. I don't even think you're certain you are agnostic! I think you really, deep down inside, believe in God... but you have been ridiculed by your peers and made to feel inferior, so you've coped with this by denouncing your own spiritualism. You think that's okay because you proclaim yourself to be a "good person" but it's not difficult to adhere to your own self-proscribed moral code that you can define on the fly as it suits you. So, aside from being a moron, you have a weak and pathetic character and a cold, shallow soul.
You define on the fly
I hope I'm right because if I'm right, guys like me get into heaven if a such place exists. And if I'm right and there is no heaven then I didn't waste my life waiting for an afterlife. I didn't cope with a shitty life in hopes that an afterlife would be better. I knew this was it and so I made the most of it.

I don't think you've fully considered the consequences of Atheism. For the record, I don't believe you're really an Atheist. I think you're living in denial of what you instinctively know is the truth. You have simply bowed to social pressure because you think that makes you cool and hip.

Well I'm an agnostic atheist. I truly don't believe. Even though you think because I believe in karma that I do. Because I'm starting to doubt karma too. I have repeatedly mocked religions for years and I just got a fat raise and met a nice woman. That doesn't happen to people who god is punishing, does it?

But what you guys will do is wait for something bad to happen and then say, "see, god's getting you back".

Well again... it goes back to what I said to GT... you can't have it BOTH ways! You cannot LOGICALLY say: I DO NOT BELIEVE GOD EXISTS ....AND... at the same time-- I'M NOT SURE IF GOD EXISTS! One statement contradicts the other. IF you don't believe God exists, you are an atheist, if you're not sure, you're agnostic.

You claim to be both which means you're agnostic but you enjoy acting like an atheist smart ass.
You cannot LOGICALLY say: I DO NOT BELIEVE GOD EXISTS ....AND... at the same time-- I'M NOT SURE IF GOD EXISTS!

Are you really this stupid?

I am the definition case for this. I do not believe God exists, but as a scientist I cannot deny the possibility.

If you're not an Atheist, that's okay, the question wasn't for you. If you believe it's possible God exists, you're not an Atheist. An Atheist doesn't believe God exists. My question was for "non-believers" in God. You seem to be an Agnostic but you want to present the argument of an Atheist, then run hide behind your agnosticism.

If you're an Atheist, I say own it bruh... step up and be a man! Don't be afraid to state your true belief! Answer my question... do you hope you're right or do you hope you're wrong?
I hope I'm wrong and a god I like exists and it lets me into heaven to be a god myself because only gods live forever.
I hope I'm right because if I'm right, guys like me get into heaven if a such place exists. And if I'm right and there is no heaven then I didn't waste my life waiting for an afterlife. I didn't cope with a shitty life in hopes that an afterlife would be better. I knew this was it and so I made the most of it.

I don't think you've fully considered the consequences of Atheism. For the record, I don't believe you're really an Atheist. I think you're living in denial of what you instinctively know is the truth. You have simply bowed to social pressure because you think that makes you cool and hip.

Well I'm an agnostic atheist. I truly don't believe. Even though you think because I believe in karma that I do. Because I'm starting to doubt karma too. I have repeatedly mocked religions for years and I just got a fat raise and met a nice woman. That doesn't happen to people who god is punishing, does it?

But what you guys will do is wait for something bad to happen and then say, "see, god's getting you back".

Well again... it goes back to what I said to GT... you can't have it BOTH ways! You cannot LOGICALLY say: I DO NOT BELIEVE GOD EXISTS ....AND... at the same time-- I'M NOT SURE IF GOD EXISTS! One statement contradicts the other. IF you don't believe God exists, you are an atheist, if you're not sure, you're agnostic.

You claim to be both which means you're agnostic but you enjoy acting like an atheist smart ass.
You cannot LOGICALLY say: I DO NOT BELIEVE GOD EXISTS ....AND... at the same time-- I'M NOT SURE IF GOD EXISTS!

Are you really this stupid?

I am the definition case for this. I do not believe God exists, but as a scientist I cannot deny the possibility.

This also has several corollaries

1) If God exists, it is most likely not your God nor anyone else's.

2) The existence of such a God begs the origin question, it does not answer it.

2a) If I allow magic, then reality is pointless & science is an exercise in futility
Boss is a god and he was born. After he dies his soul lives forever in paradise and he will never get sick or be sad.
I hope I'm right because if I'm right, guys like me get into heaven if a such place exists. And if I'm right and there is no heaven then I didn't waste my life waiting for an afterlife. I didn't cope with a shitty life in hopes that an afterlife would be better. I knew this was it and so I made the most of it.

I don't think you've fully considered the consequences of Atheism. For the record, I don't believe you're really an Atheist. I think you're living in denial of what you instinctively know is the truth. You have simply bowed to social pressure because you think that makes you cool and hip.

Well I'm an agnostic atheist. I truly don't believe. Even though you think because I believe in karma that I do. Because I'm starting to doubt karma too. I have repeatedly mocked religions for years and I just got a fat raise and met a nice woman. That doesn't happen to people who god is punishing, does it?

But what you guys will do is wait for something bad to happen and then say, "see, god's getting you back".

Well again... it goes back to what I said to GT... you can't have it BOTH ways! You cannot LOGICALLY say: I DO NOT BELIEVE GOD EXISTS ....AND... at the same time-- I'M NOT SURE IF GOD EXISTS! One statement contradicts the other. IF you don't believe God exists, you are an atheist, if you're not sure, you're agnostic.

You claim to be both which means you're agnostic but you enjoy acting like an atheist smart ass.
You cannot LOGICALLY say: I DO NOT BELIEVE GOD EXISTS ....AND... at the same time-- I'M NOT SURE IF GOD EXISTS!

Are you really this stupid?

I am the definition case for this. I do not believe God exists, but as a scientist I cannot deny the possibility.

If you're not an Atheist, that's okay, the question wasn't for you. If you believe it's possible God exists, you're not an Atheist. An Atheist doesn't believe God exists. My question was for "non-believers" in God. You seem to be an Agnostic but you want to present the argument of an Atheist, then run hide behind your agnosticism.

If you're an Atheist, I say own it bruh... step up and be a man! Don't be afraid to state your true belief! Answer my question... do you hope you're right or do you hope you're wrong?

First of all there was no subject in your question. The only subject was in the line above the question ~ "for you non-believers" perhaps referring to some God. As I have said, I am a believer in science, so I am not a non-believer. This was not clear, hence my previous post "about what?".

We as observers of your postings realize you like to play with words in the most anal way, so we are careful.

Next is the simple fact I do not respond to orders very well, especially from the likes of you.

I also added more information to my post later to clarify. Perhaps you should go back and read it.

Belief comes from both reason and evidence. I have neither for God, I actually have reason & evidence against a God, therefore I am classified as an atheist. In another thread the OP provided definitions and I picked de facto atheist as opposed to atheist.

Agnostics have no opinion at all.
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I hope I'm right because if I'm right, guys like me get into heaven if a such place exists. And if I'm right and there is no heaven then I didn't waste my life waiting for an afterlife. I didn't cope with a shitty life in hopes that an afterlife would be better. I knew this was it and so I made the most of it.

I don't think you've fully considered the consequences of Atheism. For the record, I don't believe you're really an Atheist. I think you're living in denial of what you instinctively know is the truth. You have simply bowed to social pressure because you think that makes you cool and hip.

Well I'm an agnostic atheist. I truly don't believe. Even though you think because I believe in karma that I do. Because I'm starting to doubt karma too. I have repeatedly mocked religions for years and I just got a fat raise and met a nice woman. That doesn't happen to people who god is punishing, does it?

But what you guys will do is wait for something bad to happen and then say, "see, god's getting you back".

Well again... it goes back to what I said to GT... you can't have it BOTH ways! You cannot LOGICALLY say: I DO NOT BELIEVE GOD EXISTS ....AND... at the same time-- I'M NOT SURE IF GOD EXISTS! One statement contradicts the other. IF you don't believe God exists, you are an atheist, if you're not sure, you're agnostic.

You claim to be both which means you're agnostic but you enjoy acting like an atheist smart ass.
You cannot LOGICALLY say: I DO NOT BELIEVE GOD EXISTS ....AND... at the same time-- I'M NOT SURE IF GOD EXISTS!

Are you really this stupid?

I am the definition case for this. I do not believe God exists, but as a scientist I cannot deny the possibility.

This also has several corollaries

1) If God exists, it is most likely not your God nor anyone else's.

2) The existence of such a God begs the origin question, it does not answer it.

2a) If I allow magic, then reality is pointless & science is an exercise in futility
I sat in church thinking how utterly ridiculous the whole thing was but then I thought boy it sure is amazing all the events that had to happen that led to me being here now. So I said, "whatever started the universe, thanks for happening".

Boss knows what I mean when I say there is no God. Jesus wasn't god and Moses and joseph and Mohammad didn't talk to God. This god doesn't exist. Athiest

But could there be a creator? One that cares? We have no proof but sure I guess it's possible.

So I'm as close to atheist as you can get but boss wants me to say I'm certain there is no God so he can ask me how I know. He doesn't get the nuance to my answer. It can't be he thinks.

He's not intellectually honest.
I hope I'm right because if I'm right, guys like me get into heaven if a such place exists. And if I'm right and there is no heaven then I didn't waste my life waiting for an afterlife. I didn't cope with a shitty life in hopes that an afterlife would be better. I knew this was it and so I made the most of it.

I don't think you've fully considered the consequences of Atheism. For the record, I don't believe you're really an Atheist. I think you're living in denial of what you instinctively know is the truth. You have simply bowed to social pressure because you think that makes you cool and hip.

Well I'm an agnostic atheist. I truly don't believe. Even though you think because I believe in karma that I do. Because I'm starting to doubt karma too. I have repeatedly mocked religions for years and I just got a fat raise and met a nice woman. That doesn't happen to people who god is punishing, does it?

But what you guys will do is wait for something bad to happen and then say, "see, god's getting you back".

Well again... it goes back to what I said to GT... you can't have it BOTH ways! You cannot LOGICALLY say: I DO NOT BELIEVE GOD EXISTS ....AND... at the same time-- I'M NOT SURE IF GOD EXISTS! One statement contradicts the other. IF you don't believe God exists, you are an atheist, if you're not sure, you're agnostic.

You claim to be both which means you're agnostic but you enjoy acting like an atheist smart ass.
You cannot LOGICALLY say: I DO NOT BELIEVE GOD EXISTS ....AND... at the same time-- I'M NOT SURE IF GOD EXISTS!

Are you really this stupid?

I am the definition case for this. I do not believe God exists, but as a scientist I cannot deny the possibility.

This also has several corollaries

1) If God exists, it is most likely not your God nor anyone else's.

2) The existence of such a God begs the origin question, it does not answer it.

2a) If I allow magic, then reality is pointless & science is an exercise in futility
I sat in church thinking how utterly ridiculous the whole thing was but then I thought boy it sure is amazing all the events that had to happen that led to me being here now. So I said, "whatever started the universe, thanks for happening".

Boss knows what I mean when I say there is no God. Jesus wasn't god and Moses and joseph and Mohammad didn't talk to God. This god doesn't exist. Athiest

But could there be a creator? One that cares? We have no proof but sure I guess it's possible.

So I'm as close to atheist as you can get but boss wants me to say I'm certain there is no God so he can ask me how I know. He doesn't get the nuance to my answer. It can't be he thinks.

He's not intellectually honest.

I have concluded he is a Right Wing Christian who tries to defend it via some science that allows him not to be defined by the Bible.
I hope I'm right because if I'm right, guys like me get into heaven if a such place exists. And if I'm right and there is no heaven then I didn't waste my life waiting for an afterlife. I didn't cope with a shitty life in hopes that an afterlife would be better. I knew this was it and so I made the most of it.

I don't think you've fully considered the consequences of Atheism. For the record, I don't believe you're really an Atheist. I think you're living in denial of what you instinctively know is the truth. You have simply bowed to social pressure because you think that makes you cool and hip.

Well I'm an agnostic atheist. I truly don't believe. Even though you think because I believe in karma that I do. Because I'm starting to doubt karma too. I have repeatedly mocked religions for years and I just got a fat raise and met a nice woman. That doesn't happen to people who god is punishing, does it?

But what you guys will do is wait for something bad to happen and then say, "see, god's getting you back".

Well again... it goes back to what I said to GT... you can't have it BOTH ways! You cannot LOGICALLY say: I DO NOT BELIEVE GOD EXISTS ....AND... at the same time-- I'M NOT SURE IF GOD EXISTS! One statement contradicts the other. IF you don't believe God exists, you are an atheist, if you're not sure, you're agnostic.

You claim to be both which means you're agnostic but you enjoy acting like an atheist smart ass.
Agnostic atheist.

At least you admit no religions are the truth and you just choose to believe in something that's never visited and profit including Jesus

I lean towards believing there is no God and it wouldn't care if you believed. If it did it would visit.

I honor it by being the best person I can be. It gave me empathy before faith for a reason

We've been through this before, you cannot be an agnostic atheist. You can be an atheist or an agnostic. It seems to me like you are stubbornly trying to maintain both positions, which is totally illogical. Of course, we can expect this from you because you're an idiot.

When you say "I lean towards believing..." What the fuck does that mean? You either believe something or you don't. Saying you "lean towards it" simply means you believe it but you don't have the courage to defend your beliefs. Then, the very next sentence you claim you "honor it" ...what? The thing you don't believe in? THEN.... you go on to actually openly acknowledge what "IT" gave you! You're just flip flopping around all over the place... you believe, you don't believe, you might believe, you might not believe... you can change in mid sentence!

As I stated earlier, I don't believe you're an Atheist. I don't even think you're certain you are agnostic! I think you really, deep down inside, believe in God... but you have been ridiculed by your peers and made to feel inferior, so you've coped with this by denouncing your own spiritualism. You think that's okay because you proclaim yourself to be a "good person" but it's not difficult to adhere to your own self-proscribed moral code that you can define on the fly as it suits you. So, aside from being a moron, you have a weak and pathetic character and a cold, shallow soul.
So, aside from being a moron, you have a weak and pathetic character and a cold, shallow soul.

Wow, just noticed this.

Matthew 16:23 ~ But he [Jesus] turned, and said unto Peter [Boss], Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.
I don't think you've fully considered the consequences of Atheism. For the record, I don't believe you're really an Atheist. I think you're living in denial of what you instinctively know is the truth. You have simply bowed to social pressure because you think that makes you cool and hip.

Well I'm an agnostic atheist. I truly don't believe. Even though you think because I believe in karma that I do. Because I'm starting to doubt karma too. I have repeatedly mocked religions for years and I just got a fat raise and met a nice woman. That doesn't happen to people who god is punishing, does it?

But what you guys will do is wait for something bad to happen and then say, "see, god's getting you back".

Well again... it goes back to what I said to GT... you can't have it BOTH ways! You cannot LOGICALLY say: I DO NOT BELIEVE GOD EXISTS ....AND... at the same time-- I'M NOT SURE IF GOD EXISTS! One statement contradicts the other. IF you don't believe God exists, you are an atheist, if you're not sure, you're agnostic.

You claim to be both which means you're agnostic but you enjoy acting like an atheist smart ass.
You cannot LOGICALLY say: I DO NOT BELIEVE GOD EXISTS ....AND... at the same time-- I'M NOT SURE IF GOD EXISTS!

Are you really this stupid?

I am the definition case for this. I do not believe God exists, but as a scientist I cannot deny the possibility.

If you're not an Atheist, that's okay, the question wasn't for you. If you believe it's possible God exists, you're not an Atheist. An Atheist doesn't believe God exists. My question was for "non-believers" in God. You seem to be an Agnostic but you want to present the argument of an Atheist, then run hide behind your agnosticism.

If you're an Atheist, I say own it bruh... step up and be a man! Don't be afraid to state your true belief! Answer my question... do you hope you're right or do you hope you're wrong?

First of all there was no subject in your question. The only subject was in the line above the question ~ "for you non-believers" perhaps referring to some God. As I have said, I am a believer in science, so I am not a non-believer. This was not clear, hence my previous post "about what?".

We as observers of your postings realize you like to play with words in the most anal way, so we are careful.

Next is the simple fact I do not respond to orders very well, especially from the likes of you.

I also added more information to my post later to clarify. Perhaps you should go back and read it.

Belief comes from both reason and evidence. I have neither for God, I actually have reason & evidence against a God, therefore I am classified as an atheist. In another thread the OP provided definitions and I picked de facto atheist as opposed to atheist.

Agnostics have no opinion at all.

Well, I apologize for not making myself clearer when I said "non-believers." I assumed we all understood that I meant those who don't believe in a God. I didn't realize some of us have a third grade comprehension level and need to have things explained to them as if they were children. My bad.

I do not play with words. What I do, is make sure everyone understands what specific words mean because, again, we seem to have some who operate on a third grade level of communication with regard to meanings and context. I would recommend your parents enroll you in a special education program or perhaps some remedial reading comprehension course so that you an obtain the tools you are going to need to communicate with adults in life. This would do you considerably more good than, say, posing as a "scientist" and being a belligerent little ass hat on a message board.

All that said, you seem to be back to your bold denunciation of God and profession of your Atheism. Which makes me wonder why you haven't answered my question? As an Atheist who doesn't believe in God, do you hope you are wrong or do you hope you are right? It's not a trick question, there is no right or wrong answer, it simply tells me a lot about how much thought you've given to your Atheistic beliefs. However, if you cannot answer a simple question, it goes without saying you haven't given much thought to your beliefs.
Well I'm an agnostic atheist. I truly don't believe. Even though you think because I believe in karma that I do. Because I'm starting to doubt karma too. I have repeatedly mocked religions for years and I just got a fat raise and met a nice woman. That doesn't happen to people who god is punishing, does it?

But what you guys will do is wait for something bad to happen and then say, "see, god's getting you back".

Well again... it goes back to what I said to GT... you can't have it BOTH ways! You cannot LOGICALLY say: I DO NOT BELIEVE GOD EXISTS ....AND... at the same time-- I'M NOT SURE IF GOD EXISTS! One statement contradicts the other. IF you don't believe God exists, you are an atheist, if you're not sure, you're agnostic.

You claim to be both which means you're agnostic but you enjoy acting like an atheist smart ass.
You cannot LOGICALLY say: I DO NOT BELIEVE GOD EXISTS ....AND... at the same time-- I'M NOT SURE IF GOD EXISTS!

Are you really this stupid?

I am the definition case for this. I do not believe God exists, but as a scientist I cannot deny the possibility.

If you're not an Atheist, that's okay, the question wasn't for you. If you believe it's possible God exists, you're not an Atheist. An Atheist doesn't believe God exists. My question was for "non-believers" in God. You seem to be an Agnostic but you want to present the argument of an Atheist, then run hide behind your agnosticism.

If you're an Atheist, I say own it bruh... step up and be a man! Don't be afraid to state your true belief! Answer my question... do you hope you're right or do you hope you're wrong?

First of all there was no subject in your question. The only subject was in the line above the question ~ "for you non-believers" perhaps referring to some God. As I have said, I am a believer in science, so I am not a non-believer. This was not clear, hence my previous post "about what?".

We as observers of your postings realize you like to play with words in the most anal way, so we are careful.

Next is the simple fact I do not respond to orders very well, especially from the likes of you.

I also added more information to my post later to clarify. Perhaps you should go back and read it.

Belief comes from both reason and evidence. I have neither for God, I actually have reason & evidence against a God, therefore I am classified as an atheist. In another thread the OP provided definitions and I picked de facto atheist as opposed to atheist.

Agnostics have no opinion at all.

Well, I apologize for not making myself clearer when I said "non-believers." I assumed we all understood that I meant those who don't believe in a God. I didn't realize some of us have a third grade comprehension level and need to have things explained to them as if they were children. My bad.

I do not play with words. What I do, is make sure everyone understands what specific words mean because, again, we seem to have some who operate on a third grade level of communication with regard to meanings and context. I would recommend your parents enroll you in a special education program or perhaps some remedial reading comprehension course so that you an obtain the tools you are going to need to communicate with adults in life. This would do you considerably more good than, say, posing as a "scientist" and being a belligerent little ass hat on a message board.

All that said, you seem to be back to your bold denunciation of God and profession of your Atheism. Which makes me wonder why you haven't answered my question? As an Atheist who doesn't believe in God, do you hope you are wrong or do you hope you are right? It's not a trick question, there is no right or wrong answer, it simply tells me a lot about how much thought you've given to your Atheistic beliefs. However, if you cannot answer a simple question, it goes without saying you haven't given much thought to your beliefs.
"What I do, is make sure everyone understands what specific words mean"

Yes, we know. Thank You for your service.
I have concluded he is a Right Wing Christian who tries to defend it via some science that allows him not to be defined by the Bible.

People who profess conclusions about others without presenting any evidence to support them, aren't very good people in general. It's virtually impossible to have meaningful discourse with such people because they can't be honest. In spite of my numerous attempts to have a reasonable dialogue with you, it is apparent you are committed to attacking me because I disagree with your worldview.

Here, you have concluded (based on no evidence whatsoever) that I am a "Right Wing Christian" in spite of my repeated testament that I am not a Christian. Now.... let me explain how utterly foolish this is.... IF I am, in fact, a Christian as you claim, then I have committed the only unforgivable sin of rejecting my Christian God. My actions as a Christian, no matter what my intents were, are a one-way ticket to Hell. Do you honestly believe I would condemn myself to eternal damnation just so I could pull one over on some message board dopes?

Now, for those who are late to the party... let me explain why McDuff wants to label me "Right Wing Christian." It's because that is who he is intellectually armed to do battle against. We see this evidenced in Poast #913 above, where he hits me with a Biblical passage. And so, McDuff is just your garden variety anti-Christian bigot who doesn't like Christians probably because they oppose his views on things like gay marriage and abortion. Game, set, match!
Well again... it goes back to what I said to GT... you can't have it BOTH ways! You cannot LOGICALLY say: I DO NOT BELIEVE GOD EXISTS ....AND... at the same time-- I'M NOT SURE IF GOD EXISTS! One statement contradicts the other. IF you don't believe God exists, you are an atheist, if you're not sure, you're agnostic.

You claim to be both which means you're agnostic but you enjoy acting like an atheist smart ass.
You cannot LOGICALLY say: I DO NOT BELIEVE GOD EXISTS ....AND... at the same time-- I'M NOT SURE IF GOD EXISTS!

Are you really this stupid?

I am the definition case for this. I do not believe God exists, but as a scientist I cannot deny the possibility.

If you're not an Atheist, that's okay, the question wasn't for you. If you believe it's possible God exists, you're not an Atheist. An Atheist doesn't believe God exists. My question was for "non-believers" in God. You seem to be an Agnostic but you want to present the argument of an Atheist, then run hide behind your agnosticism.

If you're an Atheist, I say own it bruh... step up and be a man! Don't be afraid to state your true belief! Answer my question... do you hope you're right or do you hope you're wrong?

First of all there was no subject in your question. The only subject was in the line above the question ~ "for you non-believers" perhaps referring to some God. As I have said, I am a believer in science, so I am not a non-believer. This was not clear, hence my previous post "about what?".

We as observers of your postings realize you like to play with words in the most anal way, so we are careful.

Next is the simple fact I do not respond to orders very well, especially from the likes of you.

I also added more information to my post later to clarify. Perhaps you should go back and read it.

Belief comes from both reason and evidence. I have neither for God, I actually have reason & evidence against a God, therefore I am classified as an atheist. In another thread the OP provided definitions and I picked de facto atheist as opposed to atheist.

Agnostics have no opinion at all.

Well, I apologize for not making myself clearer when I said "non-believers." I assumed we all understood that I meant those who don't believe in a God. I didn't realize some of us have a third grade comprehension level and need to have things explained to them as if they were children. My bad.

I do not play with words. What I do, is make sure everyone understands what specific words mean because, again, we seem to have some who operate on a third grade level of communication with regard to meanings and context. I would recommend your parents enroll you in a special education program or perhaps some remedial reading comprehension course so that you an obtain the tools you are going to need to communicate with adults in life. This would do you considerably more good than, say, posing as a "scientist" and being a belligerent little ass hat on a message board.

All that said, you seem to be back to your bold denunciation of God and profession of your Atheism. Which makes me wonder why you haven't answered my question? As an Atheist who doesn't believe in God, do you hope you are wrong or do you hope you are right? It's not a trick question, there is no right or wrong answer, it simply tells me a lot about how much thought you've given to your Atheistic beliefs. However, if you cannot answer a simple question, it goes without saying you haven't given much thought to your beliefs.
"What I do, is make sure everyone understands what specific words mean"

Yes, we know. Thank You for your service.
I've answered his question. His god? Harmless and good so i hope I'm wrong. But if god sends agnostic atheist non believers to hell I hope I'm right
I have concluded he is a Right Wing Christian who tries to defend it via some science that allows him not to be defined by the Bible.

People who profess conclusions about others without presenting any evidence to support them, aren't very good people in general. It's virtually impossible to have meaningful discourse with such people because they can't be honest. In spite of my numerous attempts to have a reasonable dialogue with you, it is apparent you are committed to attacking me because I disagree with your worldview.

Here, you have concluded (based on no evidence whatsoever) that I am a "Right Wing Christian" in spite of my repeated testament that I am not a Christian. Now.... let me explain how utterly foolish this is.... IF I am, in fact, a Christian as you claim, then I have committed the only unforgivable sin of rejecting my Christian God. My actions as a Christian, no matter what my intents were, are a one-way ticket to Hell. Do you honestly believe I would condemn myself to eternal damnation just so I could pull one over on some message board dopes?

Now, for those who are late to the party... let me explain why McDuff wants to label me "Right Wing Christian." It's because that is who he is intellectually armed to do battle against. We see this evidenced in Poast #913 above, where he hits me with a Biblical passage. And so, McDuff is just your garden variety anti-Christian bigot who doesn't like Christians probably because they oppose his views on things like gay marriage and abortion. Game, set, match!
You can deny Jesus 3 times we still know you are cherry picking from organized religions. Usually it's Christianity. But you give props to all the religions so no you aren't a Christian. As far as they are concerned you're going to hell with us.

Can I ask you a philosophical question? What if you are are wrong about the Muslim faith? Do you want to be right about them or do you want to be wrong?
Well I'm an agnostic atheist. I truly don't believe. Even though you think because I believe in karma that I do. Because I'm starting to doubt karma too. I have repeatedly mocked religions for years and I just got a fat raise and met a nice woman. That doesn't happen to people who god is punishing, does it?

But what you guys will do is wait for something bad to happen and then say, "see, god's getting you back".

Well again... it goes back to what I said to GT... you can't have it BOTH ways! You cannot LOGICALLY say: I DO NOT BELIEVE GOD EXISTS ....AND... at the same time-- I'M NOT SURE IF GOD EXISTS! One statement contradicts the other. IF you don't believe God exists, you are an atheist, if you're not sure, you're agnostic.

You claim to be both which means you're agnostic but you enjoy acting like an atheist smart ass.
You cannot LOGICALLY say: I DO NOT BELIEVE GOD EXISTS ....AND... at the same time-- I'M NOT SURE IF GOD EXISTS!

Are you really this stupid?

I am the definition case for this. I do not believe God exists, but as a scientist I cannot deny the possibility.

If you're not an Atheist, that's okay, the question wasn't for you. If you believe it's possible God exists, you're not an Atheist. An Atheist doesn't believe God exists. My question was for "non-believers" in God. You seem to be an Agnostic but you want to present the argument of an Atheist, then run hide behind your agnosticism.

If you're an Atheist, I say own it bruh... step up and be a man! Don't be afraid to state your true belief! Answer my question... do you hope you're right or do you hope you're wrong?

First of all there was no subject in your question. The only subject was in the line above the question ~ "for you non-believers" perhaps referring to some God. As I have said, I am a believer in science, so I am not a non-believer. This was not clear, hence my previous post "about what?".

We as observers of your postings realize you like to play with words in the most anal way, so we are careful.

Next is the simple fact I do not respond to orders very well, especially from the likes of you.

I also added more information to my post later to clarify. Perhaps you should go back and read it.

Belief comes from both reason and evidence. I have neither for God, I actually have reason & evidence against a God, therefore I am classified as an atheist. In another thread the OP provided definitions and I picked de facto atheist as opposed to atheist.

Agnostics have no opinion at all.

Well, I apologize for not making myself clearer when I said "non-believers." I assumed we all understood that I meant those who don't believe in a God. I didn't realize some of us have a third grade comprehension level and need to have things explained to them as if they were children. My bad.

I do not play with words. What I do, is make sure everyone understands what specific words mean because, again, we seem to have some who operate on a third grade level of communication with regard to meanings and context. I would recommend your parents enroll you in a special education program or perhaps some remedial reading comprehension course so that you an obtain the tools you are going to need to communicate with adults in life. This would do you considerably more good than, say, posing as a "scientist" and being a belligerent little ass hat on a message board.

All that said, you seem to be back to your bold denunciation of God and profession of your Atheism. Which makes me wonder why you haven't answered my question? As an Atheist who doesn't believe in God, do you hope you are wrong or do you hope you are right? It's not a trick question, there is no right or wrong answer, it simply tells me a lot about how much thought you've given to your Atheistic beliefs. However, if you cannot answer a simple question, it goes without saying you haven't given much thought to your beliefs.
Avatar sez Alabama, a very red state

Are you a republican?

Who did you vote for for president?

while you play to your base of clapping seals.

....and the above is EXACTLY what I compare Trump backers to.....a bunch "of clapping seals" repeating over and over that they've "won without realizing how they also lost.

Sorry, I see NO redeeming factors in an ex New Yorker, I have seen the screwed up messes that this charlatan leaves behind, destroying small businesses and families.......if that isn't bad enough, now he could do the same to a large segment of our country' economic and moral rudder.

Well some of Trump's supporters are that way, I won't argue with you there. They can be quite annoying. I didn't agree with Trump on several important issues, which is why I couldn't ultimately vote for him in good conscience. Had I lived in a swing state, I probably would have, but my state was going for Trump no matter how I voted.

I don't like a lot of Trump's tweeting habits and he seems to undermine his own message at times. He has more than a few personality flaws. That said, from a pure policy standpoint, I am satisfied so far. MUCH more than I imagine I would've been with Hillary Clinton. He's not perfect by a long shot but he is proving every day that he is capable of handling the job. He may not go down as the greatest president ever but he will be FAR from the worst.

Now.... It's not the least bit surprising to me that left-wing socialist Democrats who are anti-capitalist to their core, view Trump's decades of phenomenal business success as something hideous and awful. Sure, he's had failures... almost ANY successful business person has. That's part of the gig. He always manages to come out ahead, hence he is a multi-billionaire. Now you can say he screwed over people or you can say he was extremely smart.

I picked Trump. I didn't vote for Trump in the general because I disagree with several of his policy positions but I have been very impressed with his performance as president so far. He has done better than I expected. Particularly, the way he is handling an eviscerating media who is clearly on a mission to destroy his presidency.

I was a Ted Cruz supporter, and I love Ted Cruz... still believe he would make an awesome president. But I don't know if Cruz could've handled the leviathan the leftist media has become... I don't know that anyone other than Trump could. Cruz is a great guy but he is lacking something... maybe it's persuasiveness? For some reason, he doesn't resonate well with some. He's great from my perspective but this is something I have observed with others.

Now Trump isn't perfect. He takes heat for his bombastic and petty tweeting but honestly, he is simply responding to his petty detractors. Some will say that's not mature... not presidential... but I think about George W. Bush, which is where this petty left-wing attacking and sniping began. He would never lower himself to dignify their attacks with a response and they eventually eroded away all of his popularity. Much the same thing happened to McCain and Romney during their campaigns. Rather than going after the petty detractors, they refrained and took the proverbial "high road" and it destroyed them in the trendy pop culture of the day. I think Trump understands this better than any Republican since Reagan. Maybe even better than Reagan. If you're going to be a petty vindictive ass munch, he's going to be your huckleberry.

Nailed by science in action

blows smoke off the end of the barrel and reholsters
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