Atheists are hoping aliens from outer space will contact us...

You clearly don't listen. I don't believe in the god you are talking about either but could there be a creator? Sure there could be. But it never visited and any speculation about heaven and hell are just humans wishful thinking.

If it's possible there is an omnipotent Creator, why is anything else impossible?
I hope I'm right because if I'm right, guys like me get into heaven if a such place exists. And if I'm right and there is no heaven then I didn't waste my life waiting for an afterlife. I didn't cope with a shitty life in hopes that an afterlife would be better. I knew this was it and so I made the most of it.

I don't think you've fully considered the consequences of Atheism. For the record, I don't believe you're really an Atheist. I think you're living in denial of what you instinctively know is the truth. You have simply bowed to social pressure because you think that makes you cool and hip.

Well I'm an agnostic atheist. I truly don't believe. Even though you think because I believe in karma that I do. Because I'm starting to doubt karma too. I have repeatedly mocked religions for years and I just got a fat raise and met a nice woman. That doesn't happen to people who god is punishing, does it?

But what you guys will do is wait for something bad to happen and then say, "see, god's getting you back".

Well again... it goes back to what I said to GT... you can't have it BOTH ways! You cannot LOGICALLY say: I DO NOT BELIEVE GOD EXISTS ....AND... at the same time-- I'M NOT SURE IF GOD EXISTS! One statement contradicts the other. IF you don't believe God exists, you are an atheist, if you're not sure, you're agnostic.

You claim to be both which means you're agnostic but you enjoy acting like an atheist smart ass.
actually, theyre not contradictory at all weirdo.

saying you dont believe is not saying yyou know for certain.....thats so obvious that im not sure youre serious, being super honest.
So you hope you're wrong? :dunno:
How can I be wrong about what my own brain knows or doesnt know...

thats why for an agnostic, your question is malformed

and boss, you can go back through YEARS of g.t. posts and find that ive always been agnostic.

not once did i affirm god doesnt exist.

i mock false evidences that he does.....because i find them absurd, and to be born of folks' ego, fear and gullibility.

Well my question is for "non-believers" as I stated. By adopting the "Agnostic" label you automatically disqualify yourself as a "non-believer" because you are stating you are uncertain. The problem is, we often find you arguing vociferously against what you claim you're uncertain about. You can't really have it both ways... You can't say "I don't believe God exists but I don't know if God exists or not!" This is a contradiction of yourself.
uh, no its not its your lack of discernment is what it is

i am consistent.

im sorry for your error.

I'm not in error.
You sure are if youre trying to claim my inconsistency on the 1 issue I know, study, read and debate most about.

Im more consistent on the Universal First cause issue than the Giants are at losing.

Just because you misinterpret and assume over and over ad nauseum....doesnt mean I am whatever your bloviations babble.

It doesnt work like that.

I just go by what you post. It doesn't sound like you aren't sure whether God and Spirituality exist. Everything I've seen you post indicates you are sure God doesn't exist and Spirituality is made up nonsense, and anyone who believes in such things is a joke. Now, I have no way of knowing what you truly believe or what's inside your heart, only you do. But I would suggest, if you honestly don't know whether God exists, you start acting like that instead of casually pretending to be an Atheist until your Atheism is challenged.
How can I be wrong about what my own brain knows or doesnt know...

thats why for an agnostic, your question is malformed

and boss, you can go back through YEARS of g.t. posts and find that ive always been agnostic.

not once did i affirm god doesnt exist.

i mock false evidences that he does.....because i find them absurd, and to be born of folks' ego, fear and gullibility.

Well my question is for "non-believers" as I stated. By adopting the "Agnostic" label you automatically disqualify yourself as a "non-believer" because you are stating you are uncertain. The problem is, we often find you arguing vociferously against what you claim you're uncertain about. You can't really have it both ways... You can't say "I don't believe God exists but I don't know if God exists or not!" This is a contradiction of yourself.
uh, no its not its your lack of discernment is what it is

i am consistent.

im sorry for your error.

I'm not in error.
You sure are if youre trying to claim my inconsistency on the 1 issue I know, study, read and debate most about.

Im more consistent on the Universal First cause issue than the Giants are at losing.

Just because you misinterpret and assume over and over ad nauseum....doesnt mean I am whatever your bloviations babble.

It doesnt work like that.

I just go by what you post. It doesn't sound like you aren't sure whether God and Spirituality exist. Everything I've seen you post indicates you are sure God doesn't exist and Spirituality is made up nonsense, and anyone who believes in such things is a joke. Now, I have no way of knowing what you truly believe or what's inside your heart, only you do. But I would suggest, if you honestly don't know whether God exists, you start acting like that instead of casually pretending to be an Atheist until your Atheism is challenged.
its not my fault youre a fuckin idiot

i challenge false proofs
i challenge false religions

thats not affirming or denying a god

its denying false proofs, and false religions

if you dont get the difference, then youre not worth a conversation anyhow because youre too dense and obstinant. an on purpose annoyance
I hope I'm right because if I'm right, guys like me get into heaven if a such place exists. And if I'm right and there is no heaven then I didn't waste my life waiting for an afterlife. I didn't cope with a shitty life in hopes that an afterlife would be better. I knew this was it and so I made the most of it.

I don't think you've fully considered the consequences of Atheism. For the record, I don't believe you're really an Atheist. I think you're living in denial of what you instinctively know is the truth. You have simply bowed to social pressure because you think that makes you cool and hip.

Well I'm an agnostic atheist. I truly don't believe. Even though you think because I believe in karma that I do. Because I'm starting to doubt karma too. I have repeatedly mocked religions for years and I just got a fat raise and met a nice woman. That doesn't happen to people who god is punishing, does it?

But what you guys will do is wait for something bad to happen and then say, "see, god's getting you back".

Well again... it goes back to what I said to GT... you can't have it BOTH ways! You cannot LOGICALLY say: I DO NOT BELIEVE GOD EXISTS ....AND... at the same time-- I'M NOT SURE IF GOD EXISTS! One statement contradicts the other. IF you don't believe God exists, you are an atheist, if you're not sure, you're agnostic.

You claim to be both which means you're agnostic but you enjoy acting like an atheist smart ass.
actually, theyre not contradictory at all weirdo.

saying you dont believe is not saying yyou know for certain.....thats so obvious that im not sure youre serious, being super honest.

Saying you don't believe isn't saying you don't know for certain.

Let's be clear, NO ONE KNOWS! Not even Billy Graham himself! Until you die, you can't KNOW. This is why FAITH is required. If you are honestly questioning whether or not God exists, it doesn't seem appropriate to be running around proclaiming belief in God is silly and made up.

I have often said, "Atheists" are very often bigger believers in God than some "Christians." The quote marks are significant.
Well my question is for "non-believers" as I stated. By adopting the "Agnostic" label you automatically disqualify yourself as a "non-believer" because you are stating you are uncertain. The problem is, we often find you arguing vociferously against what you claim you're uncertain about. You can't really have it both ways... You can't say "I don't believe God exists but I don't know if God exists or not!" This is a contradiction of yourself.
uh, no its not its your lack of discernment is what it is

i am consistent.

im sorry for your error.

I'm not in error.
You sure are if youre trying to claim my inconsistency on the 1 issue I know, study, read and debate most about.

Im more consistent on the Universal First cause issue than the Giants are at losing.

Just because you misinterpret and assume over and over ad nauseum....doesnt mean I am whatever your bloviations babble.

It doesnt work like that.

I just go by what you post. It doesn't sound like you aren't sure whether God and Spirituality exist. Everything I've seen you post indicates you are sure God doesn't exist and Spirituality is made up nonsense, and anyone who believes in such things is a joke. Now, I have no way of knowing what you truly believe or what's inside your heart, only you do. But I would suggest, if you honestly don't know whether God exists, you start acting like that instead of casually pretending to be an Atheist until your Atheism is challenged.
its not my fault youre a fuckin idiot

i challenge false proofs
i challenge false religions

thats not affirming or denying a god

its denying false proofs, and false religions

if you dont get the difference, then youre not worth a conversation anyhow because youre too dense and obstinant. an on purpose annoyance

But I'm not a fucking idiot or you wouldn't be addressing me.

IF you are "not sure" how can you proclaim anything false?
I hope I'm right because if I'm right, guys like me get into heaven if a such place exists. And if I'm right and there is no heaven then I didn't waste my life waiting for an afterlife. I didn't cope with a shitty life in hopes that an afterlife would be better. I knew this was it and so I made the most of it.

I don't think you've fully considered the consequences of Atheism. For the record, I don't believe you're really an Atheist. I think you're living in denial of what you instinctively know is the truth. You have simply bowed to social pressure because you think that makes you cool and hip.

Well I'm an agnostic atheist. I truly don't believe. Even though you think because I believe in karma that I do. Because I'm starting to doubt karma too. I have repeatedly mocked religions for years and I just got a fat raise and met a nice woman. That doesn't happen to people who god is punishing, does it?

But what you guys will do is wait for something bad to happen and then say, "see, god's getting you back".

Well again... it goes back to what I said to GT... you can't have it BOTH ways! You cannot LOGICALLY say: I DO NOT BELIEVE GOD EXISTS ....AND... at the same time-- I'M NOT SURE IF GOD EXISTS! One statement contradicts the other. IF you don't believe God exists, you are an atheist, if you're not sure, you're agnostic.

You claim to be both which means you're agnostic but you enjoy acting like an atheist smart ass.
actually, theyre not contradictory at all weirdo.

saying you dont believe is not saying yyou know for certain.....thats so obvious that im not sure youre serious, being super honest.

Saying you don't believe isn't saying you don't know for certain.

Let's be clear, NO ONE KNOWS! Not even Billy Graham himself! Until you die, you can't KNOW. This is why FAITH is required. If you are honestly questioning whether or not God exists, it doesn't seem appropriate to be running around proclaiming belief in God is silly and made up.

I have often said, "Atheists" are very often bigger believers in God than some "Christians." The quote marks are significant.
of course its silly and made up without having proof.

thats how to reason.
uh, no its not its your lack of discernment is what it is

i am consistent.

im sorry for your error.

I'm not in error.
You sure are if youre trying to claim my inconsistency on the 1 issue I know, study, read and debate most about.

Im more consistent on the Universal First cause issue than the Giants are at losing.

Just because you misinterpret and assume over and over ad nauseum....doesnt mean I am whatever your bloviations babble.

It doesnt work like that.

I just go by what you post. It doesn't sound like you aren't sure whether God and Spirituality exist. Everything I've seen you post indicates you are sure God doesn't exist and Spirituality is made up nonsense, and anyone who believes in such things is a joke. Now, I have no way of knowing what you truly believe or what's inside your heart, only you do. But I would suggest, if you honestly don't know whether God exists, you start acting like that instead of casually pretending to be an Atheist until your Atheism is challenged.
its not my fault youre a fuckin idiot

i challenge false proofs
i challenge false religions

thats not affirming or denying a god

its denying false proofs, and false religions

if you dont get the difference, then youre not worth a conversation anyhow because youre too dense and obstinant. an on purpose annoyance

But I'm not a fucking idiot or you wouldn't be addressing me.

IF you are "not sure" how can you proclaim anything false?
i am sure about religions and false proofs wtf cant you seperate that from a lack of knowledge of an actual creator? thats so weird that you cant.
i am sure about religions and false proofs wtf cant you seperate that from a lack of knowledge of an actual creator? thats so weird that you cant.

Again... How can you proclaim anything false if you don't know?

You cannot say "1+X=2 is FALSE!" As long as X remains uncertain, you can't make this argument.
i am sure about religions and false proofs wtf cant you seperate that from a lack of knowledge of an actual creator? thats so weird that you cant.

Again... How can you proclaim anything false if you don't know?

You cannot say "1+X=2 is FALSE!" As long as X remains uncertain, you can't make this argument.
i do KNOW that religions are false.

do you need remedial reading courses???
i do KNOW that religions are false.

do you need remedial reading courses???

You cannot know and not know at the same time.
uh, you really have issues.

i KNOW religions are false.

i dont also NOT know.

i simply KNOW.

a creator of this universe or multiverse =/= our manmade religions.

have a donkey explain the difference
i do KNOW that religions are false.

do you need remedial reading courses???

You cannot know and not know at the same time.
uh, you really have issues.

i KNOW religions are false.

i dont also NOT know.

i simply KNOW.

a creator of this universe or multiverse =/= our manmade religions.

have a donkey explain the difference

Well I'm not a believer in organized man-made religions either but I can't say they are false because I really don't know. I can say I don't believe they are true or I don't believe they are absolutely true, but I don't know... I can't know for certain.

When you state that you KNOW, that's a statement of definitive fact, not a doubt or question. You're literally trying to argue that you know but you don't know for sure. That's simply not rational.
i do KNOW that religions are false.

do you need remedial reading courses???

You cannot know and not know at the same time.
uh, you really have issues.

i KNOW religions are false.

i dont also NOT know.

i simply KNOW.

a creator of this universe or multiverse =/= our manmade religions.

have a donkey explain the difference

Well I'm not a believer in organized man-made religions either but I can't say they are false because I really don't know. I can say I don't believe they are true or I don't believe they are absolutely true, but I don't know... I can't know for certain.

When you state that you KNOW, that's a statement of definitive fact, not a doubt or question. You're literally trying to argue that you know but you don't know for sure. That's simply not rational.
no, you are wrong.

its your incapability of seperating a discussion about the first cause and a discussion about manmade religion

im agnostic on a first cause.

im certain manmade religions are false.

those are not opposing ideas, and if you cant figure out how that could be you have a LOT of studying to do. usmb aint gunna help ya.
no, you are wrong.

its your incapability of seperating a discussion about the first cause and a discussion about manmade religion

im agnostic on a first cause.

im certain manmade religions are false.

those are not opposing ideas, and if you cant figure out how that could be you have a LOT of studying to do. usmb aint gunna help ya.

We're probably not too different in our beliefs regarding religion but I can't say they are false because I don't know. I can say I believe they are false, but that's not what you're saying at all.

I've done a remarkable amount of studying on this issue. I'm actually educated in it.
no, you are wrong.

its your incapability of seperating a discussion about the first cause and a discussion about manmade religion

im agnostic on a first cause.

im certain manmade religions are false.

those are not opposing ideas, and if you cant figure out how that could be you have a LOT of studying to do. usmb aint gunna help ya.

We're probably not too different in our beliefs regarding religion but I can't say they are false because I don't know. I can say I believe they are false, but that's not what you're saying at all.

I've done a remarkable amount of studying on this issue. I'm actually educated in it.
it doesnt sound like it.

you conflate agnosticism on the 1st cause with a position on manmade religion

theyre not the same shouldnt have taken like 6 posts to explain that...jeeeebis man wtf
I say spirituality being provided as proof is ridiculous.

I say spirituality being provided as proof is ridiculous ...

View attachment 149194

the cicada transforms itself from one being to another, whatother method could be employed than a spiritual one during the transition.

whatever "transitional" fossils there are only represent the intermediary step during a proving period before in a single step an entirely new example emerges from a parent of entirely different composition that then reproduces the new example from that point forward. the process is spiritually composed to transfer from each generation to the next.

all beings, Flora and Fauna poses the initiating spirituality of life and the enabling of ever expansive results that life itself represents. the physiology is the resultant physical example.

humanity if devolving spiritually from its origination as may be possible will prove spirituality by the inevitable outcome of extinction.
"the cicada transforms itself from one being to another, whatother method could be employed than a spiritual one during the transition."

No it doesn't . The cicada nymph is genetically identical to its adult form. The transition requures no spirituality to explain it, and is completely explained by physical pocesses. Pointing at something and calling it "spiritual" explains exactly nothing. Describing the physical processes explains it completely. The only person who needs to introduce spirituality is you, because you want it to be there. Yet whether we inject it or not has zero effect on the process or on the explanation of it, which is a strong hint that its goofy, useless nonsense.
no, you are wrong.

its your incapability of seperating a discussion about the first cause and a discussion about manmade religion

im agnostic on a first cause.

im certain manmade religions are false.

those are not opposing ideas, and if you cant figure out how that could be you have a LOT of studying to do. usmb aint gunna help ya.

We're probably not too different in our beliefs regarding religion but I can't say they are false because I don't know. I can say I believe they are false, but that's not what you're saying at all.

I've done a remarkable amount of studying on this issue. I'm actually educated in it.
it doesnt sound like it.

you conflate agnosticism on the 1st cause with a position on manmade religion

theyre not the same shouldnt have taken like 6 posts to explain that...jeeeebis man wtf

No, I'm not conflating anything. I am simply articulating philosophical logic of your arguments. It's fine to say you're agnostic but that means you don't know. If you don't know then you don't know. Again... 1+X=2.... I can't say that I'm sure it's true or false because I don't know what X is. Only if I know the value of X can I determine if it's true or false.

So if you are saying you don't believe man made religions are true, that's fine... we can agree. It's your statement of absolute certainty that I have an issue with because you've stated that you don't know.
no, you are wrong.

its your incapability of seperating a discussion about the first cause and a discussion about manmade religion

im agnostic on a first cause.

im certain manmade religions are false.

those are not opposing ideas, and if you cant figure out how that could be you have a LOT of studying to do. usmb aint gunna help ya.

We're probably not too different in our beliefs regarding religion but I can't say they are false because I don't know. I can say I believe they are false, but that's not what you're saying at all.

I've done a remarkable amount of studying on this issue. I'm actually educated in it.
it doesnt sound like it.

you conflate agnosticism on the 1st cause with a position on manmade religion

theyre not the same shouldnt have taken like 6 posts to explain that...jeeeebis man wtf

No, I'm not conflating anything. I am simply articulating philosophical logic of your arguments. It's fine to say you're agnostic but that means you don't know. If you don't know then you don't know. Again... 1+X=2.... I can't say that I'm sure it's true or false because I don't know what X is. Only if I know the value of X can I determine if it's true or false.

So if you are saying you don't believe man made religions are true, that's fine... we can agree. It's your statement of absolute certainty that I have an issue with because you've stated that you don't know.
no, youre not applying logic.

you are conflating agnosticism of a first cause with agnosticism of man made religion.

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