Atheists are hoping aliens from outer space will contact us...

There is indisputable evidence for aliens, why you don't acknowledge it is up to you.

As for popping in and out of another dimension, whether it be aliens or god is a figment of your imagination. Nothing at all points to a god, in any dimension.

There's not indisputable evidence that aliens are visiting from other planets in our galaxy.... sorry, that evidence doesn't exist. In fact, it contradicts basic physics on it's face. There is no way for a carbon-based life form to travel here from hundreds of light years away. Technology is still limited to physics.

On other dimensions... We have demonstrated, through quantum mechanics, that there are as many as 11 dimensions. We're only capable of interacting with 4 of them. The other 7 are out of our realm of exploration at this time. If those dimensions exist, as QM predicts, then it's entirely possible a whole separate realm of reality exists simultaneously with our own. God could reside there, UFOs could reside there, ghosts and spirits... all these unexplained mysterious phenomenon could be the result of transient interaction with another dimension.

To me personally, I find that easier to accept than the idea that physical beings from hundreds of light years away are defying physics, coming here, observing us, but electing not to make some tangible contact and attempt to communicate. That would seem like a huge waste of a trip if true.

Isn't it interesting, our Hubble telescope hasn't seen any of these alien spacecraft out in space flying around? None of our many space probes have recorded any such spaceship out there around Saturn or Mars... we only see these mysterious UFOs here on Earth. I'm not saying they aren't real... I'm only explaining them by offering the possibility they are aberrations from another dimension.
There is indisputable evidence for aliens, why you don't acknowledge it is up to you.

As for popping in and out of another dimension, whether it be aliens or god is a figment of your imagination. Nothing at all points to a god, in any dimension.

There's not indisputable evidence that aliens are visiting from other planets in our galaxy.... sorry, that evidence doesn't exist. In fact, it contradicts basic physics on it's face. There is no way for a carbon-based life form to travel here from hundreds of light years away. Technology is still limited to physics.

On other dimensions... We have demonstrated, through quantum mechanics, that there are as many as 11 dimensions. We're only capable of interacting with 4 of them. The other 7 are out of our realm of exploration at this time. If those dimensions exist, as QM predicts, then it's entirely possible a whole separate realm of reality exists simultaneously with our own. God could reside there, UFOs could reside there, ghosts and spirits... all these unexplained mysterious phenomenon could be the result of transient interaction with another dimension.

To me personally, I find that easier to accept than the idea that physical beings from hundreds of light years away are defying physics, coming here, observing us, but electing not to make some tangible contact and attempt to communicate. That would seem like a huge waste of a trip if true.

Isn't it interesting, our Hubble telescope hasn't seen any of these alien spacecraft out in space flying around? None of our many space probes have recorded any such spaceship out there around Saturn or Mars... we only see these mysterious UFOs here on Earth. I'm not saying they aren't real... I'm only explaining them by offering the possibility they are aberrations from another dimension.
The US government has aliens and their spacecraft, so do the Russians. That you want to close your eyes and mind to that is exactly how the governments want you. And aliens wouldn't be defying physics, as we humans don't even have a unifying theory or equation, so there's a lot we don't know about.

There's is so far no proof of other dimensions, just theories, so the jury is still out on that.

Btw, you don't consider jumping in and out of dimensions as going against physics?
What makes you think they will be smarter than us? Technologically, that's likely, but otherwise, maybe not. Maybe they would PROVE there is only one God. Then what? Would there still be no peace?
Well, definitely the fact that they can get here, means they're more technologically smarter than us.

But I'm sure they faced the same existential questions early on that we face here, what intelligent being would not? And they made it through without killing each other. And they made it far enough in their development to actually traverse the universe and get here, so I would definitely like to hear their story of how things work.

And I will go all-in on a bet that it has nothing to do with the religions we believe here on Earth.

Should the scenario arise, of course... :)

Obviously, not ALL religions are correct. So either one of the existing ones IS correct, or, none of them are....
The US government has aliens and their spacecraft, so do the Russians.

That you want to close your eyes and mind to that is exactly how the governments want you.

My eyes are wide open... show me the fucking PROOF! My mind is wide open... convince me using physics and science! You, spewing some half-baked conspiracy theory like a lunatic nutbag, isn't doing it for me! Sorry!

And aliens wouldn't be defying physics, as we humans don't even have a unifying theory or equation, so there's a lot we don't know about.

Yes, they WOULD be defying physics because it's impossible to travel the distance they would need to travel in any sort of reasonable time frame. It has nothing to do with what we don't know about... it's basic laws of physics, which we DO know about.

There's is so far no proof of other dimensions, just theories, so the jury is still out on that.

Btw, you don't consider jumping in and out of dimensions as going against physics?

Is mathematics "proof"? Quantum physics (math) predicts 11 dimensions. Is math wrong? Sure... until it is testable, measurable and observable, it remains a theory. But there IS a basis for the theory... MATH. Now math can be wrong... Newton's math was wrong when it predicted time was linear and not relative... Einstein eventually proved this.
Obviously, not ALL religions are correct. So either one of the existing ones IS correct, or, none of them are....

Or all of them are!

Yes, as weird as that sounds, it's also a possibility.
...and tell us there's no God.

That is why scientists like Carl Sagan so eagerly tell us there MUST be life on other planets, but it's a wish, there is no science to back up his claims.

So far, after decades of listening with radio telescopes, the skies have been totally silent.

Either aliens don't exist at all anywhere in the universe, or they are so far away their transmissions will never reach us.

And in either case, we will never have aliens visit us.

We are probably alone.

If aliens did invade our planet, they would be known as Gods.
The alien thing is a religious issue for the atheists. They think if we are contacted by aliens, the entire Christian religion will have a faith crisis and collapse in ruin. This is the reason atheists run around insisting that aliens are real, when they have absolutely no proof to back up these claims.
And you have some evidence to back up this claim that Atheists more than others are pushing the alien thing? If true, do you have evidence to suggest that the motive is to destroy Christianity?
What Price Peace and Prosperity for All...........

Scenario: We are contacted by an alien life form-far more wise and advanced than we- and offered the chance to achieve universal peace and prosperity, if we agree to a few conditions. This is not in the form of a threat. If we decline, they will go on their way and we will be left as we are and they will not give us another chance for 10,000 years. At the same time, if we accept, we will be bound by their conditions for 10,000 years, enough time for us to evolve into a peaceful species. If asked to, they would leave sooner but there would be consequences- much of which will be of our own making-such as when the US left Iraq.

The conditions:

1.All religious expression and thought of religion-yes thought- will be abolished. They have developed a drug to cleanse the mind of all such primitive thought patterns which, they know, causes so much strife in our world. Houses of worship will become centers for performing arts, or museums funded by the government. Some will be converted to housing.

2.All weapons of all kind must be destroyed. Militaries will be for use in natural disaster types of emergencies only.

3.Hording of wealth is strictly prohibited. Everyone need not be equal in this respect and there will still be private property, but disparity will be very limited

4.Capitalism will be allowed, but business will be strictly regulated to ensure that people are put before profit, and that the environment is protected.

5.All forms of discrimination against any group will be strictly prohibited. They don’t have a pill for that, we’ll just have to get over it.

6.Necessities of life-food, shelter, medicine and clothing-will be recognized as universal human rights and will not be rationed based on a person’s ability to pay.

7.Nations will retain their autonomy, culture and language but be must be organized into a federation of cooperative states who share all natural resources. National leaders will be selected by direct elections in all countries but the Supreme Council of Extra Planetary Rulers will have the power to impeach and remove from office, anyone who violates or undermines any of these conditions. Strict term limits will be established and two members of the same family cannot hold high office within 20 years of one another.

8.All creatures of the earth and the earth herself will be treated with respect and care. The systematic destruction of the planet and it’s life forms in the name of profit, power or sport will end.

9.Capital punishment and most prison terms will be abolished worldwide. Minor offenses will be treated as behavioral health and educational issues with the emphasis on rehabilitation. Serious crimes such as violent offenses and white collar theft will be dealt with as described in # 10 below.

10.While these aliens will be inconspicuous in our daily lives-they may even live among us in human form- they will be vigilant, and take action when needed. Anyone not complying with these conditions-or who commits a serious crime- will be banished to a distant war like planet where many live under Spartan conditions and subject to a small wealthy ruling class( which they will not be part of) and the rule is survival of the fittest-in other words, much like earth is now, but much, much worse
Yes he is in fact lying. What blackroot is doing is he is admitting finally after hundreds of years that it is indeed more likely we are not alone. They don't want to be completely caught off guard in case other life is found. Now it has to be as intelligent as us or it doesn't count for example.

Answer one question. Would life somewhere else debunk the old testament? Because if thats man-made sos the new.

But we all know Christians will just move the goalpost, find a verse that explains this away or just cognitive dissonance

Here's the thing... We can't even see most of our universe. What little we can see is very vague. You know how NASA will now and then post something about an "earth-like planet" and there's a colorful pretty picture...or a newly-discovered black hole and there's that same beautiful hi-rez photo? Well, those are not actual photographs. They are artist renderings based on speculation alone. Our most powerful telescope (Hubble) simply can't render an image of any kind of detail when it comes to something that far away. Black holes amount to about 5 pixels, if that.

What we know from the limited exploration we've had is that life isn't abundant. In fact, it's never been discovered elsewhere. If it exists, it's very far away and we'll never reach it with conventional travel. You can speculate about the future but the future won't be able to defy physics... it's impossible to travel faster than light. There are theories about wormholes and such, but those are simply theories that haven't been proven or tried.

I personally believe, before we ever discover life on another planet in our universe, we will discover intelligence in another dimension. Quantum mechanics predicts as many as 11 dimensions and we're only interactive with 4 of them. Perhaps one day we will unlock the secrets to allow us to "peek" into another dimension? The fascinating thing about dimensions is they don't really require space travel, they could be present right here on Earth. At the very space you occupy at your computer desk, there could be something else happening in one of the other dimensions. I wonder if this will ultimately explain UFO phenomenon... something from another dimension has discovered a way to transport back and forth.
Today I was listening to a guy who explores our oceans. He was explaining how 70% of our own planet is virtually unexplored. Too deep and it takes too long to get down there and you can't stay long. He said soon they're going to send robots who can stay down there for days and we can look from our smart phones.

Anyways, they discovered 6 foot worms so deep they don't get photosynthesis. How they survive is amazing. Anyways, we just discovered them. Now we know there's water on Europa. That's in our solar system and again, we don't know.

So I don't think we know anything about what's circling another star. The elements for life are everywhere.

No advanced civilization is going to waste its time coming here.
Yes he is in fact lying. What blackroot is doing is he is admitting finally after hundreds of years that it is indeed more likely we are not alone. They don't want to be completely caught off guard in case other life is found. Now it has to be as intelligent as us or it doesn't count for example.

Answer one question. Would life somewhere else debunk the old testament? Because if thats man-made sos the new.

But we all know Christians will just move the goalpost, find a verse that explains this away or just cognitive dissonance

Here's the thing... We can't even see most of our universe. What little we can see is very vague. You know how NASA will now and then post something about an "earth-like planet" and there's a colorful pretty picture...or a newly-discovered black hole and there's that same beautiful hi-rez photo? Well, those are not actual photographs. They are artist renderings based on speculation alone. Our most powerful telescope (Hubble) simply can't render an image of any kind of detail when it comes to something that far away. Black holes amount to about 5 pixels, if that.

What we know from the limited exploration we've had is that life isn't abundant. In fact, it's never been discovered elsewhere. If it exists, it's very far away and we'll never reach it with conventional travel. You can speculate about the future but the future won't be able to defy physics... it's impossible to travel faster than light. There are theories about wormholes and such, but those are simply theories that haven't been proven or tried.

I personally believe, before we ever discover life on another planet in our universe, we will discover intelligence in another dimension. Quantum mechanics predicts as many as 11 dimensions and we're only interactive with 4 of them. Perhaps one day we will unlock the secrets to allow us to "peek" into another dimension? The fascinating thing about dimensions is they don't really require space travel, they could be present right here on Earth. At the very space you occupy at your computer desk, there could be something else happening in one of the other dimensions. I wonder if this will ultimately explain UFO phenomenon... something from another dimension has discovered a way to transport back and forth.
Today I was listening to a guy who explores our oceans. He was explaining how 70% of our own planet is virtually unexplored. Too deep and it takes too long to get down there and you can't stay long. He said soon they're going to send robots who can stay down there for days and we can look from our smart phones.

Anyways, they discovered 6 foot worms so deep they don't get photosynthesis. How they survive is amazing. Anyways, we just discovered them. Now we know there's water on Europa. That's in our solar system and again, we don't know.

So I don't think we know anything about what's circling another star. The elements for life are everywhere.

No advanced civilization is going to waste its time coming here.
Imagine we figure out how to travel to other stars. If we saw a planet like earth wouldn't we want to come?

From what we know there aren't a lot of earth like planets so why wouldn't they want to come here?
Yes he is in fact lying. What blackroot is doing is he is admitting finally after hundreds of years that it is indeed more likely we are not alone. They don't want to be completely caught off guard in case other life is found. Now it has to be as intelligent as us or it doesn't count for example.

Answer one question. Would life somewhere else debunk the old testament? Because if thats man-made sos the new.

But we all know Christians will just move the goalpost, find a verse that explains this away or just cognitive dissonance

Here's the thing... We can't even see most of our universe. What little we can see is very vague. You know how NASA will now and then post something about an "earth-like planet" and there's a colorful pretty picture...or a newly-discovered black hole and there's that same beautiful hi-rez photo? Well, those are not actual photographs. They are artist renderings based on speculation alone. Our most powerful telescope (Hubble) simply can't render an image of any kind of detail when it comes to something that far away. Black holes amount to about 5 pixels, if that.

What we know from the limited exploration we've had is that life isn't abundant. In fact, it's never been discovered elsewhere. If it exists, it's very far away and we'll never reach it with conventional travel. You can speculate about the future but the future won't be able to defy physics... it's impossible to travel faster than light. There are theories about wormholes and such, but those are simply theories that haven't been proven or tried.

I personally believe, before we ever discover life on another planet in our universe, we will discover intelligence in another dimension. Quantum mechanics predicts as many as 11 dimensions and we're only interactive with 4 of them. Perhaps one day we will unlock the secrets to allow us to "peek" into another dimension? The fascinating thing about dimensions is they don't really require space travel, they could be present right here on Earth. At the very space you occupy at your computer desk, there could be something else happening in one of the other dimensions. I wonder if this will ultimately explain UFO phenomenon... something from another dimension has discovered a way to transport back and forth.
Today I was listening to a guy who explores our oceans. He was explaining how 70% of our own planet is virtually unexplored. Too deep and it takes too long to get down there and you can't stay long. He said soon they're going to send robots who can stay down there for days and we can look from our smart phones.

Anyways, they discovered 6 foot worms so deep they don't get photosynthesis. How they survive is amazing. Anyways, we just discovered them. Now we know there's water on Europa. That's in our solar system and again, we don't know.

So I don't think we know anything about what's circling another star. The elements for life are everywhere.

No advanced civilization is going to waste its time coming here.
Imagine we figure out how to travel to other stars. If we saw a planet like earth wouldn't we want to come?

From what we know there aren't a lot of earth like planets so why wouldn't they want to come here?

You are here, that should scare the hell out of them.
...and tell us there's no God.

That is why scientists like Carl Sagan so eagerly tell us there MUST be life on other planets, but it's a wish, there is no science to back up his claims.

So far, after decades of listening with radio telescopes, the skies have been totally silent.

Either aliens don't exist at all anywhere in the universe, or they are so far away their transmissions will never reach us.

And in either case, we will never have aliens visit us.

We are probably alone.
As far as the God thing, could it be he has other hobby's in other places....hummm I never have felt "special" in any way.
The chances for Aliens are probably 1,000,000 times more likely compared to your chances of some mythical man coming out of the clouds.

This is a fact.

Hell, there's probably a better chance of westwall flying drunk over your house tonight then that too. hahaha

My point is there's 300-500 billion galaxies in the universe and 300-500 billion stars within our own...Every star probably has on avg one planet and probably more and 1 out of every 3 or 4 probably has a habitable zone rocky planet. Think about it.
I can think about it, but I'm not overly impressed with large numbers.

What does impress me is that in this very large universe, not one alien civilization, NOT ONE, has contacted our planet or left any evidence here that they ever came to visit.

What that tells me is that the most probable conclusion is that there are NO alien civilizations out there, because if there were only one in a trillion chance of there being an alien civilization around a star, we would have gobs of visitors by now.
We could be to primitive for their interest.
The US government has aliens and their spacecraft, so do the Russians.

That you want to close your eyes and mind to that is exactly how the governments want you.

My eyes are wide open... show me the fucking PROOF! My mind is wide open... convince me using physics and science! You, spewing some half-baked conspiracy theory like a lunatic nutbag, isn't doing it for me! Sorry!

And aliens wouldn't be defying physics, as we humans don't even have a unifying theory or equation, so there's a lot we don't know about.

Yes, they WOULD be defying physics because it's impossible to travel the distance they would need to travel in any sort of reasonable time frame. It has nothing to do with what we don't know about... it's basic laws of physics, which we DO know about.

There's is so far no proof of other dimensions, just theories, so the jury is still out on that.

Btw, you don't consider jumping in and out of dimensions as going against physics?

Is mathematics "proof"? Quantum physics (math) predicts 11 dimensions. Is math wrong? Sure... until it is testable, measurable and observable, it remains a theory. But there IS a basis for the theory... MATH. Now math can be wrong... Newton's math was wrong when it predicted time was linear and not relative... Einstein eventually proved this.
I guess you never heard of the Roswell UFO crash. Russia has had similar events. You should inform yourself.

You have NO idea what it takes to travel long distances in space, maybe aliens have figured it out, and you simply don't know all the physics out there.

Quantum physics "PREDICTS", which is not proof. Please try again.
The chances for Aliens are probably 1,000,000 times more likely compared to your chances of some mythical man coming out of the clouds.

This is a fact.

Hell, there's probably a better chance of westwall flying drunk over your house tonight then that too. hahaha

My point is there's 300-500 billion galaxies in the universe and 300-500 billion stars within our own...Every star probably has on avg one planet and probably more and 1 out of every 3 or 4 probably has a habitable zone rocky planet. Think about it.
I can think about it, but I'm not overly impressed with large numbers.

What does impress me is that in this very large universe, not one alien civilization, NOT ONE, has contacted our planet or left any evidence here that they ever came to visit.

What that tells me is that the most probable conclusion is that there are NO alien civilizations out there, because if there were only one in a trillion chance of there being an alien civilization around a star, we would have gobs of visitors by now.
NOT ONE has contacted us? Why haven't we contacted them? Perhaps we don't know how. Perhaps they don't speak radio waves. Perhaps they did come out here and what they saw repulsed them and they want nothing to do with us. Perhaps there is nothing, but the size of the galaxy alone says that we can't know for sure.

I do know there is some funny things up in the sky. Saw it myself one morning. What appeared to be a satellite in orbit making its way across my sky suddenly went the other way.
Yes he is in fact lying. What blackroot is doing is he is admitting finally after hundreds of years that it is indeed more likely we are not alone. They don't want to be completely caught off guard in case other life is found. Now it has to be as intelligent as us or it doesn't count for example.

Answer one question. Would life somewhere else debunk the old testament? Because if thats man-made sos the new.

But we all know Christians will just move the goalpost, find a verse that explains this away or just cognitive dissonance

Here's the thing... We can't even see most of our universe. What little we can see is very vague. You know how NASA will now and then post something about an "earth-like planet" and there's a colorful pretty picture...or a newly-discovered black hole and there's that same beautiful hi-rez photo? Well, those are not actual photographs. They are artist renderings based on speculation alone. Our most powerful telescope (Hubble) simply can't render an image of any kind of detail when it comes to something that far away. Black holes amount to about 5 pixels, if that.

What we know from the limited exploration we've had is that life isn't abundant. In fact, it's never been discovered elsewhere. If it exists, it's very far away and we'll never reach it with conventional travel. You can speculate about the future but the future won't be able to defy physics... it's impossible to travel faster than light. There are theories about wormholes and such, but those are simply theories that haven't been proven or tried.

I personally believe, before we ever discover life on another planet in our universe, we will discover intelligence in another dimension. Quantum mechanics predicts as many as 11 dimensions and we're only interactive with 4 of them. Perhaps one day we will unlock the secrets to allow us to "peek" into another dimension? The fascinating thing about dimensions is they don't really require space travel, they could be present right here on Earth. At the very space you occupy at your computer desk, there could be something else happening in one of the other dimensions. I wonder if this will ultimately explain UFO phenomenon... something from another dimension has discovered a way to transport back and forth.

When we discover life elsewhere, it'll probably be more like this than us:

In 1977, a small crew of oceanographers traveled to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean and stumbled across a brand new form of life. The discovery was so unusual, it turned biology on its head and brought into question much of what scientists thought they knew about where life can form and what it needs in order to survive.

At up to 7 feet in length, he says, "these are enormous beasts compared to normal worms." And they were thriving in large numbers without any obvious source of food or light.

They'd found not just clamshells, but living, breathing clams that were a good foot-and-a-half long living alongside the hydrothermal vents. There were also mussels, anemones and brilliantly colored red-tipped worms — up to 7 feet long and anchored by slender white tubes swaying like a field of flowers.

"Absolutely stunningly beautiful," Corliss says. "The worms had white tubes and these beautiful red plumes, sort of like a three-dimensional feather. These feathers are sort of oscillating, undulating as they're pumping fluid into their body. It was amazing!"

The key, he says, is that the worms don't use light but a "completely different energy source" in a process called chemosynthesis. The worm uses its red plume to absorb hydrogen sulfide — that nasty stuff that smells like rotten eggs — from the vent water. A colony of bacteria living inside the worm's gut gobbles up the hydrogen sulfide and uses it to create carbon compounds that feed the worm. Voila — chemosynthesis!

Corliss says the discovery inspired him to change the focus of his work as he wondered whether these curious creatures, from such an inhospitable environment, might help explain how life started on Earth.

The Deep-Sea Find That Changed Biology
To date, we have explored less than five percent of the ocean.

We don't even know our own planet and yet people think they know there is no other life in the universe? How ignorant.
To date, we have explored less than five percent of the ocean.

We don't even know our own planet and yet people think they know there is no other life in the universe? How ignorant.

I've never said there is no other life in the universe. I believe intelligent life, as we know it, is extremely rare, if it exists at all. I base my belief on what we know of life here... which is still the only life we know of.

Consider the billions of life forms here and the billions more that have been here. Yet humans are the ONLY life form to have achieved technological advancement. Consider, if not for circumstantial events which randomly happened, humans simply wouldn't have evolved. We're the products of extreme luck and circumstance.

Are there planets out there with oceans teaming with 7-foot peculiar worms? Perhaps.... but they're probably not building space ships and visiting Earth.

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