Atheists are hoping aliens from outer space will contact us...

To date, we have explored less than five percent of the ocean.

We don't even know our own planet and yet people think they know there is no other life in the universe? How ignorant.

I've never said there is no other life in the universe. I believe intelligent life, as we know it, is extremely rare, if it exists at all. I base my belief on what we know of life here... which is still the only life we know of.

Consider the billions of life forms here and the billions more that have been here. Yet humans are the ONLY life form to have achieved technological advancement. Consider, if not for circumstantial events which randomly happened, humans simply wouldn't have evolved. We're the products of extreme luck and circumstance.

Are there planets out there with oceans teaming with 7-foot peculiar worms? Perhaps.... but they're probably not building space ships and visiting Earth.
Yea because we ate and murdered everything that was slightly intelligent. They're all extinct. LOL. There may have been a more intelligent species but it didn't breed like rabbits so up popped us.

Based on the tiny amount of evidence you have, if I were you I'd admit there isn't enough evidence yet to decide.
I agree probably only 1 in 100,000 stars have intelligent life. The rest have worms and microbes.
To date, we have explored less than five percent of the ocean.

We don't even know our own planet and yet people think they know there is no other life in the universe? How ignorant.

I've never said there is no other life in the universe. I believe intelligent life, as we know it, is extremely rare, if it exists at all. I base my belief on what we know of life here... which is still the only life we know of.

Consider the billions of life forms here and the billions more that have been here. Yet humans are the ONLY life form to have achieved technological advancement. Consider, if not for circumstantial events which randomly happened, humans simply wouldn't have evolved. We're the products of extreme luck and circumstance.

Are there planets out there with oceans teaming with 7-foot peculiar worms? Perhaps.... but they're probably not building space ships and visiting Earth.
Yea because we ate and murdered everything that was slightly intelligent. They're all extinct. LOL. There may have been a more intelligent species but it didn't breed like rabbits so up popped us.

Based on the tiny amount of evidence you have, if I were you I'd admit there isn't enough evidence yet to decide.
I agree probably only 1 in 100,000 stars have intelligent life. The rest have worms and microbes.

And I still say it's a miracle if there is any intelligent life out there, just like it's a miracle it's here.
“Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.”
Arthur C. Clarke

It is amazing to me if there is life around most stars and there are billions of stars in the universe. If it's true this universe is probably the most amazing zoo.

To date, we have explored less than five percent of the ocean.

We don't even know our own planet and yet people think they know there is no other life in the universe? How ignorant.

I've never said there is no other life in the universe. I believe intelligent life, as we know it, is extremely rare, if it exists at all. I base my belief on what we know of life here... which is still the only life we know of.

Consider the billions of life forms here and the billions more that have been here. Yet humans are the ONLY life form to have achieved technological advancement. Consider, if not for circumstantial events which randomly happened, humans simply wouldn't have evolved. We're the products of extreme luck and circumstance.

Are there planets out there with oceans teaming with 7-foot peculiar worms? Perhaps.... but they're probably not building space ships and visiting Earth.
Yea because we ate and murdered everything that was slightly intelligent. They're all extinct. LOL. There may have been a more intelligent species but it didn't breed like rabbits so up popped us.

Based on the tiny amount of evidence you have, if I were you I'd admit there isn't enough evidence yet to decide.
I agree probably only 1 in 100,000 stars have intelligent life. The rest have worms and microbes.

And I still say it's a miracle if there is any intelligent life out there, just like it's a miracle it's here.
Since it can be explained scientifically it doesn't qualify as a miracle. Same way a baby being the only survivor of a plane crash isn't.
To date, we have explored less than five percent of the ocean.

We don't even know our own planet and yet people think they know there is no other life in the universe? How ignorant.

I've never said there is no other life in the universe. I believe intelligent life, as we know it, is extremely rare, if it exists at all. I base my belief on what we know of life here... which is still the only life we know of.

Consider the billions of life forms here and the billions more that have been here. Yet humans are the ONLY life form to have achieved technological advancement. Consider, if not for circumstantial events which randomly happened, humans simply wouldn't have evolved. We're the products of extreme luck and circumstance.

Are there planets out there with oceans teaming with 7-foot peculiar worms? Perhaps.... but they're probably not building space ships and visiting Earth.
Yea because we ate and murdered everything that was slightly intelligent. They're all extinct. LOL. There may have been a more intelligent species but it didn't breed like rabbits so up popped us.

Based on the tiny amount of evidence you have, if I were you I'd admit there isn't enough evidence yet to decide.
I agree probably only 1 in 100,000 stars have intelligent life. The rest have worms and microbes.

And I still say it's a miracle if there is any intelligent life out there, just like it's a miracle it's here.
It's amazing and lucky for us. Just like it was for martians billions of years ago until global warming.
...and tell us there's no God.

That is why scientists like Carl Sagan so eagerly tell us there MUST be life on other planets, but it's a wish, there is no science to back up his claims.

So far, after decades of listening with radio telescopes, the skies have been totally silent.

Either aliens don't exist at all anywhere in the universe, or they are so far away their transmissions will never reach us.

And in either case, we will never have aliens visit us.

We are probably alone.
There are neither ‘aliens’ nor a ‘god’ as perceived by theists.
not even illegal ones? the right wing has a pretty "active imagination."
To date, we have explored less than five percent of the ocean.

We don't even know our own planet and yet people think they know there is no other life in the universe? How ignorant.

I've never said there is no other life in the universe. I believe intelligent life, as we know it, is extremely rare, if it exists at all. I base my belief on what we know of life here... which is still the only life we know of.

Consider the billions of life forms here and the billions more that have been here. Yet humans are the ONLY life form to have achieved technological advancement. Consider, if not for circumstantial events which randomly happened, humans simply wouldn't have evolved. We're the products of extreme luck and circumstance.

Are there planets out there with oceans teaming with 7-foot peculiar worms? Perhaps.... but they're probably not building space ships and visiting Earth.
Yea because we ate and murdered everything that was slightly intelligent. They're all extinct. LOL. There may have been a more intelligent species but it didn't breed like rabbits so up popped us.

Based on the tiny amount of evidence you have, if I were you I'd admit there isn't enough evidence yet to decide.
I agree probably only 1 in 100,000 stars have intelligent life. The rest have worms and microbes.

And I still say it's a miracle if there is any intelligent life out there, just like it's a miracle it's here.

What do you mean?

1. a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency.

2. a highly improbable or extraordinary event, development, or accomplishment that brings very welcome consequences.? I'll agree to this one.
What makes you think they will be smarter than us? Technologically, that's likely, but otherwise, maybe not. Maybe they would PROVE there is only one God. Then what? Would there still be no peace?
Well, definitely the fact that they can get here, means they're more technologically smarter than us.

But I'm sure they faced the same existential questions early on that we face here, what intelligent being would not? And they made it through without killing each other. And they made it far enough in their development to actually traverse the universe and get here, so I would definitely like to hear their story of how things work.

And I will go all-in on a bet that it has nothing to do with the religions we believe here on Earth.

Should the scenario arise, of course... :)

Obviously, not ALL religions are correct. So either one of the existing ones IS correct, or, none of them are....

Very true, and given the amount of religions in this world, based on the same subject matter, I would lean towards none of them being true.

I mean, primitive tribes that still exist may be closer to reality than OT-based religions. They may hold the secret, that nobody wants to listen to...
The US government has aliens and their spacecraft, so do the Russians.

That you want to close your eyes and mind to that is exactly how the governments want you.

My eyes are wide open... show me the fucking PROOF! My mind is wide open... convince me using physics and science! You, spewing some half-baked conspiracy theory like a lunatic nutbag, isn't doing it for me! Sorry!

And aliens wouldn't be defying physics, as we humans don't even have a unifying theory or equation, so there's a lot we don't know about.

Yes, they WOULD be defying physics because it's impossible to travel the distance they would need to travel in any sort of reasonable time frame. It has nothing to do with what we don't know about... it's basic laws of physics, which we DO know about.

There's is so far no proof of other dimensions, just theories, so the jury is still out on that.

Btw, you don't consider jumping in and out of dimensions as going against physics?

Is mathematics "proof"? Quantum physics (math) predicts 11 dimensions. Is math wrong? Sure... until it is testable, measurable and observable, it remains a theory. But there IS a basis for the theory... MATH. Now math can be wrong... Newton's math was wrong when it predicted time was linear and not relative... Einstein eventually proved this.

You're being very human-centric... We humans have not figured out how to traverse the universe, yet. But we've only had unobstructed technological advancement for 150 years or so. And in that time, we have put men on the moon, sent spacecraft outside of our solar system, and buzzed and/or orbited every planet in our system. That's pretty remarkable for 150 years of tech...

Limiting other civilizations to our achievements is a typical religious ploy, to argue that there is no possible way they can get here.

To think they can't get here, is to think we can never get there.

And we all hold the hope and desire to get there, it just takes the scientific advancements necessary to do so. An alien society, given more time than our miserable 150 years, may have found out how to do it...

Humans are not the pinnacle of the universe.
Another thing to keep in mind, is that supernatural religions defy physics and quantum theory, a heckuva lot more than aliens.
What makes you think they will be smarter than us? Technologically, that's likely, but otherwise, maybe not. Maybe they would PROVE there is only one God. Then what? Would there still be no peace?
Well, definitely the fact that they can get here, means they're more technologically smarter than us.

But I'm sure they faced the same existential questions early on that we face here, what intelligent being would not? And they made it through without killing each other. And they made it far enough in their development to actually traverse the universe and get here, so I would definitely like to hear their story of how things work.

And I will go all-in on a bet that it has nothing to do with the religions we believe here on Earth.

Should the scenario arise, of course... :)

Obviously, not ALL religions are correct. So either one of the existing ones IS correct, or, none of them are....

Very true, and given the amount of religions in this world, based on the same subject matter, I would lean towards none of them being true.

I mean, primitive tribes that still exist may be closer to reality than OT-based religions. They may hold the secret, that nobody wants to listen to...

It's funny how as humans we all want reasons, explanations and answers. Maybe we would be a lot happier if we just existed and thrived enjoying life, instead of questioning how we got here and whether or not we were going anywhere after we die....
It's funny how as humans we all want reasons, explanations and answers. Maybe we would be a lot happier if we just existed and thrived enjoying life, instead of questioning how we got here and whether or not we were going anywhere after we die....

Disclaimer - I did not read all the preceding posts - but want to respond to what I think is a profound truth.

We all do want answers to the why and how of our being...and pretty much don't want to believe, for some, that a) we are alone in the universe, or, for others, that b) we 'developed' accidentally. So we have theories that require faith. Faith is a characteristic of the human condition...and we have the need to convince the rest of humanity that our particular 'faith', or lack of, is the answer. Unfortunately we too often try to 'force' others to adopt our faith, or lack of - be it scientific theory or religion, or atheism. Some just more violently, and/or 'expensive' than others.

I'm rambling. :)
Another thing to keep in mind, is that supernatural religions defy physics and quantum theory, a heckuva lot more than aliens.

Many 'supernatural' events recorded in scripture are eyewitness accounts of what was seen and heard in dreams or visions, altered states of consciousness, where quantum theory does not apply. Examples would be Abraham having lunch with three angels, Ezekiel flying from Babylon to Jerusalem and then digging through 13 feet of solid stone with his bare hands, the Transfiguration, and even the reports of Jesus being seen after the crucifixion.....

Many other supernatural events recorded in scripture are deliberately exaggerated fantastical accounts of very unspectacular things that occur all the time.... i.e. raising the dead,giving sight to the blind, healing the sick etc.

If any one of those things happened literally no one in all of Judea, Jew or Gentile,would have doubted Jesus...

To even know what literally happened one must decipher the figurative language used- metaphors,allegories, hyperbole, homonyms, etc.- to discover the deeper meaning of the words that reveal the hidden subjects.

Citing scientific facts or physics to disprove scripture is as foolish as citing science or physics to disprove the story of the three pigs.

Obviously "in the beginning" is like "once upon a time"...just like any story written to educate children begins.

It is extremely depressing to think that so many otherwise intelligent people, believer or unbeliever, can't figure out what ancient nomadic shepherds (as dumb as everyone seems to think they were), expected children to learn.

Try a little harder.
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The US government has aliens and their spacecraft, so do the Russians.

That you want to close your eyes and mind to that is exactly how the governments want you.

My eyes are wide open... show me the fucking PROOF! My mind is wide open... convince me using physics and science! You, spewing some half-baked conspiracy theory like a lunatic nutbag, isn't doing it for me! Sorry!

And aliens wouldn't be defying physics, as we humans don't even have a unifying theory or equation, so there's a lot we don't know about.

Yes, they WOULD be defying physics because it's impossible to travel the distance they would need to travel in any sort of reasonable time frame. It has nothing to do with what we don't know about... it's basic laws of physics, which we DO know about.

There's is so far no proof of other dimensions, just theories, so the jury is still out on that.

Btw, you don't consider jumping in and out of dimensions as going against physics?

Is mathematics "proof"? Quantum physics (math) predicts 11 dimensions. Is math wrong? Sure... until it is testable, measurable and observable, it remains a theory. But there IS a basis for the theory... MATH. Now math can be wrong... Newton's math was wrong when it predicted time was linear and not relative... Einstein eventually proved this.

You're being very human-centric... We humans have not figured out how to traverse the universe, yet. But we've only had unobstructed technological advancement for 150 years or so. And in that time, we have put men on the moon, sent spacecraft outside of our solar system, and buzzed and/or orbited every planet in our system. That's pretty remarkable for 150 years of tech...

Limiting other civilizations to our achievements is a typical religious ploy, to argue that there is no possible way they can get here.

To think they can't get here, is to think we can never get there.

And we all hold the hope and desire to get there, it just takes the scientific advancements necessary to do so. An alien society, given more time than our miserable 150 years, may have found out how to do it...

Humans are not the pinnacle of the universe.

To think they can't get here, is to think we can never get there.

Unless we find a way to circumvent physics, we can't ever get there. It's really like trying to claim that one day we'll have the technology to control when the sun rises and sets. Sorry, but physics trumps technology.

I appreciate that you have a vivid imagination. I enjoy the hell out of science fiction. It's wonderful that humans can imagine all kinds of possibilities regarding alien life elsewhere. But the fact remains, life on Earth is the only life we know of in the whole universe. Nothing says it must be elsewhere, and certainly nothing says it has to be intelligent.

So humans certainly are the pinnacle of the universe as far as we know right now and humans only exist because something wiped out dinosaurs millions of years ago.
Dinosaurs were around for about one hundred fifty million years. We have only been around for about five million.

What if, a Civilization had "secrets" even more Ancient, than even Ancient Chinese secrets?
What makes you think they will be smarter than us? Technologically, that's likely, but otherwise, maybe not. Maybe they would PROVE there is only one God. Then what? Would there still be no peace?
Well, definitely the fact that they can get here, means they're more technologically smarter than us.

But I'm sure they faced the same existential questions early on that we face here, what intelligent being would not? And they made it through without killing each other. And they made it far enough in their development to actually traverse the universe and get here, so I would definitely like to hear their story of how things work.

And I will go all-in on a bet that it has nothing to do with the religions we believe here on Earth.

Should the scenario arise, of course... :)

Obviously, not ALL religions are correct. So either one of the existing ones IS correct, or, none of them are....

Very true, and given the amount of religions in this world, based on the same subject matter, I would lean towards none of them being true.

I mean, primitive tribes that still exist may be closer to reality than OT-based religions. They may hold the secret, that nobody wants to listen to...

It's funny how as humans we all want reasons, explanations and answers. Maybe we would be a lot happier if we just existed and thrived enjoying life, instead of questioning how we got here and whether or not we were going anywhere after we die....

I agree! But when I bring that up, I'm labeled a "Communist". Though they don't know what that means. All I want is where the world can continue to thrive, peacefully and harmoniously, without religious wars erasing our knowledge every few hundred years.

If we can achieve that without aliens, that's great! I just think that the religious fanatics do need an alien intervention, if they're ever going to stop waging war on science and common sense. That's what the OP is about...

Only the "true God" appearing, or alien intervention, is going to stop the fanatics from doing what they're doing. And even that may not stop them... But it's our only hope.
Another thing to keep in mind, is that supernatural religions defy physics and quantum theory, a heckuva lot more than aliens.

Many 'supernatural' events recorded in scripture are eyewitness accounts of what was seen and heard in dreams or visions, altered states of consciousness, where quantum theory does not apply. Examples would be Abraham having lunch with three angels, Ezekiel flying from Babylon to Jerusalem and then digging through 13 feet of solid stone with his bare hands, the Transfiguration, and even the reports of Jesus being seen after the crucifixion.....

Many other supernatural events recorded in scripture are deliberately exaggerated fantastical accounts of very unspectacular things that occur all the time.... i.e. raising the dead,giving sight to the blind, healing the sick etc.

If any one of those things happened literally no one in all of Judea, Jew or Gentile,would have doubted Jesus...

To even know what literally happened one must decipher the figurative language used- metaphors,allegories, hyperbole, homonyms, etc.- to discover the deeper meaning of the words that reveal the hidden subjects.

Citing scientific facts or physics to disprove scripture is as foolish as citing science or physics to disprove the story of the three pigs.

Obviously "in the beginning" is like "once upon a time"...just like any story written to educate children begins.

It is extremely depressing to think that so many otherwise intelligent people, believer or unbeliever, can't figure out what ancient nomadic shepherds (as dumb as everyone seems to think they were), expected children to learn.

Try a little harder.
But much of your scripture is based on older texts, and they clearly are plagiarism, to convert multiple previous stories about different "gods" into one monotheistic, omnipotent, and highly schizophrenic/bipolar "God" story.
The US government has aliens and their spacecraft, so do the Russians.

That you want to close your eyes and mind to that is exactly how the governments want you.

My eyes are wide open... show me the fucking PROOF! My mind is wide open... convince me using physics and science! You, spewing some half-baked conspiracy theory like a lunatic nutbag, isn't doing it for me! Sorry!

And aliens wouldn't be defying physics, as we humans don't even have a unifying theory or equation, so there's a lot we don't know about.

Yes, they WOULD be defying physics because it's impossible to travel the distance they would need to travel in any sort of reasonable time frame. It has nothing to do with what we don't know about... it's basic laws of physics, which we DO know about.

There's is so far no proof of other dimensions, just theories, so the jury is still out on that.

Btw, you don't consider jumping in and out of dimensions as going against physics?

Is mathematics "proof"? Quantum physics (math) predicts 11 dimensions. Is math wrong? Sure... until it is testable, measurable and observable, it remains a theory. But there IS a basis for the theory... MATH. Now math can be wrong... Newton's math was wrong when it predicted time was linear and not relative... Einstein eventually proved this.

You're being very human-centric... We humans have not figured out how to traverse the universe, yet. But we've only had unobstructed technological advancement for 150 years or so. And in that time, we have put men on the moon, sent spacecraft outside of our solar system, and buzzed and/or orbited every planet in our system. That's pretty remarkable for 150 years of tech...

Limiting other civilizations to our achievements is a typical religious ploy, to argue that there is no possible way they can get here.

To think they can't get here, is to think we can never get there.

And we all hold the hope and desire to get there, it just takes the scientific advancements necessary to do so. An alien society, given more time than our miserable 150 years, may have found out how to do it...

Humans are not the pinnacle of the universe.

To think they can't get here, is to think we can never get there.

Unless we find a way to circumvent physics, we can't ever get there. It's really like trying to claim that one day we'll have the technology to control when the sun rises and sets. Sorry, but physics trumps technology.

I appreciate that you have a vivid imagination. I enjoy the hell out of science fiction. It's wonderful that humans can imagine all kinds of possibilities regarding alien life elsewhere. But the fact remains, life on Earth is the only life we know of in the whole universe. Nothing says it must be elsewhere, and certainly nothing says it has to be intelligent.

So humans certainly are the pinnacle of the universe as far as we know right now and humans only exist because something wiped out dinosaurs millions of years ago.
Skeptics said the same about crossing the oceans, flying in the sky, and travelling to the moon. Just because we haven't figured it out yet, does not mean it will never happen. Very few scientists would agree that we will NEVER travel and inhabit another solar system.

As far as we know, we are the pinnacle of greatness, but someone would be highly ignorant to actually believe that based on the vastness of this universe. Or, they're trying to create an argument over the obvious. And I know how you roll...
Dinosaurs were around for about one hundred fifty million years. We have only been around for about five million.

What if, a Civilization had "secrets" even more Ancient, than even Ancient Chinese secrets?
Dinosaurs never wore clothes, and thus were denied those ancient secrets.

The Chinese tried to tell them, but they still stubbornly refused to wear clothing, and thus died due to exposure. :)

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