Atheists are hoping aliens from outer space will contact us...

The alien thing is a religious issue for the atheists. They think if we are contacted by aliens, the entire Christian religion will have a faith crisis and collapse in ruin. This is the reason atheists run around insisting that aliens are real, when they have absolutely no proof to back up these claims.
Please name one atheist that claims aliens are real. I know some believe they exist but I never heard any claim insisting they are real. There are many individuals that claim to have seen or had contact with aliens but in all these stories the person's religion or lack of religion was not disclosed.
Skeptics said the same about crossing the oceans and travelling to the moon. Just because we haven't figured it out yet, does not mean it will never happen. Very few scientists would agree that we will NEVER travel and inhabit another solar system.

As far as we know, we are the pinnacle of greatness, but someone would be highly ignorant to actually believe that based on the vastness of this universe. Or trying to create an argument over the obvious.

But crossing the ocean and traveling to the moon doesn't circumvent physics. Theoretically, traveling to the nearest star system doesn't actually circumvent physics but it circumvents practicality. Using the best propulsion system we've ever developed for manned flight, we're looking at around 81,000 years. That's if we could figure out a way to create the fuel and oxygen as we go. The fastest speeds we've ever achieved in any sort of space probe put us at around 50,000 years. Even with the best and most ambitious theories out there, we can't get better than about 1,000 years. So... no... we won't be doing this, probably ever.

You can call me ignorant all you like, it doesn't bother me. I base my opinion on what we know about life here on Earth. Billions of years... billions of life forms... only ONE has achieved advanced technological ability. And that was luck of having the dinosaurs wiped out which enabled our species to evolve. So even on the perfect planet for life, with all the right conditions, all the necessary elements, it's still a crap shoot. Intelligent life is still a one-in-a-billion chance. Now there are trillions of stars, so the possibility exists that intelligent life is somewhere... but what are the chances of it being at the nearest star, 81,000 years away? Sorry... I am skeptical.

Now let's go back to Quantum Physics and the mathematical predictions of other dimensions. I can't "prove" it but it seems more acceptable to believe that UFOs and maybe even spiritual things, can be rationally explained by this. Every now and then, we're catching a glimpse of something from another dimension of space-time. Are you stubbornly rejecting this because it might explain God?
First of all, I don't appreciate you editing my post in your quote. Quote the whole thing, or don't quote it at all. I know this is how you roll, and this would be your exact response. Again, you're trolling dude. You're arguing against your own logic, just to argue. You have to learn to stop that, because it's kinda like crying wolf. We eventually stop listening.

I'd like to hear about quantum physics and other dimensions, and how UFO's and spirituality can be explained by them. I'm open to new ideas. But it should probably be in it's own thread, as it has nothing to do with this one and would be lost in meaning and input from people who would otherwise avoid this type of thread, and disrespectful to the OP. Make your own thread, post the link here, and I'll check it out and go from there... If you're serious about it, I mean. I know my fair share of science too.
...and tell us there's no God.

That is why scientists like Carl Sagan so eagerly tell us there MUST be life on other planets, but it's a wish, there is no science to back up his claims.

So far, after decades of listening with radio telescopes, the skies have been totally silent.

Either aliens don't exist at all anywhere in the universe, or they are so far away their transmissions will never reach us.

And in either case, we will never have aliens visit us.

We are probably alone.
Not necessarily alone bet more likely that ET life wouldn't find us interesting enough to bother studying. Especially since we are an extremely violent species.
What makes you think they will be smarter than us? Technologically, that's likely, but otherwise, maybe not. Maybe they would PROVE there is only one God. Then what? Would there still be no peace?
Well, definitely the fact that they can get here, means they're more technologically smarter than us.

But I'm sure they faced the same existential questions early on that we face here, what intelligent being would not? And they made it through without killing each other. And they made it far enough in their development to actually traverse the universe and get here, so I would definitely like to hear their story of how things work.

And I will go all-in on a bet that it has nothing to do with the religions we believe here on Earth.

Should the scenario arise, of course... :)

Obviously, not ALL religions are correct. So either one of the existing ones IS correct, or, none of them are....

Very true, and given the amount of religions in this world, based on the same subject matter, I would lean towards none of them being true.

I mean, primitive tribes that still exist may be closer to reality than OT-based religions. They may hold the secret, that nobody wants to listen to...

It's funny how as humans we all want reasons, explanations and answers. Maybe we would be a lot happier if we just existed and thrived enjoying life, instead of questioning how we got here and whether or not we were going anywhere after we die....

I agree! But when I bring that up, I'm labeled a "Communist". Though they don't know what that means. All I want is where the world can continue to thrive, peacefully and harmoniously, without religious wars erasing our knowledge every few hundred years.

If we can achieve that without aliens, that's great! I just think that the religious fanatics do need an alien intervention, if they're ever going to stop waging war on science and common sense. That's what the OP is about...

Only the "true God" appearing, or alien intervention, is going to stop the fanatics from doing what they're doing. And even that may not stop them... But it's our only hope.

There's something about the human mind that desperately wants affirmation. Others agreeing with your opinion/point of view/belief gives you that affirmation. Also, when you are entrenched in a belief it becomes emotional, and, you take it personally when others don't see things the way you do. So, whether you are passionate about your religion or any other belief .... if you run into a contrarian ... it's on!
Another thing to keep in mind, is that supernatural religions defy physics and quantum theory, a heckuva lot more than aliens.

Many 'supernatural' events recorded in scripture are eyewitness accounts of what was seen and heard in dreams or visions, altered states of consciousness, where quantum theory does not apply. Examples would be Abraham having lunch with three angels, Ezekiel flying from Babylon to Jerusalem and then digging through 13 feet of solid stone with his bare hands, the Transfiguration, and even the reports of Jesus being seen after the crucifixion.....

Many other supernatural events recorded in scripture are deliberately exaggerated fantastical accounts of very unspectacular things that occur all the time.... i.e. raising the dead,giving sight to the blind, healing the sick etc.

If any one of those things happened literally no one in all of Judea, Jew or Gentile,would have doubted Jesus...

To even know what literally happened one must decipher the figurative language used- metaphors,allegories, hyperbole, homonyms, etc.- to discover the deeper meaning of the words that reveal the hidden subjects.

Citing scientific facts or physics to disprove scripture is as foolish as citing science or physics to disprove the story of the three pigs.

Obviously "in the beginning" is like "once upon a time"...just like any story written to educate children begins.

It is extremely depressing to think that so many otherwise intelligent people, believer or unbeliever, can't figure out what ancient nomadic shepherds (as dumb as everyone seems to think they were), expected children to learn.

Try a little harder.
But much of your scripture is based on older texts, and they clearly are plagiarism, to convert multiple previous stories about different "gods" into one monotheistic, omnipotent, and highly schizophrenic/bipolar "God" story.


Even so, what I have found is that those plagiarized stories conceal esoteric teaching derived from hard learned lessons of their dark and distant past that are buried and hidden through a deliberate use of figurative language designed to divert the superstitious and preserve these ancient treasures of the Jewish nation, knowledge of the mind and nature of man that surpasses even our own, in a secret and safe place out of reach and above the grasp of all those who do not think very deeply.

It is no mistake that much of what Jesus said according to NT authors would have been misunderstood as a validation of Mithraic beliefs and any number of pagan practices that insured the preservation of his teachings and revelation from God by the enemy.....

For as long as Roman subjugation of the nations persists through the church, the the hidden treasures of the kingdom of heaven, its undoing, has been quietly waiting to be rediscovered.

"The kingdom of heaven is like hidden treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again."

So he drove the man out and to the east of Eden he placed the cherubim with a flaming and flashing sword that turns in every direction, to guard the way to the tree of life."
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First of all, I don't appreciate you editing my post in your quote. Quote the whole thing, or don't quote it at all. I know this is how you roll, and this would be your exact response. Again, you're trolling dude. You're arguing against your own logic, just to argue. You have to learn to stop that, because it's kinda like crying wolf. We eventually stop listening.

I'd like to hear about quantum physics and other dimensions, and how UFO's and spirituality can be explained by them. I'm open to new ideas. But it should probably be in it's own thread, as it has nothing to do with this one and would be lost in meaning and input from people who would otherwise avoid this type of thread, and disrespectful to the OP. Make your own thread, post the link here, and I'll check it out and go from there... If you're serious about it, I mean. I know my fair share of science too.

I did not edit your post. I'm also not trolling or arguing against my own logic. You're not a fucking moderator so stop acting like Barney Fife. I think my viewpoint with regard to an explanation based on quantum physics is appropriate here. What I'm seeing is that you want to immediately reject that idea because... oh... that might also explain God, and we simply can't have that, can we?
There's something about the human mind that desperately wants affirmation. Others agreeing with your opinion/point of view/belief gives you that affirmation. Also, when you are entrenched in a belief it becomes emotional, and, you take it personally when others don't see things the way you do. So, whether you are passionate about your religion or any other belief .... if you run into a contrarian ... it's on!

True... and there is also something of an arrogant hubris humans have. We assume that we know everything there is to know... we assume other-worldly life forms must be intelligent... we assume they may think and act like we do. We figure since we're so curious about the universe, they must be as well. We tend to transfer our own fears and thoughts onto completely fictional beings as if that's how they would be. You can watch some of the old sci-fi movies and see this more clearly. Human emotions transferred to the aliens and the humans wearing the "white hats" to overcome the threat.
...and tell us there's no God.

That is why scientists like Carl Sagan so eagerly tell us there MUST be life on other planets, but it's a wish, there is no science to back up his claims.

So far, after decades of listening with radio telescopes, the skies have been totally silent.

Either aliens don't exist at all anywhere in the universe, or they are so far away their transmissions will never reach us.

And in either case, we will never have aliens visit us.

We are probably alone.

Bubba, is that you and Billy Bob messing around with the computer down in the mail room again? I've told you to cut that crap out. if I get down there and find you trolling on message boards again on company time, you are going to find yourselves painting stripes on the asphalt parking lot next week in 110 degree sunshine!
Another thing to keep in mind, is that supernatural religions defy physics and quantum theory, a heckuva lot more than aliens.

Many 'supernatural' events recorded in scripture are eyewitness accounts of what was seen and heard in dreams or visions, altered states of consciousness, where quantum theory does not apply. Examples would be Abraham having lunch with three angels, Ezekiel flying from Babylon to Jerusalem and then digging through 13 feet of solid stone with his bare hands, the Transfiguration, and even the reports of Jesus being seen after the crucifixion.....

Many other supernatural events recorded in scripture are deliberately exaggerated fantastical accounts of very unspectacular things that occur all the time.... i.e. raising the dead,giving sight to the blind, healing the sick etc.

If any one of those things happened literally no one in all of Judea, Jew or Gentile,would have doubted Jesus...

To even know what literally happened one must decipher the figurative language used- metaphors,allegories, hyperbole, homonyms, etc.- to discover the deeper meaning of the words that reveal the hidden subjects.

Citing scientific facts or physics to disprove scripture is as foolish as citing science or physics to disprove the story of the three pigs.

Obviously "in the beginning" is like "once upon a time"...just like any story written to educate children begins.

It is extremely depressing to think that so many otherwise intelligent people, believer or unbeliever, can't figure out what ancient nomadic shepherds (as dumb as everyone seems to think they were), expected children to learn.

Try a little harder.
But much of your scripture is based on older texts, and they clearly are plagiarism, to convert multiple previous stories about different "gods" into one monotheistic, omnipotent, and highly schizophrenic/bipolar "God" story.


Even so, what I have found is that those plagiarized stories conceal esoteric teaching derived from hard learned lessons of their dark and distant past that are buried and hidden through a deliberate use of figurative language designed to divert the superstitious and preserve these ancient treasures of the Jewish nation, knowledge of the mind and nature of man that surpasses even our own, in a secret and safe place out of reach and above the grasp of all those who do not think very deeply.

It is no mistake that much of what Jesus said according to NT authors would have been misunderstood as a validation of Mithraic beliefs and any number of pagan practices that insured the preservation of his teachings and revelation from God by the enemy.....

For as long as Roman subjugation of the nations persists through the church, the the hidden treasures of the kingdom of heaven, its undoing, has been quietly waiting to be rediscovered.

"The kingdom of heaven is like hidden treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again."

So he drove the man out and to the east of Eden he placed the cherubim with a flaming and flashing sword that turns in every direction, to guard the way to the tree of life."

It's funny because I was trying to reply and your post was changing. So you messed me up multiple times. It's cool. I'm glad you got the "Jewish" part out of there.
They should not be blamed for anything.
First of all, I don't appreciate you editing my post in your quote. Quote the whole thing, or don't quote it at all. I know this is how you roll, and this would be your exact response. Again, you're trolling dude. You're arguing against your own logic, just to argue. You have to learn to stop that, because it's kinda like crying wolf. We eventually stop listening.

I'd like to hear about quantum physics and other dimensions, and how UFO's and spirituality can be explained by them. I'm open to new ideas. But it should probably be in it's own thread, as it has nothing to do with this one and would be lost in meaning and input from people who would otherwise avoid this type of thread, and disrespectful to the OP. Make your own thread, post the link here, and I'll check it out and go from there... If you're serious about it, I mean. I know my fair share of science too.

I did not edit your post. I'm also not trolling or arguing against my own logic. You're not a fucking moderator so stop acting like Barney Fife. I think my viewpoint with regard to an explanation based on quantum physics is appropriate here. What I'm seeing is that you want to immediately reject that idea because... oh... that might also explain God, and we simply can't have that, can we?

I said you should make your own thread about the idea, if you want feedback. It does not pertain to this one, so you're wasting your time. I'll be willing to contribute because it sounds interesting. Just post a link here, so we can find you.

Because otherwise, you're just trolling.
I said you should make your own thread about the idea, if you want feedback. It does not pertain to this one, so you're wasting your time. I'll be willing to contribute because it sounds interesting. Just post a link here, so we can find you.

Because otherwise, you're just trolling.

Sorry, not gonna let you boss me around that way. Go fuck yourself.

My idea does pertain to this thread. I don't care if I get feedback or not. I post to inform, not because I need something. You've already contributed and I know it's interesting.

It's even more interesting to me that we both agree on alien visitors, you believe they've somehow traveled an impossible distance only to observe then mysteriously disappear without a trace... and I believe they are always present in another dimension, we just can't always see them. The reason you have to tear down my theory is because it might explain God and you don't believe in God.
Another thing to keep in mind, is that supernatural religions defy physics and quantum theory, a heckuva lot more than aliens.

Many 'supernatural' events recorded in scripture are eyewitness accounts of what was seen and heard in dreams or visions, altered states of consciousness, where quantum theory does not apply. Examples would be Abraham having lunch with three angels, Ezekiel flying from Babylon to Jerusalem and then digging through 13 feet of solid stone with his bare hands, the Transfiguration, and even the reports of Jesus being seen after the crucifixion.....

Many other supernatural events recorded in scripture are deliberately exaggerated fantastical accounts of very unspectacular things that occur all the time.... i.e. raising the dead,giving sight to the blind, healing the sick etc.

If any one of those things happened literally no one in all of Judea, Jew or Gentile,would have doubted Jesus...

To even know what literally happened one must decipher the figurative language used- metaphors,allegories, hyperbole, homonyms, etc.- to discover the deeper meaning of the words that reveal the hidden subjects.

Citing scientific facts or physics to disprove scripture is as foolish as citing science or physics to disprove the story of the three pigs.

Obviously "in the beginning" is like "once upon a time"...just like any story written to educate children begins.

It is extremely depressing to think that so many otherwise intelligent people, believer or unbeliever, can't figure out what ancient nomadic shepherds (as dumb as everyone seems to think they were), expected children to learn.

Try a little harder.
But much of your scripture is based on older texts, and they clearly are plagiarism, to convert multiple previous stories about different "gods" into one monotheistic, omnipotent, and highly schizophrenic/bipolar "God" story.


Even so, what I have found is that those plagiarized stories conceal esoteric teaching derived from hard learned lessons of their dark and distant past that are buried and hidden through a deliberate use of figurative language designed to divert the superstitious and preserve these ancient treasures of the Jewish nation, knowledge of the mind and nature of man that surpasses even our own, in a secret and safe place out of reach and above the grasp of all those who do not think very deeply.

It is no mistake that much of what Jesus said according to NT authors would have been misunderstood as a validation of Mithraic beliefs and any number of pagan practices that insured the preservation of his teachings and revelation from God by the enemy.....

For as long as Roman subjugation of the nations persists through the church, the the hidden treasures of the kingdom of heaven, its undoing, has been quietly waiting to be rediscovered.

"The kingdom of heaven is like hidden treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again."

So he drove the man out and to the east of Eden he placed the cherubim with a flaming and flashing sword that turns in every direction, to guard the way to the tree of life."

It's funny because I was trying to reply and your post was changing. So you messed me up multiple times. It's cool. I'm glad you got the "Jewish" part out of there.
They should not be blamed for anything.

Sorry about that...

Who said anything about blaming anyone? I suppose everyone has a right to keep a secret....however...

If someone discovered that the true subject of Kosher law and the intent and will of God was for people to distinguish between what teaching was clean or unclean and not about what to make for dinner but still taught their children to mess around with food then they would be guilty of perpetuating deception in the name of God which amounts to murder, infanticide, in the sight of God.

No one lights a candle and then hides it under a bushel, right?
I said you should make your own thread about the idea, if you want feedback. It does not pertain to this one, so you're wasting your time. I'll be willing to contribute because it sounds interesting. Just post a link here, so we can find you.

Because otherwise, you're just trolling.

Sorry, not gonna let you boss me around that way. Go fuck yourself.

My idea does pertain to this thread. I don't care if I get feedback or not. I post to inform, not because I need something. You've already contributed and I know it's interesting.

It's even more interesting to me that we both agree on alien visitors, you believe they've somehow traveled an impossible distance only to observe then mysteriously disappear without a trace... and I believe they are always present in another dimension, we just can't always see them. The reason you have to tear down my theory is because it might explain God and you don't believe in God.

Whoa, I'm not gonna boss around the Boss... That's too skeery.... Just suggesting that if you have a good idea, make a thread about it. Otherwise, it will be lost in 2 pages. I have not seen you flesh out your idea besides a general reference to other dimensions, yet.

Aliens visiting Earth may be from another planet, from our future, from another dimension, or may not exist at all.

I don't believe in aliens. I do, however, argue for the possibility, because it does make sense given ancient texts and witnesses throughout history. I also argue that if they are real, they are the basis of most of the major religions on Earth. I don't believe in "God", though I am open to a meaning of life beyond the obvious.

Like I said before, it's highly more likely that aliens are our "Gods", than some supernatural explanation for God, if God exists.

Now, I've always considered that they can eventually develop the technology to travel long distances and visit us, since I think we will eventually figure it out too, and our growth has been stunted by stupidity over and over again. However, crossing dimensions takes at least an equal amount of technology than faster-than-light travel in our dimension. Maybe it is a mixture of the two. Going into another dimension and coming back to our dimension in a different place of space-time. Breaking the light-speed barrier. A wormhole. I don't know...

There could be 11 (or less or more) different dimensions based on string theory. Question is whether those other dimensions are suitable for life, or just for quantum particles.

There's a lot to talk about here. And it has nothing to do with this thread.

So if you just want to sound like a smart-ass on a one-off post, then do it. But if you want to discuss, start a thread, I'd be into it...
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Another thing to keep in mind, is that supernatural religions defy physics and quantum theory, a heckuva lot more than aliens.

Many 'supernatural' events recorded in scripture are eyewitness accounts of what was seen and heard in dreams or visions, altered states of consciousness, where quantum theory does not apply. Examples would be Abraham having lunch with three angels, Ezekiel flying from Babylon to Jerusalem and then digging through 13 feet of solid stone with his bare hands, the Transfiguration, and even the reports of Jesus being seen after the crucifixion.....

Many other supernatural events recorded in scripture are deliberately exaggerated fantastical accounts of very unspectacular things that occur all the time.... i.e. raising the dead,giving sight to the blind, healing the sick etc.

If any one of those things happened literally no one in all of Judea, Jew or Gentile,would have doubted Jesus...

To even know what literally happened one must decipher the figurative language used- metaphors,allegories, hyperbole, homonyms, etc.- to discover the deeper meaning of the words that reveal the hidden subjects.

Citing scientific facts or physics to disprove scripture is as foolish as citing science or physics to disprove the story of the three pigs.

Obviously "in the beginning" is like "once upon a time"...just like any story written to educate children begins.

It is extremely depressing to think that so many otherwise intelligent people, believer or unbeliever, can't figure out what ancient nomadic shepherds (as dumb as everyone seems to think they were), expected children to learn.

Try a little harder.
But much of your scripture is based on older texts, and they clearly are plagiarism, to convert multiple previous stories about different "gods" into one monotheistic, omnipotent, and highly schizophrenic/bipolar "God" story.


Even so, what I have found is that those plagiarized stories conceal esoteric teaching derived from hard learned lessons of their dark and distant past that are buried and hidden through a deliberate use of figurative language designed to divert the superstitious and preserve these ancient treasures of the Jewish nation, knowledge of the mind and nature of man that surpasses even our own, in a secret and safe place out of reach and above the grasp of all those who do not think very deeply.

It is no mistake that much of what Jesus said according to NT authors would have been misunderstood as a validation of Mithraic beliefs and any number of pagan practices that insured the preservation of his teachings and revelation from God by the enemy.....

For as long as Roman subjugation of the nations persists through the church, the the hidden treasures of the kingdom of heaven, its undoing, has been quietly waiting to be rediscovered.

"The kingdom of heaven is like hidden treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again."

So he drove the man out and to the east of Eden he placed the cherubim with a flaming and flashing sword that turns in every direction, to guard the way to the tree of life."

It's funny because I was trying to reply and your post was changing. So you messed me up multiple times. It's cool. I'm glad you got the "Jewish" part out of there.
They should not be blamed for anything.

Sorry about that...

Who said anything about blaming anyone? I suppose everyone has a right to keep a secret....however...

If someone discovered that the true subject of Kosher law and the intent and will of God was for people to distinguish between what teaching was clean or unclean and not about what to make for dinner but still taught their children to mess around with food then they would be guilty of perpetuating deception in the name of God which amounts to murder, infanticide, in the sight of God.

No one lights a candle and then hides it under a bushel, right?
Sorry, I was kidding. Judaism is equal to the problems of other OT-based religions. Same thing, different name, and original texts changed to suit their benefit of power and greed. Kill, dominate, enslave, and grab all the wealth for the rulers.

We need to let go of that, and learn to live peacefully with everyone, regardless of their faiths.
Many 'supernatural' events recorded in scripture are eyewitness accounts of what was seen and heard in dreams or visions, altered states of consciousness, where quantum theory does not apply. Examples would be Abraham having lunch with three angels, Ezekiel flying from Babylon to Jerusalem and then digging through 13 feet of solid stone with his bare hands, the Transfiguration, and even the reports of Jesus being seen after the crucifixion.....

Many other supernatural events recorded in scripture are deliberately exaggerated fantastical accounts of very unspectacular things that occur all the time.... i.e. raising the dead,giving sight to the blind, healing the sick etc.

If any one of those things happened literally no one in all of Judea, Jew or Gentile,would have doubted Jesus...

To even know what literally happened one must decipher the figurative language used- metaphors,allegories, hyperbole, homonyms, etc.- to discover the deeper meaning of the words that reveal the hidden subjects.

Citing scientific facts or physics to disprove scripture is as foolish as citing science or physics to disprove the story of the three pigs.

Obviously "in the beginning" is like "once upon a time"...just like any story written to educate children begins.

It is extremely depressing to think that so many otherwise intelligent people, believer or unbeliever, can't figure out what ancient nomadic shepherds (as dumb as everyone seems to think they were), expected children to learn.

Try a little harder.
But much of your scripture is based on older texts, and they clearly are plagiarism, to convert multiple previous stories about different "gods" into one monotheistic, omnipotent, and highly schizophrenic/bipolar "God" story.


Even so, what I have found is that those plagiarized stories conceal esoteric teaching derived from hard learned lessons of their dark and distant past that are buried and hidden through a deliberate use of figurative language designed to divert the superstitious and preserve these ancient treasures of the Jewish nation, knowledge of the mind and nature of man that surpasses even our own, in a secret and safe place out of reach and above the grasp of all those who do not think very deeply.

It is no mistake that much of what Jesus said according to NT authors would have been misunderstood as a validation of Mithraic beliefs and any number of pagan practices that insured the preservation of his teachings and revelation from God by the enemy.....

For as long as Roman subjugation of the nations persists through the church, the the hidden treasures of the kingdom of heaven, its undoing, has been quietly waiting to be rediscovered.

"The kingdom of heaven is like hidden treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again."

So he drove the man out and to the east of Eden he placed the cherubim with a flaming and flashing sword that turns in every direction, to guard the way to the tree of life."

It's funny because I was trying to reply and your post was changing. So you messed me up multiple times. It's cool. I'm glad you got the "Jewish" part out of there.
They should not be blamed for anything.

Sorry about that...

Who said anything about blaming anyone? I suppose everyone has a right to keep a secret....however...

If someone discovered that the true subject of Kosher law and the intent and will of God was for people to distinguish between what teaching was clean or unclean and not about what to make for dinner but still taught their children to mess around with food then they would be guilty of perpetuating deception in the name of God which amounts to murder, infanticide, in the sight of God.

No one lights a candle and then hides it under a bushel, right?
Sorry, I was kidding. Judaism is equal to the problems of other OT-based religions. Same thing, different name, and original texts changed to suit their benefit of power and greed. Kill, dominate, enslave, and grab all the wealth for the rulers.

We need to let go of that, and learn to live peacefully with everyone, regardless of their faiths.

I believe thats what the 666 mark of the beast warning in the NT is all about, 666 talents of gold, 25 tons, that Solomon took from the temple treasury every year, not to mention tolls taxes and tributes stolen from the people under the guise of a benevolent theocracy... ..........

I'm afraid everyone living peacefully together regardless of their faiths is impossible for as long as those different faiths of many nations each teach their adherents that they will one day rule the world....even atheist nations.

Fundamentalism in any such faith or belief system is bound to arise which prohibits compromise and makes it seem inevitable that there's going to be a showdown...

People on all sides who have maintained irrational beliefs and degrading practices for decades if not their entire lives are not likely to suddenly become reasonable even if when faced with complete destruction.
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...and tell us there's no God.

That is why scientists like Carl Sagan so eagerly tell us there MUST be life on other planets, but it's a wish, there is no science to back up his claims.

So far, after decades of listening with radio telescopes, the skies have been totally silent.

Either aliens don't exist at all anywhere in the universe, or they are so far away their transmissions will never reach us.

And in either case, we will never have aliens visit us.

We are probably alone.

Luke 17:26
“Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man.

The Disciples of Evolution that they are being deceived. That they believed that Martians has came down and taught us everything that we know. Jesus has made a statement about his return or the coming of the children of God. He said that it will be like in the days of Noah, carrying on as if there is no God. In the Book of Jasher, that it says that the people were genetically modifying life on earth and women were drinking an elixirs that keeps them from being pregnant, so that they will not lose their girlish figure in those days.That it shows that they were advanced in knowledge. Then after the flood, that the people were going back to their old wicked ways. And so God has wiped out their memories. And so they did not know nothing. Not even knowing how to communicate with one another by the use of words. And so they And so they have communicated just like infants.. And so they roamed around, looking for a place to live. And the Hebrew word is never found in any history book. But there's a word that they have found. The word is Habiru (Heb-Be-roo) which means wanderers.. And which the Hebrews were known as wanderers until God made them become a nation, the Israelites.
Even Plato mentions about these pre-flood people. That they were an advanced civilization.And he also mentioned that the plant-life were different in those days.

But much of your scripture is based on older texts, and they clearly are plagiarism, to convert multiple previous stories about different "gods" into one monotheistic, omnipotent, and highly schizophrenic/bipolar "God" story.


Even so, what I have found is that those plagiarized stories conceal esoteric teaching derived from hard learned lessons of their dark and distant past that are buried and hidden through a deliberate use of figurative language designed to divert the superstitious and preserve these ancient treasures of the Jewish nation, knowledge of the mind and nature of man that surpasses even our own, in a secret and safe place out of reach and above the grasp of all those who do not think very deeply.

It is no mistake that much of what Jesus said according to NT authors would have been misunderstood as a validation of Mithraic beliefs and any number of pagan practices that insured the preservation of his teachings and revelation from God by the enemy.....

For as long as Roman subjugation of the nations persists through the church, the the hidden treasures of the kingdom of heaven, its undoing, has been quietly waiting to be rediscovered.

"The kingdom of heaven is like hidden treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again."

So he drove the man out and to the east of Eden he placed the cherubim with a flaming and flashing sword that turns in every direction, to guard the way to the tree of life."

It's funny because I was trying to reply and your post was changing. So you messed me up multiple times. It's cool. I'm glad you got the "Jewish" part out of there.
They should not be blamed for anything.

Sorry about that...

Who said anything about blaming anyone? I suppose everyone has a right to keep a secret....however...

If someone discovered that the true subject of Kosher law and the intent and will of God was for people to distinguish between what teaching was clean or unclean and not about what to make for dinner but still taught their children to mess around with food then they would be guilty of perpetuating deception in the name of God which amounts to murder, infanticide, in the sight of God.

No one lights a candle and then hides it under a bushel, right?
Sorry, I was kidding. Judaism is equal to the problems of other OT-based religions. Same thing, different name, and original texts changed to suit their benefit of power and greed. Kill, dominate, enslave, and grab all the wealth for the rulers.

We need to let go of that, and learn to live peacefully with everyone, regardless of their faiths.

I believe thats what the 666 mark of the beast warning in the NT is all about, 666 talents of gold, 25 tons, that Solomon took from the temple treasury every year, not to mention tolls taxes and tributes stolen from the people under the guise of a benevolent theocracy... ..........

I'm afraid everyone living peacefully together regardless of their faiths is impossible for as long as those different faiths of many nations each teach their adherents that they will one day rule the world....even atheist nations.

Fundamentalism in any such faith or belief system is bound to arise which prohibits compromise and makes it seem inevitable that there's going to be a showdown...

People on all sides who have maintained irrational beliefs and degrading practices for decades if not their entire lives are not likely to suddenly become reasonable even if when faced with complete destruction.

Exactly how I feel...

Which means it probably takes an intervention if we're not going to destroy the planet. And that's why I hope aliens are true, or even God for that matter. Something to make people stop, and listen, and then work towards mutual benefit and survival.

I don't see our future being very good, until we can get over these fundamentalist ideas.

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