Atheists are hoping aliens from outer space will contact us...

So here's my thing with ETUFO's. We'll eventually learn the tech necessary to visit other solar systems. It may take a long time to develop that technology, but I don't think anyone can disagree that we will eventually figure something out.

The universe is 9 billion years older than our solar system. Considering that we went from being grounded on earth, to having spacecraft exiting our solar system, in 130 years, is an amazing thing. Especially when we've been killing each other and destroying knowledge for our first 6000 years of civilization over religion. We always have to start anew. And we're at this point of technology, after about 130 years of development without destruction.

Give another planet with similar intelligent evolution, but no religious flushing of information, a 1000 year head start on us, and consider what they could do. They would be Gods to us. Geez, give a planet a million year head start on us... Or a billion... Point is that we have no idea what science is capable of.

So saying that aliens visiting Earth is impossible, because we humans cannot yet visit other solar systems, assumes we are the pinnacle of the universe. And I really disagree with that. :)
Yeah given the size of the universe, undoubtedly there are aliens out there and in different phases of evolution but that said, humankind will probably never know because long before that happens they'll have blown each other up. Therefore, it's doubtful they'll ever find out.
That's what makes it sad....

The fundies will make their religions come true, by wiping out anybody who disagrees.

So we have to hope that before they kill us all, that ET's will make an intervention. I really see no other way out of this. Because science and logic doesn't work with them.

It's gonna take something to really put them on tilt...
...and tell us there's no God.

That is why scientists like Carl Sagan so eagerly tell us there MUST be life on other planets, but it's a wish, there is no science to back up his claims.

So far, after decades of listening with radio telescopes, the skies have been totally silent.

Either aliens don't exist at all anywhere in the universe, or they are so far away their transmissions will never reach us.

And in either case, we will never have aliens visit us.

We are probably alone.
There are neither ‘aliens’ nor a ‘god’ as perceived by theists.
The alien thing is a religious issue for the atheists. They think if we are contacted by aliens, the entire Christian religion will have a faith crisis and collapse in ruin. This is the reason atheists run around insisting that aliens are real, when they have absolutely no proof to back up these claims.
This is of course a lie – that you post lies in a ‘Religion and Ethics’ forum is as sad as it is amusing.
The alien thing is a religious issue for the atheists. They think if we are contacted by aliens, the entire Christian religion will have a faith crisis and collapse in ruin. This is the reason atheists run around insisting that aliens are real, when they have absolutely no proof to back up these claims.
This is of course a lie – that you post lies in a ‘Religion and Ethics’ forum is as sad as it is amusing.
Yes he is in fact lying. What blackroot is doing is he is admitting finally after hundreds of years that it is indeed more likely we are not alone. They don't want to be completely caught off guard in case other life is found. Now it has to be as intelligent as us or it doesn't count for example.

Answer one question. Would life somewhere else debunk the old testament? Because if thats man-made sos the new.

But we all know Christians will just move the goalpost, find a verse that explains this away or just cognitive dissonance
Yes he is in fact lying. What blackroot is doing is he is admitting finally after hundreds of years that it is indeed more likely we are not alone. They don't want to be completely caught off guard in case other life is found. Now it has to be as intelligent as us or it doesn't count for example.

Answer one question. Would life somewhere else debunk the old testament? Because if thats man-made sos the new.

But we all know Christians will just move the goalpost, find a verse that explains this away or just cognitive dissonance

Here's the thing... We can't even see most of our universe. What little we can see is very vague. You know how NASA will now and then post something about an "earth-like planet" and there's a colorful pretty picture...or a newly-discovered black hole and there's that same beautiful hi-rez photo? Well, those are not actual photographs. They are artist renderings based on speculation alone. Our most powerful telescope (Hubble) simply can't render an image of any kind of detail when it comes to something that far away. Black holes amount to about 5 pixels, if that.

What we know from the limited exploration we've had is that life isn't abundant. In fact, it's never been discovered elsewhere. If it exists, it's very far away and we'll never reach it with conventional travel. You can speculate about the future but the future won't be able to defy physics... it's impossible to travel faster than light. There are theories about wormholes and such, but those are simply theories that haven't been proven or tried.

I personally believe, before we ever discover life on another planet in our universe, we will discover intelligence in another dimension. Quantum mechanics predicts as many as 11 dimensions and we're only interactive with 4 of them. Perhaps one day we will unlock the secrets to allow us to "peek" into another dimension? The fascinating thing about dimensions is they don't really require space travel, they could be present right here on Earth. At the very space you occupy at your computer desk, there could be something else happening in one of the other dimensions. I wonder if this will ultimately explain UFO phenomenon... something from another dimension has discovered a way to transport back and forth.
Yes he is in fact lying. What blackroot is doing is he is admitting finally after hundreds of years that it is indeed more likely we are not alone. They don't want to be completely caught off guard in case other life is found. Now it has to be as intelligent as us or it doesn't count for example.

Answer one question. Would life somewhere else debunk the old testament? Because if thats man-made sos the new.

But we all know Christians will just move the goalpost, find a verse that explains this away or just cognitive dissonance

Here's the thing... We can't even see most of our universe. What little we can see is very vague. You know how NASA will now and then post something about an "earth-like planet" and there's a colorful pretty picture...or a newly-discovered black hole and there's that same beautiful hi-rez photo? Well, those are not actual photographs. They are artist renderings based on speculation alone. Our most powerful telescope (Hubble) simply can't render an image of any kind of detail when it comes to something that far away. Black holes amount to about 5 pixels, if that.

What we know from the limited exploration we've had is that life isn't abundant. In fact, it's never been discovered elsewhere. If it exists, it's very far away and we'll never reach it with conventional travel. You can speculate about the future but the future won't be able to defy physics... it's impossible to travel faster than light. There are theories about wormholes and such, but those are simply theories that haven't been proven or tried.

I personally believe, before we ever discover life on another planet in our universe, we will discover intelligence in another dimension. Quantum mechanics predicts as many as 11 dimensions and we're only interactive with 4 of them. Perhaps one day we will unlock the secrets to allow us to "peek" into another dimension? The fascinating thing about dimensions is they don't really require space travel, they could be present right here on Earth. At the very space you occupy at your computer desk, there could be something else happening in one of the other dimensions. I wonder if this will ultimately explain UFO phenomenon... something from another dimension has discovered a way to transport back and forth.
We've barely looked anywhere for life, there is probably some thoughout the universe.
As well, we were ape-like for 5 million years, then about 100,000 years ago, we changed radically... Aliens were most likely involved.
...and tell us there's no God.

That is why scientists like Carl Sagan so eagerly tell us there MUST be life on other planets, but it's a wish, there is no science to back up his claims.

So far, after decades of listening with radio telescopes, the skies have been totally silent.

Either aliens don't exist at all anywhere in the universe, or they are so far away their transmissions will never reach us.

And in either case, we will never have aliens visit us.

We are probably alone.
Is it unreasonable to expect any pathfinders for any reconnaissance?
We've barely looked anywhere for life, there is probably some thoughout the universe.
As well, we were ape-like for 5 million years, then about 100,000 years ago, we changed radically... Aliens were most likely involved.

We can't look for life, it's too far away. From what we understand of life, it requires liquid water, oxygen and sunlight. So it's not in our solar system except here on Earth. There's a possibility of some strange microbial life on one of Saturn or Jupiter's moons, but that's about it for our solar system. Anything beyond is too far for us to properly examine. That's not likely to change because of physics and human lifespans.

Long before we were "ape like creatures" massive dinosaurs roamed the Earth and the largest mammal was no bigger than a groundhog. Hominids would've never evolved without something wiping out the dinosaurs. So it's a mere fluke of luck that we're even here. Even further... without the moon causing tides in the ocean and a wobbly rotation causing seasons and oceanic convection, there might not be much of any life here. Life itself is really a miracle.

Aliens? How did they get here? Physics is still physics, even for an alien. Try this one on for size... what if "Our Creator" resides in another dimension? A form of intelligence we can't even comprehend, much older and more advanced, able to cross over into our 4-dimensional universe? One day it pops in, bestows primitive man with what we now call "spiritual understanding" then pops out, back into it's own dimension. Every now and then, we spot visitors from the other dimension... we call them UFOs.

To me, that's much more plausible than carbon-based life forms from a distant star system in our galaxy. Because, physics.
Yes he is in fact lying. What blackroot is doing is he is admitting finally after hundreds of years that it is indeed more likely we are not alone. They don't want to be completely caught off guard in case other life is found. Now it has to be as intelligent as us or it doesn't count for example.

Answer one question. Would life somewhere else debunk the old testament? Because if thats man-made sos the new.

But we all know Christians will just move the goalpost, find a verse that explains this away or just cognitive dissonance

Here's the thing... We can't even see most of our universe. What little we can see is very vague. You know how NASA will now and then post something about an "earth-like planet" and there's a colorful pretty picture...or a newly-discovered black hole and there's that same beautiful hi-rez photo? Well, those are not actual photographs. They are artist renderings based on speculation alone. Our most powerful telescope (Hubble) simply can't render an image of any kind of detail when it comes to something that far away. Black holes amount to about 5 pixels, if that.

What we know from the limited exploration we've had is that life isn't abundant. In fact, it's never been discovered elsewhere. If it exists, it's very far away and we'll never reach it with conventional travel. You can speculate about the future but the future won't be able to defy physics... it's impossible to travel faster than light. There are theories about wormholes and such, but those are simply theories that haven't been proven or tried.

I personally believe, before we ever discover life on another planet in our universe, we will discover intelligence in another dimension. Quantum mechanics predicts as many as 11 dimensions and we're only interactive with 4 of them. Perhaps one day we will unlock the secrets to allow us to "peek" into another dimension? The fascinating thing about dimensions is they don't really require space travel, they could be present right here on Earth. At the very space you occupy at your computer desk, there could be something else happening in one of the other dimensions. I wonder if this will ultimately explain UFO phenomenon... something from another dimension has discovered a way to transport back and forth.
Today I was listening to a guy who explores our oceans. He was explaining how 70% of our own planet is virtually unexplored. Too deep and it takes too long to get down there and you can't stay long. He said soon they're going to send robots who can stay down there for days and we can look from our smart phones.

Anyways, they discovered 6 foot worms so deep they don't get photosynthesis. How they survive is amazing. Anyways, we just discovered them. Now we know there's water on Europa. That's in our solar system and again, we don't know.

So I don't think we know anything about what's circling another star. The elements for life are everywhere.
Yes he is in fact lying. What blackroot is doing is he is admitting finally after hundreds of years that it is indeed more likely we are not alone. They don't want to be completely caught off guard in case other life is found. Now it has to be as intelligent as us or it doesn't count for example.

Answer one question. Would life somewhere else debunk the old testament? Because if thats man-made sos the new.

But we all know Christians will just move the goalpost, find a verse that explains this away or just cognitive dissonance

Here's the thing... We can't even see most of our universe. What little we can see is very vague. You know how NASA will now and then post something about an "earth-like planet" and there's a colorful pretty picture...or a newly-discovered black hole and there's that same beautiful hi-rez photo? Well, those are not actual photographs. They are artist renderings based on speculation alone. Our most powerful telescope (Hubble) simply can't render an image of any kind of detail when it comes to something that far away. Black holes amount to about 5 pixels, if that.

What we know from the limited exploration we've had is that life isn't abundant. In fact, it's never been discovered elsewhere. If it exists, it's very far away and we'll never reach it with conventional travel. You can speculate about the future but the future won't be able to defy physics... it's impossible to travel faster than light. There are theories about wormholes and such, but those are simply theories that haven't been proven or tried.

I personally believe, before we ever discover life on another planet in our universe, we will discover intelligence in another dimension. Quantum mechanics predicts as many as 11 dimensions and we're only interactive with 4 of them. Perhaps one day we will unlock the secrets to allow us to "peek" into another dimension? The fascinating thing about dimensions is they don't really require space travel, they could be present right here on Earth. At the very space you occupy at your computer desk, there could be something else happening in one of the other dimensions. I wonder if this will ultimately explain UFO phenomenon... something from another dimension has discovered a way to transport back and forth.
We've barely looked anywhere for life, there is probably some thoughout the universe.
As well, we were ape-like for 5 million years, then about 100,000 years ago, we changed radically... Aliens were most likely involved.
A lot of people believe that. People have believed that since men were men. We see it in their drawings. So must be true otherwise we wouldn't still believe that.

I think the dinosaurs leaving gave us the freedom and safety to think imagine and band together. Strength in numbers
We've barely looked anywhere for life, there is probably some thoughout the universe.
As well, we were ape-like for 5 million years, then about 100,000 years ago, we changed radically... Aliens were most likely involved.

We can't look for life, it's too far away. From what we understand of life, it requires liquid water, oxygen and sunlight. So it's not in our solar system except here on Earth. There's a possibility of some strange microbial life on one of Saturn or Jupiter's moons, but that's about it for our solar system. Anything beyond is too far for us to properly examine. That's not likely to change because of physics and human lifespans.

Long before we were "ape like creatures" massive dinosaurs roamed the Earth and the largest mammal was no bigger than a groundhog. Hominids would've never evolved without something wiping out the dinosaurs. So it's a mere fluke of luck that we're even here. Even further... without the moon causing tides in the ocean and a wobbly rotation causing seasons and oceanic convection, there might not be much of any life here. Life itself is really a miracle.

Aliens? How did they get here? Physics is still physics, even for an alien. Try this one on for size... what if "Our Creator" resides in another dimension? A form of intelligence we can't even comprehend, much older and more advanced, able to cross over into our 4-dimensional universe? One day it pops in, bestows primitive man with what we now call "spiritual understanding" then pops out, back into it's own dimension. Every now and then, we spot visitors from the other dimension... we call them UFOs.

To me, that's much more plausible than carbon-based life forms from a distant star system in our galaxy. Because, physics.
He's bunting again, trolling...
Being that the purpose of the OP is to say that Atheists rely on ETUFO's to change the world for the better.... which is true...

I ask what will your religion do to change the world? Which one is right? And how will it change the world, when there are so many people dedicated to opposing religions?

Are you relying on Jesus coming back to Earth and saying that a certain sect of the believers will get saved? Or as long as they're Christian they will be saved?

Good people go to hell, because they don't believe?

How exactly does that work?
...and tell us there's no God.

That is why scientists like Carl Sagan so eagerly tell us there MUST be life on other planets, but it's a wish, there is no science to back up his claims.

So far, after decades of listening with radio telescopes, the skies have been totally silent.

Either aliens don't exist at all anywhere in the universe, or they are so far away their transmissions will never reach us.

And in either case, we will never have aliens visit us.

We are probably alone.

Explain how the evidence of aliens would disprove God....
Evidence of aliens would not disprove God, but if we could communicate with them and they would tell us the answers to our burning questions about our existence, it may disprove religions. And the need to fight for and donate to those religions. And maybe we can find some peace.
What makes you think they will be smarter than us? Technologically, that's likely, but otherwise, maybe not. Maybe they would PROVE there is only one God. Then what? Would there still be no peace?
We've barely looked anywhere for life, there is probably some thoughout the universe.
As well, we were ape-like for 5 million years, then about 100,000 years ago, we changed radically... Aliens were most likely involved.

We can't look for life, it's too far away. From what we understand of life, it requires liquid water, oxygen and sunlight. So it's not in our solar system except here on Earth. There's a possibility of some strange microbial life on one of Saturn or Jupiter's moons, but that's about it for our solar system. Anything beyond is too far for us to properly examine. That's not likely to change because of physics and human lifespans.

Long before we were "ape like creatures" massive dinosaurs roamed the Earth and the largest mammal was no bigger than a groundhog. Hominids would've never evolved without something wiping out the dinosaurs. So it's a mere fluke of luck that we're even here. Even further... without the moon causing tides in the ocean and a wobbly rotation causing seasons and oceanic convection, there might not be much of any life here. Life itself is really a miracle.

Aliens? How did they get here? Physics is still physics, even for an alien. Try this one on for size... what if "Our Creator" resides in another dimension? A form of intelligence we can't even comprehend, much older and more advanced, able to cross over into our 4-dimensional universe? One day it pops in, bestows primitive man with what we now call "spiritual understanding" then pops out, back into it's own dimension. Every now and then, we spot visitors from the other dimension... we call them UFOs.

To me, that's much more plausible than carbon-based life forms from a distant star system in our galaxy. Because, physics.
We can't find life in our own solar system because "it's too far away"? Just because we can't currently find it doesn't mean that it's not there. Ex: gravity existed before we discovered it.

As for your Creator that resides in another dimension and "pops" in and out, well, it's a theory, and it's based on absolutely nothing. I could go on and on about what we've learned from history about aliens (the US government knows all about them), but you can google all that by yourself if you're interested...
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What makes you think they will be smarter than us? Technologically, that's likely, but otherwise, maybe not. Maybe they would PROVE there is only one God. Then what? Would there still be no peace?
Well, definitely the fact that they can get here, means they're more technologically smarter than us.

But I'm sure they faced the same existential questions early on that we face here, what intelligent being would not? And they made it through without killing each other. And they made it far enough in their development to actually traverse the universe and get here, so I would definitely like to hear their story of how things work.

And I will go all-in on a bet that it has nothing to do with the religions we believe here on Earth.

Should the scenario arise, of course... :)
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If aliens came to earth, and we tried to tell them about "God", it's likely they would have the Inigo Montoya response:

We've barely looked anywhere for life, there is probably some thoughout the universe.
As well, we were ape-like for 5 million years, then about 100,000 years ago, we changed radically... Aliens were most likely involved.

We can't look for life, it's too far away. From what we understand of life, it requires liquid water, oxygen and sunlight. So it's not in our solar system except here on Earth. There's a possibility of some strange microbial life on one of Saturn or Jupiter's moons, but that's about it for our solar system. Anything beyond is too far for us to properly examine. That's not likely to change because of physics and human lifespans.

Long before we were "ape like creatures" massive dinosaurs roamed the Earth and the largest mammal was no bigger than a groundhog. Hominids would've never evolved without something wiping out the dinosaurs. So it's a mere fluke of luck that we're even here. Even further... without the moon causing tides in the ocean and a wobbly rotation causing seasons and oceanic convection, there might not be much of any life here. Life itself is really a miracle.

Aliens? How did they get here? Physics is still physics, even for an alien. Try this one on for size... what if "Our Creator" resides in another dimension? A form of intelligence we can't even comprehend, much older and more advanced, able to cross over into our 4-dimensional universe? One day it pops in, bestows primitive man with what we now call "spiritual understanding" then pops out, back into it's own dimension. Every now and then, we spot visitors from the other dimension... we call them UFOs.

To me, that's much more plausible than carbon-based life forms from a distant star system in our galaxy. Because, physics.
Because we can't find life in our own solar system because "it's too far away"? Just because we can't currently find it doesn't mean that it's not there. Ex: gravity existed before we discovered it.

As for your Creator that resides in another dimension and "pops" in and out, well, it's a theory, and it's based on absolutely nothing. I could go on and on about what we've learned from history about aliens (the US government knows all about them), but you can google all that by yourself if you're interested...

Now wait a minute... my theory is based on the fact that we know other dimensions exist. Or at least, that's what quantum physics indicates. I'm simply saying, why isn't it just as likely that UFOs as well as spiritual entities are the result of transient contact with another dimension?

I admit, the UFO stuff is fascinating and intriguing, but to me, it's kind of like the Bigfoot phenomenon... if there really were something, we'd have found indisputable evidence by now. So we have to consider other alternatives of explanation.
We've barely looked anywhere for life, there is probably some thoughout the universe.
As well, we were ape-like for 5 million years, then about 100,000 years ago, we changed radically... Aliens were most likely involved.

We can't look for life, it's too far away. From what we understand of life, it requires liquid water, oxygen and sunlight. So it's not in our solar system except here on Earth. There's a possibility of some strange microbial life on one of Saturn or Jupiter's moons, but that's about it for our solar system. Anything beyond is too far for us to properly examine. That's not likely to change because of physics and human lifespans.

Long before we were "ape like creatures" massive dinosaurs roamed the Earth and the largest mammal was no bigger than a groundhog. Hominids would've never evolved without something wiping out the dinosaurs. So it's a mere fluke of luck that we're even here. Even further... without the moon causing tides in the ocean and a wobbly rotation causing seasons and oceanic convection, there might not be much of any life here. Life itself is really a miracle.

Aliens? How did they get here? Physics is still physics, even for an alien. Try this one on for size... what if "Our Creator" resides in another dimension? A form of intelligence we can't even comprehend, much older and more advanced, able to cross over into our 4-dimensional universe? One day it pops in, bestows primitive man with what we now call "spiritual understanding" then pops out, back into it's own dimension. Every now and then, we spot visitors from the other dimension... we call them UFOs.

To me, that's much more plausible than carbon-based life forms from a distant star system in our galaxy. Because, physics.
Because we can't find life in our own solar system because "it's too far away"? Just because we can't currently find it doesn't mean that it's not there. Ex: gravity existed before we discovered it.

As for your Creator that resides in another dimension and "pops" in and out, well, it's a theory, and it's based on absolutely nothing. I could go on and on about what we've learned from history about aliens (the US government knows all about them), but you can google all that by yourself if you're interested...

Now wait a minute... my theory is based on the fact that we know other dimensions exist. Or at least, that's what quantum physics indicates. I'm simply saying, why isn't it just as likely that UFOs as well as spiritual entities are the result of transient contact with another dimension?

I admit, the UFO stuff is fascinating and intriguing, but to me, it's kind of like the Bigfoot phenomenon... if there really were something, we'd have found indisputable evidence by now. So we have to consider other alternatives of explanation.
There is indisputable evidence for aliens, why you don't acknowledge it is up to you.

As for popping in and out of another dimension, whether it be aliens or god is a figment of your imagination. Nothing at all points to a god, in any dimension.

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