Atheists are just as deluded as theists...

Got it. Just believe this, and you will convince yourself that you are right.

I don’t have to convince myself of anything, but I am laughing because you inadvertently proved my previous point. Your pride and condescending attitude is exactly why you are blinded from God. Until that changes, you are most likely never, ever going to believe, because it takes humility and a genuine, sincere desire for truth. Mark my words.

I was a Christian all my life. The desire to know more about the truth of the bible is what turned me into an atheist.

Anyone can say they’re a Christian, even people who go to church for decades and have read the Bible cover to cover. But if regeneration never happened, then it doesn’t matter, because you’re still in your natural state.
Got it. Just believe this, and you will convince yourself that you are right.

I don’t have to convince myself of anything, but I am laughing because you inadvertently proved my previous point. Your pride and condescending attitude is exactly why you are blinded from God. Until that changes, you are most likely never, ever going to believe, because it takes humility and a genuine, sincere desire for truth. Mark my words.

I was a Christian all my life. The desire to know more about the truth of the bible is what turned me into an atheist.

Anyone can say they’re a Christian, even people who go to church for decades and have read the Bible cover to cover. But if regeneration never happened, then it doesn’t matter, because you’re still in your natural state.
I think it is even more complicated than that because it is dynamic. There are three possible states; moving towards, moving away and stationary.
God is such a needy bastard. He needs this, he needs THAT. Sacrifice you son, well not really, that was a test, ways out. Just kidding! Everything is a test. I think of Job...I refuse to believe a loving god would do this stupid shit, because a real loving god that knows everything wouldn't tease and torment us that way. Actually, the biblical god seems more like Satan . He seems to delight in our suffering. So, I prefer to believe it's all just random happenstance because I can't believe in such a cruel god.
Got it. Just believe this, and you will convince yourself that you are right.

I don’t have to convince myself of anything, but I am laughing because you inadvertently proved my previous point. Your pride and condescending attitude is exactly why you are blinded from God. Until that changes, you are most likely never, ever going to believe, because it takes humility and a genuine, sincere desire for truth. Mark my words.

I was a Christian all my life. The desire to know more about the truth of the bible is what turned me into an atheist.

Anyone can say they’re a Christian, even people who go to church for decades and have read the Bible cover to cover. But if regeneration never happened, then it doesn’t matter, because you’re still in your natural state.
I think it is even more complicated than that because it is dynamic. There are three possible states; moving towards, moving away and stationary.

I understand what you’re saying, but in the context of my reply to BULLDOG , it boiled down to either being in one’s natural carnal state, or being regenerated. In other words, born again. And once you’re spiritually born, you can’t go back to being unborn. But I don’t want to get too off topic here.
Got it. Just believe this, and you will convince yourself that you are right.

I don’t have to convince myself of anything, but I am laughing because you inadvertently proved my previous point. Your pride and condescending attitude is exactly why you are blinded from God. Until that changes, you are most likely never, ever going to believe, because it takes humility and a genuine, sincere desire for truth. Mark my words.

I was a Christian all my life. The desire to know more about the truth of the bible is what turned me into an atheist.

Anyone can say they’re a Christian, even people who go to church for decades and have read the Bible cover to cover. But if regeneration never happened, then it doesn’t matter, because you’re still in your natural state.
I think it is even more complicated than that because it is dynamic. There are three possible states; moving towards, moving away and stationary.

I understand what you’re saying, but in the context of my reply to BULLDOG , it boiled down to either being in one’s natural carnal state, or being regenerated. In other words, born again. And once you’re spiritually born, you can’t go back to being unborn. But I don’t want to get too off topic here.
Ok, but you can back slide.
God is such a needy bastard. He needs this, he needs THAT. Sacrifice you son, well not really, that was a test, ways out. Just kidding! Everything is a test. I think of Job...I refuse to believe a loving god would do this stupid shit, because a real loving god that knows everything wouldn't tease and torment us that way. Actually, the biblical god seems more like Satan . He seems to delight in our suffering. So, I prefer to believe it's all just random happenstance because I can't believe in such a cruel god.
What are the lessons in each story?
Why do you need to make it so complicated. All the standard explanations; you gotta want it, the Bible says so, etc.etc. don't make much sense. You got something different?
I’m making this as simple as it gets.

Do you believe that something you created can be used as evidence? Yes or no?

I thought I already said that. Yes. It's your proof. amaze me.
That really wasn’t that clear.

Can I learn things about you from something you created even if i didn’t know who created it?

No idea why you're being such a dick. You can't take yes for an answer? Either do it or don't. I gotta go eat supper with my daughter and pretend she knows how to cook.
I’m not being a dick. They were two different questions.

1. Can I use what you create as evidence? You said yes

2. Can I learn things about you from your creation? You said yes.

Can I use the evidence of your creation to figure out things like how much intelligence you have and how many different steps you took to create it?

What's wrong with you? Yes, Yes, and Yes, and if you come up with any more silly questions, yes to them too. All I ask is that you have a reasonable, logical basis for anything you claim, and you don't say I have to accept it as fact before I can see it as true.. None of this is to say I will just accept what you say, but I will give it a more than fair evaluation. That's about all I can do.
God is such a needy bastard. He needs this, he needs THAT. Sacrifice you son, well not really, that was a test, ways out. Just kidding! Everything is a test. I think of Job...I refuse to believe a loving god would do this stupid shit, because a real loving god that knows everything wouldn't tease and torment us that way. Actually, the biblical god seems more like Satan . He seems to delight in our suffering. So, I prefer to believe it's all just random happenstance because I can't believe in such a cruel god.
Job was a fictional character, his trials, tribulations, and eventual vindication were an attempt to deal with the question of why good people suffer.

You might as well get pissed off at God because he let the big bad wolf eat grandma.
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God is such a needy bastard. He needs this, he needs THAT. Sacrifice you son, well not really, that was a test, ways out. Just kidding! Everything is a test. I think of Job...I refuse to believe a loving god would do this stupid shit, because a real loving god that knows everything wouldn't tease and torment us that way. Actually, the biblical god seems more like Satan . He seems to delight in our suffering. So, I prefer to believe it's all just random happenstance because I can't believe in such a cruel god.
What are the lessons in each story?
Yes indeedy! I remember the daily reader, back in kindergarten. I would run home in my pink skirt and huge galoshes. stomping in all the puddles to see the splashes. But I had to be dragged to Sunday school . Those little old ladies telling me parables about sacrifice and such religious conceits. I could never figure this out, so I asked a Sunday school teacher this: If god made everything, (a 7 year kiddo I was old asked this) :Where did god come from? My teacher said ; " you will have to go to heaven and ask god that". Well, about that...NAH.
Yes indeedy! I remember the daily reader, back in kindergarten. I would run home in my pink skirt and huge galoshes. stomping in all the puddles to see the splashes. But I had to be dragged to Sunday school . Those little old ladies telling me parables about sacrifice and such religious conceits. I could never figure this out, so I asked a Sunday school teacher this: If god made everything, (a 7 year kiddo I was old asked this) :Where did god come from? My teacher said ; " you will have to go to heaven and ask god that". Well, about that...NAH.

It is difficult for anyone--let alone a seven-year-old--to contemplate infinity, not to mention spirit outside of matter.
I’m making this as simple as it gets.

Do you believe that something you created can be used as evidence? Yes or no?

I thought I already said that. Yes. It's your proof. amaze me.
That really wasn’t that clear.

Can I learn things about you from something you created even if i didn’t know who created it?

No idea why you're being such a dick. You can't take yes for an answer? Either do it or don't. I gotta go eat supper with my daughter and pretend she knows how to cook.
I’m not being a dick. They were two different questions.

1. Can I use what you create as evidence? You said yes

2. Can I learn things about you from your creation? You said yes.

Can I use the evidence of your creation to figure out things like how much intelligence you have and how many different steps you took to create it?

What's wrong with you? Yes, Yes, and Yes, and if you come up with any more silly questions, yes to them too. All I ask is that you have a reasonable, logical basis for anything you claim, and you don't say I have to accept it as fact before I can see it as true.. None of this is to say I will just accept what you say, but I will give it a more than fair evaluation. That's about all I can do.

Are your creations the realization of your intention?

Do you create things for a purpose?

Can I tell what that purpose is from your creation?
... as there's also no proof that a god can't be possible. Or can any atheist here prove that god is not possible?

You don't understand what an atheist is. If you are not convinced that a God, any God, exists, then you are an atheist. Some don't believe a God is possible, but that is not the defining characteristic. Many, or even most are open to being convinced if someone would come up with something other than "because I believe it" but an atheist has no need to prove or disprove something he doesn't even believe in.
What sort of evidence would it take to convince you?

It's your proof. Convince me. I've already heard "I just know it" and "You have to accept the bible as fact" and all the crap along those lines, but if you can come up with something rational and believable, I'm listening.
I believe that the real proof is in the character of the believer. There is something different about them. Call it peculiar if you wish, but believers tend to live longer, seem happy most of the time, comprehend human nature and really try to be helpful and understanding. Believers as a whole try to be inclusive and accepting. However, they also are well aware that all forms of behavior are not equal or wholesome. And they strive to please GOD rather than man. Christians as a whole are mindful and don't make decisions lightly, seeking GOD's wisdom and guidance.
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... as there's also no proof that a god can't be possible. Or can any atheist here prove that god is not possible?

You don't understand what an atheist is. If you are not convinced that a God, any God, exists, then you are an atheist. Some don't believe a God is possible, but that is not the defining characteristic. Many, or even most are open to being convinced if someone would come up with something other than "because I believe it" but an atheist has no need to prove or disprove something he doesn't even believe in.
What sort of evidence would it take to convince you?

It's your proof. Convince me. I've already heard "I just know it" and "You have to accept the bible as fact" and all the crap along those lines, but if you can come up with something rational and believable, I'm listening.
I believe that the real proof is in the character of the believer. There is something different about them. Call it peculiar if you wish, but believers tend to live longer, seem happy most of the time, comprehend human nature and really try to be helpful and understanding. Believers as a whole try to be inclusive and accepting. However, they also are well aware that all forms of behavior are not equal or wholesome. And they strive to please GOD rather than man. Christians as a whole are mindful and don't make decisions lightly, seeking GOD's wisdom and guidance.
Tell us the one about there are no atheists in foxholes
... as there's also no proof that a god can't be possible. Or can any atheist here prove that god is not possible?

Seems you're evolving your fact finding mission.

Is the choice to believe a choice at all? Something drives you to run these long philosophical trolling lines--casting broad nets for answers from electronic avatars--each hopefully fronting for a 'real' interactable mind who can provide you with some long sought answers. Perhaps that is the Logos: an innate, inseparable truth within our genetic material. Even when 'good' men who deny His existence to others do wrong, they are aware of sin--of taboo; breaking with dogma--and they're either abashed or excited over the prospect. Do they not simply want the believers to rein them in? Much like a child who for parental attention repeatedly throws down the pacifier?

Essentially, what Atheist would want to disprove God? Perhaps not so inauspiciously for the rest of us as they imagine, atheism is a logical, and for some--necessary--part of the journey to find God.
I'm just asking if any atheists contend that god is not possible. So far, not one has.
... as there's also no proof that a god can't be possible. Or can any atheist here prove that god is not possible?

You don't understand what an atheist is. If you are not convinced that a God, any God, exists, then you are an atheist. Some don't believe a God is possible, but that is not the defining characteristic. Many, or even most are open to being convinced if someone would come up with something other than "because I believe it" but an atheist has no need to prove or disprove something he doesn't even believe in.
What sort of evidence would it take to convince you?

It's your proof. Convince me. I've already heard "I just know it" and "You have to accept the bible as fact" and all the crap along those lines, but if you can come up with something rational and believable, I'm listening.
I believe that the real proof is in the character of the believer. There is something different about them. Call it peculiar if you wish, but believers tend to live longer, seem happy most of the time, comprehend human nature and really try to be helpful and understanding. Believers as a whole try to be inclusive and accepting. However, they also are well aware that all forms of behavior are not equal or wholesome. And they strive to please GOD rather than man. Christians as a whole are mindful and don't make decisions lightly, seeking GOD's wisdom and guidance.
So the Christians who invaded Iraq looking for non-existent WMD and killing over 250,000 people while completely destroying the country are on some sort of moral high ground because they believe in an invisible superbeing? Is that your final answer? :biggrin:

How do you get deluded over a non Belief?
I was assuming that there are some atheists that think that god is not possible. I'm finding out that there aren't any of those atheists here. That's all.

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