Atheists are just as deluded as theists...

We didn't fly planes into the marketplaces of Iraq. They attacked 9/11 and we reciprocated. The heads of Iraq were all Muslims.

15 out of 19 9-11 attackers were from Saudi Arabia.
I note that none of them were "Christian". And the questions are, who supported them and who funded them and where were they trained?
The majority of those who invaded Iraq were Christians as was the president who ordered it

100,000 died needlessly
Are you a Christian? Were you ever in the armed forces? How many of your colleagues were Bible thumper? I rest my case.
GW Bush called the invasion of Iraq a "Crusade".
What's wrong with that. George Bush Sr. spoke of a NEW WORLD ORDER! Not the sort of thing Christians embrace without thoughts of the ANTI-CHRIST! Muslims seem to be able to say whatever they wish and people like you ignore it. Should Bush have called it a Jehad as the Muslims did?

The crusaders performed an invaluable service for Europe and the Byzantine Empire. They halted the Muslims' advance across Turkey and into Greece. Without the crusades, Islam would have taken over large amounts of Christendom.
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And Hitler and Germany had NOTHING to do with Pearl Harbour!
Right, which is why we did not declare war in Germany because of pearl harbor, and not for years after. You sound like a crazy person.
You seem to be misunderstanding something. When the Japs attacked Pearl Harbour unprovoked, The next day FDR (the Democrat President), declared war on Japan
And Hitler and Germany had NOTHING to do with Pearl Harbour!
Right, which is why we did not declare war in Germany because of pearl harbor, and not for years after. You sound like a crazy person.
American History: US Declares War on Japan, Germany and Italy
... as there's also no proof that a god can't be possible. Or can any atheist here prove that god is not possible?

You don't understand what an atheist is. If you are not convinced that a God, any God, exists, then you are an atheist. Some don't believe a God is possible, but that is not the defining characteristic. Many, or even most are open to being convinced if someone would come up with something other than "because I believe it" but an atheist has no need to prove or disprove something he doesn't even believe in.
You are confusing an agnostic with an atheist.
God is not a mystery to be solved. God is a relationship to be entered into and be experienced.

So if you make a sincere effort to enter into that relationship, God can be proven through experience.

But you’d have to understand what that proof would look like.

So it is possible to prove or disprove God through experience.
I used to believe that was what was happening now I realize that was all in my head.

No I can’t disprove there is a creator but all signs point to the fact everything we know of him are all lies. Walking on water, Mohammad,Joseph Smith, Moses, Mary, etc
... as there's also no proof that a god can't be possible. Or can any atheist here prove that god is not possible?

You don't understand what an atheist is. If you are not convinced that a God, any God, exists, then you are an atheist. Some don't believe a God is possible, but that is not the defining characteristic. Many, or even most are open to being convinced if someone would come up with something other than "because I believe it" but an atheist has no need to prove or disprove something he doesn't even believe in.
What sort of evidence would it take to convince you?

It's your proof. Convince me. I've already heard "I just know it" and "You have to accept the bible as fact" and all the crap along those lines, but if you can come up with something rational and believable, I'm listening.
I’m not trying to convince you. I couldn’t care less.

You made a statement that they are open to being convinced and I am curious what kind of evidence it would take.

Because it is my belief that there is no evidence you would accept. Which means you are not open to being convinced.
Move stars so they spell god does exist
... as there's also no proof that a god can't be possible. Or can any atheist here prove that god is not possible?

They don't need to. Atheism is not the conviction that there is no god. It's the lack of belief in a god or gods. Big difference.
You don't understand what an atheist is. If you are not convinced that a God, any God, exists, then you are an atheist. Some don't believe a God is possible, but that is not the defining characteristic. Many, or even most are open to being convinced if someone would come up with something other than "because I believe it" but an atheist has no need to prove or disprove something he doesn't even believe in.
What sort of evidence would it take to convince you?

It's your proof. Convince me. I've already heard "I just know it" and "You have to accept the bible as fact" and all the crap along those lines, but if you can come up with something rational and believable, I'm listening.
I’m not trying to convince you. I couldn’t care less.

You made a statement that they are open to being convinced and I am curious what kind of evidence it would take.

Because it is my belief that there is no evidence you would accept. Which means you are not open to being convinced.

You are free to believe what you want. I told you I was open to being convinced. I'm guessing you just don't have anything that makes sense. If you did, you would present it.
Bullshit. There’s no evidence you would accept.
Have it visit me then give me healing power for 1 month.
If not for God, what would be the purpose of the Bible? It would have had to have been one elaborate plan, that spanned hundreds of years, perpetrated by people who lived in different times, different regions of the world, from different backgrounds and who believe in different things. What would have been the purpose of this? Control?

Control would assume that people had already believed in a god type of person and they could have used the Bible to steer them toward a particular religion. If people hadn't already believed in a god, then writing all those letters and books would have had a dramatically reduced effect. Most people would have thought them to be crazy.

Remember, most of the Bible was letter written that depicted eye witness accounts, or things they experienced.

Again, due to the span of time that the Bible covers, and the span of time over which all those letters were written, it would have had to have either been some people reading the old letters and continuing the story, perpetrating the story, or group of people who kept passing the story down from generation to generation. Seems like a very complicated plan.

Or, it could be that the Bible is true. Most people say they dont believe the Bible because it's just a book, and they won't believe a book, they want to see proof.

Isn't believing in evolution really the same thing? Most people have never seen actual science that supports big bang, or evolution, they just believe it because someone else told them there is scientific evidence to support it. So, what takes more faith? Having an old book tell you about a creator and God, or someone telling you they read a new book that said that the universe sprang out of nothing and just magically appeared through some big bang of material that previously didn't exist, but just spontaneously combusted into being...from nothing?

Both require an extraordinary amount of faith.
Or 11 guys made it up and everyone after that truly believed
If not for God, what would be the purpose of the Bible? It would have had to have been one elaborate plan, that spanned hundreds of years, perpetrated by people who lived in different times, different regions of the world, from different backgrounds and who believe in different things. What would have been the purpose of this? Control?

Control would assume that people had already believed in a god type of person and they could have used the Bible to steer them toward a particular religion. If people hadn't already believed in a god, then writing all those letters and books would have had a dramatically reduced effect. Most people would have thought them to be crazy.

Remember, most of the Bible was letter written that depicted eye witness accounts, or things they experienced.

Again, due to the span of time that the Bible covers, and the span of time over which all those letters were written, it would have had to have either been some people reading the old letters and continuing the story, perpetrating the story, or group of people who kept passing the story down from generation to generation. Seems like a very complicated plan.

Or, it could be that the Bible is true. Most people say they dont believe the Bible because it's just a book, and they won't believe a book, they want to see proof.

Isn't believing in evolution really the same thing? Most people have never seen actual science that supports big bang, or evolution, they just believe it because someone else told them there is scientific evidence to support it. So, what takes more faith? Having an old book tell you about a creator and God, or someone telling you they read a new book that said that the universe sprang out of nothing and just magically appeared through some big bang of material that previously didn't exist, but just spontaneously combusted into being...from nothing?

Both require an extraordinary amount of faith.
There’s so much wrong with your great conspiracy theory. First, all these writings you talk about. Are these writings from people who saw Jesus? Who are these authors?
... as there's also no proof that a god can't be possible. Or can any atheist here prove that god is not possible?

They don't need to. Atheism is not the conviction that there is no god. It's the lack of belief in a god or gods. Big difference.
And when all the evidence for god are lies, I can only deduce we completely made him up.

And before anyone tells me he wasn’t made up, tell me which two stories you believe

Joseph Smith
... as there's also no proof that a god can't be possible. Or can any atheist here prove that god is not possible?

Logical fallacy there sport. Prove you’re not gay. And the mere facts that you are married to a woman and have never been with a man does not prove you are not gay......not that there is anything wrong with that.

Proving Non-Existence

Proving Non-Existence

Description: Demanding that one proves the non-existence of something in place of providing adequate evidence for the existence of that something. Although it may be possible to prove non-existence in special situations, such as showing that a container does not contain certain items, one cannot prove universal or absolute non-existence. The proof of existence must come from those who make the claims.
God is not a mystery to be solved. God is a relationship to be entered into and be experienced.

So if you make a sincere effort to enter into that relationship, God can be proven through experience.

But you’d have to understand what that proof would look like.

So it is possible to prove or disprove God through experience.
I used to believe that was what was happening now I realize that was all in my head.

No I can’t disprove there is a creator but all signs point to the fact everything we know of him are all lies. Walking on water, Mohammad,Joseph Smith, Moses, Mary, etc
No offense intended, but I doubt you ever did believe that.
... as there's also no proof that a god can't be possible. Or can any atheist here prove that god is not possible?

You don't understand what an atheist is. If you are not convinced that a God, any God, exists, then you are an atheist. Some don't believe a God is possible, but that is not the defining characteristic. Many, or even most are open to being convinced if someone would come up with something other than "because I believe it" but an atheist has no need to prove or disprove something he doesn't even believe in.
What sort of evidence would it take to convince you?

It's your proof. Convince me. I've already heard "I just know it" and "You have to accept the bible as fact" and all the crap along those lines, but if you can come up with something rational and believable, I'm listening.
I’m not trying to convince you. I couldn’t care less.

You made a statement that they are open to being convinced and I am curious what kind of evidence it would take.

Because it is my belief that there is no evidence you would accept. Which means you are not open to being convinced.
Move stars so they spell god does exist
There are something like 270 sextillion stars. You can find an arrangement that spells anything you want. Done.
What sort of evidence would it take to convince you?

It's your proof. Convince me. I've already heard "I just know it" and "You have to accept the bible as fact" and all the crap along those lines, but if you can come up with something rational and believable, I'm listening.
I’m not trying to convince you. I couldn’t care less.

You made a statement that they are open to being convinced and I am curious what kind of evidence it would take.

Because it is my belief that there is no evidence you would accept. Which means you are not open to being convinced.

You are free to believe what you want. I told you I was open to being convinced. I'm guessing you just don't have anything that makes sense. If you did, you would present it.
Bullshit. There’s no evidence you would accept.
Have it visit me then give me healing power for 1 month.
You already have it, you just lack the faith to use it. Physician heal thyself.
You don't understand what an atheist is. If you are not convinced that a God, any God, exists, then you are an atheist. Some don't believe a God is possible, but that is not the defining characteristic. Many, or even most are open to being convinced if someone would come up with something other than "because I believe it" but an atheist has no need to prove or disprove something he doesn't even believe in.
What sort of evidence would it take to convince you?

It's your proof. Convince me. I've already heard "I just know it" and "You have to accept the bible as fact" and all the crap along those lines, but if you can come up with something rational and believable, I'm listening.
I’m not trying to convince you. I couldn’t care less.

You made a statement that they are open to being convinced and I am curious what kind of evidence it would take.

Because it is my belief that there is no evidence you would accept. Which means you are not open to being convinced.
Move stars so they spell god does exist
There are something like 270 sextillion stars. You can find an arrangement that spells anything you want. Done.

If there is an all powerful god, it wouldn't be hard to make his existence known in an unquestionable, unambiguous way.
What sort of evidence would it take to convince you?

It's your proof. Convince me. I've already heard "I just know it" and "You have to accept the bible as fact" and all the crap along those lines, but if you can come up with something rational and believable, I'm listening.
I’m not trying to convince you. I couldn’t care less.

You made a statement that they are open to being convinced and I am curious what kind of evidence it would take.

Because it is my belief that there is no evidence you would accept. Which means you are not open to being convinced.
Move stars so they spell god does exist
There are something like 270 sextillion stars. You can find an arrangement that spells anything you want. Done.

If there is an all powerful god, it wouldn't be hard to make his existence known in an unquestionable, unambiguous way.
You mean like creating time and space?

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