Atheists have granite monument installed at Florida Courthouse

I can't wait to see one of these in every state capital or every courthouse where the 10 commandments are shown.
I'm not an overly religious man, but I frankly don't get why atheists get so butt hurt over the Ten Commandments sitting in front of the court house. I fail to see how it's harming any of them. The religious meanings aside, "thou shalt not kill," "thou shalt not steal," etc. seem to be a pretty good way to live one's life and considering court houses are where justice is delivered (theoretically) it would seem to be the appropriate place. Why is this so harmful?

Furthermore, it seems the people that started this aren't even local so I can understand why the local population holds resentment towards them over this.
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I'm not an overly religious man, but I frankly don't get why atheists get so butt hurt over the Ten Commandments sitting in front of the court house. I fail to see how it's harming any of them. The religious meanings aside, "thou shalt not kill," "thou shalt not steal," etc. seem to be a pretty good way to live one's life. Why is this so harmful.

Furthermore, it seems the people that started this aren't even local so I can understand why the local population holds resentment towards them over this.

Because religion doesn't belong ANYWHERE near law/politics/education etc...By it being in front of a court house the state is in essence endorsing religion.
Are the atheists going to worship it? Seems so!
So I guess this means they won't be going after the crosses on military monuments anymore? Probably not.......

And though i never mention my own personal religious beliefs, I don't care what religion places what symbol anywhere. If it doesn't mean anything to my religions beliefs then it means nothing to me.

And while we're at it, like it or not our basic laws are still based on religious beliefs.......
You keep believing that but like gay marriage opponents,proponents of religion invading every aspect of our lives is quickly coming to an end.
Great. So this means all of those monuments on pubic land that have been removed because they were crosses get to be put back up, right? Sounds fair.
Proponents of religion invading every aspect of my life doesn't happen.... Does it really bother you that much what someone else believes? I mean, they don't think for you do they?
Proponents of religion invading every aspect of my life doesn't happen.... Does it really bother you that much what someone else believes? I mean, they don't think for you do they?

That's the problem - many of them try to!!!!!
I'm not an overly religious man, but I frankly don't get why atheists get so butt hurt over the Ten Commandments sitting in front of the court house. I fail to see how it's harming any of them. The religious meanings aside, "thou shalt not kill," "thou shalt not steal," etc. seem to be a pretty good way to live one's life. Why is this so harmful.

Furthermore, it seems the people that started this aren't even local so I can understand why the local population holds resentment towards them over this.

Because religion doesn't belong ANYWHERE near law/politics/education etc...By it being in front of a court house the state is in essence endorsing religion.

No it doesn't. The separation states that government shall not be DEVOID of religion just that we will have no State sanctioned religion (thank you founders!). Get your facts straight.
proponents of religion invading every aspect of our lives is quickly coming to an end.

Pervading, not "invading," and it is not and will not "come to an end" no matter how much you atheists think that imposing YOUR fear and insecurity on everyone else will change that.
OK...we shall see...I see it ending...I am very happy for it as well.My goal for each day is to piss of a xtian around town...sure works well seeing how its so full of the bastards.
I'm not an overly religious man, but I frankly don't get why atheists get so butt hurt over the Ten Commandments sitting in front of the court house. I fail to see how it's harming any of them. The religious meanings aside, "thou shalt not kill," "thou shalt not steal," etc. seem to be a pretty good way to live one's life. Why is this so harmful.

Furthermore, it seems the people that started this aren't even local so I can understand why the local population holds resentment towards them over this.

Because religion doesn't belong ANYWHERE near law/politics/education etc...By it being in front of a court house the state is in essence endorsing religion.

Neither do athiests but it doen't seem to matter to you. That's hypocrisy for you. I wish all sides would shut the hell up and go away.
I'm not an overly religious man, but I frankly don't get why atheists get so butt hurt over the Ten Commandments sitting in front of the court house. I fail to see how it's harming any of them. The religious meanings aside, "thou shalt not kill," "thou shalt not steal," etc. seem to be a pretty good way to live one's life. Why is this so harmful.

Furthermore, it seems the people that started this aren't even local so I can understand why the local population holds resentment towards them over this.

Because religion doesn't belong ANYWHERE near law/politics/education etc...By it being in front of a court house the state is in essence endorsing religion.

And, that harms you in what specific way?

If you are a true Atheist, which I doubt, it should not mean a hill of beans, to you, what other people believe, or how they choose to express that belief, as long as it doesn't take any skin off your nose.

Few of the ones who protest religious symbolism are true Atheists, but all are mini-tyrants, who enjoy imposing their will upon others.

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