Atheists have granite monument installed at Florida Courthouse

It must be a joke right? A monument that indicates belief in nothing? The dirty little secret is that most atheists don't give a damn about monuments. It's all about winning a court case. Dopey angry atheists score another one against Christians.

It will be happening more and more as younger generations move from fantastical beliefs of yesteryear to a more scientific, analytical examination of our existence.
I'm not an overly religious man, but I frankly don't get why atheists get so butt hurt over the Ten Commandments sitting in front of the court house. I fail to see how it's harming any of them. The religious meanings aside, "thou shalt not kill," "thou shalt not steal," etc. seem to be a pretty good way to live one's life. Why is this so harmful.

Furthermore, it seems the people that started this aren't even local so I can understand why the local population holds resentment towards them over this.

Because religion doesn't belong ANYWHERE near law/politics/education etc...By it being in front of a court house the state is in essence endorsing religion.

But that is not endorsing a religion. Our Congress has opened every session with a prayer since Day One, so it is self-evident our Founders believed in a Deity and that our country was based on religious principles. They believe in freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion. They did not believe religion should be removed from government. They simply believed no particular brand should direct government or our laws.

If your belief system is atheism, I support removing "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance. No one should force you to acknowledge a Deity with your own mouth. I totally get that. It is wrong. And that is entirely what the First Amendment is about.

But that does not mean your senses should be shielded from the sight of the acknowledgement of a Deity in government spaces. It does not mean God should be ejected from our public spaces.

This monument is just spite, nothing more.

(My bold)

Yah, under God in the Pledge was a subtle blow @ the Commies @ the height of the Red Scare in the US. & 44 or so years later, it worked(!). Maybe if we rewrote the Pledge to ban illiteracy & ignorance, that would work too? It can't hurt anything, can it?

I'm always puzzled by the charge that this or that action will eject God from the public square. If we have the definition of God down correctly: omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent & so on - then it's not possible to eject God from anywhere. What are the believers objecting to? That different people have different opinions?

Surely the believers don't think that they're going to get a theological lockstep, where everyone believes the exact same thing in the exact same way, & more than that, acts out those beliefs in precisely the same way? This might be (might be!) vaguely possible in societies like Japan, where they work v. hard @ keeping the culture & racial makeup of the population within strictly defined norms - right down to who can marry whom. But in the US? In an immigrant nation, that's rolled over the Native Peoples (as best it could), largely assimilated the Spanish, French, Dutch who were already here as the UK entered the colonial race late, absorbed & indoctrinated immigrants from all over the World after that, & continues to draw people - No, it's not possible to impose a doctrinal set of religious beliefs on such a large & varied set of peoples, unless they wish it.

The Evangelical Dream - if that's what it is - is not achievable this side of the Resurrection.
ROFL...Unfortunately you Christians think simply because we have freedom of religion that gives you the right to assault everyone with yours by pushing it in their face,trying to interject it into schools,courthouses,pretty much are the enemy.

We are the enemy? Who keeps suing to take our faith out of everything we know and love? Who? Do we repress you for being an Atheist? Have you encountered any Christians personally who tried to force their faith down your throat? I mean honestly, you guys are trying to limit the free exercise of religion because its merely offensive to you.

Do you understand how offensive it is when someone like you comes along and refers to me and people of my faith as "the enemy"?
Your faith belongs in 2 places. Your head/heart and in church and I will give you your schools...private religious schools. Not in Public Education,not in government,not all over town. Yes your religion tries to oppress me for being an Atheist we are discriminated against here is a perfect example Effort to Remove Atheist From City Council - CBS News
Such humble and tolerant xtians. I have been verbally assaulted not for openly saying I was an Atheist but because I had gone somewhere when I was down on my luck to get some help and they happened to be xtian's. I was told I was going to burn in hell :cuckoo: etc etc...people are nut jobs...I don't believe in hell so that doesn't bother me so kids are assaulted by your pledge of allegiance every day in school except my oldest who I have explained to she doesn't have to pledge allegiance to anything because she never signed an oath of allegiance or loyalty. I am trying to limit RELIGIOUS speech to church,your home or where others want to hear it...the world 1. doesn't care to hear it 2. doesn't want to hear it. Everywhere I go I am assaulted by xtian beliefs and idiots who profess those beliefs...they are the worlds biggest bigots and racists I have ever met and VERY VERY intolerant of others beliefs.
It must be a joke right? A monument that indicates belief in nothing? The dirty little secret is that most atheists don't give a damn about monuments. It's all about winning a court case. Dopey angry atheists score another one against Christians.

It will be happening more and more as younger generations move from fantastical beliefs of yesteryear to a more scientific, analytical examination of our existence.

"a more scientific, analytical examination of our existence"........? :lol:

don't make me's simply the symbolic work of the Left in their effort to replace God (& individual rights) with
their godless State (& collectivism)....

God and all religions/beliefs belong in the public square in America...
EHHHH WRONG! They belong in churches.But it is like the religious to want to enforce their beliefs on everyone...just like they do with homosexuality...
Yeah we like to use science where you can PROVE things or DISPROVE them...seeing how you can't see,touch,smell or feel god he doesn't exist :)
Is there such a thing as passive aggressive prayer?

Several times in my life, I have encountered someone who, upon hearing my reasoned argument regarding religion, announce that they will pray for me...or bless me in some way.

Is it possible that some supposed christians do that as a form of aggression?

Yes-It's similar to the atheist encouraging other religions to help them fight Christianity.

LMAO...fight it? What happened to equality...damn you xtians are a hypocritical bunch...all that turn the other cheek shit...:eusa_whistle:

Hypocritical ? LOL who is encouraging other RELIGIONS to join them ?
Athiests--that's who.
What a hoot. Y'all are frauds
ROFL...Unfortunately you Christians think simply because we have freedom of religion that gives you the right to assault everyone with yours by pushing it in their face,trying to interject it into schools,courthouses,pretty much are the enemy.

We are the enemy? Who keeps suing to take our faith out of everything we know and love? Who? Do we repress you for being an Atheist? Have you encountered any Christians personally who tried to force their faith down your throat? I mean honestly, you guys are trying to limit the free exercise of religion because its merely offensive to you.

Do you understand how offensive it is when someone like you comes along and refers to me and people of my faith as "the enemy"?
Your faith belongs in 2 places. Your head/heart and in church and I will give you your schools...private religious schools. Not in Public Education,not in government,not all over town. Yes your religion tries to oppress me for being an Atheist we are discriminated against here is a perfect example Effort to Remove Atheist From City Council - CBS News
Such humble and tolerant Christians. I have been verbally assaulted not for openly saying I was an Atheist but because I had gone somewhere when I was down on my luck to get some help and they happened to be Christian's. I was told I was going to burn in hell :cuckoo: etc etc...people are nut jobs...I don't believe in hell so that doesn't bother me so kids are assaulted by your pledge of allegiance every day in school except my oldest who I have explained to she doesn't have to pledge allegiance to anything because she never signed an oath of allegiance or loyalty. I am trying to limit RELIGIOUS speech to church,your home or where others want to hear it...the world 1. doesn't care to hear it 2. doesn't want to hear it. Everywhere I go I am assaulted by Christian beliefs and idiots who profess those beliefs...they are the worlds biggest bigots and racists I have ever met and VERY VERY intolerant of others beliefs.

Your incoherency notwithstanding:

Did you even stop to think that those people may not represent Christianity properly? Or at all? Do you simply sit there and choose to stereotype us based off of your personal experience? How childish. You sir cannot dictate to me where my faith belongs., no more than I can tell you where your Atheism belongs. You preach to me of intolerance, but remain intolerant. I don't support Atheism, but I tolerate it. You on the other hand, believe that our belief system should be eradicated in favor of something more palatable in your eyes. You post stories of Atheists willfully provoking others of faith, because of their faith. It's quite telling you don't hold this very same view of Islam, which frankly is a thousand times more oppressive the Christianity. If you don't want to hear the message, just walk away. Nobody is obligating you to do anything. I am neither an idiot nor a racist, black people go to my church regularly, we welcome them with open arms each and every Sunday morning. There are Black Christians as well. I resent such a label being pushed on people of my faith.

You will never be able to suppress religious speech, because we have rights under the First Amendment same as you. If you don't like it, there are other....less Christian nations you can choose to reside in. Tolerance... don't you dare lecture me on tolerance.
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EHHHH WRONG! They belong in churches.But it is like the religious to want to enforce their beliefs on everyone...just like they do with homosexuality...

So what are you suggesting? That nobody can openly practice their faith? You can take that notion and shove it. This is supposed to be a land of freedom, not repression. And I see it coming more from you than anyone else.
I'm not an overly religious man, but I frankly don't get why atheists get so butt hurt over the Ten Commandments sitting in front of the court house. I fail to see how it's harming any of them. The religious meanings aside, "thou shalt not kill," "thou shalt not steal," etc. seem to be a pretty good way to live one's life and considering court houses are where justice is delivered (theoretically) it would seem to be the appropriate place. Why is this so harmful?

Furthermore, it seems the people that started this aren't even local so I can understand why the local population holds resentment towards them over this.

The Biblical representation of woman is criminal. The Bible is a tremendously dated text featuring premodern customs and ethics. It was used to control the stupid when the Catholic Church was at the center of Roman Life. The actual, historical Christ is the best example we have of rebellion to this power. If he saw what our greedy, war-mongering, racist, homophobic Christians have done to his memory, he would puke us all down to hell.
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Katzndogs, thank you for your post.

I am sure that those who insist that the Founding Fathers were not religious, at best and atheists, at worst, will insist that what you posted was nothing but lies and misquotes.

(My bold)

It's possible. Certainly Thomas Jefferson endured a lot of vilification as an atheist, agnostic, free-thinker, Deist. To the point that the TX state Board of Education has been trying for some time now to delete him altogether from the K-12 public school curriculum. (Thomas Paine has pretty much also been deleted from US history/civics curricula, for substantially the same reason. He was too "uppity".) Jefferson didn't think much of the conventional Christianity that surrounded him, & in fact took a standard Bible & carefully deleted all the words that he felt weren't uttered by Jesus - he called the resulting pamphlet a Jefferson Bible.

Yep, there's a whole little cottage industry of "finding" or inventing pithy things that the Founding Fathers, presidents, Supreme Court justices & so on should have said, or would have said if they'd only taken the time to record their thoughts for posterity.

When you run across quotes that seem too perfectly apropos, it's probably a good idea to run down the sources for yourself.
I'm not an overly religious man, but I frankly don't get why atheists get so butt hurt over the Ten Commandments sitting in front of the court house. I fail to see how it's harming any of them. The religious meanings aside, "thou shalt not kill," "thou shalt not steal," etc. seem to be a pretty good way to live one's life and considering court houses are where justice is delivered (theoretically) it would seem to be the appropriate place. Why is this so harmful?

Furthermore, it seems the people that started this aren't even local so I can understand why the local population holds resentment towards them over this.

The Biblical representation of woman is criminal. The Bible is a tremendously dated text featuring premodern customs and ethics. It was used to control the stupid when the Catholic Church was at the center of Roman Life. The actual, historical Christ was the best example we have of rebellion to this power. If he saw what our greedy, war-mongering Christians have done to his memory, he would puke on us all.

How about war mongering Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Atheists, et al ?
EHHHH WRONG! They belong in churches.But it is like the religious to want to enforce their beliefs on everyone...just like they do with homosexuality...

religious expression (not establishment) belongs everywhere in society....this means the public square....

or don't you understand where the First says no "prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech"......?
And should you be called a witness at a trial, what would you swear to tell the truth on, if not the Bible.

i have noticed that the Bible is no longer used when swearing in a witness, has anyone else seen this on TV ? e.g., Zimmerman trial ??

So, we might as well say good bye to hearing the truth.

(My bold)

No, there are alternatives to swearing to tell the truth on the Bible. The sacred texts of other religions are usually acceptable, & there is another form, a more generalized, secular affirmation for people who won't otherwise swear. (You'd have to check your state regs on court procedure for the particulars, which vary from state to state.)

Unless you're arguing that only a Christian in good standing can be relied on to tell the truth? That's a different argument, & one that gets contentious immediately.
I'm not an overly religious man, but I frankly don't get why atheists get so butt hurt over the Ten Commandments sitting in front of the court house. I fail to see how it's harming any of them. The religious meanings aside, "thou shalt not kill," "thou shalt not steal," etc. seem to be a pretty good way to live one's life. Why is this so harmful.

Furthermore, it seems the people that started this aren't even local so I can understand why the local population holds resentment towards them over this.

Because religion doesn't belong ANYWHERE near law/politics/education etc...By it being in front of a court house the state is in essence endorsing religion.

Except the 10 commandments are the base of almost every justice system in the world
OK...we shall see...I see it ending...I am very happy for it as well.My goal for each day is to piss of a xtian around town...sure works well seeing how its so full of the bastards.

Now isn't that pushing your beliefs on others in hopes that they'd abandon theirs?

THAT'S what's been going on, in recent years.
Not that "xtians" are pushing their beliefs, but the "non-xtians" pushing their secular anti-'xtian' agendas.

You want a world filled with perversions and lifestyles that are in direct opposition to creation and the advancement of the human species.

Nowhere has anyone, besides modern day atheists, advocated for the complete and total removal of any religious mention in/on government property.

What part of "no law" do you not understand?
They're both one-syllable words and the largest one only has three letters.

OK...we shall see...I see it ending...I am very happy for it as well.My goal for each day is to piss of a xtian around town...sure works well seeing how its so full of the bastards.

Now isn't that pushing your beliefs on others in hopes that they'd abandon theirs?

THAT'S what's been going on, in recent years.
Not that "xtians" are pushing their beliefs, but the "non-xtians" pushing their secular anti-'xtian' agendas.

You want a world filled with perversions and lifestyles that are in direct opposition to creation and the advancement of the human species.

Nowhere has anyone, besides modern day atheists, advocated for the complete and total removal of any religious mention in/on government property.

What part of "no law" do you not understand?
They're both one-syllable words and the largest one only has three letters.




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