Atheists have granite monument installed at Florida Courthouse

Indeed I do but its the righties that want a theocracy here...quite a bit ya see lefties protesting with the gay supporters not against them. Personally I don't care for either one...religion sucks period. If someone's life is so bad they need to go somewhere to get a pep talk 1 or 2 times a week just freaking kill yourself already.
You are here getting a pep talk, so what's the difference ? How often do you come here a preaching to all of us ? LOL
Really? I don't need a pep talk...I am not so weak willed that I need an invisible being in the sky to give me a pep talk every week

But that is not endorsing a religion. Our Congress has opened every session with a prayer since Day One, so it is self-evident our Founders believed in a Deity and that our country was based on religious principles. They believe in freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion. They did not believe religion should be removed from government. They simply believed no particular brand should direct government or our laws.

If your belief system is atheism, I support removing "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance. No one should force you to acknowledge a Deity with your own mouth. I totally get that. It is wrong. And that is entirely what the First Amendment is about.

But that does not mean your senses should be shielded from the sight of the acknowledgement of a Deity in government spaces. It does not mean God should be ejected from our public spaces.

This monument is just spite, nothing more (AMEN Brother !)

that "OF" and "FROM" is so confusing to the atheists/liberals that they have to constantly lie to cover their stupidity.

i sincerely do hope and pray the Lord helps them finf their out of the valley of death !! :up:

ROFL...Unfortunately you xtians think simply because we have freedom of religion that gives you the right to assault everyone with yours by pushing it in their face,trying to interject it into schools,courthouses,pretty much are the enemy.

again--your attack on religion is confined to Christians ?
For fucks sakes I didn't get any sleep last night I got a teething 1 year old I am tired...its a minor mistake.

Lol...I didn't say I was damning anything just said I wouldn't swear on the bible...

Nope.I think all religion is silly and a crutch but here in NC that's pretty much all we have is xtians...oh and there is a mormon temple and a jehovah's witness one as well...figure they all believe in god so its easy to piss them all muslims that I know of....jews meet in a church here...ironic I guess...

Well it's a damn good thing an engraved rock ain't silly. Ever think of a bumper sticker that says " I hate Jews Mormons and Muslims to get the rest of the "idiots" pissed ?
No but I do plan on getting one of these right here.
FiCTiON Store

Guess you didn't read any of the links I provided or listened to the NUMEROUS historians that say the founding fathers were deists not christians...there is a difference.
You seem to forget that the laws are based upon the rules put forth in Religion, particularly Judeo-Christian religions.

Care to take a guess what adorns the Supreme Court building and why?
This nation is under attack by these people, and this in my opinion makes them an enemy of this nation, but why does no one else see this as of yet ? If they are dead set on changing this nation against what the majority wants in this nation, and in which keeps it unified as a majority, then how is it that they are not seen as an enemy of the nation and it's majority opinions, in which such a majority should stand against such tyranny in which they are embarking on within this nation ? How is it that judges are going rogue in our nations courtrooms, and are deciding cases based on their own activism in these courtrooms now, and worse getting away with it ?

How has this nation become this stupid now ? Daily we see the results of such activism and it's cancer created upon the land, but we seek not to know where it has been born out of, and then we seek not to get to the source of this problem, and/or to push back this problem by enforcing our majority views and opinions against a rogue judge or judge gone rogue be it by removing him or her in a procedural manor ? Kidding me right ! The dems are using this unity in a cause found in a majority idea in voting wisely and affectively, however they are using the treasury to bribe a majority of certain groups to vote for them in order to keep them in power, so is it or could it be said now that the greed of the majority found in conservative so called Christians, now stopping their way of life from further existence soon in America ? Have real Christians become a minority now in America ? It could be exactly what is taking place now that one thinks about it all, and especially by all that has taking place since. How is it that these anti-Christian groups somehow sense that the true Christians may have become a minority now in the nation, and so they are taking advantage of this in all that they can now ?

The majority want a christian theocracy? Damn pretty sure the fact we are legalizing weed and gay marriage is proof your dead wrong. xtians right wingers are a dying breed and the sooner we get them out of politics the better...even better when religion dies. Its nothing more than a crutch.
I can't wait to see your new nation when all your wants somehow materializes... I bet you won't be able to walk the streets safely anymore, as it is about this way now. The problem with all you new radicals that are on the rise, is that you can't realize the bigger picture, even though there are many smaller previews right in front of you now, so do you like what you see ? Think back about 40 years ago if you can, and was it better back then in America as opposed to now ? Yes it was! I could go Halloween trick or treating in the night with my brothers and sisters whom were in ages ranging from 5 years old to 8 years old, and do you think we were in danger of being kidnapped and molested or in danger of getting poisonous candy and/or killed ? Nope, yet now you can't even walk through the neighborhood we grew up in without fearing for your life as an adult, and this cancer has moved like a wildfire throughout many neighborhoods in the communities since.... Not saying that we weren't still on track to getting some problems straightened out in America throughout her time, but we were a safer nation for all mostly just looking back 40 years now, and this as opposed to what we have now in terms of sheer numbers found in populated communities, cities or towns anymore. Not only is the true Christians possibly becoming fewer in numbers, but it could be that they are becoming fewer found in numbers living within communities, cities, towns and states anymore maybe, and so this could be what is signaling those whom oppose the TRUE Christians and their message or beliefs, to now take advantage of this diminished number while they can.
Last edited:
I'm not an overly religious man, but I frankly don't get why atheists get so butt hurt over the Ten Commandments sitting in front of the court house. I fail to see how it's harming any of them. The religious meanings aside, "thou shalt not kill," "thou shalt not steal," etc. seem to be a pretty good way to live one's life and considering court houses are where justice is delivered (theoretically) it would seem to be the appropriate place. Why is this so harmful?

Furthermore, it seems the people that started this aren't even local so I can understand why the local population holds resentment towards them over this.

You don't get it? It's easy to see why atheists get so butt hurt over the Ten Commandments. It's the PRINCIPLES that the Ten Commandments state. That's what they object to. Do you think atheists want something in front of a court house saying "Thou shalt not bear false witness"?
You are here getting a pep talk, so what's the difference ? How often do you come here a preaching to all of us ? LOL
Really? I don't need a pep talk...I am not so weak willed that I need an invisible being in the sky to give me a pep talk every week

that "OF" and "FROM" is so confusing to the atheists/liberals that they have to constantly lie to cover their stupidity.

i sincerely do hope and pray the Lord helps them finf their out of the valley of death !! :up:

ROFL...Unfortunately you xtians think simply because we have freedom of religion that gives you the right to assault everyone with yours by pushing it in their face,trying to interject it into schools,courthouses,pretty much are the enemy.

again--your attack on religion is confined to Christians ?

Do you see muslim politicians here trying to destroy the country? Buddhist? Atheist? Agnostic? Hindu? No I don't either. Its xtians and seeing how as I am from the bible belt its what I have to deal with every of course I hate them most.
Well it's a damn good thing an engraved rock ain't silly. Ever think of a bumper sticker that says " I hate Jews Mormons and Muslims to get the rest of the "idiots" pissed ?
No but I do plan on getting one of these right here.
FiCTiON Store

Guess you didn't read any of the links I provided or listened to the NUMEROUS historians that say the founding fathers were deists not christians...there is a difference.
This nation is under attack by these people, and this in my opinion makes them an enemy of this nation, but why does no one else see this as of yet ? If they are dead set on changing this nation against what the majority wants in this nation, and in which keeps it unified as a majority, then how is it that they are not seen as an enemy of the nation and it's majority opinions, in which such a majority should stand against such tyranny in which they are embarking on within this nation ? How is it that judges are going rogue in our nations courtrooms, and are deciding cases based on their own activism in these courtrooms now, and worse getting away with it ?

How has this nation become this stupid now ? Daily we see the results of such activism and it's cancer created upon the land, but we seek not to know where it has been born out of, and then we seek not to get to the source of this problem, and/or to push back this problem by enforcing our majority views and opinions against a rogue judge or judge gone rogue be it by removing him or her in a procedural manor ? Kidding me right ! The dems are using this unity in a cause found in a majority idea in voting wisely and affectively, however they are using the treasury to bribe a majority of certain groups to vote for them in order to keep them in power, so is it or could it be said now that the greed of the majority found in conservative so called Christians, now stopping their way of life from further existence soon in America ? Have real Christians become a minority now in America ? It could be exactly what is taking place now that one thinks about it all, and especially by all that has taking place since. How is it that these anti-Christian groups somehow sense that the true Christians may have become a minority now in the nation, and so they are taking advantage of this in all that they can now ?

The majority want a christian theocracy? Damn pretty sure the fact we are legalizing weed and gay marriage is proof your dead wrong. xtians right wingers are a dying breed and the sooner we get them out of politics the better...even better when religion dies. Its nothing more than a crutch.
I can't wait to see your new nation when all your wants somehow materializes... I bet you won't be able to walk the streets safely anymore, as it is about this way now. The problem with all you knew radicals that are on the rise, is that you can't realize the bigger picture, even though there are many smaller previews right in front of you now, so do you like what you see ? Think back about 40 years ago if you can, and was it better back then in America as opposed to now ? Yes it was! I could go Halloween trick or treating in the night with my brothers and sisters whom were in ages ranging from 5 years old to 8 years old, and do you think we were in danger of being kidnapped and molested or in danger of getting poisonous candy and/or killed ? Nope, yet now you can't even walk through the neighborhood we grew up in without fearing for your life as an adult, and this cancer has moved like a wildfire throughout many neighborhoods in the communities since.... Not saying that we weren't still on track to getting some problems straightened out in America throughout her time, but we were a safer nation for all mostly just looking back 40 years now, and this as opposed to what we have now in terms of sheer numbers found in populated communities, cities or towns anymore. Not only is the true Christians possibly becoming fewer in numbers, but it could be that they are becoming fewer found in numbers living within communities, cities, towns and states anymore maybe, and so this could be what is signaling those whom oppose the Christians and their message or beliefs, to now take advantage of this diminished number while they can.
And being a xtian is going to make me safe eh? My town is pretty safe...I doubt your invisible being in the sky is going to help keep us safe...ya know this is the same "being" that drowned the entire world supposedly for not obeying him...bit of a maniac...yes....
Chimps not frogs!!! We came from Chimps

have anyof you been reading the comments here, Atheists unveil Fla monument near Ten Commandments about the atheists monument ?

maybe you liberfools evolved from a fucking monkey.., but i and my fellow CHRISTIANS were created in the image of GOD i.e., God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

anyone who believes they evolved from apes, monkeys, chimps or even a frog constantly display your beliefs by scratching your ribs. :up:

Indeed I do but its the righties that want a theocracy here...quite a bit ya see lefties protesting with the gay supporters not against them. Personally I don't care for either one...religion sucks period. If someone's life is so bad they need to go somewhere to get a pep talk 1 or 2 times a week just freaking kill yourself already.
You are here getting a pep talk, so what's the difference ? How often do you come here a preaching to all of us ? LOL
Really? I don't need a pep talk...I am not so weak willed that I need an invisible being in the sky to give me a pep talk every week

But that is not endorsing a religion. Our Congress has opened every session with a prayer since Day One, so it is self-evident our Founders believed in a Deity and that our country was based on religious principles. They believe in freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion. They did not believe religion should be removed from government. They simply believed no particular brand should direct government or our laws.

If your belief system is atheism, I support removing "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance. No one should force you to acknowledge a Deity with your own mouth. I totally get that. It is wrong. And that is entirely what the First Amendment is about.

But that does not mean your senses should be shielded from the sight of the acknowledgement of a Deity in government spaces. It does not mean God should be ejected from our public spaces.

This monument is just spite, nothing more (AMEN Brother !)

that "OF" and "FROM" is so confusing to the atheists/liberals that they have to constantly lie to cover their stupidity.

i sincerely do hope and pray the Lord helps them finf their out of the valley of death !! :up:

ROFL...Unfortunately you xtians think simply because we have freedom of religion that gives you the right to assault everyone with yours by pushing it in their face,trying to interject it into schools,courthouses,pretty much are the enemy.

Most of us just think you're lost and silly.
50 monuments to absurdity are appropriate for the benighted.

Are the monuments blank?

The bench has quotes from Christians, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. The quote "The Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to govern any other" came from John Adams.
Really? I don't need a pep talk...I am not so weak willed that I need an invisible being in the sky to give me a pep talk every week

ROFL...Unfortunately you xtians think simply because we have freedom of religion that gives you the right to assault everyone with yours by pushing it in their face,trying to interject it into schools,courthouses,pretty much are the enemy.

again--your attack on religion is confined to Christians ?

Do you see muslim politicians here trying to destroy the country? Buddhist? Atheist? Agnostic? Hindu? No I don't either. Its xtians and seeing how as I am from the bible belt its what I have to deal with every of course I hate them most.
No but I do plan on getting one of these right here.
FiCTiON Store

Guess you didn't read any of the links I provided or listened to the NUMEROUS historians that say the founding fathers were deists not christians...there is a difference.

The majority want a christian theocracy? Damn pretty sure the fact we are legalizing weed and gay marriage is proof your dead wrong. xtians right wingers are a dying breed and the sooner we get them out of politics the better...even better when religion dies. Its nothing more than a crutch.
I can't wait to see your new nation when all your wants somehow materializes... I bet you won't be able to walk the streets safely anymore, as it is about this way now. The problem with all you knew radicals that are on the rise, is that you can't realize the bigger picture, even though there are many smaller previews right in front of you now, so do you like what you see ? Think back about 40 years ago if you can, and was it better back then in America as opposed to now ? Yes it was! I could go Halloween trick or treating in the night with my brothers and sisters whom were in ages ranging from 5 years old to 8 years old, and do you think we were in danger of being kidnapped and molested or in danger of getting poisonous candy and/or killed ? Nope, yet now you can't even walk through the neighborhood we grew up in without fearing for your life as an adult, and this cancer has moved like a wildfire throughout many neighborhoods in the communities since.... Not saying that we weren't still on track to getting some problems straightened out in America throughout her time, but we were a safer nation for all mostly just looking back 40 years now, and this as opposed to what we have now in terms of sheer numbers found in populated communities, cities or towns anymore. Not only is the true Christians possibly becoming fewer in numbers, but it could be that they are becoming fewer found in numbers living within communities, cities, towns and states anymore maybe, and so this could be what is signaling those whom oppose the Christians and their message or beliefs, to now take advantage of this diminished number while they can.
And being a xtian is going to make me safe eh? My town is pretty safe...I doubt your invisible being in the sky is going to help keep us safe...ya know this is the same "being" that drowned the entire world supposedly for not obeying him...bit of a maniac...yes....
I can see now that you are not worth even talking to, as your ignorance and childishness is amazing, but not surprising anymore.. How old are you ? 25 but now lets drop the 2, I thought so.
A person who uses the letter "X" in place of "CHRIST" when talking about Christians or Christmas is a lazy and despicable coward, who think that saving five key strokes is his passport to validity.
Once again I hear christian right wingers.... I fail to understand how the Christian left is forgotten about...

You do understand that very many if not the majority of the left are Christians? At least in name.....

Indeed I do but its the righties that want a theocracy here...quite a bit ya see lefties protesting with the gay supporters not against them. Personally I don't care for either one...religion sucks period. If someone's life is so bad they need to go somewhere to get a pep talk 1 or 2 times a week just freaking kill yourself already.

I'm sorry, but i happen to be a registered Republican. I do not want to live in a theocracy. Do you by any chance have a much smaller brush?
ROFL...Unfortunately you xtians think simply because we have freedom of religion that gives you the right to assault everyone with yours by pushing it in their face,trying to interject it into schools,courthouses,pretty much are the enemy.

i am truly proud to be your enemy.., GOD sees me as his child and emissary to promote goodness throughout the world. :up:

please join me in a prayer today to help those who are suffering from this disasterous heat wave in our area.., thank you sir !! :clap2:
good gawd man ! don't you know where and how to use the words "there" and "their" ???????

where the fuck did you go to school ??

For fucks sakes I didn't get any sleep last night I got a teething 1 year old I am tired...its a minor mistake.

Lol...I didn't say I was damning anything just said I wouldn't swear on the bible...

Nope.I think all religion is silly and a crutch but here in NC that's pretty much all we have is xtians...oh and there is a mormon temple and a jehovah's witness one as well...figure they all believe in god so its easy to piss them all muslims that I know of....jews meet in a church here...ironic I guess...

Well it's a damn good thing an engraved rock ain't silly. Ever think of a bumper sticker that says " I hate Jews Mormons and Muslims to get the rest of the "idiots" pissed ?

Is there such a thing as passive aggressive prayer?

Several times in my life, I have encountered someone who, upon hearing my reasoned argument regarding religion, announce that they will pray for me...or bless me in some way.

Is it possible that some supposed christians do that as a form of aggression?
Is there such a thing as passive aggressive prayer?

Several times in my life, I have encountered someone who, upon hearing my reasoned argument regarding religion, announce that they will pray for me...or bless me in some way.

Is it possible that some supposed christians do that as a form of aggression?

Yes-It's similar to the atheist encouraging other religions to help them fight Christianity.
50 monuments to absurdity are appropriate for the benighted.

Are the monuments blank?

The bench has quotes from Christians, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. The quote "The Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to govern any other" came from John Adams.
They weren't xtians but hey you want to ignore fact be my guest...won't be a first for xtians to avoid or ignore logic or fact.

again--your attack on religion is confined to Christians ?

Do you see muslim politicians here trying to destroy the country? Buddhist? Atheist? Agnostic? Hindu? No I don't either. Its xtians and seeing how as I am from the bible belt its what I have to deal with every of course I hate them most.
I can't wait to see your new nation when all your wants somehow materializes... I bet you won't be able to walk the streets safely anymore, as it is about this way now. The problem with all you knew radicals that are on the rise, is that you can't realize the bigger picture, even though there are many smaller previews right in front of you now, so do you like what you see ? Think back about 40 years ago if you can, and was it better back then in America as opposed to now ? Yes it was! I could go Halloween trick or treating in the night with my brothers and sisters whom were in ages ranging from 5 years old to 8 years old, and do you think we were in danger of being kidnapped and molested or in danger of getting poisonous candy and/or killed ? Nope, yet now you can't even walk through the neighborhood we grew up in without fearing for your life as an adult, and this cancer has moved like a wildfire throughout many neighborhoods in the communities since.... Not saying that we weren't still on track to getting some problems straightened out in America throughout her time, but we were a safer nation for all mostly just looking back 40 years now, and this as opposed to what we have now in terms of sheer numbers found in populated communities, cities or towns anymore. Not only is the true Christians possibly becoming fewer in numbers, but it could be that they are becoming fewer found in numbers living within communities, cities, towns and states anymore maybe, and so this could be what is signaling those whom oppose the Christians and their message or beliefs, to now take advantage of this diminished number while they can.
And being a xtian is going to make me safe eh? My town is pretty safe...I doubt your invisible being in the sky is going to help keep us safe...ya know this is the same "being" that drowned the entire world supposedly for not obeying him...bit of a maniac...yes....
I can see now that you are not worth even talking to, as your ignorance and childishness is amazing, but not surprising anymore.. How old are you ? 25 but now lets drop the 2, I thought so.
28 actually and sounds good to me one less person to prove wrong.
A person who uses the letter "X" in place of "CHRIST" when talking about Christians or Christmas is a lazy and despicable coward, who think that saving five key strokes is his passport to validity.
Aw. Did I make you mad?

Once again I hear christian right wingers.... I fail to understand how the Christian left is forgotten about...

You do understand that very many if not the majority of the left are Christians? At least in name.....

Indeed I do but its the righties that want a theocracy here...quite a bit ya see lefties protesting with the gay supporters not against them. Personally I don't care for either one...religion sucks period. If someone's life is so bad they need to go somewhere to get a pep talk 1 or 2 times a week just freaking kill yourself already.

I'm sorry, but i happen to be a registered Republican. I do not want to live in a theocracy. Do you by any chance have a much smaller brush?
I am a registered republican as well...also an Atheist! Hell of a mixture eh.
ROFL...Unfortunately you xtians think simply because we have freedom of religion that gives you the right to assault everyone with yours by pushing it in their face,trying to interject it into schools,courthouses,pretty much are the enemy.

i am truly proud to be your enemy.., GOD sees me as his child and emissary to promote goodness throughout the world. :up:

please join me in a prayer today to help those who are suffering from this disasterous heat wave in our area.., thank you sir !! :clap2: you see yourself as a warrior for god eh? :cuckoo:
Is there such a thing as passive aggressive prayer?

Several times in my life, I have encountered someone who, upon hearing my reasoned argument regarding religion, announce that they will pray for me...or bless me in some way.

Is it possible that some supposed christians do that as a form of aggression?

Yes-It's similar to the atheist encouraging other religions to help them fight Christianity.

LMAO...fight it? What happened to equality...damn you xtians are a hypocritical bunch...all that turn the other cheek shit...:eusa_whistle:

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