Atheists have granite monument installed at Florida Courthouse

I'm not an overly religious man, but I frankly don't get why atheists get so butt hurt over the Ten Commandments sitting in front of the court house. I fail to see how it's harming any of them. The religious meanings aside, "thou shalt not kill," "thou shalt not steal," etc. seem to be a pretty good way to live one's life. Why is this so harmful.

Furthermore, it seems the people that started this aren't even local so I can understand why the local population holds resentment towards them over this.

Because religion doesn't belong ANYWHERE near law/politics/education etc...By it being in front of a court house the state is in essence endorsing religion.

Except the 10 commandments are the base of almost every justice system in the world

(My bold)

No, the 10 commandments don't even translate completely into US law, let alone the World. If you look @ the commandments, they talk about theology a lot - No God except God, keeping the Sabbath sacred, etc. We did use to have Blue Laws - about what stores could be open on Sundays - but most of those have been repealed in the age of Walmart, Kmart, & the other big box stores.

The purely theological entries have no counterpart in the law.
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EHHHH WRONG! They belong in churches.But it is like the religious to want to enforce their beliefs on everyone...just like they do with homosexuality...

So what are you suggesting? That nobody can openly practice their faith? You can take that notion and shove it. This is supposed to be a land of freedom, not repression. And I see it coming more from you than anyone else.

They don't have the right to harass people with their idiotic religion...So its freedom when you do it but not when Atheists do it...I guess I got the right to toss the xtians off my property or smack them away from my vehicle for harassing me at a stop light....
I'm not an overly religious man, but I frankly don't get why atheists get so butt hurt over the Ten Commandments sitting in front of the court house. I fail to see how it's harming any of them. The religious meanings aside, "thou shalt not kill," "thou shalt not steal," etc. seem to be a pretty good way to live one's life and considering court houses are where justice is delivered (theoretically) it would seem to be the appropriate place. Why is this so harmful?

Furthermore, it seems the people that started this aren't even local so I can understand why the local population holds resentment towards them over this.

It Doesnt harm anyone. Its the fact that most liberals believe that government is secular.

None of these monuments should be up period.

Do you fear that they will throw a magic spell on you or something ?

Government is secular stupid. Regardless of your religious voodoo.
Chimps not frogs!!! We came from Chimps

have anyof you been reading the comments here, Atheists unveil Fla monument near Ten Commandments about the atheists monument ?

maybe you liberfools evolved from a fucking monkey.., but i and my fellow CHRISTIANS were created in the image of GOD i.e., God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

anyone who believes they evolved from apes, monkeys, chimps or even a frog constantly display your beliefs by scratching your ribs.

(My bold)

Ah, you're in luck. Neither Darwin nor evolution say that we evolved from a monkey nor chimp.
EHHHH WRONG! They belong in churches.But it is like the religious to want to enforce their beliefs on everyone...just like they do with homosexuality...

So what are you suggesting? That nobody can openly practice their faith? You can take that notion and shove it. This is supposed to be a land of freedom, not repression. And I see it coming more from you than anyone else.

They don't have the right to harass people with their idiotic religion...So its freedom when you do it but not when Atheists do it...I guess I got the right to toss the xtians off my property or smack them away from my vehicle for harassing me at a stop light....

Have I harassed you? When have I ever labeled you as idiotic for being an Atheist? It's only freedom when nobody is a Christian. Any Christian (or so they claim) who does those things to you is not a Christian. You really should stop stereotyping my faith. You preach tolerance but are unwilling to give it. You wish to subvert others into seeing your point of view, so in your own way, you are no better than the people who harassed you.
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It Doesnt harm anyone. Its the fact that most liberals believe that government is secular.

None of these monuments should be up period.

Do you fear that they will throw a magic spell on you or something ?

Government is secular stupid. Regardless of your religious voodoo.

People are religious.....People are the government....their government laws are secular....not necessarily their speech or actions.....

you lefties want to stamp out any expression of religion everywhere except in churches.....George Washington would be stunned...
I am on a forum its not harassment here it is in the real world when I don't want you bothering me...its like those fuckers that come to my door talking about jesus and shit...shotgun makes them run fast.
Do you fear that they will throw a magic spell on you or something ?

Government is secular stupid. Regardless of your religious voodoo.

People are religious.....People are the government....their government laws are secular....not necessarily their speech or actions.....

you lefties want to stamp out any expression of religion everywhere except in churches.....George Washington would be stunned...

Not everyone is religious...especially young people.America Is Becoming Less Christian, Less Religious - ABC News So we must all be forced to abide by an outdated racist,bigoted religion because a minority of the population wants it.
I'm not an overly religious man, but I frankly don't get why atheists get so butt hurt over the Ten Commandments sitting in front of the court house. I fail to see how it's harming any of them. The religious meanings aside, "thou shalt not kill," "thou shalt not steal," etc. seem to be a pretty good way to live one's life. Why is this so harmful.

Furthermore, it seems the people that started this aren't even local so I can understand why the local population holds resentment towards them over this.

Because religion doesn't belong ANYWHERE near law/politics/education etc...By it being in front of a court house the state is in essence endorsing religion.

No it isn't. If it actually worked that way the state of Florida is currently endorsing religion and atheism.
I like what this gentleman had to say even though I disagree with his view of faith.

Regarding the protesters being there he said,

“There always are,” said Rick Wingrove, the director of a Washington D.C.-area office of American Atheists. “We protest their events, they protest our events. As long as everybody’s cordial and let people speak. This is our day, not theirs. We’re fine with them being here.”

If he posted here I would have repped him. Well said Mr. Wingrove!

I like what this gentleman had to say even though I disagree with his view of faith.

Regarding the protesters being there he said,

“There always are,” said Rick Wingrove, the director of a Washington D.C.-area office of American Atheists. “We protest their events, they protest our events. As long as everybody’s cordial and let people speak. This is our day, not theirs. We’re fine with them being here.”

If he posted here I would have repped him. Well said Mr. Wingrove!


That man might actually be a true atheist unlike the Christian haters that post here.
Government is secular stupid. Regardless of your religious voodoo.

People are religious.....People are the government....their government laws are secular....not necessarily their speech or actions.....

you lefties want to stamp out any expression of religion everywhere except in churches.....George Washington would be stunned...

Not everyone is religious...especially young people.America Is Becoming Less Christian, Less Religious - ABC News So we must all be forced to because a minority of the population wants it.

you don't need to 'abide by an outdated racist,bigoted religion'....just respect others right to free speech and expression in the public they should you...
Just as long as you don't expect me to pay for them, go for it.

Sounds good to me...wonder who paid for the 10 commandments ones to be put there?

Maybe the Jews since Moses got them from God.

I like what this gentleman had to say even though I disagree with his view of faith.

Regarding the protesters being there he said,

“There always are,” said Rick Wingrove, the director of a Washington D.C.-area office of American Atheists. “We protest their events, they protest our events. As long as everybody’s cordial and let people speak. This is our day, not theirs. We’re fine with them being here.”

If he posted here I would have repped him. Well said Mr. Wingrove!


That man might actually be a true atheist unlike the Christian haters that post here.
What makes him a true atheist and others here non true? We all have a non belief in god.

OK...we shall see...I see it ending...I am very happy for it as well.My goal for each day is to piss of a xtian around town...sure works well seeing how its so full of the bastards.

Why not Jews?
So few here...I don't like jews on a whole different level...seriously don't get me started there...

People are religious.....People are the government....their government laws are secular....not necessarily their speech or actions.....

you lefties want to stamp out any expression of religion everywhere except in churches.....George Washington would be stunned...

Not everyone is religious...especially young people.America Is Becoming Less Christian, Less Religious - ABC News So we must all be forced to because a minority of the population wants it.

you don't need to 'abide by an outdated racist,bigoted religion'....just respect others right to free speech and expression in the public they should you...
They should but they don't.

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